private void updateList() { // Log.v( TopoDroidApp.TAG, "ItemPickerDialog ... updateList type " + mItemType ); switch (mItemType) { case DrawingActivity.SYMBOL_POINT: // if ( TDSetting.mLevelOverBasic ) { mAdapter = mPointAdapter; mBTpoint .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#ccccff"), PorterDuff.Mode.LIGHTEN); mBTline .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mBTarea .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mSeekBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); setSeekBarProgress(); } break; case DrawingActivity.SYMBOL_LINE: mAdapter = mLineAdapter; mBTpoint .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mBTline .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#ccccff"), PorterDuff.Mode.LIGHTEN); mBTarea.getBackground().setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mSeekBar.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); break; case DrawingActivity.SYMBOL_AREA: // if ( TDSetting.mLevelOverBasic ) { mAdapter = mAreaAdapter; mBTpoint .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mBTline .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#cccccc"), PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN); mBTarea .getBackground() .setColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#ccccff"), PorterDuff.Mode.LIGHTEN); mSeekBar.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } break; } if (mAdapter != null) { if (mList != null) { mList.setAdapter(mAdapter); mList.invalidate(); } else if (mGrid != null) { mGrid.setAdapter(mAdapter); mGrid.invalidate(); } } }
// construct the linear gradient from XML public RadialGradient(XMLUtility XMLUtility, Node root) throws ParseException { // get the transformation matrix Node matrixNode = XMLUtility.findNode(root, "Matrix"); TransformationMatrix m = new TransformationMatrix(XMLUtility, matrixNode); fCenterX = m.getTranslateX(); fCenterY = m.getTranslateY(); double radius1 = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[0][0]; // a double radius2 = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[1][1]; // d if (radius1 == radius2) // circle { fRadius = radius1; } else // oval { // this is a stab in the dark at a filthy hack // I think 'a' and 'c' in the transform are modifiers for the radius of the ellipse // can't find any documentation on this, and for the flas I'm working with this // looks acceptable fRadius = 819.2 * m.getMatrix()[1][0]; // c } // get the gradient entries Vector<Node> nodes = XMLUtility.findNodes(root, "GradientEntry"); for (Node node : nodes) { double ratio = XMLUtility.getDoubleAttribute(node, "ratio", 0.0); String colorCode = XMLUtility.getAttribute(node, "color", "#000000"); Color color = Color.parseColor(colorCode); color.setAlpha(XMLUtility.getDoubleAttribute(node, "alpha", 1.0)); fColorStops.add(new ColorStop(ratio, color)); } }
@Test public void testConfigure() throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); String param1 = "this is a test."; String param2 = Plot.RenderMode.USE_BACKGROUND_THREAD.toString(); String param3 = "#FF0000"; params.put("title", param1); params.put("renderMode", param2); params.put("backgroundPaint.color", param3); params.put("graphWidget.domainTickLabelPaint.color", param3); Configurator.configure(RuntimeEnvironment.application, plot, params); assertEquals(param1, plot.getTitle()); assertEquals(Plot.RenderMode.USE_BACKGROUND_THREAD, plot.getRenderMode()); assertEquals(Color.parseColor(param3), plot.getBackgroundPaint().getColor()); assertEquals( Color.parseColor(param3), plot.getGraphWidget().getDomainTickLabelPaint().getColor()); }
public boolean play(Canvas out, Context context) { float aspect = out.getHeight() * 1.0f / out.getWidth(); int width = 1000; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, Math.round(width * aspect), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap); bounds = c.getClipBounds(); windowBounds = out.getClipBounds(); if (paint == null) { String currentSize = Shared.getOptionAtribute( context.getString(R.string.FontSize), getString(R.string.current), context); String textColour = Shared.getOptionAtribute( context.getString(R.string.Colours), getString(R.string.text), context); paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor( Color.parseColor( Shared.getOption(context.getString(R.string.Colours) + "/" + textColour, context) .getTextContent())); paint.setTextSize( new Integer( Shared.getOption(context.getString(R.string.FontSize) + "/" + currentSize, context) .getTextContent())); String font = Shared.getOptionAtribute( getString(R.string.Font), getString(R.string.current), getApplicationContext()); Typeface face = Typeface.createFromAsset( getAssets(), Shared.getOption(getString(R.string.Font) + "/" + font, getApplicationContext()) .getTextContent()); paint.setTypeface(face); } c.drawText("tap the screen", 50, 50, paint); c.drawText("to start", 50, 100, paint); c.drawText("the test.", 50, 150, paint); c.drawText("Pick the Months", 50, 200, paint); c.drawText("in reverse order", 50, 250, paint); // c.drawText("",50,300,paint); out.drawBitmap(bitmap, c.getClipBounds(), out.getClipBounds(), paint); return finished; }
private void initColor(final AttributeSet attrs) { if (attrs != null) { String v = attrs.getAttributeValue("", "background"); if (v != null) { if (v.startsWith("#")) { background = Color.parseColor(v); } else { background = getResources().getColor(Integer.parseInt(v.replaceAll("@", ""))); } } } setBackgroundResource(android.R.color.transparent); paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(background); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); padding = getPaddingLeft(); setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); }
public ShowcaseView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // Get the attributes for the ShowcaseView final TypedArray styled = context .getTheme() .obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.ShowcaseView, R.attr.showcaseViewStyle,; backColor = styled.getInt(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_backgroundColor, Color.argb(128, 80, 80, 80)); detailTextColor = styled.getColor(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_detailTextColor, Color.WHITE); titleTextColor = styled.getColor(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_titleTextColor, Color.parseColor("#49C0EC")); buttonText = styled.getString(R.styleable.ShowcaseView_sv_buttonText); styled.recycle(); metricScale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mEndButton = (Button) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.showcase_button, null); ConfigOptions options = new ConfigOptions(); options.showcaseId = getId(); setConfigOptions(options); }
@Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { int margeLeft, margeRight, margeTop, margeBot, line, calcLine, part; if (canvas.getWidth() > canvas.getHeight()) { ref = (int) (canvas.getHeight() * 0.85); margin = (int) (canvas.getHeight() * 0.15); } else { ref = (int) (canvas.getWidth() * 0.85); margin = (int) (canvas.getWidth() * 0.15); } part = ref / NB_SQUARE_PAR_LINE; line = -1; int size = (int) Math.pow(NB_SQUARE_PAR_LINE, 2); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ISquare square = chessboard.get(i); calcLine = (i - i % NB_SQUARE_PAR_LINE) / NB_SQUARE_PAR_LINE; margeTop = calcLine * part + margin / 2; if (calcLine != line) { line = calcLine; margeLeft = margin / 2; } else { margeLeft = margin / 2 + part * (i % NB_SQUARE_PAR_LINE); } margeBot = margeTop + part; margeRight = margeLeft + part; if ((line + i) % 2 == 1) { paintSquare.setColor(Color.parseColor("#a7823d")); } else { paintSquare.setColor(Color.parseColor("#e6e6ff")); } Rect rect = new Rect(margeLeft, margeTop, margeRight, margeBot); canvas.drawRect(rect, paintSquare); int status = square.getStatus(); if (status != ISquare.STATUS_DEFAULT) { int border_margin = (int) (part * 0.08); int inner_margin; switch (status) { case (ISquare.STATUS_SELECTED): paintStatus.setColor(Color.parseColor("#0034E1")); // "#FFA200")); paintStatus.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paintStatus.setStrokeWidth(border_margin); inner_margin = border_margin / 2; rectF.set( margeLeft + inner_margin, margeTop + inner_margin, margeRight - inner_margin, margeBot - inner_margin); canvas.drawRect(rectF, paintStatus); break; case (ISquare.STATUS_TARGETABLE): paintStatus.setColor(Color.parseColor("#D23939")); paintStatus.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); paintStatus.setStrokeWidth(0); inner_margin = (int) (border_margin / 1.5); rectF.set( margeLeft + inner_margin, margeTop + inner_margin, margeRight - inner_margin, margeBot - inner_margin); canvas.drawRect(rectF, paintStatus); break; case (ISquare.STATUS_MOVE): paintStatus.setColor(Color.parseColor("#3899D1")); paintStatus.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); paintStatus.setStrokeWidth(0); inner_margin = (int) (border_margin / 1.5); rectF.set( margeLeft + inner_margin, margeTop + inner_margin, margeRight - inner_margin, margeBot - inner_margin); canvas.drawRect(rectF, paintStatus); break; } } if (!square.isEmpty()) { IPiece piece = square.getPiece(); int marginDrawable = (int) (part * 0.2); RelativeLayout myLayout = (RelativeLayout) this.getParent(); int width = (margeRight - marginDrawable) - (margeLeft + marginDrawable); int height = (margeBot - marginDrawable) - (margeTop + marginDrawable); int left = margeLeft + marginDrawable; int top = margeTop + marginDrawable; piece.setImage(getContext(), myLayout, width, height, left, top); } } }
public final class Constants { public static final String EARS = "ears"; public static final String EARS_APP_NAME = "Google Ears"; public static final String EARS_PACKAGE = ""; public static final String SOUNDHOUND = "soundhound"; public static final String SOUNDHOUND_APP_NAME = "SoundHound"; public static final String SOUNDHOUND_PACKAGE = "com.melodis.midomiMusicIdentifier"; public static final String SOUNDHOUND_FREEMIUM = SOUNDHOUND + "_freemium"; public static final String SOUNDHOUND_FREEMIUM_PACKAGE = SOUNDHOUND_PACKAGE + ".freemium"; public static final String TASKER = "tasker"; public static final String TASKER_APP_NAME = "Tasker"; public static final String TASKER_PACKAGE = ""; public static final String TASKER_MARKET = TASKER + "_market"; public static final String TASKER_MARKET_PACKAGE = TASKER_PACKAGE + "m"; public static final String XPOSED_INSTALLER = "xposed_installer"; public static final String XPOSED_INSTALLER_APP_NAME = "Xposed Installer"; public static final String XPOSED_INSTALLER_PACKAGE = XposedBridge.INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME; public static final int HOLO_BLUE = Color.parseColor("#FF33B5E5"); public static final boolean IS_LOGGABLE = BuildConfig.DEBUG; public static final String LOG_TAG = "Ears Xtender"; private static final String EARSXTENDER = "EarsXtender"; private static final String EXTRA_PREFIX = EARSXTENDER + ".intent.extra"; private static final String BUNDLE_PREFIX = EARSXTENDER + ".bundle"; public static final String INTENT_ACTION_BROADCAST_STATUS = EARSXTENDER + ".STATUS"; public static final String INTENT_ACTION_DO_SEARCH_ACTION = EARSXTENDER + ".SEARCH_ACTION"; public static final String INTENT_EXTRA_BROADCASTED_APP = EXTRA_PREFIX + ""; public static final String INTENT_EXTRA_BROADCASTED_STATUS = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".broadcast.status"; public static final String INTENT_EXTRA_EMBEDDED_SEARCH_ACTION = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".embedded_search_action"; public static final String BUNDLE_SONG_DETAILS = BUNDLE_PREFIX + ".song_details"; public static final String BUNDLE_TASKER_VARIABLES = BUNDLE_PREFIX + ".tasker_variables"; public static final String BUNDLE_EVENT_EXTRA_APPS = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".event.apps"; public static final String BUNDLE_EVENT_EXTRA_CONDITION = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".event.condition"; public static final String BUNDLE_EVENT_EXTRA_POSITION = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".event.position"; public static final String BUNDLE_ACTION_EXTRA_APP = EXTRA_PREFIX + ""; public static final String BUNDLE_ACTION_EXTRA_SEARCH_ACTION = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".action.search_action"; public static final String BUNDLE_ACTION_EXTRA_SHOW_TOAST = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".action.show_toast"; public static final String BUNDLE_ACTION_EXTRA_HISTORY_SETTING = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".action.override_history_setting"; public static final String BUNDLE_ACTION_EXTRA_VARIABLE_MODE = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".action.variable_mode"; public static final String BUNDLE_EXTRA_VERSION_CODE = EXTRA_PREFIX + ".version"; public static int getVersionCode(final Context context) { try { return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).versionCode; } catch (final UnsupportedOperationException e) { return 1; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Constants() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This class is non-instantiable"); } }
