/** * Determine the type of attachment, based on file extension, and add it to the elog entry with * the entry_id. * * @param fname input filename, either an image or a text file * @param fileType "I" for image file, "A" for text file * @param entry_id ID of entry to which to add this file * @param caption Caption or 'title' for the attachment * @throws Exception */ private void addFileToElog( final String fname, String fileType, final int entry_id, final String caption) throws Exception { // Get the file extension final int ndx = fname.lastIndexOf("."); final String extension = fname.substring(ndx + 1); long fileTypeID = getFileTypeId(fileType, extension); // If the image type cannot be found in the RDB, change its file type to // an attachment and look for the // extension as an attachment if (fileTypeID == -1 && fileType.equals("I")) { fileType = "A"; fileTypeID = getFileTypeId(fileType, extension); } // Initiate the sql to add attachments to the elog final String mysql = "call logbook.logbook_pkg.add_entry_attachment" + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; final Connection connection = rdb.getConnection(); final CallableStatement statement = connection.prepareCall(mysql); try { statement.setInt(1, entry_id); statement.setString(2, fileType); statement.setString(3, caption); statement.setLong(4, fileTypeID); final File inputFile = new File(fname); // Send the image to the sql. if (fileType.equals("I")) { try { final int file_size = (int) inputFile.length(); final FileInputStream input_stream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); statement.setBinaryStream(5, input_stream, file_size); input_stream.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { System.out.println("Could not find " + fname); return; } } // Send the text attachment to the sql else { // Create a Blob to store the attachment in. final BLOB blob = BLOB.createTemporary(connection, true, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION); blob.setBytes(1L, getBytesFromFile(inputFile)); statement.setBlob(5, blob); } statement.executeQuery(); } finally { statement.close(); } }
public static Couple<String, String> gift( int giftGameID, long matchID, long uid, String uids, int number) throws SQLException, SimpleException { String query = "{call MakeGiftGame(?,?,?,?,?)}"; int res = 0; try (Connection conn = DBPoolConnection.getConnection()) { CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(query); cs.clearParameters(); cs.setLong(1, uid); cs.setLong(2, matchID); cs.setInt(3, number); cs.setString(4, uids); cs.setInt(5, giftGameID); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && rs.next()) { res = rs.getInt("result"); } } if (res == 1) { return giftGameChat(giftGameID); } else { throw new SimpleException("Không tặng được"); } }
public Tour insertTour(Tour rec) { Tour flag = null; try { DBCON ob = new DBCON(); Connection con = null; CallableStatement cs = null; con = ob.createConnection(); cs = con.prepareCall("{call trs_srilanka.insertTour(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cs.setLong(1, rec.getTRID()); cs.setString(2, rec.getTitle()); cs.setString(3, rec.getItinary()); cs.setString(4, rec.getNoOfDays()); cs.setString(5, rec.getAccomadationType()); cs.setString(6, rec.getBasis()); cs.setLong(7, rec.getGEOID()); int res = cs.executeUpdate(); if (res > 0) { flag = rec; } else { flag = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public void callProcAggiornaAbilitazione( Long idVersioneInterventoTu, Long idAzioneFas, Long idProgrammaPoc, Long idObiettivoSpecifico) throws ApplicationException { getLogger().debug("callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni inizio"); Session session = super.getSession(); CallableStatement cs; try { cs = super.getConnection(session).prepareCall("{ call DBP_AGGIORNA_ABILITAZIONI(?,?,?,?) }"); cs.setLong(1, idVersioneInterventoTu.longValue()); if (idAzioneFas != null) cs.setLong(2, idAzioneFas.longValue()); else cs.setObject(2, null); if (idProgrammaPoc != null) cs.setLong(3, idProgrammaPoc.longValue()); else cs.setObject(3, null); if (idObiettivoSpecifico != null) cs.setLong(4, idObiettivoSpecifico.longValue()); else cs.setObject(4, null); cs.execute(); getLogger().debug("DBP_AGGIORNA_ABILITAZIONI eseguita."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getLogger().debug("----------------------errore plsql callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni"); throw new ApplicationException("errore plsql callProcAggiornaAbilitazioni"); } finally { session.close(); } }
