/** Create and add Clippy's output text */ public void addClippyTxt() { clippyTxt.setLineWrap(true); clippyTxt.setWrapStyleWord(true); clippyTxt.setEditable(false); clippyTxt.setFont(txtFont); clippyTxt.setAlignmentX(JTextArea.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); clippyTxt.setAlignmentY(JTextArea.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); clippyTxt.setBorder(null); clippyTxt.setSize(105, 35); clippyTxt.setLocation(25, 45); clippyTxt.setOpaque(false); lpane.add(clippyTxt, new Integer(1), 0); }
public int createField(JPanel panel, int x, int y, int width) { JTextArea l = new JTextArea(this.getLabel()); l.setEditable(false); l.setLineWrap(true); l.setBackground(this.getOwner().getBackground()); l.setWrapStyleWord(true); l.setSize( new Dimension( this.getOwner().getWidth(), this.height * (l.getFontMetrics(l.getFont())).getHeight())); this.setLabelControl(null); l.setLocation(new Point(0, y)); panel.add(l); return y + 100; }
private void initializeFrame() { int padding = 5; // double ratio = 16.0/9.0; double ratio = (1.0 + Math.sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0; Dimension screenDims = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // setLocation((screenDims.width - getWidth())/2,(screenDims.height - // getHeight())/2); // TODO add server/client closing functionality on close JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(null); double height = screenDims.height / 2; Dimension panelDims = new Dimension((int) (height * ratio), (int) height); panel.setPreferredSize(panelDims); panel.setMaximumSize(panelDims); panel.setMinimumSize(panelDims); int textMargin = 3; textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setMargin(new Insets(textMargin, textMargin, textMargin, textMargin)); textArea.setSize(panelDims.width - 2 * padding, panelDims.height - 2 * padding); textArea.setLocation(padding, padding); textArea.setEditable(false); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); scrollPane.setSize(textArea.getSize()); scrollPane.setLocation(textArea.getLocation()); scrollPane .getVerticalScrollBar() .addAdjustmentListener( new AdjustmentListener() { public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { isAtBottom = e.getAdjustable().getValue() == e.getAdjustable().getMaximum(); } }); panel.add(scrollPane); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); pack(); setSize(getWidth() - 10, getHeight() - 10); setResizable(false); setLocationRelativeTo(null); this.setVisible(true); }
public GraphicsUI() { questionPool = new QuestionPool(); setTitle("Question Pool"); setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); fileL = new JLabel("Location of Question Pool File:"); fileTF = new JTextField(10); checkB = new JButton("Check File"); log = new JTextArea(6, 30); Container pane = getContentPane(); pane.setLayout(null); // set locations and sizes for the elements fileL.setLocation(90, 15); fileL.setSize(ELEMENT_WIDTH, 30); fileTF.setLocation(90, 65); fileTF.setSize(ELEMENT_WIDTH, 30); checkB.setLocation(90, 105); checkB.setSize(300, 35); log.setLocation(90, 145); log.setSize(300, 30); // add listener to button CheckButtonHandler cbHandler = new CheckButtonHandler(); checkB.addActionListener(cbHandler); fileTF.addActionListener(cbHandler); // add elements to pane pane.add(fileL); pane.add(fileTF); pane.add(checkB); pane.add(log); setLocation(100, 60); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }
private void initialize() { panel = new JPanel(); frame = new JFrame(); can.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { PointerInfo a = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); Point b = a.getLocation(); double x = b.getX(); double y = b.getY(); System.out.println("Entered x: " + x); System.out.println("Entered y: " + y); if (x == 950) { x = 0; } else if (x < 950) { x = (x / 950) - 1; } else if (x > 950) { x = (x / 950) - 1; } if (y == 563) { y = 0; } else if (y < 563) { y = 1 - (y / 563); } else if (y > 563) { y = 1 - (y / 563); } System.out.println("NEW NEW NEW NEW x: " + x); System.out.println("NEW NEW NEW NEW y: " + y); double inc = -2; var = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = -200; i < 200; i++) { var.add(new Equation(x, y).setEquationReturn(inc)); inc = inc + .01; } double paintInc = -2; for (int dx = 0; dx < 200; dx++) { double dy = var.get(dx); theG.add(new Ellipse2D.Double(0 + paintInc, 540 - dy, 10, 10)); paintInc = paintInc + 10; } /*This is to display the Y values for testing purposes Iterator<Double> it = var.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(it.next()); }*/ can.repaint(); } }); JLabel xL = new JLabel(); JLabel yL = new JLabel(); JTextArea a = new JTextArea(); a.setLocation(540, 540); a.setText("FFFFFFFFFFFUCK"); a.setBackground(Color.white); yL.setText("Y"); xL.setText("X"); yL.setLocation(930, 10); yL.setSize(10, 10); yL.setBackground(Color.black); xL.setLocation(1900, 550); xL.setSize(10, 10); xL.setBackground(Color.black); xL.setOpaque(true); yL.setOpaque(true); panel.setBackground(Color.darkGray); can.setBackground(Color.black); can.setForeground(Color.black); frame.getContentPane().add(can); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0, 0, 0)); frame.add(xL); frame.add(yL); frame.add(can); frame.setBounds(0, 0, 1920, 1080); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }
