public void callProcAggiornaAbilitazione( Long idVersioneInterventoTu, Long idAzioneFas, Long idProgrammaPoc, Long idObiettivoSpecifico) throws ApplicationException { getLogger().debug("callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni inizio"); Session session = super.getSession(); CallableStatement cs; try { cs = super.getConnection(session).prepareCall("{ call DBP_AGGIORNA_ABILITAZIONI(?,?,?,?) }"); cs.setLong(1, idVersioneInterventoTu.longValue()); if (idAzioneFas != null) cs.setLong(2, idAzioneFas.longValue()); else cs.setObject(2, null); if (idProgrammaPoc != null) cs.setLong(3, idProgrammaPoc.longValue()); else cs.setObject(3, null); if (idObiettivoSpecifico != null) cs.setLong(4, idObiettivoSpecifico.longValue()); else cs.setObject(4, null); cs.execute(); getLogger().debug("DBP_AGGIORNA_ABILITAZIONI eseguita."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getLogger().debug("----------------------errore plsql callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni"); throw new ApplicationException("errore plsql callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni"); } finally { session.close(); } }
/** * Overrides the parent method to set replaceable parameters, if any, into the CallableStatement * object. CallableStatements may have to register OUT parameters, as well as set IN and INOUT * parameters. * * @param cs the Statement object. * @param params the array of Param objects. * @return a Statement object which should be cast to CallableStatement. * @exception Exception if there was a problem setting the parameters. */ protected final Statement setParameters(final Statement cs, final Param[] params) throws Exception { CallableStatement tcs = (CallableStatement) cs; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { // :NOTE: order is important here. For INOUT which will enter // both blocks, we need to set the value and then register the // parameter if (params[i].isInParameter()) { if (params[i].isNull()) { tcs.setNull(i + 1, params[i].getSQLType()); } else { Object convertedParamValue = TypeUtils.convertToObject(params[i].getValue(), params[i].getType()); tcs.setObject(i + 1, convertedParamValue, params[i].getSQLType()); } } if (params[i].isOutParameter()) { if (SymbolTable.isVariableName(params[i].getValue())) { SymbolTable.setValue( SymbolTable.OUT_PARAM + tcs.hashCode() + ":" + i + "}", params[i].getValue()); } String className = TypeMapper.findClassByName(params[i].getType()); if (BigDecimalType.class.getName().equals(className)) { int scale = params[i].getScale(); tcs.registerOutParameter(i + 1, params[i].getSQLType(), scale); } else if (params[i].getTypeName() != null) { tcs.registerOutParameter(i + 1, params[i].getSQLType(), params[i].getTypeName()); } else { tcs.registerOutParameter(i + 1, params[i].getSQLType()); } } } return tcs; }
public static Long dbGenerarNumero(Connection conn, String pkModulo) { String sql = "{ call ? := PK_NUMERACION_UTIL.FN_MODULO_NEXT_NUM ( ? ) }"; try { // String sql = "{ call ? := PF_SUMINISTROS_UTIL.FN_OBTENER_NUMERACION( CO_NUMERACION, // usua_modi, nuip_modi, usso_modi, nopc_modi ) }"; // ApplicationUser appUser = SPApplication.getAppUser(); // Connection conn = sessionImplementor.connection(); CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall(sql); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); stmt.setObject(2, pkModulo); // stmt.setObject(3, padSize);//padSize // stmt.setObject(4, appUser.getUsername());//"USUMODI" // stmt.setObject(5, appUser.getIpAddress()); //"IPMODI" // stmt.setObject(6, appUser.getOS()); //"SOMODI" // stmt.setObject(7, appUser.getHostName()); //"PCMODI"" PK_NUMERACION_UTIL.FN_MODULO_CURR_NUM:" + pkModulo); stmt.execute(); String returnValue = (String) stmt.getObject(1); logger.debug("Numero generado:" + returnValue); stmt.close(); return new Long(returnValue); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("SQL:" + sql); throw new AWDeveloperException(AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e)); } }
public static CallableStatement callPro2( String sql, String[] inparameters, Integer[] outparameters) { try { ct = getConnection(); cs = ct.prepareCall(sql); if (inparameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < inparameters.length; i++) { cs.setObject(i + 1, inparameters[i]); } } if (outparameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < outparameters.length; i++) { cs.registerOutParameter(inparameters.length + 1 + i, outparameters[i]); } } cs.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } finally { } return cs; }