public void save(Connection conn, AccountingArMgr accMgr, int rowIndex) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cstmt = null; String verbEntryMode = accMgr.getEntryMode().split("-")[0]; try { this.mCode = 0; String sql = "begin FM_AR_PAYMENT_TERM_DETAIL_PKG.SAVE(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11); end;"; cstmt = conn.prepareCall(sql); DeBug.print(sql); cstmt.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(accMgr.getCurrentMiscellaneousInvoice().getInvoiceId())); cstmt.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(this.getPaymentTerm().getAttributeCode())); cstmt.setDouble(3, Double.parseDouble(this.getPercentage())); cstmt.setString( 4, Decoder.convertSetString(accMgr.getCurrentMiscellaneousInvoice().getStartDate())); cstmt.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.setString( 7, Decoder.convertSetString(accMgr.getCurrentMiscellaneousInvoice().getSourceType())); cstmt.setString(8, Decoder.convertSetString(verbEntryMode)); cstmt.setLong(9, rowIndex); cstmt.registerOutParameter(10, Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(11, Types.VARCHAR); cstmt.execute(); int returnCode = cstmt.getInt(10); String returnMessage = cstmt.getString(11); if (returnCode == -2) { // Violate unique constraint in database this.mCode = UNIQUE_VIOLATION; throw new SQLException(returnMessage); } else if (returnCode != 0) { // Non-manageable error. this.mCode = SAVE_ERROR; throw new SQLException(returnMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { this.mCode = SAVE_ERROR; e.printStackTrace(); throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (cstmt != null) { cstmt.close(); } cstmt = null; } }
public void ThisSet(long ServiceId, PersistentService ThisVal) throws PersistenceException { try { CallableStatement callable; callable = this.con.prepareCall("Begin " + this.schemaName + ".SrvcFacade.ThisSet(?, ?, ?); end;"); callable.setLong(1, ServiceId); callable.setLong(2, ThisVal.getId()); callable.setLong(3, ThisVal.getClassId()); callable.execute(); callable.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new PersistenceException(se.getMessage(), se.getErrorCode()); } }
@Override public void procesar(MotEmpConductor dto) throws MotEmpConductorDaoException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = ResourceManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall( "{call SP_MOT_INS_PERSONA_CONDUCTOR;1(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.DECIMAL); stmt.setLong(1, dto.getConductor().getConcodigoD()); stmt.setLong(2, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPercodigoD()); stmt.setString(3, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerdniV()); stmt.setString(4, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPernombresV()); stmt.setString(5, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerpaternoV()); stmt.setString(6, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPermaternoV()); stmt.setString(7, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPernacimientoF()); stmt.setString(8, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerestadocivilC()); stmt.setString(9, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPermovilclaV()); stmt.setString(10, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPermovilmovV()); stmt.setString(11, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPermovilnexV()); stmt.setString(12, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerteleffijoV()); stmt.setString(13, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPeremailV()); stmt.setString(14, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerdomicilioV()); stmt.setString(15, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerubidistV()); stmt.setString(16, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerubdptoV()); stmt.setString(17, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPerubprovV()); stmt.setString(18, dto.getConductor().getPersona().getPersexoC()); stmt.setLong(19, dto.getEmpresa().getEmpcodigoD()); stmt.setString(20, dto.getEcofechainicioF()); stmt.execute(); Long codigo = stmt.getLong(1); if (codigo != null) { dto.getConductor().setConcodigoD(codigo); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new MotEmpConductorDaoException("Exception: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } finally { ResourceManager.close(rs); ResourceManager.close(stmt); ResourceManager.close(conn); } }
@Override public List<MotInteInventario> findByInternamiento(Long codigo) throws MotInteInventarioDaoException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<MotInteInventario> list = null; try { conn = ResourceManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call SP_MOT_GET_INTEINVENTARIOBYINTERNAMIENTO;1(?)}"); stmt.setLong(1, codigo); boolean results = stmt.execute(); if (results) { list = new ArrayList<MotInteInventario>(); rs = stmt.getResultSet(); MotInteInventario inventario = null; while (rs.next()) { inventario = new MotInteInventario(); inventario.getInternamiento().setIntcodigoD(rs.getLong("INTCODIGO")); inventario.getInventarioTipo().setBitcodigoI(rs.getInt("BITCODIGO")); inventario.setBivcantidadI(rs.getInt("CANTIDAD")); inventario.setBivestadoC(rs.getString("ESTADO")); list.add(inventario); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MotInteInventarioDaoException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { ResourceManager.close(rs); ResourceManager.close(stmt); ResourceManager.close(conn); } return list; }