// constructor public TextView() { // setup model g = new Game(); // setup the mainframe for swing mainFrame = new JFrame("Hunt the Wumpus!"); mainFrame.setSize(316, 530); mainFrame.setLocation(400, 200); mainFrame.setVisible(true); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mainFrame.setLayout(null); // layout aPanel as a JPanel to fill the mainframe aPanel = new JPanel(); aPanel.setSize(300, 530); aPanel.setLocation(0, 0); aPanel.setLayout(null); mainFrame.add(aPanel); // create and add aTextArea to aPanel to fill with the textual view of the model aTextArea = new JTextArea(g.display()); Font font1 = new Font("Consolas", Font.BOLD, 12); aTextArea.setFont(font1); aTextArea.setForeground(Color.WHITE); aTextArea.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); aTextArea.setSize(300, 310); aTextArea.setLocation(0, 0); aTextArea.setEditable(false); // we don't want the hunter to mess with Mother Nature aPanel.add(aTextArea); // stick on some labels to tell user how to play deathNote.setSize(300, 40); deathNote.setLocation(0, 310); deathNote.setEditable(false); deathNote.setWrapStyleWord(true); deathNote.setLineWrap(true); aTextArea.setForeground(Color.BLACK); aTextArea.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); aPanel.add(deathNote); moveLabel.setSize(100, 20); moveLabel.setLocation(52, 360); aPanel.add(moveLabel); shootLabel.setSize(100, 20); shootLabel.setLocation(215, 360); aPanel.add(shootLabel); // setup showButton showButton.setSize(200, 20); showButton.setLocation(60, 495); aPanel.add(showButton); // setup movement buttons moveU.setSize(45, 45); moveU.setLocation(45, 385); aPanel.add(moveU); moveD.setSize(45, 45); moveD.setLocation(45, 430); aPanel.add(moveD); moveL.setSize(45, 45); moveL.setLocation(0, 430); aPanel.add(moveL); moveR.setSize(45, 45); moveR.setLocation(90, 430); aPanel.add(moveR); // setup shooting buttons shootU.setSize(45, 45); shootU.setLocation(210, 385); aPanel.add(shootU); shootD.setSize(45, 45); shootD.setLocation(210, 430); aPanel.add(shootD); shootL.setSize(45, 45); shootL.setLocation(165, 430); aPanel.add(shootL); shootR.setSize(45, 45); shootR.setLocation(255, 430); aPanel.add(shootR); // register the listeners showButton.addActionListener(new ShowListener()); moveU.addActionListener(new MoveListener()); moveD.addActionListener(new MoveListener()); moveL.addActionListener(new MoveListener()); moveR.addActionListener(new MoveListener()); shootU.addActionListener(new ShootListener()); shootD.addActionListener(new ShootListener()); shootL.addActionListener(new ShootListener()); shootR.addActionListener(new ShootListener()); }
MovieAdd() { setTitle("Dodaj Film"); setSize(300, 355); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); this.setResizable(false); setLayout(null); frame = this; /** ***************************************************** */ Mov = DataBase.getInstance().getMoviesDao(); Cat = DataBase.getInstance().getCategoriesDao(); CatMov = DataBase.getInstance().getCatMovDao(); Vector<String> catNamesList = DataBase.returnCategoriesList(); /** ******************************************************* */ categories = new JComboBox(catNamesList); label1.setLocation(10, 10); label1.setSize(60, 25); categories.setLocation(80, 10); categories.setSize(200, 25); label2.setLocation(10, 50); label2.setSize(60, 25); name.setLocation(80, 50); name.setSize(200, 25); label3.setLocation(10, 90); label3.setSize(60, 25); desc.setLocation(80, 90); desc.setSize(200, 150); desc.