public void testGetObjectLongVarchar() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create temp table longvarchar_tab ( t text, null_val text )"); stmt.execute("insert into longvarchar_tab values ('testdata',null)"); boolean ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "longvarchar_proc( OUT pcn text, OUT nval text) as " + "'begin " + "select t into pcn from longvarchar_tab;" + "select null_val into nval from longvarchar_tab;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "lvarchar_in_name( IN pcn text) returns int as " + "'begin " + "update longvarchar_tab set t=pcn;" + "return 0;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call longvarchar_proc(?,?) }"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.executeUpdate(); String val = (String) cstmt.getObject(1); assertTrue(val.equals("testdata")); val = (String) cstmt.getObject(2); assertTrue(val == null); cstmt.close(); cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call lvarchar_in_name(?) }"); String maxFloat = "3.4E38"; cstmt.setObject(1, new Float(maxFloat), Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from longvarchar_tab"); assertTrue(; String rval = (String) rs.getObject(1); assertEquals(rval.trim(), maxFloat.trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute("drop function longvarchar_proc()"); dstmt.execute("drop function lvarchar_in_name(text)"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { _stmt.setObject(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { ((CallableStatement) _stmt).setObject(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { _stmt.setObject(parameterName, x, targetSqlType, scale); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void testSetObjectBit() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(createBitTab); stmt.execute(insertBitTab); boolean ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "update_bit( in IMAX boolean, in IMIN boolean, in INUL boolean) returns int as " + "'begin " + "update bit_tab set max_val = imax;" + "update bit_tab set min_val = imin;" + "update bit_tab set min_val = inul;" + " return 0;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call update_bit(?,?,?) }"); cstmt.setObject(1, "true", Types.BIT); cstmt.setObject(2, "false", Types.BIT); cstmt.setNull(3, Types.BIT); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from bit_tab"); assertTrue(; assertTrue(rs.getBoolean(1)); assertFalse(rs.getBoolean(2)); rs.getBoolean(3); assertTrue(rs.wasNull()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute("drop function update_bit(boolean, boolean, boolean)"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void testVarcharBool() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create temp table vartab( max_val text, min_val text)"); stmt.execute("insert into vartab values ('a','b')"); boolean ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "updatevarchar( in imax text, in imin text) returns int as " + "'begin " + "update vartab set max_val = imax;" + "update vartab set min_val = imin;" + "return 0;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { String str = Boolean.TRUE.toString(); CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call updatevarchar(?,?) }"); cstmt.setObject(1, Boolean.TRUE, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.setObject(2, Boolean.FALSE, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from vartab"); assertTrue(; assertTrue(rs.getString(1).equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); assertTrue(rs.getString(2).equals(Boolean.FALSE.toString())); rs.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute("drop function updatevarchar(text,text)"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void testUpdateReal() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(createRealTab); boolean ret = stmt.execute(createUpdateReal); stmt.execute(insertRealTab); stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call update_real_proc(?,?) }"); BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(intValues[0]); float x = val.floatValue(); cstmt.setObject(1, val, Types.REAL); val = new BigDecimal(intValues[1]); cstmt.setObject(2, val, Types.REAL); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from real_tab"); assertTrue(; Float oVal = new Float(intValues[0]); Float rVal = new Float(rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertTrue(oVal.equals(rVal)); oVal = new Float(intValues[1]); rVal = new Float(rs.getObject(2).toString()); assertTrue(oVal.equals(rVal)); rs.