public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { ((CallableStatement) _stmt).setByte(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { _stmt.setByte(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
/** Sets the byte */ @Override public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException { try { _cstmt.setByte(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { onSqlException(e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { onRuntimeException(e); throw e; } }
public static void actualizar(Usuario u) { ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.getInstance(); Connection connection = pool.getConnection(); CallableStatement cs = null; try { cs = connection.prepareCall("{ call actualizar_usuario(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }"); cs.setString(1, u.getNombreUsuario()); cs.setString(2, u.getApellidoPaterno()); cs.setString(3, u.getApellidoMterno()); cs.setByte(4, u.getSexo()); cs.setInt(5, u.getSucursal().getIdSucursal()); cs.setInt(6, u.getIdUsuario()); cs.execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { DBUtil.closeStatement(cs); pool.freeConnection(connection); } }
public Customer updateCustomer(Customer customer) { Connection connection = null; CallableStatement callableStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; boolean hasResults; String id; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // get connection from dataSource callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(updateCustomerSql); // prepare callable statement id = customer.getId(); if (id == null) { callableStatement.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); } else { callableStatement.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(id)); } if (customer.isInactive()) { callableStatement.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(8, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setNull(11, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setByte(12, (byte) 1); } else { callableStatement.setString(2, customer.getFirstName()); callableStatement.setString(3, customer.getLastName()); callableStatement.setString(4, customer.getStreetAddress()); callableStatement.setString(5, customer.getAptAddress()); callableStatement.setString(6, customer.getCity()); callableStatement.setString(7, customer.getState()); callableStatement.setString(8, customer.getZip()); callableStatement.setString(9, customer.getPhone()); callableStatement.setString(10, customer.getEmail()); callableStatement.setString(11, customer.getNotes()); callableStatement.setByte(12, (byte) 0); } hasResults = callableStatement.execute(); if (hasResults) { resultSet = callableStatement.getResultSet(); if ( { customer.setId(resultSet.getString(1)); } else { throw new SQLException("Unable to update customer."); } } else { throw new SQLException("Unable to update customer."); } } catch (SQLException se) { log.error("SQL error: ", se); return null; } finally { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (Exception se) { log.error("Unable to close resultSet: ", se); } try { callableStatement.close(); } catch (Exception se) { log.error("Unable to close callableStatement: ", se); } try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception se) { log.error("Unable to close connection: ", se); } } return customer; }
/** @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setByte(int, byte) */ public void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException { original.setByte(parameterIndex, x); }
/** @see java.sql.CallableStatement#setByte(java.lang.String, byte) */ public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException { original.setByte(parameterName, x); }
private static void callSetMethod(CallableStatement cs, int arg, int type, StringBuilder strbuf) throws Throwable { switch (type) { case Types.BIT: case Types.BOOLEAN: strbuf.append("setBoolean(" + arg + ", true)"); cs.setBoolean(arg, true); break; case Types.TINYINT: strbuf.append("setByte(" + arg + ", 6)"); cs.setByte(arg, (byte) 6); break; case Types.SMALLINT: strbuf.append("setShort(" + arg + ", 66)"); cs.setShort(arg, (short) 66); break; case Types.INTEGER: strbuf.append("setInt(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setInt(arg, 666); break; case Types.BIGINT: strbuf.append("setLong(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setLong(arg, 666); break; case Types.FLOAT: case Types.REAL: strbuf.append("setFLoat(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setFloat(arg, 666); break; case Types.DOUBLE: strbuf.append("setDouble(" + arg + ", 666)"); cs.setDouble(arg, 666); break; case Types.DECIMAL: case Types.NUMERIC: strbuf.append("setBigDecimal(" + arg + ", 666.666)"); BigDecimalHandler.setBigDecimalString(cs, arg, "666.666"); break; case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: strbuf.append("setString(" + arg + ", \"Set via setString()\")"); cs.setString(arg, "Set via setString()"); break; case Types.BINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: strbuf.append("setBytes(" + arg + ", byte[])"); byte[] myarray = new byte[16]; myarray[0] = (byte) 255; cs.setBytes(arg, myarray); break; case Types.DATE: strbuf.append("setDate(" + arg + ", Date.valueOf(1999-09-09))"); cs.setDate(arg, Date.valueOf("1999-09-09")); break; case Types.TIME: strbuf.append("setTime(" + arg + ", Time.valueOf(09:09:09))"); cs.setTime(arg, Time.valueOf("09:09:09")); break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: strbuf.append("setTimestamp(" + arg + ", Timestamp.valueOf(1999-09-09 09:09:09.999))"); cs.setTimestamp(arg, Timestamp.valueOf("1999-09-09 09:09:09.999")); break; case Types.OTHER: strbuf.append("setObject(" + arg + ", new BigInteger(666))"); cs.setObject(arg, new BigInteger("666")); break; default: throw new Throwable("TEST ERROR: unexpected type " + type); } }
public void setByte(String parameterName, byte x) throws SQLException { passThru.setByte(parameterName, x); }