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); label4.setLocation(10, 250); label4.setSize(60, 25); fileButton.setLocation(80, 250); fileButton.setSize(200, 25); button.setLocation(220, 290); button.setSize(60, 25); add(label1); add(categories); add(label2); add(name); add(label3); add(desc); add(label4); add(fileButton); add(button); fileButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int returnVal = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(frame); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { choosenFileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); } } }); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Movies newMovie = new Movies(); newMovie.setName(name.getText()); newMovie.setContent(desc.getText()); newMovie.setFile(choosenFileName); newMovie.setCreated(new Date()); try { Mov.create(newMovie); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Błąd przy zapisywaniu nowego filmu... MovieAdd " + ex); } String catName = (String) categories.getSelectedItem(); Categories category = new Categories(); try { category = Cat.queryForEq("name", catName).get(0); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Błąd przy szukaniu kategorii... MovieAdd " + ex); } CatMovies catMovLink = new CatMovies(); catMovLink.setMovie(newMovie); catMovLink.setCategory(category); try { CatMov.create(catMovLink); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Błąd przy zapisywaniu kategoria-film... MovieAdd " + ex); } frame.setVisible(false); } }); }
public BurtgehHuudas() { super("Бүртгэл хуудас"); Container con = getContentPane(); con.setLayout(null); // haryalagdah tenhim JLabel lbl1 = new JLabel("Харъяалагдах тэнхим:"); lbl1.setLocation(30, 30); lbl1.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl1); JComboBox combo1 = new JComboBox(); try { String s = "SELECT * FROM tenhim"; ResultSet rs = DatabaseTools.runQuery(s); while (rs.next()) { combo1.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } catch (Exception e) { } combo1.setLocation(200, 30); combo1.setSize(200, 30); con.add(combo1); JLabel lb1 = new JLabel("Сонгоно уу?"); lb1.setLocation(450, 30); lb1.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb1); // oyutanii code JLabel lbl2 = new JLabel("Код:"); lbl2.setLocation(30, 70); lbl2.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl2); JTextField txt1 = new JTextField(); txt1.setLocation(200, 70); txt1.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt1); JLabel lb2 = new JLabel("Жишээ нь:SW001"); lb2.setLocation(450, 70); lb2.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb2); // oyutanii ovog JLabel lbl3 = new JLabel("Овог:"); lbl3.setLocation(30, 110); lbl3.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl3); JTextField txt2 = new JTextField(); txt2.setLocation(200, 110); txt2.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt2); JLabel lb3 = new JLabel("18 тэмдэгт"); lb3.setLocation(450, 110); lb3.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb3); // oyutanii ner JLabel lbl4 = new JLabel("Нэр:"); lbl4.setLocation(30, 150); lbl4.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl4); JTextField txt3 = new JTextField(); txt3.setLocation(200, 150); txt3.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt3); JLabel lb4 = new JLabel("18 тэмдэгт"); lb4.setLocation(450, 150); lb4.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb4); // nuuts ug JLabel lbl5 = new JLabel("Нууц үг:"); lbl5.setLocation(30, 190); lbl5.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl5); JPasswordField pass1 = new JPasswordField(); pass1.setLocation(200, 190); pass1.setSize(200, 30); con.add(pass1); JLabel lb5 = new JLabel("Ихдээ 10 тэмдэгт"); lb5.setLocation(450, 190); lb5.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb5); // nuuts ug davtalt JLabel lbl6 = new JLabel("Нууц үг давталт:"); lbl6.setLocation(30, 230); lbl6.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl6); JPasswordField pass2 = new JPasswordField(); pass2.setLocation(200, 230); pass2.setSize(200, 30); con.add(pass2); // huis JLabel lbl7 = new JLabel("Хүйс:"); lbl7.setLocation(30, 270); lbl7.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl7); JRadioButton rd1 = new JRadioButton("Эр"); rd1.setLocation(200, 270); rd1.setSize(50, 30); con.add(rd1); JRadioButton rd2 = new JRadioButton("Эм"); rd2.setLocation(260, 270); rd2.setSize(50, 30); con.add(rd2); ButtonGroup huisGroup = new ButtonGroup(); huisGroup.add(rd1); huisGroup.add(rd2); JLabel lb7 = new JLabel("Сонгодог байх"); lb7.setLocation(450, 270); lb7.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb7); // elssen on JLabel lbl8 = new JLabel("Элссэн он:"); lbl8.setLocation(30, 310); lbl8.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl8); JTextField txt5 = new JTextField(); txt5.setLocation(200, 310); txt5.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt5); JLabel lb8 = new JLabel("Жишээ:2011"); lb8.setLocation(450, 310); lb8.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb8); // tsagiin/undsen JLabel lbl9 = new JLabel("Цагийн/Үндсэн:"); lbl9.setLocation(30, 350); lbl9.