/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnLabelProvider#getText(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public String getText(Object element) { StandardFieldColumn column = (StandardFieldColumn) element; IARESProject project = com.hundsun.ares.studio.core.util.ResourcesUtil.getARESProject(bundle); IMetadataService service = DataServiceManager.getInstance().getService(project, IMetadataService.class); if (service != null) { IStandardField filed = service.getStandardField(column.getStandardField()); if (filed != null) { switch (type) { case ChineseName: return StringUtils.defaultString(filed.getChineseName()); case Desciption: StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); IDictionaryType dictType = filed.getDictionaryType(); if (dictType instanceof DeDictionaryType) { for (DeDictionaryItem item : ((DeDictionaryType) dictType).getItems()) { String value = StringUtils.defaultString(item.getValue()); String chineseName = StringUtils.defaultString(item.getChineseName()); text.append(value); text.append(":"); text.append(chineseName); text.append(" "); } } return StringUtils.defaultString( StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(text.toString(), filed.getDescription())); case Type: return StringUtils.defaultString(filed.getDataTypeId()); } } } return StringUtils.EMPTY; }
/** @see org.displaytag.util.RequestHelper#getParameterMap() */ public Map getParameterMap() { Map map = new HashMap(); // get the parameters names Enumeration parametersName = this.request.getParameterNames(); while (parametersName.hasMoreElements()) { // ... get the value String paramName = (String) parametersName.nextElement(); request.getParameter(paramName); // put key/value in the map String[] originalValues = (String[]) ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(this.request.getParameterValues(paramName), new String[0]); String[] values = new String[originalValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { try { values[i] = URLEncoder.encode( StringUtils.defaultString(originalValues[i]), StringUtils.defaultString( response.getCharacterEncoding(), "UTF8")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UnhandledException(e); } } map.put(paramName, values); } // return the Map return map; }
/** * Gets details for a given user. These details include first names, last name, email, prefix, * last login date, and created on date. * * @param loggedInUser The current user * @param login The login for the user you want the details for * @return Returns a Map containing the details for the given user. * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if the user doesn't have access to lookup the * user corresponding to login or if the user does not exist. * @xmlrpc.doc Returns the details about a given user. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "login", "User's login name.") * @xmlrpc.returntype #struct("user details") #prop_desc("string", "first_names", "deprecated, use * first_name") #prop("string", "first_name") #prop("string", "last_name") #prop("string", * "email") #prop("int", "org_id") #prop("string", "org_name") #prop("string", "prefix") * #prop("string", "last_login_date") #prop("string", "created_date") #prop_desc("boolean", * "enabled", "true if user is enabled, false if the user is disabled") #prop_desc("boolean", * "use_pam", "true if user is configured to use PAM authentication") #struct_end() */ public Map getDetails(User loggedInUser, String login) throws FaultException { User target = XmlRpcUserHelper.getInstance().lookupTargetUser(loggedInUser, login); LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); Map ret = new HashMap(); ret.put("first_names", StringUtils.defaultString(target.getFirstNames())); ret.put("first_name", StringUtils.defaultString(target.getFirstNames())); ret.put("last_name", StringUtils.defaultString(target.getLastName())); ret.put("email", StringUtils.defaultString(target.getEmail())); ret.put("prefix", StringUtils.defaultString(target.getPrefix())); // Last login date String lastLoggedIn = target.getLastLoggedIn() == null ? "" : ls.formatDate(target.getLastLoggedIn()); ret.put("last_login_date", lastLoggedIn); // Created date String created = target.getCreated() == null ? "" : ls.formatDate(target.getCreated()); ret.put("created_date", created); ret.put("org_id", loggedInUser.getOrg().getId()); ret.put("org_name", loggedInUser.getOrg().getName()); if (target.isDisabled()) { ret.put("enabled", Boolean.FALSE); } else { ret.put("enabled", Boolean.TRUE); } ret.put("use_pam", target.getUsePamAuthentication()); return ret; }
