public void encodeAsByteBuf(ByteBuf var1) { var1.writeByte(SUBNEGOTIATION_VERSION.byteValue()); var1.writeByte(this.username.length()); var1.writeBytes(this.username.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); var1.writeByte(this.password.length()); var1.writeBytes(this.password.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext chc, SubscribeMessage message, ByteBuf out) { if (message.subscriptions().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found a subscribe message with empty topics"); } if (message.getQos() != AbstractMessage.QOSType.LEAST_ONE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected a message with QOS 1, found " + message.getQos()); } ByteBuf variableHeaderBuff = chc.alloc().buffer(4); ByteBuf buff = null; try { variableHeaderBuff.writeShort(message.getMessageID()); for (SubscribeMessage.Couple c : message.subscriptions()) { variableHeaderBuff.writeBytes(Utils.encodeString(c.topicFilter)); variableHeaderBuff.writeByte(c.qos); } int variableHeaderSize = variableHeaderBuff.readableBytes(); byte flags = Utils.encodeFlags(message); buff = chc.alloc().buffer(2 + variableHeaderSize); buff.writeByte(AbstractMessage.SUBSCRIBE << 4 | flags); buff.writeBytes(Utils.encodeRemainingLength(variableHeaderSize)); buff.writeBytes(variableHeaderBuff); out.writeBytes(buff); } finally { variableHeaderBuff.release(); buff.release(); } }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, GamePacket msg, List<Object> out) { PacketType type = msg.getType(); int headerLength = 1; int payloadLength = msg.getLength(); if (type == PacketType.VARIABLE_BYTE) { headerLength++; if (payloadLength >= 256) { throw new IllegalStateException("Payload too long for variable byte packet"); } } else if (type == PacketType.VARIABLE_SHORT) { headerLength += 2; if (payloadLength >= 65536) { throw new IllegalStateException("Payload too long for variable short packet"); } } ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer(headerLength + payloadLength); buffer.writeByte((msg.getOpcode() + random.nextInt()) & 0xFF); if (type == PacketType.VARIABLE_BYTE) { buffer.writeByte(payloadLength); } else if (type == PacketType.VARIABLE_SHORT) { buffer.writeShort(payloadLength); } out.add(buffer.writeBytes(msg.getPayload())); }
public ByteBuf encode(NettyMessage msg) throws Exception { ByteBuf sendBuf = Unpooled.buffer(); sendBuf.writeInt((msg.getHeader().getCrcCode())); sendBuf.writeInt((msg.getHeader().getLength())); sendBuf.writeLong((msg.getHeader().getSessionID())); sendBuf.writeByte((msg.getHeader().getType())); sendBuf.writeByte((msg.getHeader().getPriority())); sendBuf.writeInt((msg.getHeader().getAttachment().size())); String key = null; byte[] keyArray = null; Object value = null; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> param : msg.getHeader().getAttachment().entrySet()) { key = param.getKey(); keyArray = key.getBytes("UTF-8"); sendBuf.writeInt(keyArray.length); sendBuf.writeBytes(keyArray); value = param.getValue(); marshallingEncoder.encode(value, sendBuf); } key = null; keyArray = null; value = null; if (msg.getBody() != null) { marshallingEncoder.encode(msg.getBody(), sendBuf); } else sendBuf.writeInt(0); sendBuf.setInt(4, sendBuf.readableBytes()); return sendBuf; }