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl9); JCheckBox ch1 = new JCheckBox("Цаг"); ch1.setLocation(200, 340); ch1.setSize(50, 50); con.add(ch1); JCheckBox ch2 = new JCheckBox("Үндсэн"); ch2.setLocation(250, 340); ch2.setSize(80, 50); con.add(ch2); ButtonGroup checkgroup = new ButtonGroup(); checkgroup.add(ch1); checkgroup.add(ch2); JLabel lb9 = new JLabel("Олныг сонгож болох"); lb9.setLocation(450, 350); lb9.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb9); // zereg JLabel lbl10 = new JLabel("Зэрэг:"); lbl10.setLocation(30, 390); lbl10.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl10); JComboBox combo2 = new JComboBox(); try { String s = "SELECT * FROM zereg"; ResultSet rs = DatabaseTools.runQuery(s); while (rs.next()) { combo2.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } catch (Exception e) { } combo2.setLocation(200, 390); combo2.setSize(200, 30); con.add(combo2); // torol JLabel lbl11 = new JLabel("Төрөл:"); lbl11.setLocation(30, 430); lbl11.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl11); String str3[] = { "Захирал", "Бакалавр1", "Бакалавр2", "Бакалавр3", "Бакалавр4", }; JComboBox combo3 = new JComboBox(str3); combo3.setLocation(200, 430); combo3.setSize(200, 30); con.add(combo3); // geriin utas JLabel lbl12 = new JLabel("Гэрийн утас:"); lbl12.setLocation(30, 470); lbl12.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl12); JTextField txt6 = new JTextField(); txt6.setLocation(200, 470); txt6.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt6); JLabel lb12 = new JLabel("Ихдээ 20 тэмдэгт"); lb12.setLocation(450, 470); lb12.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb12); // gar utas JLabel lbl13 = new JLabel("Гар утас:"); lbl13.setLocation(30, 510); lbl13.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl13); JTextField txt7 = new JTextField(); txt7.setLocation(200, 510); txt7.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt7); JLabel lb13 = new JLabel("Ихдээ 20 тэмдэгт"); lb13.setLocation(450, 510); lb13.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb13); // geriin hayag JLabel lbl14 = new JLabel("Гэрийн хаяг:"); lbl14.setLocation(30, 550); lbl14.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl14); JTextArea ta1 = new JTextArea(); ta1.setLocation(200, 550); ta1.setSize(250, 90); con.add(ta1); JLabel lb14 = new JLabel("Ихдээ 200 тэмдэгт"); lb14.setLocation(500, 550); lb14.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb14); // mail hayag JLabel lbl15 = new JLabel("Майл хаяг:"); lbl15.setLocation(30, 650); lbl15.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl15); JTextField txt8 = new JTextField(); txt8.setLocation(200, 650); txt8.setSize(200, 30); con.add(txt8); JLabel lb15 = new JLabel("Ихдээ 100 тэмдэгт"); lb15.setLocation(450, 650); lb15.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb15); // torson odor JLabel lbl16 = new JLabel("Төрсөн өдөр:"); lbl16.setLocation(30, 690); lbl16.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lbl16); String year1[] = new String[116]; for (int on = 0; on < 116; on++) { year1[on] = Integer.toString(1900 + on); } JComboBox year = new JComboBox(year1); year.setMaximumRowCount(8); year.setLocation(200, 690); year.setSize(60, 30); con.add(year); JLabel lbl161 = new JLabel("Он"); lbl161.setLocation(265, 690); lbl161.setSize(30, 30); con.add(lbl161); String month1[] = new String[12]; for (int sar = 0; sar < 12; sar++) { month1[sar] = Integer.toString(1 + sar); } JComboBox month = new JComboBox(month1); month.setMaximumRowCount(8); month.setLocation(290, 690); month.setSize(60, 30); con.add(month); JLabel lbl162 = new JLabel("Сар"); lbl162.setLocation(355, 690); lbl162.setSize(30, 30); con.add(lbl162); String day1[] = new String[31]; for (int odor = 0; odor < 31; odor++) { day1[odor] = Integer.toString(1 + odor); } JComboBox day = new JComboBox(day1); day.setLocation(385, 690); day.setSize(60, 30); con.add(day); JLabel lbl163 = new JLabel("Өдөр"); lbl163.setLocation(450, 690); lbl163.setSize(50, 30); con.add(lbl163); JLabel lb16 = new JLabel("3-н combobox байх"); lb16.setForeground(Color.red); lb16.setLocation(550, 690); lb16.setSize(200, 30); con.add(lb16); // nemeh JButton bt1 = new JButton("Нэмэх"); bt1.setForeground(Color.blue); bt1.setLocation(600, 30); bt1.setSize(100, 40); bt1.addActionListener( ae -> { String stuLastName = txt2.getText(); String stuFirstName = txt3.getText(); String huis; if (rd1.isSelected()) huis = "эр"; else huis = "эм"; String elssenOn = txt5.getText(); String address = ta1.getText(); String phone = txt7.getText(); String mail = txt8.getText(); String code = txt1.getText(); String query1 = "insert into student(stu_lastname, stu_firstname,stu_sex,stu_elssenOn,stu_address,stu_phone,stu_mail,stu_code)" + "values('" + stuLastName + "','" + stuFirstName + "','" + huis + "','" + elssenOn + "','" + address + "','" + phone + "','" + mail + "','" + code + "')"; DatabaseTools.runQuery(query1); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Амжилттай нэмэгдлээ."); this.dispose(); }); con.add(bt1); // tseverleh JButton bt4 = new JButton("Цэвэрлэх"); bt4.setForeground(Color.blue); bt4.setLocation(600, 180); bt4.setSize(100, 40); con.add(bt4); setLocation(800, 350); setSize(750, 800); setVisible(true); setResizable(false); }