/** * Saves a value edited directly inside the tree. This can also be a lable * * @return name of the view */ public String saveValue() { String saveName = this.getRequest().getParameter("saveName"); // $NON-NLS-1$ Tree tree = getTree(); // value to save is a node data's value (config admin) boolean isNodeDataValue = "true" .equals(this.getRequest().getParameter("isNodeDataValue")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // value to save is a node data's type (config admin) boolean isNodeDataType = "true" .equals(this.getRequest().getParameter("isNodeDataType")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String value = StringUtils.defaultString(this.getRequest().getParameter("saveValue")); // $NON-NLS-1$ displayValue = StringUtils.EMPTY; // value to save is a content's meta information boolean isMeta = "true".equals(this.getRequest().getParameter("isMeta")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // value to save is a label (name of page, content node or node data) boolean isLabel = "true".equals(this.getRequest().getParameter("isLabel")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (isNodeDataValue || isNodeDataType) { tree.setPath(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(path, "/")); // $NON-NLS-1$ saveName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, "/"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { // "/modules/templating/Templates/x" tree.setPath(path); } if (isLabel) { displayValue = rename(value); } else if (isNodeDataType) { int type = Integer.valueOf(value).intValue(); synchronized (ExclusiveWrite.getInstance()) { displayValue = tree.saveNodeDataType(saveName, type); } } else { synchronized (ExclusiveWrite.getInstance()) { displayValue = tree.saveNodeData(saveName, value, isMeta); } } // if there was a displayValue passed show it instead of the written value displayValue = StringUtils.defaultString( this.getRequest().getParameter("displayValue"), value); // $NON-NLS-1$ // @todo should be handled in a better way but, at the moment, this is better than nothing if (path.startsWith("/subscribers/")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ Subscriber.reload(); } else if (path.startsWith("/server/MIMEMapping")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ MIMEMapping.reload(); } return VIEW_VALUE; }
private void addMetacardCrs( final XstreamPathValueTracker pathValueTracker, MetacardImpl metacard) { StringBuilder crs = new StringBuilder(); crs.append("urn:ogc:def:crs:"); crs.append(StringUtils.defaultString(pathValueTracker.getPathValue(CRS_AUTHORITY_PATH))); crs.append(COLON); crs.append(StringUtils.defaultString(pathValueTracker.getPathValue(CRS_VERSION_PATH))); crs.append(COLON); crs.append(StringUtils.defaultString(pathValueTracker.getPathValue(CRS_CODE_PATH))); metacard.setAttribute(GmdMetacardType.GMD_CRS, crs.toString()); }
private void logDeviceInformation(Guid vmId, Map device) { String message = "Received a {} Device without an address when processing VM {} devices, skipping device"; String deviceType = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Device); if (shouldLogDeviceDetails(deviceType)) { Map<String, Object> deviceInfo = device; log.info(message + ": {}", StringUtils.defaultString(deviceType), vmId, deviceInfo); } else { log.info(message, StringUtils.defaultString(deviceType), vmId); } }
private void initialize() { String filename = StringUtils.defaultString(level.getName()); GridData gridDataLabel = new GridData(); gridDataLabel.widthHint = 100; gridDataLabel.verticalAlignment = GridData.CENTER; gridDataLabel.horizontalAlignment = GridData.END; GridData gridDataText = new GridData(); gridDataText.heightHint = -1; gridDataText.widthHint = 150; GridLayout gridLayoutMy = new GridLayout(); gridLayoutMy.numColumns = 2; gridLayoutMy.marginWidth = 25; gridLayoutMy.verticalSpacing = 5; gridLayoutMy.horizontalSpacing = 20; gridLayoutMy.marginHeight = 25; gridLayoutMy.makeColumnsEqualWidth = false; GridData gridDataMy = new GridData(); gridDataMy.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridDataMy.verticalAlignment = GridData.CENTER; gridDataMy.horizontalSpan = 1; gridDataMy.