@Test public void testDecode() { ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer(); // header buffer.writeByte(0); buffer.writeShort(1); buffer.writeByte(Integer.valueOf(240).byteValue()); buffer.writeInt(44); buffer.writeLong(1); buffer.writeLong(2); // attributes buffer.writeShort(4); buffer.writeInt(4); buffer.writeBytes("luo!".getBytes()); buffer.writeShort(5); buffer.writeInt(4); buffer.writeBytes("luo!".getBytes()); MockRelayMessage message = (MockRelayMessage) MessageFactory.getInstance().createMessage(buffer); Assert.assertEquals(message.version(), GenericMessage.VERSION); Assert.assertEquals(message.length(), Unsigned32.get(44L)); Assert.assertEquals(message.flag().get().isGroup(), true); Assert.assertEquals(message.flag().get().isRequest(), true); Assert.assertEquals(message.flag().get().isProxiable(), true); Assert.assertEquals(message.flag().get().isError(), true); assertEquals(message.code(), Unsigned16.get(1)); assertEquals(message.hopByHop(), Integer64.get(1L)); assertEquals(message.endToEnd(), Integer64.get(2L)); Assert.assertEquals(message.attribute(Unsigned16.get(4)).length(), Unsigned32.get(4L)); assertEquals(message.attribute(Unsigned16.get(4)).data().get(), "luo!"); Assert.assertEquals(message.attribute(Unsigned16.get(5)).length(), Unsigned32.get(4L)); assertEquals(message.attribute(Unsigned16.get(5)).data().get(), "luo!"); }
private static void encodeHeader(ByteBuf buf, String header, String value) { buf.writeBytes(header.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); buf.writeByte(COLON); buf.writeByte(SP); buf.writeBytes(value.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); buf.writeByte(CR); buf.writeByte(LF); }
/** * Puts a string into the buffer. * * @param str The string. */ public void putString(String str) { checkByteAccess(); char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); for (char c : chars) { buffer.writeByte((byte) c); } buffer.writeByte(0); }
public ByteBuf encode(ByteBuf buf, BlockChangeMessage message) throws IOException { buf.writeInt(message.getX()); buf.writeByte(message.getY()); buf.writeInt(message.getZ()); ByteBufUtils.writeVarInt(buf, message.getType()); buf.writeByte(message.getMetadata()); return buf; }
public void writeData(ByteBuf data) { data.writeByte(getDataTypeID()); data.writeShort(id); data.writeShort(getDataFlags()); data.writeByte(getDataSides()); data.writeFloat(dX); data.writeFloat(dY); data.writeFloat(dZ); }
@Override public ByteBuf encode() { ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer(calculateLength()); buf.writeByte(getFunctionCode()); buf.writeByte(byteCount); for (int i = 0; i < registers.length; i++) { buf.writeShort(registers[i]); } return buf; }
@Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(x); buf.writeInt(y); buf.writeInt(z); buf.writeByte(orientation); buf.writeByte(state); buf.writeInt(customName.length()); buf.writeBytes(customName.getBytes()); buf.writeInt(owner.length()); buf.writeBytes(owner.getBytes()); }
@Override protected void encode( ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, ByteBuf responseBuf, ByteBuf fullResponse) throws Exception { fullResponse.writeByte(NetConst.NET_HEAD1); // 头 fullResponse.writeShort(responseBuf.readableBytes() + 3); // 2 for 包号 | 3 for token ,foot fullResponse.writeBytes(responseBuf); fullResponse.writeShort(NetConst.NET_TOKEN); fullResponse.writeByte(NetConst.NET_FOOT); }
void write(ByteBuf out) { out.writeByte(minX); out.writeByte(minY); out.writeByte(minZ); out.writeByte(maxX); out.writeByte(maxY); out.writeByte(maxZ); out.writeShort(Block.getIdFromBlock(icon_id)); out.writeByte(icon_md); out.writeByte(icon_side); quat.write(out); }
@Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { super.toBytes(buf); if (mat != null) { buf.writeByte(0); buf.writeByte(mat.ordinal()); } else if (enchant >= 0) { buf.writeByte(1); buf.writeShort(enchant); } else { buf.writeByte(2); } }
private void processUtf8(ByteBuf in, ByteBuf out, boolean jsonpMode) { while (in.isReadable()) { short value = (short) (in.readByte() & 0xFF); if (value >>> 7 == 0) { if (jsonpMode && (value == '\\' || value == '\'')) { out.writeByte('\\'); } out.writeByte(value); } else { out.writeByte(((value >>> 6) | 0xC0)); out.writeByte(((value & 0x3F) | 0x80)); } } }
