@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameterMap( String sn, String description, HttpServletRequest request) { PluginConfig pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(); Payment payment = getPayment(sn); Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("inputCharset", "1"); parameterMap.put("pageUrl", getNotifyUrl(sn, NotifyMethod.sync)); parameterMap.put("bgUrl", getNotifyUrl(sn, NotifyMethod.async)); parameterMap.put("version", "v2.0"); parameterMap.put("language", "1"); parameterMap.put("signType", "1"); parameterMap.put("merchantAcctId", pluginConfig.getAttribute("partner")); parameterMap.put("payerIP", request.getLocalAddr()); parameterMap.put("orderId", sn); parameterMap.put( "orderAmount", payment.getAmount().multiply(new BigDecimal(100)).setScale(0).toString()); parameterMap.put("orderTime", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss").format(new Date())); parameterMap.put("orderTimestamp", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss").format(new Date())); parameterMap.put( "productName", StringUtils.abbreviate(description.replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5 ]", ""), 100)); parameterMap.put( "productDesc", StringUtils.abbreviate(description.replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5 ]", ""), 400)); parameterMap.put("ext1", "eshop"); parameterMap.put("payType", "00"); parameterMap.put("signMsg", generateSign(parameterMap)); return parameterMap; }
public Prediction createPrediction(SecurityContext sec, Prediction pred) { User user = securityCheck(sec, Roles.CREATE_PREDICTION); pred.setTags(TextUtils.tag(pred.getTags())); int id; pred = InputSanitizer.sanitize(pred); if (StringUtils.isBlank(pred.getSourceAuthor())) { pred.setType(Prediction.PredictionType.quote.name()); } else { pred.setType(Prediction.PredictionType.prediction.name()); } if (pred.getTitle() == null || pred.getTitle().trim().isEmpty()) { pred.setTitle(StringUtils.abbreviate(pred.getText(), 64)); } else { pred.setTitle(StringUtils.abbreviate(pred.getTitle(), 64)); } pred.setText(StringUtils.abbreviate(pred.getText(), MAX_PREDICTION_LENGTH)); if (sec != getAdminSecurityContext()) { pred.setCreatedByUserId(user.getId()); pred.setCreatedByUser(user.getFullName()); } pred.setTime(TextUtils.getProbablePredictionTime(pred.getText())); id = db.createPrediction(pred); pred.setId(id); return db.getPrediction(id); }
@Override public String toString() { return "TextEditActivity(" + this.offset + ",new:'" + Utils.escapeForLogging(StringUtils.abbreviate(this.text, 150)) + "',old:'" + Utils.escapeForLogging(StringUtils.abbreviate(this.replacedText, 150)) + "',path:" + this.path.toString() + ",src:" + this.source + ")"; }
/** * Sends a direct message via Twitter * * @param recipientId the receiver of this direct message * @param messageTxt the direct message to send * @return <code>true</code>, if sending the direct message has been successful and <code>false * </code> in all other cases. */ @ActionDoc( text = "Sends a direct message via Twitter", returns = "<code>true</code>, if sending the direct message has been successful and <code>false</code> in all other cases.") public static boolean sendDirectMessage( @ParamDoc(name = "recipientId", text = "the receiver of this direct message") String recipientId, @ParamDoc(name = "messageTxt", text = "the direct message to send") String messageTxt) { if (!isEnabled) { logger.debug("Twitter client is disabled > execution aborted!"); return false; } try { // abbreviate the Tweet to meet the 140 character limit ... messageTxt = StringUtils.abbreviate(messageTxt, CHARACTER_LIMIT); // send the direct message DirectMessage message = client.sendDirectMessage(recipientId, messageTxt); logger.debug( "Successfully sent direct message '{}' to @", message.getText(), message.getRecipientScreenName()); return true; } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error( "Failed to send Tweet '" + messageTxt + "' because of: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } }
/** Sets the long name of the resource, truncated to NAME_COLUMN_SIZE */ public void setLongName(String s) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(s)) { this.longName = name; } else { this.longName = StringUtils.abbreviate(s, NAME_COLUMN_SIZE); } }