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute(dropUpdateReal); dstmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void testInOut() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(createBitTab); stmt.execute(insertBitTab); boolean ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "insert_bit( inout IMAX boolean, inout IMIN boolean, inout INUL boolean) as " + "'begin " + "insert into bit_tab values( imax, imin, inul);" + "select max_val into imax from bit_tab;" + "select min_val into imin from bit_tab;" + "select null_val into inul from bit_tab;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call insert_bit(?,?,?) }"); cstmt.setObject(1, "true", Types.BIT); cstmt.setObject(2, "false", Types.BIT); cstmt.setNull(3, Types.BIT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.BIT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.BIT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.BIT); cstmt.executeUpdate(); assertTrue(cstmt.getBoolean(1)); assertFalse(cstmt.getBoolean(2)); cstmt.getBoolean(3); assertTrue(cstmt.wasNull()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute("drop function insert_bit(boolean, boolean, boolean)"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void procUpdateclient(ClientModel clientModel) throws SQLException { Connection connection = getConnection(); CallableStatement cstm = connection.prepareCall( "{call UpdateClient(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cstm.setInt("ClientID", clientModel.getClientID()); cstm.setInt("ClientStatusID", clientModel.getClientStatusID()); if (clientModel.getTradeShowID() != 0) cstm.setInt("TradeShowID", clientModel.getTradeShowID()); else cstm.setObject("TradeShowID", null); if (clientModel.getReferrerID() != 0) cstm.setInt("ReferrerID", clientModel.getReferrerID()); else cstm.setObject("ReferrerID", null); cstm.setString("ClientCompanyName", clientModel.getClientCompanyName()); cstm.setString("ClientFirstName", clientModel.getClientFirstName()); cstm.setString("ClientLastName", clientModel.getClientLastName()); cstm.setString("ClientMailingAddress1", clientModel.getClientMailingAddress1()); cstm.setString("ClientMailingAddress2", clientModel.getClientMailingAddress2()); cstm.setString("ClientMailingAddress3", clientModel.getClientMailingAddress3()); cstm.setString("ClientMailingCity", clientModel.getClientMailingCity()); cstm.setInt("MailingStateID", clientModel.getMailingStateID()); cstm.setString("ClientMailingZipCode", clientModel.getClientMailingZipCode()); cstm.setInt("MailingCountryID", clientModel.getMailingCountryID()); cstm.setString("ClientBillingAddress1", clientModel.getClientBillingAddress1()); cstm.setString("ClientBillingAddress2", clientModel.getClientBillingAddress2()); cstm.setString("ClientBillingAddress3", clientModel.getClientBillingAddress3()); cstm.setString("ClientBillingCity", clientModel.getClientBillingCity()); cstm.setInt("BillingStateID", clientModel.getBillingStateID()); cstm.setString("ClientBillingZipCode", clientModel.getClientBillingZipCode()); cstm.setInt("BillingCountryID", clientModel.getBillingCountryID()); cstm.setString("ClientPhone", clientModel.getClientPhone()); cstm.setString("ClientExtension", clientModel.getClientExtension()); cstm.setString("ClientEmail", clientModel.getClientEmail()); cstm.execute(); if (cstm != null) cstm.close(); if (connection != null) connection.close(); }
private void applyInParameters(CallableStatement statement) throws SQLException { for (StoredProcedureParameter param : getParameters()) { if (param.getParameterType().equals(ParameterType.IN) || param.getParameterType().equals(ParameterType.INOUT)) { if (!isEmpty(param.getName())) { statement.setObject( param.getName(), param.getInValue(), param.getParameterValueType().getValue()); log.debug( "Applying 'IN' parameter with name '" + param.getName() + "' and value '" + param.getInValue() + "'"); } else { statement.setObject( param.getOrder(), param.getInValue(), param.getParameterValueType().getValue()); log.debug( "Applying 'IN' parameter with order '" + param.getOrder() + "' and value '" + param.getInValue() + "'"); } } if (param.getParameterType().equals(ParameterType.OUT) || param.getParameterType().equals(ParameterType.INOUT)) { if (!isEmpty(param.getName())) { statement.registerOutParameter(param.getName(), param.getParameterValueType().getValue()); log.debug("Registering 'OUT' parameter with name '" + param.getName() + "'"); } else { statement.registerOutParameter( param.getOrder(), param.getParameterValueType().getValue()); log.debug("Registering 'OUT' parameter with order '" + param.getOrder() + "'"); } } } }
/** Sets the object */ @Override public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int type, int scale) throws SQLException { try { _cstmt.setObject(parameterName, x, type, scale); } catch (SQLException e) { onSqlException(e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { onRuntimeException(e); throw e; } }