/** * @author chenll 自定义chart显示控件 使用示例 chartView = (ChartView) findViewById(; * chartView.setBackColor(Color.parseColor( getString(R.color.backColor))); * chartView.setAxesLineColor(Color.parseColor (getString(R.color.axesLineColor))); * chartView.setGridLineColor(Color. parseColor(getString(R.color.axesLineColor))); * chartView.setPointColor (Color.parseColor(getString(R.color.ponitineColor))); * chartView.setShapeColor(Color.YELLOW); chartView.setYMaxValue(150); * chartView.setYMinValue(0); chartView.setData(dataList); chartView.setOnTapPointListener(new * OnTapPointListener() { @Override public void onTap(ChartAxes axes) { * <p>Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, axes.Y + "yy", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); * chartView.startChart();全部设置完成以后,通过这个方法进行启动chart */ public class ChartView extends SurfaceView { private Context context; private SurfaceHolder holder; private GestureDetector detector; /** 设置数据 */ private List<ChartData> valueData = new ArrayList<>(); /** 由设置数据转换来的可绘制的数据 */ private List<ChartAxes> axesData = new ArrayList<>(); /** 画布宽度 */ private int width = 0; /** 画布高度 */ private int height = 0; /** Y轴最大值 */ private int yMaxValue = 0; /** Y轴最小值 */ private int yMinValue = 0; /** 左边距 */ private int leftPadding = 10; /** 顶部边距 */ private int topPadding = 60; /** 右侧边距 */ private int rightPadding = 60; /** 底部边距 */ private int bottomPadding = 10; /** X轴刻度文字显示区域高度 */ private int xTextHeight = 50; /** Y轴刻度文字显示区域宽度 */ private int yTextWidth = 80; /** 顶部文字显示区域高度 */ private int topTextHeight = 20; /** 背景色 */ private int backColor = Color.WHITE; /** 坐标轴和边框的颜色 */ private int axesLineColor = Color.GRAY; /** 内部网格线的颜色 */ private int gridLineColor = Color.GRAY; /** chart图线的颜色 */ private int chartLineColor = Color.GRAY; /** 数据点的颜色 */ private int pointColor = Color.GRAY; /** 阴影的颜色 */ private int shapeColor = Color.BLACK; /** 数据点的位图 */ private Bitmap pointBitmap = null; /** X轴一屏显示的数据的数量 */ private int xNum = 6; /** Y轴一屏显示的数据的数量 */ private int yNum = 5; /** 当前显示的数据的第一条数据下标 */ private int startIndexDisplay = 0; /** 数据点的点击事件监听 */ private OnTapPointListener tapPointListener; /** 顶部文字字体大小 */ private int topTextSize = 12; /** X轴刻度文字字体大小 */ private int leftTextSize = 30; /** Y轴刻度文字字体大小 */ private int bottomTextSize = 20; /** 边框线宽度 */ private int chartFrameLineSize = 3; /** 网格线宽度 */ private int gridLineSize = 1; /** chart图线宽度 */ private int chartLineSize = 6; /** 数据点的半径 */ private int pointSize = 10; /** 阴影的透明度 */ private int shapeAlpha = 5; /** 是否需要显示阴影 */ private boolean isShapeShow = true; /** chart是否带惯性滚动 */ private boolean isEnableScroll = false; /** 是否在惯性滚动的状态 */ private boolean isInertia = false; /** 滚动代码执行有没有真正的停止 */ private boolean isScrollEnd = true; /** 当前选中的点 */ private ChartAxes currentPressedPoint; /** 按下点的画笔 */ private Paint pressedPaint; /** 按下的颜色 */ private int pressedColor = Color.parseColor("#FFC000"); /** 滑动加载更多接口 */ private OnScrollToLoadMore loadMore; /** 惯性线程 */ public FlingThread flingThread; /** 各个点的x轴间距 */ private int spaceXLength; /** 第一个点与最后一个点距离左边界和右边界的距离 */ private static final int POINT_PADDING = 40; /** XY轴画笔 */ private Paint XYpaint; /** Y轴上水平线间距 */ private int spaceYLength; /** 最顶上一条线离封顶20px */ int chartInnerTopPadding = 20; /*public OnScrollToLoadMore getLoadMore() { return loadMore; } public void setLoadMore(OnScrollToLoadMore loadMore) { this.loadMore = loadMore; }*/ public ChartView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); this.context = context; holder = getHolder(); holder.addCallback(new ChartCallBack()); } public ChartView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public ChartView(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** 全部设置完成后,开始chart的绘制 */ public void startChart() { width = getWidth(); height = getHeight(); int yHeight = height - topPadding - bottomPadding - topTextHeight - xTextHeight - chartInnerTopPadding; spaceYLength = yHeight / yNum; changeData(); refreshChart(0); detector = new GestureDetector(ChartView.this.getContext(), new ChartGestureListener()); setOnTouchListener(new ChartTouchListener()); } /** * 设置显示的chart数据 * * @param data */ public void setData(List<ChartData> data) { this.valueData = data; } public List<ChartData> getData() { return valueData; } /** 触摸事件 */ class ChartTouchListener implements OnTouchListener { private float startX; private float downX; @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // detector.onTouchEvent(event); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: startX = event.getX(); downX = event.getX(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: v.performClick(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // 是否已滚动到无法继续滑动 boolean isEnable = false; // 手指move的像素值超过系统判定判定滚动的最小临界值,避免手指抖动造成chart图抖动 if (Math.abs(event.getX() - downX) > ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop()) { int transValue = (int) (event.getX() - startX); if (axesData.size() > 1) { int max = axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X; int min = axesData.get(0).X; int maxLimit = width - rightPadding - POINT_PADDING; int minLimit = leftPadding + yTextWidth + POINT_PADDING; if (min + transValue > minLimit) { // 滑动以后左边界判断 if (min < minLimit) { transValue = minLimit - min; isEnable = true; } else { transValue = 0; if (loadMore != null) { loadMore.onLoad(); } } } else { isEnable = true; } if (max + transValue < maxLimit) { // 滑动后右边界判断 if (max > maxLimit) { transValue = maxLimit - max; isEnable = true; } else { transValue = 0; } } else { isEnable = true; } Log.d("min", min + ""); Log.d("minLimit", minLimit + ""); Log.d("transValue", transValue + ""); if (isEnable) { startX = event.getX(); refreshChart(transValue); } } } break; default: break; } return true; } } /** 手势事件 */ class ChartGestureListener implements OnGestureListener { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { isInertia = false; return true; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (isScrollEnd && isEnableScroll) { int v = (int) velocityX; new InertiaThread(v).start(); } flingThread = new FlingThread(velocityX); flingThread.start(); return true; } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {} @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { return false; } @Override public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {} @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { ChartAxes axes = isAvailableTap(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (axes != null && tapPointListener != null) { tapPointListener.onTap(axes); currentPressedPoint = axes; refreshChart(0); } return true; } } class ChartCallBack implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {} @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { startChart(); } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {} } /** * 设置纵坐标的最大值和最小值 * * @param yMax 最大值 * @param yMin 最小值 */ public void setLimitValues(int yMax, int yMin) { this.yMaxValue = yMax; this.yMinValue = yMin; } /** * 设置Y轴最大值 * * @param yMax 最大值 */ public void setYMaxValue(int yMax) { this.yMaxValue = yMax; } /** * 设置Y轴最小值 * * @param yMin 最小值 */ public void setYMinValue(int yMin) { this.yMinValue = yMin; } /** * chart图显示的边距 * * @param left 左边距 * @param top 顶部边距 * @param right 右侧边距 * @param bottom 底部边距 */ public void setChartPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { this.leftPadding = left; this.topPadding = top; this.rightPadding = right; this.bottomPadding = bottom; } /** * 设置chart图显示的左边距 * * @param left 左边距 */ public void setChartLeftPadding(int left) { this.leftPadding = left; } /** * 设置chart图显示的顶部边距 * * @param top 顶部边距 */ public void setChartTopPadding(int top) { this.topPadding = top; } /** * 设置chart图显示的右边距 * * @param right 右侧边距 */ public void setChartRightPadding(int right) { this.rightPadding = right; } /** * 设置chart图显示的底部边距 * * @param bottom 底部边距 */ public void setChartBottomPadding(int bottom) { this.bottomPadding = bottom; } /** * 设置X轴刻度文本显示区域的高度 * * @param xTextWidth 区域高度值 */ public void setxTextWidth(int xTextWidth) { this.xTextHeight = xTextWidth; } /** * 设置Y轴刻度文本显示的宽度 * * @param yTextWidth 宽度值 */ public void setyTextWidth(int yTextWidth) { this.yTextWidth = yTextWidth; } /** * 顶部文字字体大小 * * @return 文字大小 PX单位 */ public int getTopTextSize() { return topTextSize; } /** * 设置顶部文字字体大小 * * @param topTextSize 文字大小 PX单位 */ public void setTopTextSize(int topTextSize) { this.topTextSize = topTextSize; } /** * Y轴坐标的刻度文字字体大小 * * @return 文字大小 PX单位 */ public int getLeftTextSize() { return leftTextSize; } /** * 设置Y轴坐标的刻度文字字体大小 * * @param leftTextSize 文字大小 PX单位 */ public void setLeftTextSize(int leftTextSize) { this.leftTextSize = leftTextSize; } /** * X轴刻度文字字体大小 * * @return 字体大小 PX单位 */ public int getBottomTextSize() { return bottomTextSize; } /** * 设置X轴刻度文字字体大小 * * @param bottomTextSize 字体大小 PX单位 */ public void setBottomTextSize(int bottomTextSize) { this.bottomTextSize = bottomTextSize; } /** * 设置chart图边框线宽度 * * @param chartFrameLineSize 宽度值 PX单位 */ public void setChartFrameLineSize(int chartFrameLineSize) { this.chartFrameLineSize = chartFrameLineSize; } /** * 设置网格线宽度 * * @param gridLineSize 网格线宽度值 PX单位 */ public void setGridLineSize(int gridLineSize) { this.gridLineSize = gridLineSize; } /** * 设置chart图折线宽度 * * @param chartLineSize 线宽度值 PX单位 */ public void setChartLineSize(int chartLineSize) { this.chartLineSize = chartLineSize; } /** * 设置数据点绘制的大小 * * @param pointSize 点的半径 单位PX */ public void setPointSize(int pointSize) { this.pointSize = pointSize; } /** * 是否可以带惯性滚动 * * @return true 可以 false 反之 */ public boolean isEnableScroll() { return isEnableScroll; } /** * 设置是否需要带惯性滚动 * * @param isEnableScroll true 需要, false不需要 */ public void setEnableScroll(boolean isEnableScroll) { this.isEnableScroll = isEnableScroll; } /** * 设置线图下阴影区域的透明度 * * @param shapeAlpha 透明度值 */ public void setShapeAlpha(int shapeAlpha) { this.shapeAlpha = shapeAlpha; } /** * 设置背景色 * * @param backColor 背景色值 */ public void setBackColor(int backColor) { this.backColor = backColor; } /** * 设置坐标轴的和边框的颜色 * * @param axesLineColor 颜色值 */ public void setAxesLineColor(int axesLineColor) { this.axesLineColor = axesLineColor; } /** * 设置网格线的颜色 * * @param gridLineColor 颜色值 */ public void setGridLineColor(int gridLineColor) { this.gridLineColor = gridLineColor; } /** * 设置Chart图线的颜色 * * @param chartLineColor 颜色值 */ public void setChartLineColor(int chartLineColor) { this.chartLineColor = chartLineColor; } /** * 设置数据点的颜色 * * @param pointColor 颜色值 */ public void setPointColor(int pointColor) { this.pointColor = pointColor; } /** * 设置阴影的颜色 * * @param shapeColor 颜色值 */ public void setShapeColor(int shapeColor) { this.shapeColor = shapeColor; } /** * 设置数据点的想要显示的图形,可以不设置则会选择只用数据点颜色,想取消位图设置可以赋值“null” * * @param pointBitmap 图形位图 */ public void setPointBitmap(Bitmap pointBitmap) { this.pointBitmap = pointBitmap; } /** * 是否显示阴影区域 * * @return true 为显示 false 反之 */ public boolean isShapeShow() { return isShapeShow; } /** * 设置是否需要显示阴影区域 * * @param isShapeShow true为显示 */ public void setShapeShow(boolean isShapeShow) { this.isShapeShow = isShapeShow; } /** * 画整体chart图 * * @param translatX chart图偏移量 */ public void refreshChart(int translatX) { synchronized (holder) { translationChart(translatX); if (holder != null) { Canvas canvas = holder.lockCanvas(); if (canvas != null) { canvas.drawColor(backColor); drawGridLine(canvas); drawChartLine(canvas); drawLimitRect(canvas); drawAxesLine(canvas); drawYValueText(canvas); holder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); } } } } /** * 画X,Y轴和边框 * * @param canvas */ private void drawAxesLine(Canvas canvas) { XYpaint = new Paint(); XYpaint.setColor(axesLineColor); XYpaint.setAntiAlias(true); XYpaint.setStyle(Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); XYpaint.setStrokeWidth(chartFrameLineSize); // 左侧Y轴 canvas.drawLine( leftPadding + yTextWidth, topPadding + topTextHeight, leftPadding + yTextWidth, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, XYpaint); // 三角箭头 Path yTriangle = new Path(); yTriangle.moveTo(leftPadding + yTextWidth - 10, topPadding + topTextHeight); yTriangle.lineTo(leftPadding + yTextWidth, topPadding + topTextHeight - 20); yTriangle.lineTo(leftPadding + yTextWidth + 10, topPadding + topTextHeight); yTriangle.close(); canvas.drawPath(yTriangle, XYpaint); // 下方X轴 canvas.drawLine( leftPadding + yTextWidth, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, width - rightPadding, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, XYpaint); // 三角箭头 Path xTriangle = new Path(); xTriangle.moveTo(width - rightPadding, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight + 10); xTriangle.lineTo(width - rightPadding + 15, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight); xTriangle.lineTo(width - rightPadding, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - 10); xTriangle.close(); canvas.drawPath(xTriangle, XYpaint); // 上方封顶 // canvas.drawLine(leftPadding + xTextHeight, topPadding + topTextHeight, width - rightPadding, // topPadding + topTextHeight, XYpaint); // 右侧封边 // canvas.drawLine(width - rightPadding, topPadding + topTextHeight, width - rightPadding, // height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, XYpaint); } /** * 画左右侧的边界区域(将超出的chart图形覆盖) * * @param canvas */ private void drawLimitRect(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(backColor); paint.setStyle(Style.FILL); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, leftPadding + yTextWidth, height - bottomPadding, paint); canvas.drawRect(width - rightPadding, 0, width, height - bottomPadding, paint); } /** * 画折线图,网格竖线,X坐标值 * * @param canvas */ private void drawChartLine(Canvas canvas) { Paint paintChart = new Paint(); paintChart.setColor(chartLineColor); paintChart.setAntiAlias(true); paintChart.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintChart.setStrokeWidth(chartLineSize); Paint paintGrid = new Paint(); paintGrid.setColor(gridLineColor); paintGrid.setAntiAlias(true); paintGrid.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintGrid.setStrokeWidth(gridLineSize); Paint paintTopText = new Paint(); paintTopText.setColor(axesLineColor); paintTopText.setAntiAlias(true); paintTopText.setSubpixelText(true); paintTopText.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); paintTopText.setTextSize(topTextSize); paintTopText.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); Paint paintBottomText = new Paint(); paintBottomText.setColor(axesLineColor); paintBottomText.setAntiAlias(true); paintBottomText.setSubpixelText(true); paintBottomText.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); paintBottomText.setTextSize(bottomTextSize); paintBottomText.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); Paint paintPoint = new Paint(); paintPoint.setColor(pointColor); paintPoint.setAntiAlias(true); paintPoint.setStyle(Style.FILL); pressedPaint = new Paint(); pressedPaint.setColor(pressedColor); pressedPaint.setAntiAlias(true); pressedPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); Paint paintShape = new Paint(); paintShape.