/** * Sends a Tweet via Twitter * * @param tweetTxt the Tweet to send * @return <code>true</code>, if sending the tweet has been successful and <code>false</code> in * all other cases. */ @ActionDoc( text = "Sends a Tweet via Twitter", returns = "<code>true</code>, if sending the tweet has been successful and <code>false</code> in all other cases.") public static boolean sendTweet( @ParamDoc(name = "tweetTxt", text = "the Tweet to send") String tweetTxt) { if (!TwitterActionService.isProperlyConfigured) { logger.debug("Twitter client is not yet configured > execution aborted!"); return false; } if (!isEnabled) { logger.debug("Twitter client is disabled > execution aborted!"); return false; } try { // abbreviate the Tweet to meet the 140 character limit ... tweetTxt = StringUtils.abbreviate(tweetTxt, CHARACTER_LIMIT); // send the Tweet Status status = client.updateStatus(tweetTxt); logger.debug("Successfully sent Tweet '{}'", status.getText()); return true; } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error( "Failed to send Tweet '" + tweetTxt + "' because of: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } }
@Override public WeiboResponse publish( OAuthTokenPair accessTokenPair, String title, String message, String url, String clientIP) { Map<String, String> additionalParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); additionalParams.put("content", StringUtils.abbreviate(message, 140)); additionalParams.put("format", "json"); return this.protocal.post(PUBLISH_URL, additionalParams, accessTokenPair); }
@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameterMap( String sn, String description, HttpServletRequest request) { Setting setting = SettingUtils.get(); PluginConfig pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(); Payment payment = getPayment(sn); Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("version", "1.0.0"); parameterMap.put("charset", "UTF-8"); parameterMap.put("transType", "01"); parameterMap.put("origQid", ""); parameterMap.put("merId", pluginConfig.getAttribute("partner")); parameterMap.put( "merAbbr", StringUtils.abbreviate( setting.getSiteName().replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5 ]", ""), 40)); parameterMap.put("acqCode", ""); parameterMap.put("merCode", ""); parameterMap.put("commodityUrl", setting.getSiteUrl()); parameterMap.put( "commodityName", StringUtils.abbreviate(description.replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5 ]", ""), 200)); parameterMap.put("commodityUnitPrice", ""); parameterMap.put("commodityQuantity", ""); parameterMap.put("commodityDiscount", ""); parameterMap.put("transferFee", ""); parameterMap.put("orderNumber", sn); parameterMap.put( "orderAmount", payment.getAmount().multiply(new BigDecimal(100)).setScale(0).toString()); parameterMap.put("orderCurrency", CURRENCY); parameterMap.put("orderTime", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date())); parameterMap.put("customerIp", request.getLocalAddr()); parameterMap.put("customerName", ""); parameterMap.put("defaultPayType", ""); parameterMap.put("defaultBankNumber", ""); parameterMap.put("transTimeout", getTimeout() * 60000); parameterMap.put("frontEndUrl", getNotifyUrl(sn, NotifyMethod.sync)); parameterMap.put("backEndUrl", getNotifyUrl(sn, NotifyMethod.async)); parameterMap.put("merReserved", ""); parameterMap.put("signMethod", "MD5"); parameterMap.put("signature", generateSign(parameterMap)); return parameterMap; }
@Override public SimpleFeature apply( ImportTask task, DataStore dataStore, SimpleFeature oldFeature, SimpleFeature feature) throws Exception { Object origDesc = feature.getAttribute("description"); if (origDesc == null) { return feature; } String newDesc = StringUtils.abbreviate(origDesc.toString(), 255); feature.setAttribute("description", newDesc); return feature; }
void add(WikipediaRuleMatch ruleMatch) { String sql = "INSERT INTO feed_matches " + "(title, language_code, rule_id, rule_sub_id, rule_description, rule_message, rule_category, error_context, edit_date, diff_id) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; try (PreparedStatement prepSt = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { prepSt.setString(1, StringUtils.abbreviate(ruleMatch.getTitle(), 255)); prepSt.setString(2, ruleMatch.getLanguage().getShortName()); prepSt.setString(3, ruleMatch.getRule().getId()); if (ruleMatch.getRule() instanceof PatternRule) { prepSt.setString(4, ((PatternRule) ruleMatch.getRule()).getSubId()); } else { prepSt.setString(4, null); } prepSt.setString(5, StringUtils.abbreviate(ruleMatch.getRule().getDescription(), 255)); prepSt.setString(6, StringUtils.abbreviate(ruleMatch.getMessage(), 255)); if (ruleMatch.getRule().getCategory() != null) { prepSt.setString( 7, StringUtils.abbreviate(ruleMatch.getRule().getCategory().getName(), 255)); } else { prepSt.setString(7, "<no category>"); } prepSt.setString(8, StringUtils.abbreviate(ruleMatch.getErrorContext(), 500)); prepSt.setTimestamp(9, new Timestamp(ruleMatch.getEditDate().getTime())); prepSt.setLong(10, ruleMatch.getDiffId()); prepSt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.toString().contains("Incorrect string value")) { // Let's accept this - i.e. not crash - for now: // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168036/ and // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10957238/ System.err.println( "Could not add rule match " + ruleMatch + " to database - stacktrace follows:"); e.printStackTrace(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Could not add rule match " + ruleMatch + " to database", e); } } }