public BoundaryVenditoreModificaPrenotazione() throws DAOException, MapException, SQLException, DataException, OraException, CatalogoException { this.controlloreVenditore = ControlloreVenditore.getInstance(); this.boundaryVenditoreModificaPrenotazione = this; pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione = new JPanel(); pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione.setSize( AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getWidth(), AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getHeight()); AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.add(pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione); pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione.setLayout(null); panelTitolo.setLayout(null); panelTitolo.setSize(AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getWidth(), 45); panelTitolo.setLocation(5, 5); panelTitolo.add(titolo); titolo.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 30)); titolo.setLocation(border, border); titolo.setSize(panelTitolo.getWidth(), 35); titolo.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); titolo.setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); titolo.setText("Gestore Venditore"); pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione.add(panelTitolo); labelIdOfferta = new JLabel(); prenotazione = new JTextField("", 20); // Bottone back back = new JButton("back"); back.setLocation(500, 350); back.setSize(panelTitolo.getWidth() / 4, 50); back.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 20)); aggiuntaBiglietti = new JButton("Aggiunta Biglietti"); aggiuntaBiglietti.setLocation(100, 150); aggiuntaBiglietti.setSize(300, 50); aggiuntaBiglietti.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 20)); rimozioneBiglietti = new JButton("Rimozione Biglietti"); rimozioneBiglietti.setLocation(100, 250); rimozioneBiglietti.setSize(300, 50); rimozioneBiglietti.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 20)); // Setting Label labelModifica.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 30)); labelModifica.setLocation(border, 30); labelModifica.setSize(pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione.getWidth(), 35); labelModifica.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); labelModifica.setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); labelModifica.setText("Inserisci l'id dell'prenotazione da modificare."); // Setting Label labelIdOfferta.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 18)); labelIdOfferta.setLocation(100, 100); labelIdOfferta.setSize(150, 35); labelIdOfferta.setText("Prenotazione:"); // Setting area areaVisualizzazione = new JTextArea(); areaVisualizzazione.setLocation(10, 500); areaVisualizzazione.setSize( AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getWidth(), AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getHeight()); // Setting delle textBox prenotazione.setLocation(300, 100); prenotazione.setSize(200, 35); prenotazione.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 18)); panelButtons.setLayout(null); panelButtons.setSize(AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getWidth(), AABoundaryAvvio.Frame.getHeight()); panelButtons.setLocation(5, altezzaTitolo); panelButtons.add(labelIdOfferta); panelButtons.add(prenotazione); panelButtons.add(labelModifica); panelButtons.add(areaVisualizzazione); panelButtons.add(aggiuntaBiglietti); panelButtons.add(rimozioneBiglietti); panelButtons.add(back); pannelloVenditoreModificaPrenotazione.add(panelButtons); // Istanziazione dei Listeners buttonsListener = new GestoreButtons(); backListener = new GestoreBack(); // Listener dei bottoni aggiuntaBiglietti.addActionListener(buttonsListener); rimozioneBiglietti.addActionListener(buttonsListener); back.addActionListener(backListener); }