@Override public void writeBytes(ByteBuf bytes) { width = array[0].length; height = array.length; bytes.writeByte(width); bytes.writeByte(height); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { bytes.writeByte(array[y][x]); } } }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Event event, List<Object> out) throws Exception { ByteBuf msg = null; if (null != event.getSource()) { LOG.trace("Event class: {}", event.getClass()); ByteBuf buf = ctx.alloc().buffer(1); buf.writeByte(event.getType()); msg = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(buf, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(msgPack.write(event.getSource()))); } else { msg = ctx.alloc().buffer(1); msg.writeByte(event.getType()); } out.add(msg); }
@Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(posX); buf.writeInt(posY); buf.writeInt(posZ); buf.writeInt(data.size()); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Object obj = data.get(i); if (obj instanceof Character) { buf.writeByte(0x00); buf.writeChar((Character) obj); } else if (obj instanceof String) { buf.writeByte(0x01); writeString(buf, (String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Float) { buf.writeByte(0x02); buf.writeFloat((Float) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { buf.writeByte(0x03); buf.writeDouble((Double) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Byte) { buf.writeByte(0x04); buf.writeByte((Byte) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { buf.writeByte(0x05); buf.writeLong((Long) obj); } else { buf.writeByte(0x0F); buf.writeInt((Integer) obj); } } }
@Override public void writeData(ByteBuf data) { super.writeData(data); ByteBuf tmpState = Unpooled.buffer(); tmpState.writeByte(stateList.size()); for (StateWithId stateWithId : stateList) { tmpState.writeByte(stateWithId.stateId); stateWithId.state.writeData(tmpState); } data.writeInt(tmpState.readableBytes()); data.writeBytes(tmpState.readBytes(tmpState.readableBytes())); }
@Override public void write(ByteBuf bb, OFBsnBwEnableSetRequestVer11 message) { // fixed value property version = 2 bb.writeByte((byte) 0x2); // fixed value property type = 4 bb.writeByte((byte) 0x4); // fixed value property length = 20 bb.writeShort((short) 0x14); bb.writeInt(U32.t(message.xid)); // fixed value property experimenter = 0x5c16c7L bb.writeInt(0x5c16c7); // fixed value property subtype = 0x12L bb.writeInt(0x12); bb.writeInt(U32.t(message.enable)); }
private ByteBuf encodeResponse(ResponseSocketBlock resMsg) { ByteBuf bodyBuf = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(); // // * --------------------------------------------------------bytes =8 // * byte[2] status 响应状态 bodyBuf.writeShort(resMsg.getStatus()); // * byte[2] serializeType-(attr-index) 序列化策略 bodyBuf.writeShort(resMsg.getSerializeType()); // * byte[2] returnType-(attr-index) 返回类型 bodyBuf.writeShort(resMsg.getReturnType()); // * byte[2] returnData-(attr-index) 返回数据 bodyBuf.writeShort(resMsg.getReturnData()); // * --------------------------------------------------------bytes =1 ~ 1021 // * byte[1] optionCount 选项参数总数 int[] optionMapping = resMsg.getOptions(); bodyBuf.writeByte(optionMapping.length); for (int i = 0; i < optionMapping.length; i++) { // * byte[4] ptype-0-(attr-index,attr-index) 选项参数1 // * byte[4] ptype-1-(attr-index,attr-index) 选项参数2 bodyBuf.writeInt(optionMapping[i]); } // * --------------------------------------------------------bytes =6 ~ 8192 // * byte[2] attrPool-size (Max = 2047) 池大小 0x07FF int[] poolData = resMsg.getPoolData(); bodyBuf.writeShort(poolData.length); for (int i = 