JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); Font currentFont = myTextArea.getFont();
JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); Font newFont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12); myTextArea.setFont(newFont); Font updatedFont = myTextArea.getFont();In this example, a new JTextArea object is created and assigned to the variable `myTextArea`. A new Font object is created and assigned to the variable `newFont`, with the "Arial" font, bold weight, and size 12. Then, `newFont` is set as the font of `myTextArea` using the `setFont()` method. Finally, the updated font of `myTextArea` is retrieved with the `getFont()` method and stored in `updatedFont`. Overall, the `getFont()` method of the JTextArea class is very helpful for retrieving information about the text area's current font, which can be useful for modifying its appearance. The package library used in this example is javax.swing.