/** * given a sentence, returns a new version of it which is lowercased and strips everything except * letters and digit from it */ public static String canonicalizeSentence(String sentence) { if (sentence == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (char ch : sentence.toCharArray()) if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) { sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } return sb.toString(); }
/** writes out csv stats as an encrypted file in RESULTS_DIR/<userid>/filename */ public void logStats(String filename, boolean nullClues) { Indexer.IndexStats stats = archive.getIndexStats(); StringBuilder statsLog = new StringBuilder(); Pair<String, String> indexStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(stats, true); Pair<String, String> addressBookStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(archive.addressBook.getStats(), true); Pair<String, String> studyStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(stats, true); Pair<String, String> archiveStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(archive.stats, true); statsLog.append( "STUDYSTATS-1: " + studyStats.getFirst() + indexStats.getFirst() + addressBookStats.getFirst() + archiveStats.getFirst() + "\n"); statsLog.append( "STUDYSTATS-2: " + studyStats.getSecond() + indexStats.getSecond() + addressBookStats.getSecond() + archiveStats.getSecond() + "\n"); int idx = 1; for (MemoryQuestion mq : this.getQuestions()) { if (nullClues) mq.clue.clue = null; Pair<String, String> p = Util.fieldsToCSV(mq.clue.clueStats, true); Pair<String, String> p1 = Util.fieldsToCSV(mq.stats, true); if (idx == 1) statsLog.append( "QUESTIONSTATS-header: " + p.getFirst() + ',' + p1.getFirst() + "correct answer, user answer, user answer before hint, clue" + "\n"); // statsLog.append("QUESTIONSTATS-2: " + p.getSecond() + ',' + p1.getSecond() + // mq.correctAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswerBeforeHint + "," + // mq.clue.clue.replaceAll(",", " ") + "\n"); statsLog.append( "QUESTIONSTATS-2: " + p.getSecond() + ',' + p1.getSecond() + mq.correctAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswerBeforeHint + "\n"); idx = idx + 1; } String RESULTS_DIR = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "results" + File.separator + this.stats.userid; new File(RESULTS_DIR).mkdirs(); String file = RESULTS_DIR + File.separator + filename; try { CryptoUtils.writeEncryptedBytes(statsLog.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), file); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Util.print_exception(e, log); } catch (Exception e) { Util.print_exception("NOC ERROR: encryption failed!", e, log); } log.info(statsLog); }