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; this.setLayoutData(gridDataMy); this.setLayout(gridLayoutMy); Label labelTitle = new Label(this, SWT.RIGHT); labelTitle.setText( "* ".concat(LabelHolder.get("dialog.pojo.level.fields.title"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ labelTitle.setLayoutData(gridDataLabel); textTitle = new Text(this, SWT.BORDER); textTitle.setTextLimit(256); textTitle.setLayoutData(gridDataText); textTitle.setText(StringUtils.defaultString(level.getTitle())); Label labelName = new Label(this, SWT.RIGHT); labelName.setText( "* ".concat(LabelHolder.get("dialog.pojo.level.fields.name"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ labelName.setLayoutData(gridDataLabel); textName = new Text(this, SWT.BORDER); textName.setTextLimit(256); textName.setLayoutData(gridDataText); textName.setText(filename); textName.addVerifyListener(new FileNameVerifier()); textName.addModifyListener(new ModifyListenerClearErrorMessages(dialogCreator)); Collection<String> forbiddenNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<Level> sisters = level.getParent().getSublevels(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sisters)) for (Level otherLevel : sisters) forbiddenNames.add(otherLevel.getName()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filename)) forbiddenNames.remove(filename); if (level.getId() == APoormansObject .UNSET_VALUE) // suggestion of the file name should work just with new objects textTitle.addModifyListener( new FilenameSuggestorListener(dialogCreator, textName, forbiddenNames)); }
private String formatNameInternal(final Customer customer, final String format) { if (customer != null) { final Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>(); values.put("salutation", StringUtils.defaultString(customer.getSalutation())); values.put("firstname", StringUtils.defaultString(customer.getFirstname())); values.put("middlename", StringUtils.defaultString(customer.getMiddlename())); values.put("lastname", StringUtils.defaultString(customer.getLastname())); return new StrSubstitutor(values, "{{", "}}").replace(format); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; }
private License(Map<String, String> properties) { this.additionalProperties = new HashMap<>(properties); product = StringUtils.defaultString(get("Product", properties), get("Plugin", properties)); organization = StringUtils.defaultString(get("Organisation", properties), get("Name", properties)); expirationDate = StringUtils.defaultString(get("Expiration", properties), get("Expires", properties)); type = get("Type", properties); server = get("Server", properties); // SONAR-4340 Don't expose Digest and Obeo properties additionalProperties.remove("Digest"); additionalProperties.remove("Obeo"); }
protected void setTableAttributes(TableHandler tableHandler) { Table table = tableHandler.getTable(); setAttribute("currentpage", table.getCurrentPage()); setAttribute("rowcount", table.getRowCount()); setAttribute("maxrowspage", table.getMaxRowsPerPage()); setAttribute("headerposition", table.getHeaderPosition()); setAttribute( "htmlstyleedit", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getHtmlStyle()))); setAttribute( "rowevenstyleedit", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowEvenStyle()))); setAttribute( "rowoddstyleedit", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowOddStyle()))); setAttribute( "rowhoverstyleedit", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowHoverStyle()))); setAttribute( "htmlclass", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getHtmlClass()))); setAttribute( "rowevenclass", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowEventClass()))); setAttribute( "rowoddclass", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowOddClass()))); setAttribute( "rowhoverclass", StringUtils.defaultString(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(table.getRowHoverClass()))); setAttribute("htmlstyleview", table.getHtmlStyle()); }
public int compareTo(final EingangsrechnungDO o) { int r = this.datum.compareTo(o.datum); if (r != 0) { return -r; } String s1 = StringUtils.defaultString(this.kreditor); String s2 = StringUtils.defaultString(o.kreditor); r = s1.compareTo(s2); if (r != 0) { return -r; } s1 = StringUtils.defaultString(this.referenz); s2 = StringUtils.defaultString(o.referenz); return s1.compareTo(s2); }