private void initComponent() { // 最基本按钮 close = new MyButton(30, 30, Img.CLOSE_0, Img.CLOSE_1, Img.CLOSE_2); close.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { System.exit(0); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); min = new MyButton(30, 30, Img.MINI_0, Img.MINI_1, Img.MINI_2); min.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { frame.setExtendedState(JFrame.ICONIFIED); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); _return = new MyButton(30, 30, Img.RETURN_0, Img.RETURN_1, Img.RETURN_2); _return.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { frame.dispose(); new MainFrame(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); // 功能按钮 goto_AccountManage = new MyButton(frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOZHANGHU_0, Img.GOZHANGHU_1, Img.GOZHANGHU_2); goto_AccountManage.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(1); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); goto_CostManage = new MyButton( frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOCHENGBEN_2, Img.GOCHENGBEN_2, Img.GOCHENGBEN_2); goto_CostManage.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(2); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); goto_SettlementManage = new MyButton(frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOJIESUAN_0, Img.GOJIESUAN_1, Img.GOJIESUAN_2); goto_SettlementManage.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(3); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); goto_Statistic = new MyButton( frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOTONGJIBAOBIAO_0, Img.GOTONGJIBAOBIAO_1, Img.GOTONGJIBAOBIAO_2); goto_Statistic.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(4); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); goto_BaseDataSetting = new MyButton(frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOQICHU_0, Img.GOQICHU_1, Img.GOQICHU_2); goto_BaseDataSetting.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(5); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); goto_SystemLog = new MyButton(frame.getWidth() / 6, 30, Img.GOXITONG_0, Img.GOXITONG_1, Img.GOXITONG_2); goto_SystemLog.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { clear(); frame.setStated(frame.getState()); frame.setState(6); frame.change(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); // 详细操作按钮 confirm = new MyButton(90, 30, Img.CONFIRM_0, Img.CONFIRM_1, Img.CONFIRM_2); confirm.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { _create(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); // 最基本元素 JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel("物流信息管理系统"); titleLabel.setSize((int) (50 * 8 * 1.07f), 50); titleLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 50)); titleLabel.setForeground(Color.BLACK); titleLabel.setLocation(596 - (int) (50 * 8 * 1.07f) / 2, 20); String func = "成本管理"; JLabel funLabel = new JLabel(func); funLabel.setSize((int) (40 * func.length() * 1.07f), 40); funLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 40)); funLabel.setLocation(596 - (int) (40 * func.length() * 1.07f) / 2, 128 + 10); JLabel currentuserAgencyNameLabel = new JLabel(currentUser.getAgencyName()); currentuserAgencyNameLabel.setSize( (int) (30 * currentUser.getAgencyName().length() * 1.07f), 30); currentuserAgencyNameLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 30)); currentuserAgencyNameLabel.setForeground(Color.DARK_GRAY); currentuserAgencyNameLabel.setLocation(170, 128 - 30); String s = "财务人员"; JLabel currentuserLabel = new JLabel(s); currentuserLabel.setSize((int) (30 * s.length() * 1.07f), 30); currentuserLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 30)); currentuserLabel.setLocation( 170 + (int) (30 * currentUser.getAgencyName().length() * 1.07f), 128 - 30); JLabel currentusernameLabel = new JLabel(currentUser.getname()); currentusernameLabel.setSize((int) (30 * currentUser.getname().length() * 1.07f), 30); currentusernameLabel.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 30)); currentusernameLabel.setForeground(Color.DARK_GRAY); currentusernameLabel.setLocation( 170 + (int) (30 * currentUser.getAgencyName().length() * 1.07f) + (int) (30 * s.length() * 1.07f), 128 - 30); // 最基本按钮 close.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w - 30, 0); min.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w - 80, 0); _return.setLocation(20, 50); // 功能按钮 goto_AccountManage.setLocation(0, 150); goto_CostManage.setLocation(0, 200); goto_SettlementManage.setLocation(0, 250); goto_Statistic.setLocation(0, 300); goto_BaseDataSetting.setLocation(0, 350); goto_SystemLog.setLocation(0, 400); // 其他组件 id = new JLabel("付款单单号: " + bl.createMoneyOutListId()); id.setSize((int) (16 * 20 * 1.07f), 16); id.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); id.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 30); JLabel l1 = new JLabel("付款人:"); l1.setSize((int) (16 * 4 * 1.07f), 16); l1.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l1.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 80); pay_man = new JTextField(); pay_man.setSize(150, 20); pay_man.