public Graph orient() { Graph skeleton = GraphUtils.undirectedGraph(getPattern()); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(skeleton.getNodes()); List<Node> nodes = skeleton.getNodes(); // Collections.shuffle(nodes); if (isR1Done()) { ruleR1(skeleton, graph, nodes); } for (Edge edge : skeleton.getEdges()) { if (!graph.isAdjacentTo(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2())) { graph.addUndirectedEdge(edge.getNode1(), edge.getNode2()); } } if (isR2Done()) { ruleR2(skeleton, graph); } if (isMeekDone()) { new MeekRules().orientImplied(graph); } return graph; }
/** Get a graph and direct only the unshielded colliders. */ public static void basicPattern(Graph graph) { Set<Edge> undirectedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); NEXT_EDGE: for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges()) { Node head = null, tail = null; if (edge.getEndpoint1() == Endpoint.ARROW && edge.getEndpoint2() == Endpoint.TAIL) { head = edge.getNode1(); tail = edge.getNode2(); } else if (edge.getEndpoint2() == Endpoint.ARROW && edge.getEndpoint1() == Endpoint.TAIL) { head = edge.getNode2(); tail = edge.getNode1(); } if (head != null) { for (Node node : graph.getParents(head)) { if (node != tail && !graph.isAdjacentTo(tail, node)) { continue NEXT_EDGE; } } undirectedEdges.add(edge); } } for (Edge nextUndirected : undirectedEdges) { Node node1 = nextUndirected.getNode1(), node2 = nextUndirected.getNode2(); graph.removeEdge(nextUndirected); graph.addUndirectedEdge(node1, node2); } }
private void resolveOneEdgeMax(Graph graph, Node x, Node y, boolean strong, Graph oldGraph) { if (RandomUtil.getInstance().nextDouble() > 0.5) { Node temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "\nEDGE " + x + " --- " + y); SortedMap<Double, String> scoreReports = new TreeMap<Double, String>(); List<Node> neighborsx = graph.getAdjacentNodes(x); neighborsx.remove(y); double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; boolean left = false; boolean right = false; DepthChoiceGenerator genx = new DepthChoiceGenerator(neighborsx.size(), neighborsx.size()); int[] choicex; while ((choicex = != null) { List<Node> condxMinus = GraphUtils.asList(choicex, neighborsx); List<Node> condxPlus = new ArrayList<Node>(condxMinus); condxPlus.add(y); double xPlus = score(x, condxPlus); double xMinus = score(x, condxMinus); List<Node> neighborsy = graph.getAdjacentNodes(y); neighborsy.remove(x); DepthChoiceGenerator geny = new DepthChoiceGenerator(neighborsy.size(), neighborsy.size()); int[] choicey; while ((choicey = != null) { List<Node> condyMinus = GraphUtils.asList(choicey, neighborsy); // List<Node> parentsY = oldGraph.getParents(y); // parentsY.remove(x); // if (!condyMinus.containsAll(parentsY)) { // continue; // } List<Node> condyPlus = new ArrayList<Node>(condyMinus); condyPlus.add(x); double yPlus = score(y, condyPlus); double yMinus = score(y, condyMinus); // Checking them all at once is expensive but avoids lexical ordering problems in the // algorithm. if (normal(y, condyPlus) || normal(x, condxMinus) || normal(x, condxPlus) || normal(y, condyMinus)) { continue; } double delta = 0.0; if (strong) { if (yPlus <= xPlus + delta && xMinus <= yMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(xPlus, yMinus); if (yPlus <= yMinus + delta && xMinus <= xPlus + delta) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nStrong " + y + "->" + x + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); if (score > max) { max = score; left = true; right = false; } } else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } } else if (xPlus <= yPlus + delta && yMinus <= xMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); if (yMinus <= yPlus + delta && xPlus <= xMinus + delta) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nStrong " + x + "->" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); if (score > max) { max = score; left = false; right = true; } } else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } } else if (yPlus <= xPlus + delta && yMinus <= xMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } else if (xPlus <= yPlus + delta && xMinus <= yMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } } else { if (yPlus <= xPlus + delta && xMinus <= yMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(xPlus, yMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nWeak " + y + "->" + x + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); if (score > max) { max = score; left = true; right = false; } } else if (xPlus <= yPlus + delta && yMinus <= xMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nWeak " + x + "->" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); if (score > max) { max = score; left = false; right = true; } } else if (yPlus <= xPlus + delta && yMinus <= xMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } else if (xPlus <= yPlus + delta && xMinus <= yMinus + delta) { double score = combinedScore(yPlus, xMinus); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\nNo directed edge " + x + "--" + y + " " + score); builder.append("\n Parents(" + x + ") = " + condxMinus); builder.append("\n Parents(" + y + ") = " + condyMinus); scoreReports.put(-score, builder.toString()); } } } } for (double score : scoreReports.keySet()) { TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", scoreReports.get(score)); } graph.removeEdges(x, y); if (left) { graph.addDirectedEdge(y, x); } if (right) { graph.addDirectedEdge(x, y); } if (!graph.isAdjacentTo(x, y)) { graph.addUndirectedEdge(x, y); } }