/** * Sets the details for a given user. Settable details include: first names, last name, email, * prefix, and password. * * @param loggedInUser The current user user. * @param login The login for the user you want to edit * @param details A map containing the new details values * @return Returns 1 if edit was successful, an error is thrown otherwise * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if the user doesn't have access to lookup the * user corresponding to login or if the user does not exist. * @xmlrpc.doc Updates the details of a user. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "login", "User's login name.") * @xmlrpc.param #struct("user details") #prop_desc("string", "first_names", "deprecated, use * first_name") #prop("string", "first_name") #prop("string", "last_name") #prop("string", * "email") #prop("string", "prefix") #prop("string", "password") #struct_end() * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public int setDetails(User loggedInUser, String login, Map details) throws FaultException { validateMap(USER_EDITABLE_DETAILS.keySet(), details); // Lookup user handles the logic for making sure that the loggedInUser // has access to the login they are trying to edit. User target = XmlRpcUserHelper.getInstance().lookupTargetUser(loggedInUser, login); UpdateUserCommand uuc = new UpdateUserCommand(target); // Process each entry passed in by the user for (Object userKey : details.keySet()) { // Check to make sure we have an internal key mapping to prevent issues // if the user passes in cruft String internalKey = USER_EDITABLE_DETAILS.get(userKey); if (internalKey != null) { String newValue = StringUtils.defaultString((String) details.get(userKey)); prepareAttributeUpdate(internalKey, uuc, newValue); } } try { uuc.updateUser(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new UserNotUpdatedException(iae.getMessage()); } // If we made it here without an exception, then we are a.o.k. return 1; }
/** * Adds new devices recognized by libvirt * * @param vmId * @param device */ private Guid addNewVmDevice(Guid vmId, Map device, String logicalName) { Guid newDeviceId = Guid.Empty; String typeName = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Type); String deviceName = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Device); // do not allow null or empty device or type values if (StringUtils.isEmpty(typeName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(deviceName)) { log.error("Empty or NULL values were passed for a VM '{}' device, Device is skipped", vmId); } else { String address = ((Map<String, String>) device.get(VdsProperties.Address)).toString(); String alias = StringUtils.defaultString((String) device.get(VdsProperties.Alias)); Object o = device.get(VdsProperties.SpecParams); newDeviceId = Guid.newGuid(); VmDeviceId id = new VmDeviceId(newDeviceId, vmId); VmDevice newDevice = new VmDevice( id, VmDeviceGeneralType.forValue(typeName), deviceName, address, 0, o == null ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : (Map<String, Object>) o, false, true, Boolean.getBoolean((String) device.get(VdsProperties.ReadOnly)), alias, null, null, logicalName); newVmDevices.add(newDevice); log.debug("New device was marked for adding to VM '{}' Devices : '{}'", vmId, newDevice); } return newDeviceId; }
private String getNameForField(Field field) { IdentifyUsing identificationUsing = field.getAnnotation(IdentifyUsing.class); if (identificationUsing != null) { return StringUtils.defaultString(identificationUsing.elementname()); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; }
/** * retrieve if delegatable * * @param action * @param attributeDefName * @return if delegatable or grant */ private AttributeAssignDelegatable retrieveDelegatable( String action, AttributeDefName attributeDefName) { if (AttributeDefType.perm != attributeDefName.getAttributeDef().getAttributeDefType()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Can only delegate a permission: " + attributeDefName.getAttributeDef().getAttributeDefType()); } Set<PermissionEntry> permissionEntries = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory() .getPermissionEntry() .findByMemberIdAndAttributeDefNameId( GrouperSession.staticGrouperSession().getMemberUuid(), attributeDefName.getId()); boolean isGrant = false; boolean isDelegate = false; action = StringUtils.defaultString(action, AttributeDef.ACTION_DEFAULT); for (PermissionEntry permissionEntry : permissionEntries) { if (permissionEntry.isEnabled() && StringUtils.equals(action, permissionEntry.getAction())) { AttributeAssignDelegatable localDelegatable = permissionEntry.getAttributeAssignDelegatable(); isGrant = isGrant || (localDelegatable == AttributeAssignDelegatable.GRANT); isDelegate = isDelegate || localDelegatable.delegatable(); } } if (isGrant) { return AttributeAssignDelegatable.GRANT; } if (isDelegate) { return AttributeAssignDelegatable.TRUE; } return AttributeAssignDelegatable.FALSE; }