public long nextTSecGroupMemberIdGen( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityTenantPKey PKey) { final String S_ProcName = "nextTSecGroupMemberIdGen"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Not in a transaction"); } Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); long Id = PKey.getRequiredId(); CallableStatement stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen = null; try { String sql = "{ call sp_next_tsecgroupmemberidgen( ?" + ", " + "?" + " ) }"; stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen = cnx.prepareCall(sql); int argIdx = 1; stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.BIGINT); stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen.setLong(argIdx++, Id); stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen.execute(); long nextId = stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen.getLong(1); return (nextId); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen != null) { try { stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtSelectNextTSecGroupMemberIdGen = null; } } }
public User insertUser(User rec) { User flag = null; try { DBCON ob = new DBCON(); Connection con = null; CallableStatement cs = null; con = ob.createConnection(); cs = con.prepareCall("{call trs_srilanka.insertUser(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cs.setLong(1, rec.getUSID()); cs.setString(2, rec.getFname()); cs.setString(3, rec.getLname()); cs.setString(4, rec.getAgeRange()); cs.setString(5, rec.getGender()); cs.setString(6, rec.getEmail()); cs.setString(7, rec.getPassword()); cs.setString(8, rec.getCountry()); cs.setString(9, rec.getUsertype()); cs.setString(10, rec.getAccountStatus()); int res = cs.executeUpdate(); if (res > 0) { flag = rec; } else { flag = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public void deleteSecGroup(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecuritySecGroupBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteSecGroup"; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtDeleteByPKey = null; try { long ClusterId = Buff.getRequiredClusterId(); int SecGroupId = Buff.getRequiredSecGroupId(); stmtDeleteByPKey = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".dl_secgrp( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, ClusterId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, SecGroupId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Buff.getRequiredRevision()); ; stmtDeleteByPKey.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (stmtDeleteByPKey != null) { try { stmtDeleteByPKey.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtDeleteByPKey = null; } } }
public void setLong(String parameterName, long x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { _stmt.setLong(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void setLong(String parameterName, long x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { ((CallableStatement) _stmt).setLong(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public List<String> invoiceCreatedAx(List<PanOrderLineDto> orderLines, String time) throws SQLException { List<String> createdInvoices = new ArrayList<String>(); CallableStatement callableStatement = null; try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(INVOICE_CREATED_AX_SQL); for (PanOrderLineDto orderLine : orderLines) { String invoiceNumber = "Bill-" + orderLine.getProgramId() + "-" + time; if (!createdInvoices.contains(invoiceNumber)) { createdInvoices.add(invoiceNumber); } callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setLong(2, orderLine.getId()); callableStatement.setString(3, invoiceNumber); callableStatement.setLong(4, orderLine.getTDOrgId()); callableStatement.setString(5, orderLine.getCurrencyId()); callableStatement.setString(6, orderLine.getAgreementId()); callableStatement.setString(7, orderLine.getRevenueType()); callableStatement.execute(); } connection.commit(); return createdInvoices; } catch (SQLException e) { connection.rollback(); throw e; } finally { if (callableStatement != null) { callableStatement.close(); } connection.setAutoCommit(true); } }
@Override public List<MotEmpConductor> findByCriterio(String criterio, String texto, Long empcodigoD) throws MotEmpConductorDaoException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<MotEmpConductor> list = new ArrayList<MotEmpConductor>(); try { conn = ResourceManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call SP_MOT_GET_LISTADO_CONDUCTORPORRITERIO;1(?,?,?)}"); stmt.setString(1, criterio); stmt.setString(2, texto); stmt.setLong(3, empcodigoD); boolean results = stmt.execute(); if (results) { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); MotPersona persona = null; MotConductor conductor = null; MotEmpConductor empresaconductor = null; // ??? while (rs.next()) { persona = new MotPersona(); persona.setPernombresV(rs.getString("Nombres")); persona.setPerpaternoV(rs.getString("Paterno")); persona.setPermaternoV(rs.getString("Materno")); persona.setPerdniV(rs.getString("DNI")); conductor = new MotConductor(); conductor.setConcodigoD(rs.getLong("CONDCODIGO")); conductor.setPersona(persona); empresaconductor = new MotEmpConductor(); empresaconductor.setMotosasignadasI(rs.getInt("Motos Asignadas")); empresaconductor.setEcofechainicioF(rs.getString("Fecha Inicio")); empresaconductor.setEcofechaceseF(rs.getString("Fecha Cese")); empresaconductor.setConductor(conductor); list.add(empresaconductor); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new MotEmpConductorDaoException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { ResourceManager.close(rs); ResourceManager.close(stmt); ResourceManager.close(conn); } return list; }