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintShape.setColor(shapeColor); paintShape.setAlpha(shapeAlpha); if (axesData.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < axesData.size(); i++) { if (i < axesData.size() - 1) { // 画折线 canvas.drawLine( axesData.get(i).X, axesData.get(i).Y, axesData.get(i + 1).X, axesData.get(i + 1).Y, paintChart); if (isShapeShow) { // 画阴影 Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(axesData.get(i).X, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight); path.lineTo(axesData.get(i).X, axesData.get(i).Y + chartLineSize / 2); path.lineTo(axesData.get(i + 1).X, axesData.get(i + 1).Y + chartLineSize / 2); path.lineTo(axesData.get(i + 1).X, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight); canvas.drawPath(path, paintShape); } } // 画网格竖线 // canvas.drawLine(axesData.get(i).X, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, // axesData.get(i).X, topPadding + topTextHeight, paintGrid); // 写X轴坐标的刻度值 if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(axesData.get(i).getxText())) { setTextSizeForWidth( paintBottomText, spaceXLength - 10, axesData.get(i).getxText()); // 10为相邻日期文字间隔 canvas.drawText( axesData.get(i).getxText(), axesData.get(i).X, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight / 2, paintBottomText); } // 写顶部的刻度值 if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(axesData.get(i).getTopText())) { // 取消了顶部隔年显示的数据 // canvas.drawText(axesData.get(i).getTopText(), axesData.get(i).X, topPadding, // paintTopText); } // 画数据点 if (pointBitmap == null) { canvas.drawCircle(axesData.get(i).X, axesData.get(i).Y, pointSize + 1, paintChart); canvas.drawCircle(axesData.get(i).X, axesData.get(i).Y, pointSize, paintPoint); } else { Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); canvas.drawBitmap(pointBitmap, matrix, paintPoint); } } // 画最后一个数据的网格竖线 // canvas.drawLine(axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight, // axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, // topPadding + topTextHeight, paintGrid); // 写X轴坐标的最后一个值的刻度值 /* * canvas.drawText(axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X + "", * axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, height - bottomPadding - * xTextHeight / 2, paintBottomText); */ // 写顶部的最后一个刻度值 // canvas.drawText("2014", axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, // topPadding, paintTopText); // 画数最后一个据点 if (pointBitmap == null) { // canvas.drawCircle(axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, // axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).Y, pointSize + 1, // paintChart); // canvas.drawCircle(axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X, // axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).Y, pointSize, paintPoint); } else { Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); canvas.drawBitmap(pointBitmap, matrix, paintPoint); } } if (currentPressedPoint != null) { // canvas.drawCircle(currentPressedPoint.X, currentPressedPoint.Y, pointSize, pressedPaint); } } /** * 通过x轴间距,计算出字体大小,自动适应宽度 * * @param paint the Paint to set the text size for * @param desiredWidth the desired width * @param text the text that should be that width * @return */ private void setTextSizeForWidth(Paint paint, float desiredWidth, String text) { // Pick a reasonably large value for the test. Larger values produce // more accurate results, but may cause problems with hardware // acceleration. But there are workarounds for that, too; refer to // final float testTextSize = 48f; // Get the bounds of the text, using our testTextSize. paint.setTextSize(testTextSize); Rect bounds = new Rect(); paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), bounds); // Calculate the desired size as a proportion of our testTextSize. float desiredTextSize = testTextSize * desiredWidth / bounds.width(); // 如果计算出的字体高度小于预设值 if (bottomTextSize > desiredTextSize) { // Set the paint for that size. paint.setTextSize(desiredTextSize); } else { paint.setTextSize(bottomTextSize); } } /** * Y周的刻度值 * * @param canvas */ private void drawYValueText(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(axesLineColor); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setSubpixelText(true); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); paint.setTextSize(leftTextSize); paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT); /*int yHeight = height - topPadding - bottomPadding - topTextHeight; int spaceLength = yHeight / yNum; int spaceValue = (yMaxValue - yMinValue) / yNum; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { canvas.drawText((yMinValue + spaceValue * i) + "", leftPadding + yTextWidth - 5, height - bottomPadding - yTextWidth - (spaceLength * i), paint); }*/ canvas.drawText( "优秀", leftPadding + (yTextWidth + leftTextSize) / 2, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * 5) + leftTextSize / 2, paint); canvas.drawText( "良好", leftPadding + (yTextWidth + leftTextSize) / 2, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * 4) + leftTextSize / 2, paint); canvas.drawText( "一般", leftPadding + (yTextWidth + leftTextSize) / 2, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * 3) + leftTextSize / 2, paint); canvas.drawText( "差劲", leftPadding + (yTextWidth + leftTextSize) / 2, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * 2) + leftTextSize / 2, paint); canvas.drawText( "恶劣", leftPadding + (yTextWidth + leftTextSize) / 2, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * 1) + leftTextSize / 2, paint); } /** * 背景画网格的横线 * * @param canvas */ private void drawGridLine(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(gridLineColor); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(gridLineSize); paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {10, 20}, 0)); for (int i = 1; i <= yNum; i++) { // 画网格的横线 canvas.drawLine( leftPadding + yTextWidth, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * i), width - rightPadding, height - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - (spaceYLength * i), paint); } } /** 要画的数据 */ public static class ChartData { public float Y; private String topText; private String xText; private DayCondition mDayCondition; public ChartData(float y, String topText, String xText) { Y = y; this.topText = topText; this.xText = xText; } public String getTopText() { return topText; } public void setTopText(String topText) { this.topText = topText; } public String getxText() { return xText; } public void setxText(String xText) { this.xText = xText; } @Override public String toString() { return "ChartData [Y=" + Y + ", topText=" + topText + ", xText=" + xText + "]"; } public DayCondition getDayCondition() { return mDayCondition; } public void setDayCondition(DayCondition dayCondition) { mDayCondition = dayCondition; } } /** 转化为X,Y的坐标值对象 */ public static class ChartAxes { public int X; // 点在折线图中Y轴高度百分比,越小越靠上 public float Y; private String topText; private String xText; private DayCondition