/** * setter for the "href" tag attribute. * * @param value attribute value */ public void setHref(String value) { // call encodeURL to preserve session id when cookies are disabled String encodedHref = ((HttpServletResponse) this.pageContext.getResponse()) .encodeURL(StringUtils.defaultString(value)); this.href = new DefaultHref(encodedHref); }
@Override protected void initState() { super.initState(); config = InterMineContext.getWebConfig(); String prefix = getPropertyPrefix(); Properties namespaced = new NameSpacedProperties(prefix, webProperties); refType = namespaced.getProperty("referenceClass"); featType = namespaced.getProperty("featureClass"); domainPath = namespaced.getProperty("domain"); identPath = namespaced.getProperty("paths.ident"); lengthPath = namespaced.getProperty("paths.length", "length"); referenceLabel = namespaced.getProperty("reference.label"); referenceCat = namespaced.getProperty("reference.category"); featureCat = namespaced.getProperty("feature.category"); referenceKey = namespaced.getProperty("reference.key"); String pathInfo = StringUtils.defaultString(request.getPathInfo(), "/").trim().substring(1); String[] parts = pathInfo.split("/", 2); if (parts.length != 2) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("NOT FOUND"); } domain = parts[0]; fileName = parts[1]; dataset = webProperties.getProperty("project.title") + "-" + domain; }
private static String getUid(HttpServletRequest request) { String pathInfo = StringUtils.defaultString(request.getPathInfo(), "").replaceAll("^/", ""); if (pathInfo.length() > 0) { return pathInfo; } return null; }
public static JID full(String jid) { jid = StringUtils.defaultString(jid); return new JID( XmppStringUtils.parseLocalpart(jid), XmppStringUtils.parseDomain(jid), XmppStringUtils.parseResource(jid)); }
/** * Creates a {@link User} object containing the information in the {@link Attributes} object. * * @param directoryAttributes The directory-specific {Attributes} object to take the values from * @return A populated {User} object. */ public UserTemplateWithAttributes mapUserFromAttributes(Attributes directoryAttributes) throws NamingException { if (directoryAttributes == null) { throw new UncategorizedLdapException("Cannot map from null attributes"); } String username = getUsernameFromAttributes(directoryAttributes); UserTemplate user = new UserTemplate(username, directoryId); // active user.setActive(getUserActiveFromAttribute(directoryAttributes)); // email address user.setEmailAddress(StringUtils.defaultString(getUserEmailFromAttribute(directoryAttributes))); // first (given) name user.setFirstName(getUserFirstNameFromAttribute(directoryAttributes)); // surname user.setLastName(getUserLastNameFromAttribute(directoryAttributes)); // display name user.setDisplayName(getUserDisplayNameFromAttribute(directoryAttributes)); // pre-populate user names (first name, last name, display name may need to be constructed) User prepopulatedUser = UserUtils.populateNames(user); return UserTemplateWithAttributes.ofUserWithNoAttributes(prepopulatedUser); }
/** * 调用Action方法 * * @param method 方法名称 * @param header header信息 * @param params 参数信息 * @return 返回调用结果 */ private String invokeAction( String method, Map<Object, Object> header, Map<Object, Object> params) { String response = null; try { Object action = getAction(method); // logger.info("action is ={}",action); if (null != action) { long bTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Class<?> parmTypes[] = new Class[] {Map.class, Map.class}; int beginIndex = method.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; int endIndex = method.length(); String methodName = StringUtils.defaultString(method.substring(beginIndex, endIndex), ""); methodName = methodName.trim(); // logger.info("action methodName is {} ",methodName); Method invokMethod = action.getClass().getMethod(methodName, parmTypes); Object args[] = new Object[2]; args[0] = header; args[1] = params; response = (String) invokMethod.invoke(action, args); long eTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { response = GlobalConfJson.getErrMsgString("-1", "指定的服务不存在!"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("调用服务出错", e); response = GlobalConfJson.getErrMsgString("-1", "调用服务出错!"); } return response; }
// Allow name as /user/queries/:name and /user/queries?name=:name private String getName() { String name = StringUtils.defaultString(request.getPathInfo(), ""); name = name.replaceAll("^/", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { name = getRequiredParameter("name"); } return name; }
