private void displayCurrentPatch( FImage unwarped, float unwarpedx, float unwarpedy, FImage warped, int warpedx, int warpedy, Matrix transform, float scale) { DisplayUtilities.createNamedWindow("warpunwarp", "Warped and Unwarped Image", true); logger.debug("Displaying patch"); float resizeScale = 5f; float warppedPatchScale = resizeScale; ResizeProcessor patchSizer = new ResizeProcessor(resizeScale); FImage warppedPatchGrey = warped.process(patchSizer); MBFImage warppedPatch = new MBFImage(warppedPatchGrey.clone(), warppedPatchGrey.clone(), warppedPatchGrey.clone()); float x = warpedx * warppedPatchScale; float y = warpedy * warppedPatchScale; float r = scale * warppedPatchScale; warppedPatch.createRenderer().drawShape(new Ellipse(x, y, r, r, 0), RGBColour.RED); warppedPatch.createRenderer().drawPoint(new Point2dImpl(x, y), RGBColour.RED, 3); FImage unwarppedPatchGrey = unwarped.clone(); MBFImage unwarppedPatch = new MBFImage( unwarppedPatchGrey.clone(), unwarppedPatchGrey.clone(), unwarppedPatchGrey.clone()); unwarppedPatch = unwarppedPatch.process(patchSizer); float unwarppedPatchScale = resizeScale; x = unwarpedx * unwarppedPatchScale; y = unwarpedy * unwarppedPatchScale; // Matrix sm = state.selected.secondMoments; // float scale = state.selected.scale * unwarppedPatchScale; // Ellipse e = EllipseUtilities.ellipseFromSecondMoments(x, y, sm, scale*2); Ellipse e = EllipseUtilities.fromTransformMatrix2x2(transform, x, y, scale * unwarppedPatchScale); unwarppedPatch.createRenderer().drawShape(e, RGBColour.BLUE); unwarppedPatch.createRenderer().drawPoint(new Point2dImpl(x, y), RGBColour.RED, 3); // give the patch a border (10px, black) warppedPatch = warppedPatch.padding(5, 5, RGBColour.BLACK); unwarppedPatch = unwarppedPatch.padding(5, 5, RGBColour.BLACK); MBFImage displayArea = warppedPatch.newInstance(warppedPatch.getWidth() * 2, warppedPatch.getHeight()); displayArea.createRenderer().drawImage(warppedPatch, 0, 0); displayArea.createRenderer().drawImage(unwarppedPatch, warppedPatch.getWidth(), 0); DisplayUtilities.displayName(displayArea, "warpunwarp"); logger.debug("Done"); }
/** * Default main * * @param args Command-line arguments */ public static void main(final String[] args) { // Open the audio stream final XuggleAudio a = new XuggleAudio( AudioWaveformPlotter.class.getResource( "/org/openimaj/demos/audio/140bpm_formware_psytech.mp3")); // This is how wide we're going to draw the display final int w = 1920; // This is how high we'll draw the display final int h = 200; final MBFImage img = a, w, h, new Float[] {0f, 0f, 0f, 1f}, new Float[] {1f, 1f, 1f, 1f}); // Write the image to a file. try { ImageUtilities.write(img, "png", new File("audioWaveform.png")); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Display the image DisplayUtilities.display(img); }
/** * Testing * * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FImage image = ImageUtilities.readF(new File("/Users/jsh2/Desktop/image.png")); FImage template = image.extractROI(100, 100, 100, 100); image.fill(0f); image.drawImage(template, 100, 100); TemplateMatcher matcher = new TemplateMatcher(template, Mode.CORRELATION); matcher.setSearchBounds(new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200)); image.analyseWith(matcher); DisplayUtilities.display(matcher.responseMap.normalise()); MBFImage cimg = image.toRGB(); for (FValuePixel p : matcher.getBestResponses(10)) { System.out.println(p); cimg.drawPoint(p, RGBColour.RED, 1); } cimg.drawShape(matcher.getSearchBounds(), RGBColour.BLUE); cimg.drawShape(new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100), RGBColour.GREEN); DisplayUtilities.display(cimg); }
/** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FImage img1, img2; int nFeatures = 100; TrackingContext tc = new TrackingContext(); FeatureList fl = new FeatureList(nFeatures); KLTTracker tracker = new KLTTracker(tc, fl); System.out.println(tc); img1 = ImageUtilities.readF(Example1.class.getResourceAsStream("img0.pgm")); img2 = ImageUtilities.readF(Example1.class.getResourceAsStream("img1.pgm")); tracker.selectGoodFeatures(img1); System.out.println("\nIn first image:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < fl.features.length; i++) { System.out.format( "Feature #%d: (%f,%f) with value of %d\n", i, fl.features[i].x, fl.features[i].y, fl.features[i].val); } DisplayUtilities.display(fl.drawFeatures(img1)); fl.writeFeatureList(null, "%3d"); tracker.trackFeatures(img1, img2); System.out.println("\nIn second image:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < fl.features.length; i++) { System.out.format( "Feature #%d: (%f,%f) with value of %d\n", i, fl.features[i].x, fl.features[i].y, fl.features[i].val); } DisplayUtilities.display(fl.drawFeatures(img2)); fl.writeFeatureList(null, "%5.1f"); }
/** * an example run * * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { float sd = 5; float si = 1.4f * sd; HessianIPD ipd = new HessianIPD(sd, si); FImage img = ImageUtilities.readF( AffineAdaption.class.getResourceAsStream("/org/openimaj/image/data/sinaface.jpg")); // img = img.multiply(255f); // ipd.findInterestPoints(img); // List<InterestPointData> a = ipd.getInterestPoints(1F/(256*256)); // // System.out.println("Found " + a.size() + " features"); // // AffineAdaption adapt = new AffineAdaption(); // EllipticKeyPoint kpt = new EllipticKeyPoint(); MBFImage outImg = new MBFImage(img.clone(), img.clone(), img.clone()); // for (InterestPointData d : a) { // //// InterestPointData d = new InterestPointData(); //// d.x = 102; //// d.y = 396; //"Keypoint at: " + d.x + ", " + d.y); // = si; // kpt.centre = new Pixel(d.x, d.y); // kpt.size = 2 * 3 *; // // boolean converge = adapt.calcAffineAdaptation(img, kpt); // if(converge) // { // outImg.drawShape(new // Ellipse(kpt.centre.x,kpt.centre.y,kpt.axes.getX(),kpt.axes.getY(),kpt.phi), RGBColour.BLUE); // outImg.drawPoint(kpt.centre, RGBColour.RED,3); // } // // // //"... converged: "+ converge); // } AffineAdaption adapt = new AffineAdaption(ipd, new IPDSelectionMode.Count(100)); adapt.findInterestPoints(img); InterestPointVisualiser<Float[], MBFImage> ipv = InterestPointVisualiser.visualiseInterestPoints(outImg, adapt.points); DisplayUtilities.display(ipv.drawPatches(RGBColour.BLUE, RGBColour.RED)); }
private void displayFrame(FImage image) { DisplayUtilities.displayName(image, "inputFrame"); }