mDayCondition; public ChartAxes(int X, float Y, DayCondition mDayCondition) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.mDayCondition = mDayCondition; } public String getTopText() { return topText; } public void setTopText(String topText) { this.topText = topText; } public String getxText() { return xText; } public void setxText(String xText) { this.xText = xText; } @Override public String toString() { return "ChartAxes [X=" + X + ", Y=" + Y + ", topText=" + topText + ", xText=" + xText + "]"; } public void setDayCondition(DayCondition dayCondition) { this.mDayCondition = dayCondition; } public DayCondition getDayCondition() { return mDayCondition; } } /** 将要画的数据转化为X,Y的坐标值对象 */ private void changeData() { axesData.clear(); int yArea = height - topPadding - bottomPadding - xTextHeight - topTextHeight - chartInnerTopPadding; int xWidth = width - leftPadding - rightPadding - yTextWidth; spaceXLength = xWidth / xNum; for (int i = 0; i < valueData.size(); i++) { float yValue = topPadding + topTextHeight + chartInnerTopPadding + (yArea * valueData.get(i).Y); int xValue = leftPadding + yTextWidth + spaceXLength * i + POINT_PADDING; ChartAxes axes = new ChartAxes(xValue, yValue, valueData.get(i).getDayCondition()); axes.setTopText(valueData.get(i).getTopText()); axes.setxText(valueData.get(i).getxText()); axesData.add(axes); } } /** * chart数据平移的计算 * * @param offset 平移的值 */ private void translationChart(float offset) { for (int i = 0; i < axesData.size(); i++) { boolean isStartIndexLeft = false; boolean isStartIndexRight = false; if (axesData.get(i).X > leftPadding + yTextWidth) { isStartIndexLeft = true; } if (axesData.get(i).X < leftPadding + yTextWidth) { isStartIndexRight = true; } axesData.get(i).X += offset; if (axesData.get(i).X < leftPadding + yTextWidth && isStartIndexLeft) { startIndexDisplay = i; } if (axesData.get(i).X > leftPadding + yTextWidth && isStartIndexRight) { startIndexDisplay = i; } } } /** 如果数据不满一屏 chart图移动到最左边 否则右对齐 */ public void adjustChartOffset() { int offset = 0; if (axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X > width - POINT_PADDING) { offset = -(axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X - width + rightPadding + POINT_PADDING); } refreshChart(offset); } /** * 判断当前点击是否点击在有效区域 * * @param x 点击的X坐标值 * @param y 点击的Y坐标值 * @return 返回当前的坐标的对应的数据实体, 如果是无效点击,将返回null */ private ChartAxes isAvailableTap(float x, float y) { ChartAxes axes = null; // 点击有效区域的大小 int availableArea = 20; int endIndex = startIndexDisplay + xNum + 3; if (endIndex > axesData.size()) { endIndex = axesData.size(); } for (int i = startIndexDisplay; i < endIndex; i++) { if ((x > axesData.get(i).X - availableArea && x < axesData.get(i).X + availableArea) && (y > axesData.get(i).Y - availableArea && y < axesData.get(i).Y + availableArea)) { axes = axesData.get(i); } } return axes; } /** 数据点的点击事件监听 */ public interface OnTapPointListener { void onTap(ChartAxes axes); } public void setOnTapPointListener(OnTapPointListener tapPointListener) { this.tapPointListener = tapPointListener; } /** 滑动至最左加载更多数据 */ public interface OnScrollToLoadMore { void onLoad(); } public void clearPressed() { currentPressedPoint = null; refreshChart(0); } /** 惯性滚动线程 */ class InertiaThread extends Thread { private int xVelocity; private int timeInterval = 1000 / 60; // 单位MS private int acceler; public InertiaThread(int xVelocity) { this.xVelocity = xVelocity; } @Override public void run() { isInertia = true; boolean isEnable = false; while (isInertia) { isScrollEnd = false; if (xVelocity < 0) { acceler = -200; } else { acceler = 200; } try { int space = (xVelocity - acceler) / 20; if (acceler < 0 && space >= 0) { isInertia = false; } if (acceler > 0 && space <= 0) { isInertia = false; } if (axesData.size() > 1 && (Math.abs(space) > 2)) { int max = axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X; int min = axesData.get(0).X; int maxLimit = width - rightPadding - 20; int minLimit = leftPadding + yTextWidth + 20; if (min + space > minLimit) { // 滑动以后左边界判断 if (min < minLimit) { space = minLimit - min; isEnable = true; } else { space = 0; } } else { isEnable = true; } if (max + space < maxLimit) { // 滑动后右边界判断 if (max > maxLimit) { space = maxLimit - max; isEnable = true; } else { space = 0; } } else { isEnable = true; } if (isEnable) { refreshChart(space); } } xVelocity = xVelocity - acceler * 2; sleep(timeInterval); isScrollEnd = true; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // 惯性线程 class FlingThread extends Thread { // 初始速度 private int velocity; private static final float INFLEXION = 0.35f; // 取得系统摩擦系数 private float mFlingFriction = ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction(); private float mPhysicalCoeff; private final float DECELERATION_RATE = (float) (Math.log(0.78) / Math.log(0.9)); // 计算出惯性总时间 private double mDuration; // 刷新频率 private int timeInterval = 1000 / 60; // 单位MS // 当前惯性耗时 private int spendTime; public FlingThread(float velocityX) { velocity = (int) velocityX; final float ppi = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 160.0f; mPhysicalCoeff = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH // g (m/s^2) * 39.37f // inch/meter * ppi * 0.84f; // look and feel tuning } @Override public void run() { isInertia = true; boolean isEnable = false; if (velocity != 0) { mDuration = getSplineFlingDuration(velocity); // 不断循环直到惯性时间到达或者用户点击屏幕中断滑动 while (mDuration >= spendTime && isInertia) { // 每时间间隔内惯性滑动的距离 int space = (int) (velocity + (2 * spendTime / timeInterval + 1) * -velocity / mDuration * timeInterval / 2) * timeInterval / 1000; try { if (axesData.size() > 1) { int max = axesData.get(axesData.size() - 1).X; int min = axesData.get(0).X; int maxLimit = width - rightPadding - 20; int minLimit = leftPadding + yTextWidth + 20; if (min + space > minLimit) { // 滑动以后左边界判断 if (min < minLimit) { isEnable = true; } else { space = 0; refreshChart(space); return; } } else { isEnable = true; } if (max + space < maxLimit) { // 滑动后右边界判断 if (max > maxLimit) { isEnable = true; } else { space = 0; refreshChart(space); return; } } else { isEnable = true; } if (isEnable) { refreshChart(space); } } else { return; } spendTime += timeInterval; sleep(timeInterval); isScrollEnd = true; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // 根据速度计算加速度 private double getSplineDeceleration(int velocity) { return Math.log(INFLEXION * Math.abs(velocity) / (mFlingFriction * 2 * mPhysicalCoeff)); } /* Returns the duration, expressed in milliseconds */ private int getSplineFlingDuration(int velocity) { final double l = getSplineDeceleration(velocity); final double decelMinusOne = DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0; return (int) (1000.0 * Math.exp(l / decelMinusOne)); } } public void clear() { valueData.clear(); axesData.clear(); refreshChart(0); } }