private void appendHeader(Notification notif, StringBuilder sb) { appendLine( sb, StringUtils.defaultString( notif.getFieldValue("componentName"), notif.getFieldValue("componentKey"))); appendField(sb, "Rule", null, notif.getFieldValue("ruleName")); appendField(sb, "Message", null, notif.getFieldValue("message")); }
static final void addTerm( String label, String valueIsNull, String term, Integer year, Map<String, Object> parameters) { if (term != null && term.length() > 0) parameters.put( label, StringUtils.defaultString(term) + " " + (year == null ? "" : "and " + year.toString())); else parameters.put(label, (year == null ? valueIsNull : year.toString())); }
/** * setter for the "url" tag attribute. This has the same meaning of href, but prepends the context * path to the given URI. * * @param value attribute value */ public void setUrl(String value) { HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); // call encodeURL to preserve session id when cookies are disabled String encodedHref = ((HttpServletResponse) this.pageContext.getResponse()) .encodeURL(StringUtils.defaultString(req.getContextPath() + value)); this.href = new DefaultHref(encodedHref); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // SSLv3 is not supported since SQ 4.5.2. Only TLS v1, v1.1 and v1.2 are // enabled by Tomcat. // The problem is that java 1.6 supports only TLSv1 but not v1.1 nor 1.2, // so version to be used must be explicitly set on JVM. initialHttpsProtocols = StringUtils.defaultString(System.getProperty(HTTPS_PROTOCOLS), ""); System.setProperty(HTTPS_PROTOCOLS, "TLSv1"); }
@CheckForNull public FilePath getRootPath() { final SlaveComputer computer = getComputer(); if (computer == null) { // if computer is null then channel is null and thus we were going to return null anyway return null; } else { return createPath(StringUtils.defaultString(computer.getAbsoluteRemoteFs(), remoteFS)); } }
/** * Builds a URI for this resource. * * @param data the data, not null * @param overrideVersionId the override version id, null uses information from data * @return the URI, not null */ public static URI uri(final WebHolidayData data, final UniqueId overrideVersionId) { String holidayId = data.getBestHolidayUriId(null); String versionId = StringUtils.defaultString( overrideVersionId != null ? overrideVersionId.getVersion() : data.getUriVersionId()); return data.getUriInfo() .getBaseUriBuilder() .path(WebHolidayVersionResource.class) .build(holidayId, versionId); }
private String getDescription(MetadataItem mdItem) { // 标准字段提示具体的说明信息 TASK #8602 输入输出中标准字段参数,能显示具体的说明信息 if (mdItem instanceof StandardField) { StandardField field = (StandardField) mdItem; StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); String dictTypeStr = field.getDictionaryType(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dictTypeStr)) { ReferenceInfo dictReferenceInfo = ReferenceManager.getInstance() .getFirstReferenceInfo(project, IMetadataRefType.Dict, dictTypeStr, true); if (dictReferenceInfo != null) { DictionaryType objDictionaryType = (DictionaryType) dictReferenceInfo.getObject(); if (objDictionaryType != null) { for (DictionaryItem item : objDictionaryType.getItems()) { String value = StringUtils.defaultString(item.getValue()); String chineseName = StringUtils.defaultString(item.getChineseName()); text.append(objDictionaryType.getName()); text.append(":"); text.append(objDictionaryType.getChineseName()); text.append("-"); text.append(value); text.append(":"); text.append(chineseName); text.append("\r\n"); } } } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text.toString()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(field.getDescription())) { text.append("\r\n"); text.append(field.getDescription()); } String desc = StringUtils.defaultString( StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(text.toString(), field.getDescription())); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(desc)) { return desc; } } return null; }
/** * Split a comma separated set of includes/excludes into a set of strings. * * @param cludes a comma separated set of includes/excludes. * @return a set of strings. */ @NonNull static SortedSet<String> splitCludes(@CheckForNull String cludes) { TreeSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(StringUtils.defaultString(cludes), ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String clude = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(clude)) { result.add(clude.trim()); } } return result; }