private static boolean isLTxIdCommitted(LogicalTransactionId ltxid, Connection conn) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cstmt = null; cstmt = conn.prepareCall(GET_LTXID_OUTCOME); cstmt.setObject(1, ltxid); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.BIT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.BIT); cstmt.execute(); boolean committed = cstmt.getBoolean(2); boolean callCompleted = cstmt.getBoolean(3);"call completed: " + callCompleted + ", committed: " + committed); cstmt.close(); return committed; }
/** * Added - takes in the product id and returns a filename from the database using the * GET_PRODUCT_IMAGE db stored function which looks up the image filename according to the * image_id associated with the product id. The Original Forms application uses files with a TIF * extension we changed these images to JPG */ public String readImageNameFromDB(Number id) { CallableStatement cs = null; cs = this.getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("begin ?:=GET_PRODUCT_IMAGE(?); end;", 0); try { cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cs.setObject(2, id); cs.execute(); Object returnVal = cs.getObject(1); return returnVal.toString(); } catch (SQLException e) { // print exception if SQL fails. In production systems you may want to log the // issue and fail more gracefully e.g by returning NULL r an empty String e.printStackTrace(); } return "No File"; }
/** * Simplifies calling a stored function with bind variables * * <p>You can use the NUMBER, DATE, and VARCHAR2 constants in this class to indicate the function * return type for these three common types, otherwise use one of the JDBC types in the * java.sql.Types class. * * <p>NOTE: If you want to invoke a stored procedure without any bind variables ==== then you can * just use the basic getDBTransaction().executeCommand() * * @param sqlReturnType JDBC datatype constant of function return value * @param stmt stored function statement * @param bindVars Object array of parameters * @return function return value as an Object */ protected Object callStoredFunction(int sqlReturnType, String stmt, Object[] bindVars) { CallableStatement st = null; try { st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("begin ? := " + stmt + "; end;", 0); st.registerOutParameter(1, sqlReturnType); if (bindVars != null) { for (int z = 0; z < bindVars.length; z++) { st.setObject(z + 2, bindVars[z]); } } st.executeUpdate(); return st.getObject(1); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JboException(e); } }
public static void callPro1(String sql, String[] parameters) { try { ct = getConnection(); cs = ct.prepareCall(sql); if (parameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { cs.setObject(i + 1, parameters[i]); } } cs.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } finally { close(rs, cs, ct); } }
void setObjectTest(String typeName, Object x, int type) throws Exception { CallableStatement stmt = prepareCall("select cast(? as " + typeName + ") from dual"); stmt.setObject("@p1", x, type); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();; Object result = rs.getObject(1); if (x instanceof Number) { assertEquals(((Number) x).doubleValue(), ((Number) result).doubleValue()); } else if (x != null && x.getClass().isArray()) { assertJavaArrayEquals(x, result); } else { assertEquals(x, result); } }
public boolean executeCall(String sql, Object... params) { CallableStatement cs = null; try { cs = connection.prepareCall(sql); for (int i = 1; i <= params.length; i++) { Object o = params[i - 1]; if (o instanceof Integer) { cs.setInt(i, (int) o); } else if (o instanceof String) { cs.setString(i, (String) o); } else if (o instanceof Double) { cs.setDouble(i, (double) o); } else if (o instanceof BufferedImage) { InputStream is = null; if (o != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) o, "png", os); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()); } cs.setBlob(4, is); } else { cs.setObject(i, o); } } cs.executeUpdate(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } finally { try { cs.close(); } catch (Exception e) {; } ; } }
/* * prepareStatement * This method follows the logic of preparedDataCommon.prepareStatement() except that since it is only * called for CFPROCPARAM's it doesn't need to iterate over the data VectorArrayList. Instead it only * needs to extract the one value. */ private void prepareStatement(String paramName, CallableStatement CallStatmt, Connection _conn) throws dataNotSupportedException, cfmRunTimeException, SQLException { // Map the CFML type to a JDBC type int jType = getJdbcType(CallStatmt, cfSqlType); paramName = paramName.replace("@", ""); if (passAsNull) { // JDBC drivers don't recognize ORACLE_NCLOB so we need to pass it in as a Types.CHAR if (jType == ORACLE_NCLOB) CallStatmt.setNull(paramName, Types.CHAR); else CallStatmt.setNull(paramName, jType); return; } // Get