0; i < poolData.length; i++) { // * byte[4] ptype-0-(attr-index,attr-index) 属性1大小 // * byte[4] ptype-1-(attr-index,attr-index) 属性2大小 bodyBuf.writeInt(poolData[i]); } // * --------------------------------------------------------bytes =n // * dataBody 数据内容 resMsg.fillTo(bodyBuf); return bodyBuf; }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, OnDemandResponse response, List<Object> out) { FileDescriptor descriptor = response.getFileDescriptor(); int fileSize = response.getFileSize(); int chunkId = response.getChunkId(); ByteBuf chunkData = response.getChunkData(); ByteBuf buffer = ctx.alloc().buffer(6 + chunkData.readableBytes()); buffer.writeByte(descriptor.getType() - 1); buffer.writeShort(descriptor.getFile()); buffer.writeShort(fileSize); buffer.writeByte(chunkId); buffer.writeBytes(chunkData); out.add(buffer); }
public MsgEchoPeerHandler(final int messageSize) { final ByteBuf byteBuf = Unpooled.buffer(messageSize); for (int i = 0; i < byteBuf.capacity(); i++) { byteBuf.writeByte((byte) i); } message = new UdtMessage(byteBuf); }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, TransportFrame frame, ByteBuf out) throws Exception { out.writeByte('E'); out.writeByte('Q'); out.writeInt(frame.version().id); out.writeLong(frame.request()); if (frame instanceof StreamableTransportFrame) { // message request // skip size header int sizePos = out.writerIndex(); out.writerIndex(out.writerIndex() + 4); try (StreamOutput output = streamService.output(out)) { Streamable message = ((StreamableTransportFrame) frame).message(); output.writeClass(message.getClass()); output.writeStreamable(message); } int size = out.writerIndex() - sizePos - 4; out.setInt(sizePos, size); } else { // ping request out.writeInt(0); } }
/** Creates a client-side handler. */ public EchoClientHandler() { firstMessage = Unpooled.buffer(EchoClient.SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < firstMessage.capacity(); i++) { firstMessage.writeByte((byte) i); } System.out.println(firstMessage.toString()); }
@Override public void write(ByteBuf bb, OFMeterFeaturesStatsReplyVer14 message) { // fixed value property version = 5 bb.writeByte((byte) 0x5); // fixed value property type = 19 bb.writeByte((byte) 0x13); // fixed value property length = 32 bb.writeShort((short) 0x20); bb.writeInt(U32.t(message.xid)); // fixed value property statsType = 11 bb.writeShort((short) 0xb); OFStatsReplyFlagsSerializerVer14.writeTo(bb, message.flags); // pad: 4 bytes bb.writeZero(4); message.features.writeTo(bb); }
public ByteEchoPeerHandler(final int messageSize) { super(false); message = Unpooled.buffer(messageSize); for (int i = 0; i < message.capacity(); i++) { message.writeByte((byte) i); } }
public ByteBuf write(ByteBuf buffer) { int size = calcPacketSize(); BufferUtil.writeUB3(buffer, size); buffer.writeByte(packetId); writeBody(buffer); return buffer; }
// api public PacketMatterCannon(double x, double y, double z, float dx, float dy, float dz, byte len) { float dl = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; float dlz = (float) Math.sqrt(dl); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.dx = dx / dlz; this.dy = dy / dlz; = dz / dlz; this.len = len; ByteBuf data = Unpooled.buffer(); data.writeInt(this.getPacketID()); data.writeFloat((float) x); data.writeFloat((float) y); data.writeFloat((float) z); data.writeFloat((float) this.dx); data.writeFloat((float) this.dy); data.writeFloat((float); data.writeByte(len); this.configureWrite(data); }
protected void writeContent(StompFrame frame, ByteBuf buffer) { if (frame instanceof StompContentFrame) { ByteBuf content = ((StompContentFrame) frame).content(); buffer.writeBytes(content); } buffer.writeByte(NULL); }