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 - 3); JLabel l2 = new JLabel("付款日期:"); l2.setSize((int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 16); l2.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l2.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 80 + 50); Date date_ = new Date(); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String time = format.format(date_); pay_date = new JTextField(time); pay_date.setSize(150, 20); pay_date.setLocation( FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 50 - 3); JLabel l3 = new JLabel("付款金额:"); l3.setSize((int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 16); l3.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l3.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 80 + 100); money = new JTextField(); money.setSize(150, 20); money.setLocation( FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 100 - 3); JLabel l4 = new JLabel("付款账号:"); l4.setSize((int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 16); l4.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l4.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 80 + 150); bankcard = new JTextField(); bankcard.setSize(150, 20); bankcard.setLocation( FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 150 - 3); JLabel l5 = new JLabel("备注:"); l5.setSize((int) (16 * 3 * 1.07f), 16); l5.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l5.setLocation(FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40, 128 + 80 + 200); note = new JTextArea(); note.setSize(200, 100); note.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); note.setLocation( FinacialStaffHighFrame.w / 6 + 40 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 200 - 3); JLabel l6 = new JLabel("付款条目:"); l6.setSize((int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 16); l6.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l6.setLocation(600, 128 + 80); rent = new JRadioButton("租金", true); rent.setSize((int) (20 * 3 * 1.07f), 20); rent.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 16)); rent.setLocation(600 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80); rent.setOpaque(false); deli_price = new JRadioButton("运费", false); deli_price.setSize((int) (20 * 3 * 1.07f), 20); deli_price.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 16)); deli_price.setLocation(600 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 30); deli_price.setOpaque(false); salary = new JRadioButton("人员工资", false); salary.setSize((int) (20 * 5 * 1.07f), 20); salary.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 16)); salary.setLocation(600 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 60); salary.setOpaque(false); reward = new JRadioButton("奖励", false); reward.setSize((int) (20 * 3 * 1.07f), 20); reward.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 16)); reward.setLocation(600 + (int) (16 * 5 * 1.07f), 128 + 80 + 90); reward.setOpaque(false); buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.add(rent); buttonGroup.add(deli_price); buttonGroup.add(salary); buttonGroup.add(reward); JLabel l7 = new JLabel("新建付款单:"); l7.setSize((int) (16 * 6 * 1.07f), 16); l7.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 15)); l7.setLocation(596 - 30 / 2 - (int) (16 * 6 * 1.07f), 600 + 5); confirm.setLocation(596 - 30 / 2, 600); add(titleLabel); add(funLabel); add(currentuserAgencyNameLabel); add(currentuserLabel); add(currentusernameLabel); add(close); add(min); add(_return); add(goto_AccountManage); add(goto_CostManage); add(goto_SettlementManage); add(goto_Statistic); add(goto_BaseDataSetting); add(goto_SystemLog); add(id); add(l1); add(pay_man); add(l2); add(pay_date); add(l3); add(money); add(l4); add(bankcard); add(l5); add(note); add(l6); add(rent); add(deli_price); add(salary); add(reward); add(l7); add(confirm); }
public static void main(String[] args) { f = new JFrame("Server"); f.setVisible(true); f.setSize(500, 360); f.setLocation(100, 100); f.setLayout(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setBackground(Color.black); f.setAlwaysOnTop(true); a = new JTextArea(); a.setVisible(true); a.setSize(f.getWidth(), f.getHeight() - 60); a.setLocation(0, 0); a.setEditable(false); a.setBackground(Color.black); a.setForeground(Color.white); DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) a.getCaret(); caret.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE); b = new JTextField(); b.setVisible(true); b.setSize(f.getWidth() - 110, 20); b.setLocation(5, f.getHeight() - 65); b.setBackground(Color.black); b.setForeground(Color.white); f.add(b); c = new JScrollPane(a); c.setVisible(true); c.setSize(f.getWidth() - 20, f.getHeight() - 70); c.setLocation(1, 1); c.setBackground(Color.black); c.