the value associated with this CFPROCPARAM cfData _data = data.get(0); switch (jType) { // for MS SQL Server via JDBC-ODBC Bridge, if you try to use setString() // instead of setObject(), it will pad VARCHAR columns when it shouldn't case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: CallStatmt.setObject(paramName, _data.getString(), jType); break; case Types.LONGVARCHAR: CallStatmt.setObject(paramName, _data.getString(), jType); break; case ORACLE_NCLOB: CallStatmt.setObject(paramName, _data.getString(), jType); break; case Types.BINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: CallStatmt.setObject(paramName, ((cfBinaryData) _data).getByteArray(), jType); break; case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.INTEGER: if (_data.getNumber().isInt()) { CallStatmt.setInt(paramName, _data.getInt()); break; } // if not an int, fall through to next case case Types.BIGINT: double d = _data.getDouble(); if (d <= Long.MAX_VALUE) { if (isSetLongSupported(_conn)) { CallStatmt.setLong(paramName, _data.getLong()); } else { CallStatmt.setDouble(paramName, d); } } else { CallStatmt.setDouble(paramName, d); } break; case Types.DECIMAL: case Types.NUMERIC: try { // NOTE: if a customer is complaining about losing decimal places then make sure they // are setting the scale properly in cfqueryparam. The default value for scale // is 0 which causes all decimal places to be removed. CallStatmt.setBigDecimal( paramName, new BigDecimal(_data.getDouble()).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); break; } catch (Exception e) { // fall through to next case } case Types.FLOAT: case Types.DOUBLE: CallStatmt.setDouble(paramName, _data.getDouble()); break; case Types.REAL: CallStatmt.setFloat(paramName, new Float(_data.getDouble()).floatValue()); break; case Types.DATE: long date = (_data.getDataType() == cfData.CFDATEDATA ? _data.getLong() : _data.getDateData().getLong()); try { CallStatmt.setDate(paramName, new java.sql.Date(date)); } catch (SQLException e) { // JDBC-ODBC Bridge doesn't support setDate() for MS SQL Server CallStatmt.setString(paramName, com.nary.util.Date.formatDate(date, "dd-MMM-yy")); } break; case Types.TIME: long time = (_data.getDataType() == cfData.CFDATEDATA ? _data.getLong() : _data.getDateData().getLong()); try { CallStatmt.setTime(paramName, new java.sql.Time(time)); } catch (SQLException e) { // JDBC-ODBC Bridge doesn't support setTime() for MS SQL Server CallStatmt.setString(paramName, com.nary.util.Date.formatDate(time, "hh:mm aa")); } break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: long ts = (_data.getDataType() == cfData.CFDATEDATA ? _data.getLong() : _data.getDateData().getLong()); CallStatmt.setTimestamp(paramName, new java.sql.Timestamp(ts)); break; case Types.BIT: CallStatmt.setBoolean(paramName, _data.getBoolean()); break; case Types.NULL: CallStatmt.setNull(paramName, getJdbcType(CallStatmt, cfSqlType)); break; default: throw newRunTimeException("Unsupported CFSQLTYPE: " + sqlType); } }
private static void callSetMethod(CallableStatement cs, int arg, int type, StringBuilder strbuf) throws Throwable { switch (type) { case Types.BIT: case Types.BOOLEAN: strbuf.append("setBoolean(" + arg + ", true)"); cs.setBoolean(arg, true); break; case Types.TINYINT: strbuf.append("setByte(" + arg + ", 6)"); cs.setByte(arg, (byte) 6); break; case Types.SMALLINT: strbuf.append("setShort(" + arg + ", 66)"); cs.setShort(arg, (short) 66); break; case Types.INTEGER: strbuf.append("setInt(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setInt(arg, 666); break; case Types.BIGINT: strbuf.append("setLong(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setLong(arg, 666); break; case Types.FLOAT: case Types.REAL: strbuf.append("setFLoat(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setFloat(arg, 666); break; case Types.DOUBLE: strbuf.append("setDouble(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setDouble(arg, 666); break; case Types.DECIMAL: case Types.NUMERIC: strbuf.append("setBigDecimal(" + arg + ", 666.666)"); BigDecimalHandler.setBigDecimalString(cs, arg, "666.666"); break; case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: strbuf.append("setString(" + arg + ", \"Set via setString()\")"); cs.setString(arg, "Set via setString()"); break; case Types.BINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: strbuf.append("setBytes(" + arg + ", byte[])"); byte[] myarray = new byte[16]; myarray[0] = (byte) 255; cs.setBytes(arg, myarray); break; case Types.DATE: strbuf.append("setDate(" + arg + ", Date.valueOf(1999-09-09))"); cs.setDate(arg, Date.valueOf("1999-09-09")); break; case Types.TIME: strbuf.append("setTime(" + arg + ", Time.valueOf(09:09:09))"); cs.setTime(arg, Time.valueOf("09:09:09")); break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: strbuf.append("setTimestamp(" + arg + ", Timestamp.valueOf(1999-09-09 09:09:09.999))"); cs.setTimestamp(arg, Timestamp.valueOf("1999-09-09 09:09:09.999")); break; case Types.OTHER: strbuf.append("setObject(" + arg + ", new BigInteger(666))"); cs.setObject(arg, new BigInteger("666")); break; default: throw new Throwable("TEST ERROR: unexpected type " + type); } }