@Override public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View view = convertView; if (view == null) { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.content_list_item, null); } TextView titleTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; TextView stateTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; TextView downTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(; Button downloadButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; Button uploadButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; LocationInfo info = mInfoList.get(position); String titleText = info.title; String stateText = ""; if (titleText.length() > 30) titleText = titleText.substring(0, 28) + "..."; synchronized (mLoaderMap) { if (mLoaderMap.containsKey(info.title)) { LoaderState loader = mLoaderMap.get(info.title); if (loader.state < 100) stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%d%%", loader.state); else if (loader.state == 100) stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Done!"); else stateText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Failed!"); } } if (info.localVersion < 0) titleText += " (?)"; else { if (info.localModified) titleText += String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " (v. %d+)", info.localVersion); else titleText += String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " (v. %d)", info.localVersion); } String mapFile = NavigineApp.Settings.getString("map_file", ""); if (mapFile.equals(info.archiveFile)) { titleTextView.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); view.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#590E0E")); } else { titleTextView.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); view.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); } titleTextView.setText(titleText); stateTextView.setText(stateText); if (info.localModified) { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); downTextView.setText("Version is modified. Upload?"); } else if (info.serverVersion > info.localVersion) { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); String downText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Version available: %d", info.serverVersion); downTextView.setText(downText); } else { downloadButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); uploadButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); downTextView.setText("Version is up to date"); } downloadButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startDownload(position); } }); uploadButton.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startUpload(position); } }); return view; }
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); paint.reset(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); float midX, midY, radius, innerRadius; path.reset(); float currentAngle = 270; float currentSweep; int totalValue = 0; float padding = 2; midX = getWidth() / 2; midY = getHeight() / 2; if (midX < midY) { radius = midX; } else { radius = midY; } radius -= padding; innerRadius = radius - thickness; for (PieSlice slice : slices) { totalValue += slice.getValue(); } int count = 0; for (PieSlice slice : slices) { Path p = new Path(); paint.setColor(slice.getColor()); currentSweep = (slice.getValue() / totalValue) * (360); p.arcTo( new RectF(midX - radius, midY - radius, midX + radius, midY + radius), currentAngle + padding, currentSweep - padding); p.arcTo( new RectF(midX - innerRadius, midY - innerRadius, midX + innerRadius, midY + innerRadius), (currentAngle + padding) + (currentSweep - padding), -(currentSweep - padding)); p.close(); slice.setPath(p); slice.setRegion( new Region( (int) (midX - radius), (int) (midY - radius), (int) (midX + radius), (int) (midY + radius))); canvas.drawPath(p, paint); if (indexSelected == count && listener != null) { path.reset(); paint.setColor(slice.getColor()); paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#33B5E5")); paint.setAlpha(100); if (slices.size() > 1) { path.arcTo( new RectF( midX - radius - (padding * 2), midY - radius - (padding * 2), midX + radius + (padding * 2), midY + radius + (padding * 2)), currentAngle, currentSweep + padding); path.arcTo( new RectF( midX - innerRadius + (padding * 2), midY - innerRadius + (padding * 2), midX + innerRadius - (padding * 2), midY + innerRadius - (padding * 2)), currentAngle + currentSweep + padding, -(currentSweep + padding)); path.close(); } else { path.addCircle(midX, midY, radius + padding, Direction.CW); } canvas.drawPath(path, paint); paint.setAlpha(255); } currentAngle = currentAngle + currentSweep; count++; } }
public boolean play(Canvas out, Context context) { Paint paint = null; float aspect = out.getHeight() * 1.0f / out.getWidth(); int width = 1000; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, Math.round(width * aspect), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap); bounds = c.getClipBounds(); windowBounds = out.getClipBounds(); if (!started) { started = true; months = getMonthVector(); paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#00ff00")); paint.setStrokeWidth(5); } for (rectangle month : months) { // ball.Update(); // the months don't need to be updated month.Draw(c); } out.drawBitmap(bitmap, c.getClipBounds(), out.getClipBounds(), paint); // for(int i = 0; i < userSequenceTest.size(); i++) // { // if(demoSequence.get(i) != userSequenceTest.get(i)) // { // sequencesMatch = false; // } // // if(sequencesMatch == false) // { // break; // } // // } return false; // // if we've pressed more circles than are in the sequence, then we have // failed. // if(monthPressedCount > getDemoSequence().size() || sequencesMatch == false) // { // // return true when finished // for(rectangle month: months) // { // month.setPressed(false); // } // setResult(false); // return true; // } // // if the sequences match and we have pressed the number of months in the // demo sequence // else if(sequencesMatch == true && monthPressedCount == demoSequence.size()){ // // then we have succeded and return true because we have finished // // setResult(true); // return true; // } else { // return false; // } }
public boolean play(Canvas out, Context context) { float aspect = out.getHeight() * 1.0f / out.getWidth(); int width = 1000; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, Math.round(width * aspect), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap); bounds = c.getClipBounds(); windowBounds = out.getClipBounds(); if (!started) { months = new Vector<rectangle>(); // months.add(new Ball(new // Point(bounds.width()/4,10+(2+random.nextInt(10))*(1+random.nextInt(10))),Color.parseColor("#00ff00"),45,bounds)); List<Rect> rectList = new ArrayList<Rect>(); rectList.add( new Rect(bounds.left,, bounds.width() / 4, bounds.height() / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() / 4,, bounds.width() * 2 / 4, bounds.height() / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() * 2 / 4,, bounds.width() * 3 / 4, bounds.height() / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect(bounds.width() * 3 / 4,, bounds.right, bounds.height() / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.left, bounds.height() / 3, bounds.width() / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() / 