@Test public void testBadProcedureName() throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call Oopsy(?)}"); cs.setLong(1, 99); try { cs.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { // Since it's a GENERAL_ERROR we need to look for a string by pattern. assertEquals(e.getSQLState(), SQLError.GENERAL_ERROR); assertTrue(Pattern.matches(".*Procedure .* not found.*", e.getMessage())); } }
/** Sets the long */ @Override public void setLong(String parameterName, long x) throws SQLException { try { _cstmt.setLong(parameterName, x); } catch (SQLException e) { onSqlException(e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { onRuntimeException(e); throw e; } }
@Test public void testLostConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { // Break the current connection and try to execute a procedure call. CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call Oopsy(?)}"); stopServer(); cs.setLong(1, 99); try { cs.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertEquals(e.getSQLState(), SQLError.CONNECTION_FAILURE); } // Restore a working connection for any remaining tests startServer(); }
public long getClass(long objectId) throws PersistenceException { try { CallableStatement callable; callable = this.con.prepareCall("Begin ? := " + this.schemaName + ".SrvcFacade.getClass(?); end;"); callable.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER); callable.setLong(2, objectId); callable.execute(); long result = callable.getLong(1); callable.close(); return result; } catch (SQLException se) { throw new PersistenceException(se.getMessage(), se.getErrorCode()); } }
public long createGame(long gameCreator, String model, String filePath) { String sql = DatabaseProperties.getProperty("dominion.createGame"); long gameId = 0; try (CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(sql)) { int index = 0; cs.setLong(++index, gameCreator); cs.setString(++index, model); cs.setString(++index, filePath); cs.execute(); filePath = cs.getString(3); gameId = cs.getLong(4); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error adding user", e); } return gameId; }
public Map<String, String> updateTask(String taskStatus) { Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String status = "E"; String message = null; XxntcCsCalendarActivitiesEOVOImpl vo = getXxntcCsCalendarActivitiesEOVO2Update(); Row row = vo.getCurrentRow(); Date startTime = (Date) row.getAttribute("StartTime"); Date endTime = (Date) row.getAttribute("EndTime"); Number incidentId = (Number) row.getAttribute("IncidentId"); Number resourceId = (Number) row.getAttribute("ResourceId"); _logger.warning("Before Calling API"); _logger.warning("taskStatus:" + taskStatus.toString()); _logger.warning("startTime:" + startTime.toString()); _logger.warning("endTime:" + endTime.toString()); _logger.warning("incidentId:" + incidentId.toString()); _logger.warning("resourceId:" + resourceId.toString()); CallableStatement cs = null; String statement = "BEGIN XXNTC_CALENDAR_PKG.SCHEDULE_SR_PRC(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); END;"; try { cs = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(statement, 0); cs.registerOutParameter(6, Types.VARCHAR); cs.registerOutParameter(7, Types.VARCHAR); cs.setString(1, taskStatus); cs.setDate(2, startTime.dateValue()); cs.setDate(3, endTime.dateValue()); cs.setInt(4, incidentId.intValue()); cs.setLong(5, resourceId.longValue()); cs.executeUpdate(); status = cs.getString(6); message = cs.getString(7); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("Sql Exception during statement call", e); } finally { try { if (cs != null) cs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("Sql Exception While Closing Callable Statement", e); } } resultMap.put("x_status", status); resultMap.put("x_error_message", message); _logger.warning("After API is called"); _logger.warning("x_status:" + status); _logger.warning("x_error_message:" + message); return resultMap; }
@Override public void modificar(MotInteInventario inteInventario) throws MotInteInventarioDaoException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; try { conn = ResourceManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call SP_MOT_UPD_INTE_INVENTARIO;1(?,?,?,?)}"); stmt.setLong(1, inteInventario.getInternamiento().getIntcodigoD()); stmt.setInt(2, inteInventario.getInventarioTipo().getBitcodigoI()); stmt.setString(3, inteInventario.getBivestadoC()); stmt.setInt(4, inteInventario.getBivcantidadI()); stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MotInteInventarioDaoException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { ResourceManager.close(stmt); ResourceManager.close(conn); } }