/** @see java.sql.CallableStatement#setObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x) throws SQLException { original.setObject(parameterName, x); }
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType) throws SQLException { passThru.setObject(parameterName, x, targetSqlType); }
/** @see java.sql.CallableStatement#setObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, int, int) */ public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale) throws SQLException { original.setObject(parameterName, x, targetSqlType, scale); }
public void setObject(String parameterName, Object x) throws SQLException { passThru.setObject(parameterName, x); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:skui/[email protected]:1521:etudom"; Connection co = OutilsJDBC.openConnection(url); // Cas du bouton quitter if (e.getActionCommand() == "Quitter") { vueDepart vue; vue = new vueDepart(); // Fermeture de la connexion de la base de données try { co.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } this.dispose(); } // _________________PROBLEME A CE NIVEAU___________________ // Cas de la requete 1 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 1") { try { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[0]); String sql = "{? = call nbEtudiantAvecStage}"; System.out.println(sql); CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); call.execute(); // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); System.out.println(resultat1.getInt(1)); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 2 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 2") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[1]); String sql = "{?=call nbEtudiantSansStage()}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); System.out.println(resultat1.getInt(2)); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 3 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 3") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[2]); String sql = "{call nbEtudiantSansStageAnnee(?)}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.setObject(1, 5); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 4 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 4") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[3]); String sql = "{call nbStagiaireParEntreprise(?,?)}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.setObject(1, 5); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 5 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 5") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[4]); String sql = "{call nbMoyenEtudiantsDansEntreprise(?)}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.setObject(1, 5); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 6 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 6") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[5]); String sql = "{call nbStagesParZone(?,?)}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.setObject(1, "Orsay"); call.setObject(2, "91200"); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 7 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 7") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[6]); String sql = "{call nbStagiaireZone()}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.registerOutParameter("nb", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } // Cas de la requete 8 if (e.getActionCommand() == "Requete 8") { this.labelhaut.setText(titreRequete[7]); String sql = "{call contactEntreprise(?)}"; try { CallableStatement call = co.prepareCall(sql); call.setObject(1, 5); if (call.execute()) { // récupération des ResultSet ResultSet resultat1 = call.getResultSet(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < resultat1.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { System.out.print(resultat1.getObject(i + 1) + ", "); } } } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setObject(int, java.lang.Object) */ public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException { original.setObject(parameterIndex, x); }
/** @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setObject(int, java.lang.Object, int, int) */ public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale) throws SQLException { original.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType, scale); }