@Override public T getValue() { if (actualValue != null) { return actualValue; } if (valueForStorageWhenNotEncoded != null) { actualValue = valueForStorageWhenNotEncoded; return actualValue; } if (valueForStorageWhenEncoded != null) { if (prismContext == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "PrismContext not set for SerializationSafeContainer holding " + StringUtils.abbreviate(valueForStorageWhenEncoded, MAX_WIDTH)); } if (encodingScheme == EncodingScheme.PRISM) { try { PrismValue prismValue = prismContext.parserFor(valueForStorageWhenEncoded).xml().parseItemValue(); actualValue = prismValue != null ? prismValue.getRealValue() : null; } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException( "Couldn't deserialize value from JAXB: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(valueForStorageWhenEncoded, MAX_WIDTH), e); } return actualValue; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected encoding scheme " + encodingScheme); } } return null; }
private Component createValueLabel(DetailsDecoration property, int maxLength) { String value = property.getFormatedValue(); boolean abbreviate = (value.length() > maxLength); String abbreviatedValue; if (value.matches("[0-9\\.]+e-?[0-9]+")) { value = "<html><body>" + value.replaceAll("e(-?[0-9]+)", "·10<sup>$1</sup>") + "</body></html>"; } if (abbreviate) { abbreviatedValue = StringUtils.abbreviate(value, maxLength); } else { abbreviatedValue = value; } WebLabel label; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(property.getValueLink())) { label = new WebLabel(abbreviatedValue); } else { DetailsWebLinkLabel webLabel = new DetailsWebLinkLabel(abbreviatedValue); webLabel.setLink(property.getValueLink(), false); label = webLabel; } SwingUtils.changeFontSize(label, -1); if (abbreviate) { TooltipManager.setTooltip(label, value, TooltipWay.down, 0); } label.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); label.addMouseListener(new PropertyMouseListener(property)); if (property.isSelected()) { SwingUtils.setBoldFont(label); } if (property.getBgColor() != null) { WebPanel colorBox = new WebPanel(); colorBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(15, 15)); colorBox.setBackground(property.getBgColor()); return new GroupPanel(4, colorBox, label); } label.setForeground(property.isVisible() ? Color.BLACK : Color.lightGray); return label; }
/** * 设置请求参数 * * @param paramMap */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public void setParams(Map paramMap) { if (paramMap == null) { return; } StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> param : ((Map<String, String[]>) paramMap).entrySet()) { params.append(("".equals(params.toString()) ? "" : "&") + param.getKey() + "="); String paramValue = (param.getValue() != null && param.getValue().length > 0 ? param.getValue()[0] : ""); params.append( StringUtils.abbreviate( StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(param.getKey(), "password") ? "" : paramValue, 100)); } this.params = params.toString(); }
/** * Устанавливает параметры завершения задачи * * @param results результат задачи * @param resultStatus статус завершения * @param exception исключения, которое произошло в процессе выполнения */ private void endTask( Map<String, Object> results, TaskResultStatus resultStatus, Throwable exception) { writeLock.lock(); try { result.setContent(results); result.setStatus(resultStatus); if (exception != null) { result.setErrorMessage( StringUtils.abbreviate(exception.getMessage(), TaskResult.ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE - 3)); } result.setEndDate(new Date()); executionLock.countDown(); changeState(null, TaskExecutionStatus.READY); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
@Override public WeiboResponse publishWithImage( OAuthTokenPair accessTokenPair, String title, String message, byte[] imgBytes, String imgName, String url, String clientIP) { Map<String, String> additionalParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); additionalParams.put("content", StringUtils.abbreviate(message, 140)); additionalParams.put("format", "json"); MultipartEntity requestEntity = new MultipartEntity(); requestEntity.addPart("pic", new ByteArrayBody(imgBytes, imgName)); return this.protocal.post(URL_UPLOADIMG, additionalParams, requestEntity, accessTokenPair); }