public String setInvoiceStatus(String invoiceNumber, InvoiceStatusType invoiceStatus) throws SQLException { CallableStatement callableStatement = null; try { callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS_SQL); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setString(2, invoiceNumber); callableStatement.setLong(3, invoiceStatus.getId()); callableStatement.execute(); return callableStatement.getString(1); } finally { if (callableStatement != null) { callableStatement.close(); } } }
@Override public void insertar(MotInteInventario inteInventario) throws MotInteInventarioDaoException { Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; try { conn = ResourceManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call SP_MOT_INS_INTE_INVENTARIO;1(?,?,?,?,?)}"); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.DECIMAL); stmt.setLong(2, inteInventario.getInternamiento().getIntcodigoD()); stmt.setInt(3, inteInventario.getInventarioTipo().getBitcodigoI()); stmt.setString(4, inteInventario.getBivestadoC()); stmt.setInt(5, inteInventario.getBivcantidadI()); stmt.execute(); Long codigo = stmt.getLong(1); if (codigo != null) { inteInventario.setBivcodigoD(codigo); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MotInteInventarioDaoException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { ResourceManager.close(stmt); ResourceManager.close(conn); } }
public void updateAuditAction( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityAuditActionBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "updateAuditAction"; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtUpdateByPKey = null; List<CFSecurityAuditActionBuff> buffList = new LinkedList<CFSecurityAuditActionBuff>(); try { ICFSecuritySchema.AuditActionEnum AuditActionId = Buff.getRequiredAuditActionId(); String Description = Buff.getRequiredDescription(); int Revision = Buff.getRequiredRevision(); stmtUpdateByPKey = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".upd_auditaction( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "? ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtUpdateByPKey.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "AUDT"); stmtUpdateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, (short) AuditActionId.ordinal()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Description); stmtUpdateByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Revision); stmtUpdateByPKey.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtUpdateByPKey.getObject(1); if (resultSet != null) { try { if (resultSet.next()) { CFSecurityAuditActionBuff updatedBuff = unpackAuditActionResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if (resultSet.next()) { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredDescription(updatedBuff.getRequiredDescription()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(updatedBuff.getRequiredRevision()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "upd_auditaction() did not return a valid result cursor"); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "upd_auditaction() did not return a result cursor"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtUpdateByPKey != null) { try { stmtUpdateByPKey.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtUpdateByPKey = null; } } }
public CFSecurityAuditActionBuff readBuffByUDescrIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, String Description) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByUDescrIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx = null; try { stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".rd_auditactionbyudescridx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.setString(argIdx++, Description); stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.getObject(1); if (resultSet == null) { return (null); } try { if (resultSet.next()) { CFSecurityAuditActionBuff buff = unpackAuditActionResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if (resultSet.next()) { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx != null) { try { stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtReadBuffByUDescrIdx = null; } } }
public CFSecurityAuditActionBuff[] readAllBuff(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization) { final String S_ProcName = "readAllBuff"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtReadAllBuff = null; try { CFSecurityAuditActionBuff buff = null; List<CFSecurityAuditActionBuff> buffList = new LinkedList<CFSecurityAuditActionBuff>(); stmtReadAllBuff = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".rd_auditactionall( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtReadAllBuff.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtReadAllBuff.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadAllBuff.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadAllBuff.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadAllBuff.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadAllBuff.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadAllBuff.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtReadAllBuff.getObject(1); if (resultSet != null) { try { while (resultSet.next()) { buff = unpackAuditActionResultSetToBuff(resultSet); buffList.add(buff); } } catch (SQLException e) { // Oracle may return an invalid resultSet if the rowset is empty } } int idx = 0; CFSecurityAuditActionBuff[] retBuff = new CFSecurityAuditActionBuff[buffList.size()]; Iterator<CFSecurityAuditActionBuff> iter = buffList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { retBuff[idx++] = iter.next(); } return (retBuff); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtReadAllBuff != null) { try { stmtReadAllBuff.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtReadAllBuff = null; } } }