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); c.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); c.setAutoscrolls(true); f.add(c); d = new JButton("INVIA"); d.setVisible(true); d.setSize(90, 20); d.setLocation(f.getWidth() - 105, f.getHeight() - 65); f.add(d); f.repaint(); f.addComponentListener( new ComponentListener() { @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent arg0) {} @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent arg0) { a.setSize(f.getWidth(), f.getHeight() - 60); b.setSize(f.getWidth() - 110, 20); b.setLocation(5, f.getHeight() - 65); c.setSize(f.getWidth() - 20, f.getHeight() - 70); d.setLocation(f.getWidth() - 100, f.getHeight() - 65); } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent arg0) {} @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent arg0) {} }); b.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { console(); } }); d.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { console(); } }); Thread t = new Thread(new restart()); t.start(); s = new Server(); s.start(6677); }
public Sale() { // 计算销售公司的总销售额和各销售员的佣金。 // 设置字体 button1.setFont(f2); button1.setBounds(350, 50, 150, 50); button2.setFont(f2); button2.setBounds(550, 50, 150, 50); text1.setText("00"); text2.setText("00"); text3.setText("00"); ta1.setLocation(20, 20); ta1.setSize(300, 200); ta1.setText(" 输出结果!"); ta1.setVisible(true); // text4.setEditable(false); ta1.setEnabled(false); ta2.setLocation(20, 20); ta2.setSize(300, 200); // ta2.setForeground(Color.red); ta2.setText( "各销售员每月至少需售出 白酒50瓶, 红酒30瓶, 啤酒300瓶。\n每月的最高供应量:白酒为5000瓶,红酒为3000瓶,啤酒为30000瓶。\n白酒、红酒和啤酒的单价分别为168元/瓶、 120元/瓶、5元/瓶。"); ta2.setVisible(true); // text4.setEditable(false); ta2.setEnabled(false); // 确定 button1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // 判断是否是按钮 if (e.getSource() == button1) { // 添加正则表达式 验证输入数据是否满足 XXXX-XX-XX的日期格式 // 字符转整形?? text1.setText(text1.getText()); text2.setText(text2.getText()); text3.setText(text3.getText()); str1 = text1.getText(); str2 = text2.getText(); str3 = text3.getText(); ta1.setText(ta1.getText()); str4 = ta1.getText(); if (((Integer.parseInt(str1) >= b1) && (Integer.parseInt(str1) <= a1)) && ((Integer.parseInt(str2) >= b2) && (Integer.parseInt(str2) <= a2)) && ((Integer.parseInt(str3) >= b3) && (Integer.parseInt(str3) <= a3))) { c1 = Integer.parseInt(str1) * x1; c2 = Integer.parseInt(str2) * x2; c3 = Integer.parseInt(str3) * x3; c4 = c1 + c2 + c3; str4 = ":" + c4; // 分别计算利润 if (c4 < w1) { str5 = "" + (c4 * 0.04); } else if ((c4 > w1) && (c4 < w2)) { str5 = "" + (((c4 - 20000) * 0.01) + (20000 * 0.04)); } else { str5 = "" + (((c4 - 45000) * 0.005) + (25000 * 0.01) + (20000 * 0.04)); } ta1.setFont(f2); ta1.setText( "利润结果统计表:" + "\n\t白酒销售额:" + c1 + "\n\t红酒销售额:" + c2 + "\n\t啤酒销售额:" + c3 + "\n总销售额:" + str4 + "\n总利润:" + str5); } else { str4 = "出错了!"; if (!((Integer.parseInt(str1) >= b1) && (Integer.parseInt(str1) <= a1))) { text1.setText(str4); } if (!((Integer.parseInt(str2) >= b2) && (Integer.parseInt(str2) <= a2))) { text2.setText(str4); } if (!((Integer.parseInt(str3) >= b3) && (Integer.parseInt(str3) <= a3))) { text3.setText(str4); } ta1.setFont(f2); ta1.setText(str4); } } } }); // 确定 button2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // 判断是否是按钮 if (e.getSource() == button2) { // 添加正则表达式 验证输入数据是否满足 XXXX-XX-XX的日期格式 // 字符转整形?? text1.setText(""); text2.setText(""); text3.setText(""); ta1.setText("请输入数据!"); } } }); frame1.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(1); } }); // 创建布局 // GridLayout gl1 = new GridLayout(2, 3);// 设置网格布局(h,v) FlowLayout fl1 = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 12); // 对齐,H间距,V间距{设置流式布局(panel默认布局)从左到右 // 依次} // 现在所有的内容都加入到了JPanel1之中 panel1.add(label1); panel1.add(text1); panel1.add(label2); panel1.add(text2); panel1.add(label3); panel1.add(text3); panel1.add(ta2); panel1.setSize(770, 300); // panel1.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 100); panel1.setLocation(10, 10); panel1.setBackground(Color.green); panel1.setLayout(fl1); panel2.add(label4); panel2.add(ta1); panel2.add(button1); panel2.add(button2); panel2.setSize(770, 300); panel2.setLayout(null); panel2.setLocation(10, 320); // panel2.setBackground(Color.blue); // panel2.setLayout(fl1); frame1.setResizable(false); frame1.add(panel1); // 将面板加入到窗体之上 frame1.add(panel2); // 将面板加入到窗体之上 // 设置属性 frame1.setLayout(null); // 参数null可以取消frame布局,使用绝对布局 frame1.setBounds(200, 30, 800, 670); // 绝对布局 frame1.setFont(font2); frame1.setBackground(Color.RED); // 设置窗体的背景颜色?//frame1.setForeground(Color.BLUE);将前景色设置成蓝色 frame1.setVisible(true); // 让组件可见 }