@Override public void processPacket(Stanza packet) { LOGGER.info("got public key: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(packet.toXML().toString(), 300)); PublicKeyPublish publicKeyPacket = (PublicKeyPublish) packet; if (publicKeyPacket.getType() == IQ.Type.set) { LOGGER.warning("ignoring public key packet with type 'set'"); return; } if (publicKeyPacket.getType() == IQ.Type.result) { byte[] keyData = publicKeyPacket.getPublicKey(); if (keyData == null) { LOGGER.warning("got public key packet without public key"); return; } mControl.setPGPKey(publicKeyPacket.getFrom(), keyData); } }
@Override public String toString() { String jid = "<" + Utils.shortenJID(user.getJID(), 40) + ">"; String name = StringUtils.abbreviate(user.getName(), 24); return name.isEmpty() ? jid : name + " " + jid; }
/** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. WARNING: Do NOT * modify this code. The content of this method is always regenerated by the Form Editor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { labInt = new javax.swing.JLabel(); labe = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jLabel3 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jButton2 = new javax.swing.JButton(); FormListener formListener = new FormListener(); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("Invoicex - Errore"); labInt.setIcon( new javax.swing.ImageIcon( getClass() .getResource( "/res/icons/tango-icon-theme-080/22x22/actions/process-stop.png"))); // NOI18N labInt.setText("Sì è verificato il seguente problema:"); labe.setFont(labe.getFont().deriveFont(labe.getFont().getStyle() | java.awt.Font.BOLD)); labe.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.LEFT); labe.setText("..."); if (e != null) labe.setText(StringUtils.abbreviate(e.getLocalizedMessage(), 100)); jButton1.setFont( jButton1.getFont().deriveFont(jButton1.getFont().getStyle() | java.awt.Font.BOLD)); jButton1.setText("Invia al programmatore"); jButton1.addActionListener(formListener); jLabel3.setText( "Puoi inviarci la segnalazione dell'errore in modo da tentare di risolvere il problema."); jButton2.setText("Ignora"); jButton2.addActionListener(formListener); org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane()); getContentPane().setLayout(layout); layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout .createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING) .add( layout .createSequentialGroup() .addContainerGap() .add( layout .createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING) .add( labe, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 430, Short.MAX_VALUE) .add( org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING, layout .createSequentialGroup() .add(jButton2) .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED) .add(jButton1)) .add( jLabel3, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 430, Short.MAX_VALUE) .add( labInt, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 430, Short.MAX_VALUE)) .addContainerGap())); layout.setVerticalGroup( layout .createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING) .add( layout .createSequentialGroup() .addContainerGap() .add(labInt) .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED) .add(labe) .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED) .add(jLabel3) .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED, 38, Short.MAX_VALUE) .add( layout .createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.BASELINE) .add(jButton1) .add(jButton2)) .addContainerGap())); pack(); }
/* Get the meeting title, max length of 30 chars (with ellipsis where required) */ protected String getAbbreviatedMeetingTitle() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(meeting.getTitle(), 30); }
/** * Utility method to return the graph based node name for the given concept reference. * * @param code The concept code to visualize. If null, the code is not included in the returned * name. * @param desc The concept description; can be null. * @param abbreviate If true, the text will be abbreviated if it exceeds a pre-defined limit (with * '...' appended). This can be used to accomodate more nodes in horizontal space. * @param separator the String to use to separate the code from the description * @return The corresponding node name. */ public static String getNodeName(String code, String desc, boolean abbreviate, String separator) { StringBuffer nameBuf = new StringBuffer(128); if (code != null) nameBuf.append('[').append(code.trim()).append("]").append(separator); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(desc)) nameBuf.append(desc); return (abbreviate) ? StringUtils.abbreviate(nameBuf.toString(), 64) : nameBuf.toString(); }