public CFSecurityAuditActionBuff lockBuff( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityAuditActionPKey PKey) { final String S_ProcName = "lockBuff"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtLockBuffByPKey = null; try { ICFSecuritySchema.AuditActionEnum AuditActionId = PKey.getRequiredAuditActionId(); stmtLockBuffByPKey = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".lck_auditaction( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtLockBuffByPKey.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, (short) AuditActionId.ordinal()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtLockBuffByPKey.getObject(1); if (resultSet == null) { return (null); } try { if (resultSet.next()) { CFSecurityAuditActionBuff buff = unpackAuditActionResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if (resultSet.next()) { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtLockBuffByPKey != null) { try { stmtLockBuffByPKey.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtLockBuffByPKey = null; } } }
public CFSecuritySecGroupBuff[] readBuffByClusterIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, long ClusterId) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByClusterIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); CallableStatement stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx = null; List<CFSecuritySecGroupBuff> buffList = new LinkedList<CFSecuritySecGroupBuff>(); try { stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".rd_secgrpbyclusteridx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.setLong(argIdx++, ClusterId); stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.getObject(1); if (resultSet != null) { try { while (resultSet.next()) { CFSecuritySecGroupBuff buff = unpackSecGroupResultSetToBuff(resultSet); buffList.add(buff); } try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } catch (SQLException e) { } } int idx = 0; CFSecuritySecGroupBuff[] retBuff = new CFSecuritySecGroupBuff[buffList.size()]; Iterator<CFSecuritySecGroupBuff> iter = buffList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { retBuff[idx++] = iter.next(); } return (retBuff); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx != null) { try { stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtReadBuffByClusterIdx = null; } } }
public void createSecGroup(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecuritySecGroupBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "createSecGroup"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; CallableStatement stmtCreateByPKey = null; try { long ClusterId = Buff.getRequiredClusterId(); String Name = Buff.getRequiredName(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); stmtCreateByPKey = cnx.prepareCall( "begin " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".crt_secgrp( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " ); end;"); int argIdx = 1; stmtCreateByPKey.registerOutParameter(argIdx++, OracleTypes.CURSOR); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "SGRP"); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, ClusterId); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Name); stmtCreateByPKey.execute(); resultSet = (ResultSet) stmtCreateByPKey.getObject(1); if (resultSet == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "crt_secgrp() did not return a result set"); } try { if (resultSet.next()) { CFSecuritySecGroupBuff createdBuff = unpackSecGroupResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if (resultSet.next()) { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredClusterId(createdBuff.getRequiredClusterId()); Buff.setRequiredSecGroupId(createdBuff.getRequiredSecGroupId()); Buff.setRequiredName(createdBuff.getRequiredName()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(createdBuff.getRequiredRevision()); Buff.setCreatedByUserId(createdBuff.getCreatedByUserId()); Buff.setCreatedAt(createdBuff.getCreatedAt()); Buff.setUpdatedByUserId(createdBuff.getUpdatedByUserId()); Buff.setUpdatedAt(createdBuff.getUpdatedAt()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "crt_secgrp() did not return a valid result set"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } if (stmtCreateByPKey != null) { try { stmtCreateByPKey.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } stmtCreateByPKey = null; } } }