// Displays the users currently online in the usersOnlineWindow JTextArea private void showUsersOnline() throws JSONException { // F**k det här under. Det f*****g sög att skriva. JSONArrays är retarderade. for (int i = 0; i < ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).length(); i++) { if (!((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).isNull(i)) { if (!doesArrayContain( arrayOfAddedUsernames, ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i))) { usersOnlineWindow.append("\n" + ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i)); pushValueToArray( arrayOfAddedUsernames, ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i)); } } } if (!obj.getString("disconnectedUser").equals("")) { int offset = usersOnlineWindow.getText().indexOf(obj.getString("disconnectedUser")); if (offset != -1) { try { int line = usersOnlineWindow.getLineOfOffset(offset); int start = usersOnlineWindow.getLineStartOffset(line); int end = usersOnlineWindow.getLineEndOffset(line); usersOnlineWindow.replaceRange("", start, end); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } obj.put("disconnectedUser", ""); } }
/** * Will select the Mars Messages tab error message that matches the given specifications, if it is * found. Matching is done by constructing a string using the parameter values and searching the * text area for the last occurrance of that string. * * @param fileName A String containing the file path name. * @param line Line number for error message * @param column Column number for error message */ public void selectErrorMessage(String fileName, int line, int column) { String errorReportSubstring = new java.io.File(fileName).getName() + ErrorList.LINE_PREFIX + line + ErrorList.POSITION_PREFIX + column; int textPosition = assemble.getText().lastIndexOf(errorReportSubstring); if (textPosition >= 0) { int textLine = 0; int lineStart = 0; int lineEnd = 0; try { textLine = assemble.getLineOfOffset(textPosition); lineStart = assemble.getLineStartOffset(textLine); lineEnd = assemble.getLineEndOffset(textLine); assemble.setSelectionColor(Color.YELLOW); assemble.select(lineStart, lineEnd); assemble.getCaret().setSelectionVisible(true); assemble.repaint(); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // If there is a problem, simply skip the selection } } }
public void newPrompt(String prompt) { int lineCount = textArea.getLineCount(); try { int end = textArea.getLineEndOffset(lineCount - 1); textArea.replaceRange(prompt, 0, end); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void truncateTextArea() { int numLinesToRemove = console.getLineCount() - 1 - MAX_CONSOLE_LINES; // There's a blank at the end if (numLinesToRemove > 0) { try { int posOfLastLineToRemove = console.getLineEndOffset(numLinesToRemove - 1); console.replaceRange("", 0, posOfLastLineToRemove); } catch (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException ex) { log.error("trouble truncating SystemConsole window", ex); } } }
@Override public void highLight(JTextArea j) { try { int startIndex = j.getLineStartOffset(line - 1); int endIndex = j.getLineEndOffset(line - 1); Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(new Color(255, 240, 240)); j.getHighlighter().addHighlight(startIndex, endIndex, painter); // jTextArea1.geth } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public void update() { memView.setText(machine.memToString()); r0.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(0) & 0xFFFF)); r1.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(1) & 0xFFFF)); r2.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(2) & 0xFFFF)); r3.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(3) & 0xFFFF)); r4.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(4) & 0xFFFF)); r5.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(5) & 0xFFFF)); r6.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(6) & 0xFFFF)); r7.setText(String.format("%04X", machine.readReg(7) & 0xFFFF)); d0.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(0))); d1.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(1))); d2.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(2))); d3.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(3))); d4.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(4))); d5.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(5))); d6.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(6))); d7.setText(String.format("%d", machine.readReg(7))); cbNeg.setSelected(machine.neg()); cbZero.setSelected(machine.zero()); cbPos.setSelected(machine.pos()); status.setText(machine.status()); int line = machine.pcLine(); try { int start = memView.getLineStartOffset(line); int end = memView.getLineEndOffset(line); memView.setCaretPosition(start); memView.select(start, end); Rectangle viewRect = memView.modelToView(start); // Scroll to make the rectangle visible memView.scrollRectToVisible(viewRect); } catch (Exception e) { } btnStep.setEnabled(true); btnStepOver.setEnabled(true); btnRun.setEnabled(true); btnStop.setEnabled(false); }
void doCaretUpdate(int dot, int mark) { if (dot == mark) { mainFrame.cutItem.setEnabled(false); mainFrame.copyItem.setEnabled(false); mainFrame.deleteItem.setEnabled(false); } else { mainFrame.cutItem.setEnabled(true); mainFrame.copyItem.setEnabled(true); mainFrame.deleteItem.setEnabled(true); } int length = sourceArea.getText().length(); if (length == 0 || abs(mark - dot) == length) { mainFrame.selectAllItem.setEnabled(false); } else { mainFrame.selectAllItem.setEnabled(true); } try { if (length == 0) { mainFrame.selectLineItem.setEnabled(false); } else { int lineNum = sourceArea.getLineOfOffset(dot); int startLine = sourceArea.getLineStartOffset(lineNum); int endLine = sourceArea.getLineEndOffset(lineNum); if (endLine - startLine <= 1) { mainFrame.selectLineItem.setEnabled(false); } else { mainFrame.selectLineItem.setEnabled(true); } } } catch (BadLocationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { int line = sourceArea.getLineOfOffset(dot); lineText.setText(Integer.toString(line + 1)); int column = dot - sourceArea.getLineStartOffset(line); columnText.setText(Integer.toString(column + 1)); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
private void highlightError(int index) { String message = (String) messages.elementAt(index); int i = message.indexOf(":"); if ((i != -1) && (i < 10)) { try { int lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(message.substring(0, i).trim()) - 1; if (lineNumber < sourceArea.getLineCount()) { int start = sourceArea.getLineStartOffset(lineNumber); int end = sourceArea.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); sourceArea.requestFocus(); sourceArea.setSelectionStart(start); sourceArea.setSelectionEnd(end - 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
@Override public DataObject execute(ServiceInput serviceInput) { String warning_value = String.valueOf(serviceInput.getInput().getAttributeValue(WarningWidget.WARNING_FIRE)); int last = warningTextArea.getLineCount() - 1; int start; int end; String lastLine = ""; try { if (last > 0) { start = warningTextArea.getLineStartOffset(last - 1); end = warningTextArea.getLineEndOffset(last); lastLine = warningTextArea.getText().substring(start, end - 1); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (!warning_value.equals(lastLine)) warningTextArea.append(warning_value + "\n"); return new DataObject(); // no particular info to return }