@Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { x = buf.readDouble(); y = buf.readDouble(); z = buf.readDouble(); }
@Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { this.posX = buf.readDouble(); this.posY = buf.readDouble(); this.posZ = buf.readDouble(); this.strength = buf.readFloat(); this.showParticles = buf.readBoolean(); }
@Override public void decodeInto(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) { this.dim = buffer.readInt(); this.x = buffer.readInt(); this.y = buffer.readInt(); this.z = buffer.readInt(); this.rotation = buffer.readDouble(); this.scale = buffer.readDouble(); }
public PositionRotationMessage decode(ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { double x = buffer.readDouble(); double y = buffer.readDouble(); double z = buffer.readDouble(); float rotation = buffer.readFloat(); float pitch = buffer.readFloat(); boolean onGround = buffer.readBoolean(); return new PositionRotationMessage(x, y, z, rotation, pitch, onGround); }
public PlayerPositionLookMessage decode(ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { double x = buffer.readDouble(); double y = buffer.readDouble(); double headY = buffer.readDouble(); double z = buffer.readDouble(); float yaw = buffer.readFloat(); float pitch = buffer.readFloat(); boolean onGround = buffer.readBoolean(); return new PlayerPositionLookMessage(onGround, x, y, headY, z, yaw, pitch); }
@Override public void handlePacketData(ByteBuf dataStream) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { int type = dataStream.readInt(); switch (type) { case 0: if (getReactor() != null) getReactor().setInjectionRate(dataStream.readInt()); break; } return; } super.handlePacketData(dataStream); if (worldObj.isRemote) { boolean formed = dataStream.readBoolean(); if (formed) { if (getReactor() == null || !((FusionReactor) getReactor()).formed) { Mekanism.proxy.doGenericSparkle( this, new INodeChecker() { @Override public boolean isNode(TileEntity tile) { return tile instanceof TileEntityReactorBlock; } }); } if (getReactor() == null) { setReactor(new FusionReactor(this)); MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } ((FusionReactor) getReactor()).formed = true; getReactor().setPlasmaTemp(dataStream.readDouble()); getReactor().setCaseTemp(dataStream.readDouble()); getReactor().setInjectionRate(dataStream.readInt()); getReactor().setBurning(dataStream.readBoolean()); fuelTank.setGas(new GasStack(GasRegistry.getGas("fusionFuelDT"), dataStream.readInt())); deuteriumTank.setGas(new GasStack(GasRegistry.getGas("deuterium"), dataStream.readInt())); tritiumTank.setGas(new GasStack(GasRegistry.getGas("tritium"), dataStream.readInt())); waterTank.setCapacity(dataStream.readInt()); waterTank.setFluid(new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.getFluid("water"), dataStream.readInt())); steamTank.setCapacity(dataStream.readInt()); steamTank.setFluid(new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.getFluid("steam"), dataStream.readInt())); } else if (getReactor() != null) { setReactor(null); MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } } }
@Override public ServerPacket onMessage(ClientPacket message, MessageContext ctx) { ByteBuf buffer = message.buffer; byte mess = buffer.readByte(); if (mess == 0) { double y = buffer.readDouble(); double dy = buffer.readDouble(); EntityPlayer player = ThutCore.proxy.getPlayer(); y += player.getYOffset(); player.motionY = Math.max(dy, player.motionY); ThutCore.proxy.getPlayer().setPosition(player.posX, y, player.posZ); } return null; }
@Override public void decodeFrom(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { target = readDimensionPosFromBuffer(buffer); this.type = buffer.readInt(); this.duration = buffer.readDouble(); this.args = decodePrimitiveArrayFrom(buffer); }
@Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { posX = buf.readInt(); posY = buf.readInt(); posZ = buf.readInt(); int size = buf.readInt(); data = new ArrayList(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { byte tag = buf.readByte(); if (tag == 0x00) { data.add(buf.readChar()); } else if (tag == 0x01) { data.add(readString(buf)); } else if (tag == 0x02) { data.add(buf.readFloat()); } else if (tag == 0x03) { data.add(buf.readDouble()); } else if (tag == 0x04) { data.add(buf.readByte()); } else if (tag == 0x05) { data.add(buf.readLong()); } else { data.add(buf.readInt()); } } }
@Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { this.vehicleID = buf.readInt(); this.posX = buf.readDouble(); this.posY = buf.readDouble(); this.posZ = buf.readDouble(); this.motX = buf.readDouble(); this.motY = buf.readDouble(); this.motZ = buf.readDouble(); this.yaw = buf.readFloat(); this.pitch = buf.readFloat(); this.roll = buf.readFloat(); this.throttle = buf.readDouble(); this.steeringAngle = buf.readFloat(); this.ticksSinceEntered = buf.readInt(); this.ticksSinceLeft = buf.readInt(); }
@Override public void handlePacketData(ByteBuf dataStream) { super.handlePacketData(dataStream); if (worldObj.isRemote) { producingEnergy = dataStream.readDouble(); lastTransferLoss = dataStream.readDouble(); lastEnvironmentLoss = dataStream.readDouble(); int amount = dataStream.readInt(); if (amount != 0) { lavaTank.setFluid(new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.LAVA, amount)); } else { lavaTank.setFluid(null); } } }
@Override public void readConfig(ByteBuf dataStream) throws IOException { generators.advancedSolarGeneration = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.bioGeneration = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.heatGeneration = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.heatGenerationLava = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.heatGenerationNether = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.solarGeneration = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.windGenerationMin = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.windGenerationMax = dataStream.readDouble(); generators.windGenerationMinY = dataStream.readInt(); generators.windGenerationMaxY = dataStream.readInt(); }
public double getDouble() { return data.readDouble(); }
/** * Creates a new vector from the packet information in the byte buffer. * * @param buf Buffer to read from */ public static Vector fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { return new Vector(buf.readDouble(), buf.readDouble(), buf.readDouble()); }
@Override public double readDouble() { return buf.readDouble(); }
@Override public void readSpawnData(ByteBuf data) { setPos(data.readDouble(), data.readDouble(), data.readDouble()); }
@Override public void decodePacketdata(ByteBuf buffer) { super.decodePacketdata(buffer); this.fuelTank.setFluid(new FluidStack(GCFluids.fluidFuel, buffer.readInt())); this.landing = buffer.readBoolean(); this.destinationFrequency = buffer.readInt(); if (buffer.readBoolean()) { this.targetVec = new BlockPos(buffer.readInt(), buffer.readInt(), buffer.readInt()); } this.motionX = buffer.readDouble() / 8000.0D; this.motionY = buffer.readDouble() / 8000.0D; this.motionZ = buffer.readDouble() / 8000.0D; this.lastMotionY = buffer.readDouble() / 8000.0D; this.lastLastMotionY = buffer.readDouble() / 8000.0D; if (this.cargoItems == null) { this.cargoItems = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]; } this.setWaitForPlayer(buffer.readBoolean()); this.statusMessage = ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buffer); this.statusMessage = this.statusMessage.equals("") ? null : this.statusMessage; this.statusMessageCooldown = buffer.readInt(); this.lastStatusMessageCooldown = buffer.readInt(); this.statusValid = buffer.readBoolean(); // Update client with correct rider if needed if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { int shouldBeMountedId = buffer.readInt(); if (this.riddenByEntity == null) { if (shouldBeMountedId > -1) { Entity e = FMLClientHandler.instance().getWorldClient().getEntityByID(shouldBeMountedId); if (e != null) { if (e.dimension != this.dimension) { if (e instanceof EntityPlayer) { e = WorldUtil.forceRespawnClient( this.dimension, e.worldObj.getDifficulty().getDifficultyId(), e.worldObj.getWorldInfo().getTerrainType().getWorldTypeName(), ((EntityPlayerMP) e).theItemInWorldManager.getGameType().getID()); e.mountEntity(this); } } else e.mountEntity(this); } } } else if (this.riddenByEntity.getEntityId() != shouldBeMountedId) { if (shouldBeMountedId == -1) { this.riddenByEntity.mountEntity(null); } else { Entity e = FMLClientHandler.instance().getWorldClient().getEntityByID(shouldBeMountedId); if (e != null) { if (e.dimension != this.dimension) { if (e instanceof EntityPlayer) { e = WorldUtil.forceRespawnClient( this.dimension, e.worldObj.getDifficulty().getDifficultyId(), e.worldObj.getWorldInfo().getTerrainType().getWorldTypeName(), ((EntityPlayerMP) e).theItemInWorldManager.getGameType().getID()); e.mountEntity(this); } } else e.mountEntity(this); } } } } this.statusColour = ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buffer); if (this.statusColour.equals("")) this.statusColour = null; }