/** Sets the resource name, truncated to NAME_COLUMN_SIZE */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = StringUtils.abbreviate(name, NAME_COLUMN_SIZE); if (this.longName == null) { this.longName = this.name; } }
// returns SakaiId of thing just created public String importObject( String title, String topicTitle, String text, boolean texthtml, String base, String baseDir, String siteId, List<String> attachmentHrefs, boolean hide) { DiscussionForum ourForum = null; DiscussionTopic ourTopic = null; int forumtry = 0; int topictry = 0; for (; ; ) { ourForum = null; SortedSet<DiscussionForum> forums = new TreeSet<DiscussionForum>(new ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc()); for (DiscussionForum forum : discussionForumManager.getForumsForMainPage()) forums.add(forum); for (DiscussionForum forum : forums) { if (forum.getTitle().equals(title)) { ourForum = forum; break; } } if (ourForum == null) { if (forumtry > 0) { System.out.println("oops, forum still not there the second time"); return null; } forumtry++; // if a new site, may need to create the area or we'll get a backtrace when creating forum areaManager.getDiscussionArea(siteId); ourForum = discussionForumManager.createForum(); ourForum.setTitle(title); discussionForumManager.saveForum(siteId, ourForum); continue; // reread, better be there this time } // forum now exists, and was just reread ourTopic = null; for (Object o : ourForum.getTopicsSet()) { DiscussionTopic topic = (DiscussionTopic) o; if (topic.getTitle().equals(topicTitle)) { ourTopic = topic; break; } } if (ourTopic != null) // ok, forum and topic exist break; if (topictry > 0) { System.out.println("oops, topic still not there the second time"); return null; } topictry++; // create it ourTopic = discussionForumManager.createTopic(ourForum); ourTopic.setTitle(topicTitle); if (attachmentHrefs != null && attachmentHrefs.size() > 0) { for (String href : attachmentHrefs) { // we don't have any real label for attachments. About all we can do is use the filename, // without path String label = href; int slash = label.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash >= 0) label = label.substring(slash + 1); if (label.equals("")) label = "Attachment"; // basedir is a folder in contenthosting starting with /group/ where our content has been // loaded // discussionForum needs a Sakai content resource ID for the attachment Attachment thisDFAttach = discussionForumManager.createDFAttachment(removeDotDot(baseDir + href), label); ourTopic.addAttachment(thisDFAttach); } } String shortText = null; if (texthtml) { ourTopic.setExtendedDescription(text.replaceAll("\\$IMS-CC-FILEBASE\\$", base)); shortText = FormattedText.convertFormattedTextToPlaintext(text); } else { ourTopic.setExtendedDescription(FormattedText.convertPlaintextToFormattedText(text)); shortText = text; } shortText = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.abbreviate(shortText, 254); ourTopic.setShortDescription(shortText); // there's a better way to do attachments, but it's too complex for now if (hide) discussionForumManager.saveTopicAsDraft(ourTopic); else discussionForumManager.saveTopic(ourTopic); // now go back and mmake sure everything is there } return "/" + FORUM_TOPIC + "/" + ourTopic.getId(); }
private String getRef() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.join(Error.Reference, ", "), 22); }
public String getWrittenData() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(writtenData.toString(), MAX_DATA_LENGTH); }
public AuditLogEntry( String event, String componentAddress, String componentType, String userAddress, String userId, String userName, String dataType, String dataId, String dataOldVersionId, String dataNewVersionId, String dataLabel, Date created) { this.event = StringUtils.abbreviate(event, 255); this.componentAddress = StringUtils.abbreviate(componentAddress, 60); this.componentType = StringUtils.abbreviate(componentType, 20); this.userAddress = StringUtils.abbreviate(userAddress, 60); this.userId = StringUtils.abbreviate(userId, 36); this.userName = StringUtils.abbreviate(userName, 40); this.dataType = StringUtils.abbreviate(dataType, 20); this.dataId = StringUtils.abbreviate(dataId, 36); this.dataOldVersionId = StringUtils.abbreviate(dataOldVersionId, 36); this.dataNewVersionId = StringUtils.abbreviate(dataNewVersionId, 36); this.dataLabel = StringUtils.abbreviate(dataLabel, 40); this.created = created; }
public String getSuperShortStory() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(story, 20); }
/** Sets the resource description, truncated to DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_SIZE */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = StringUtils.abbreviate(description, DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_SIZE); }