4, bounds.height() / 3, bounds.width() * 2 / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() * 2 / 4, bounds.height() / 3, bounds.width() * 3 / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() * 3 / 4, bounds.height() / 3, bounds.right, bounds.height() * 2 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.left, bounds.height() * 2 / 3, bounds.width() / 4, bounds.height() * 3 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3, bounds.width() * 2 / 4, bounds.height() * 3 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() * 2 / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3, bounds.width() * 3 / 4, bounds.height() * 3 / 3)); rectList.add( new Rect( bounds.width() * 3 / 4, bounds.height() * 2 / 3, bounds.right, bounds.height() * 3 / 3)); Collections.shuffle(rectList); String boxColour = Shared.getOption(context.getString(R.string.Colours) + "/" + boxColourStr, context) .getTextContent(); // Color boxColour = // Color.parseColor(Shared.getOption(context.getString(R.string.Colours) + "/" // +boxColourStr )); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(0), "January", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle( Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(1), "February", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(2), "March", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(3), "April", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(4), "May", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(5), "June", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(6), "July", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(7), "August", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle( Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(8), "September", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle(Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(9), "October", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle( Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(10), "November", boxBoundry)); months.add( new rectangle( Color.parseColor(boxColour), rectList.get(11), "December", boxBoundry)); // Vector v = new Vector(); // Iterator itr = months.iterator(); // while(itr.hasNext()) // { // // } String textColour = Shared.getOption(context.getString(R.string.Colours) + "/" + textColourStr, context) .getTextContent(); for (int i = 0; i < months.size(); i++) { months.get(i).setTextSize(textSize); months.get(i).setTextColour(textColour); } // setSequenceNumber(months.size()); // sequenceNumber = getSequenceNumber(); // // create a list of random months from the months Vector. // SequenceNumber dictates how many random months will be stored in the sequence // variable // for(int i = 0; i< sequenceNumber; i++) // { // sequence.add(months.get(i)); // } // NB // set the SpaceCogViewViewModle's sequence variable setDemoSequence(sequence); setMonthVector(months); started = true; } if (paint == null) { String currentSize = Shared.getOptionAtribute( context.getString(R.string.FontSize), getString(R.string.current), context); String textColour = Shared.getOptionAtribute( context.getString(R.string.Colours), getString(R.string.text), context); paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor( Color.parseColor( Shared.getOption( context.getString(R.string.Colours) + "/" + textColour, context) .getTextContent())); paint.setTextSize( new Integer( Shared.getOption( context.getString(R.string.FontSize) + "/" + currentSize, context) .getTextContent())); String font = Shared.getOptionAtribute( getString(R.string.Font), getString(R.string.current), getApplicationContext()); Typeface face = Typeface.createFromAsset( getAssets(), Shared.getOption(getString(R.string.Font) + "/" + font, getApplicationContext()) .getTextContent()); paint.setTypeface(face); } c.drawText("tap the screen", 50, 50, paint); c.drawText("to start", 50, 100, paint); c.drawText("the test.", 50, 150, paint); c.drawText("Pick the Months", 50, 200, paint); c.drawText("in reverse order", 50, 250, paint); out.drawBitmap(bitmap, c.getClipBounds(), out.getClipBounds(), paint); return finished; }
protected void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (mHidden) { return; } Path path = new Path(); if (!hasFocus()) { mOutlinePaint.setColor(0xFF000000); canvas.drawRect(mDrawRect, mOutlinePaint); } else { Rect viewDrawingRect = new Rect(); mContext.getDrawingRect(viewDrawingRect); if (mCircle) {; float width = mDrawRect.width(); float height = mDrawRect.height(); path.addCircle( mDrawRect.left + (width / 2), + (height / 2), width / 2, Path.Direction.CW); mOutlinePaint.setColor(0xFFEF04D6); mOutlinePaint.setColor(0x0a83fe); canvas.clipPath(path, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); canvas.drawRect(viewDrawingRect, hasFocus() ? mFocusPaint : mNoFocusPaint); canvas.restore(); } else { Rect topRect = new Rect( viewDrawingRect.left,, viewDrawingRect.right,; if (topRect.width() > 0 && topRect.height() > 0) { canvas.drawRect(topRect, hasFocus() ? mFocusPaint : mNoFocusPaint); } Rect bottomRect = new Rect( viewDrawingRect.left, mDrawRect.bottom, viewDrawingRect.right, viewDrawingRect.bottom); if (bottomRect.width() > 0 && bottomRect.height() > 0) { canvas.drawRect(bottomRect, hasFocus() ? mFocusPaint : mNoFocusPaint); } Rect leftRect = new Rect(viewDrawingRect.left, topRect.bottom, mDrawRect.left,; if (leftRect.width() > 0 && leftRect.height() > 0) { canvas.drawRect(leftRect, hasFocus() ? mFocusPaint : mNoFocusPaint); } Rect rightRect = new Rect(mDrawRect.right, topRect.bottom, viewDrawingRect.right,; if (rightRect.width() > 0 && rightRect.height() > 0) { canvas.drawRect(rightRect, hasFocus() ? mFocusPaint : mNoFocusPaint); } path.addRect(new RectF(mDrawRect), Path.Direction.CW); mOutlinePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#0a83fe")); } canvas.drawPath(path, mOutlinePaint); if (mMode == ModifyMode.Grow) { if (mCircle) { int width = mResizeDrawableDiagonal.getIntrinsicWidth(); int height = mResizeDrawableDiagonal.getIntrinsicHeight(); int d = (int) Math.round(Math.cos(/* 45deg */ Math.PI / 4D) * (mDrawRect.width() / 2D)); int x = mDrawRect.left + (mDrawRect.width() / 2) + d - width / 2; int y = + (mDrawRect.height() / 2) - d - height / 2; mResizeDrawableDiagonal.setBounds( x, y, x + mResizeDrawableDiagonal.getIntrinsicWidth(), y + mResizeDrawableDiagonal.getIntrinsicHeight()); mResizeDrawableDiagonal.draw(canvas); } else { int left = mDrawRect.left + 1; int right = mDrawRect.right + 1; int top = + 4; int bottom = mDrawRect.bottom + 3; int widthWidth = mResizeDrawableWidth.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2; int widthHeight = mResizeDrawableWidth.getIntrinsicHeight() / 2; int heightHeight = mResizeDrawableHeight.getIntrinsicHeight() / 2; int heightWidth = mResizeDrawableHeight.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2; int xMiddle = mDrawRect.left + ((mDrawRect.right - mDrawRect.left) / 2); int yMiddle = + ((mDrawRect.bottom - / 2); mResizeDrawableWidth.setBounds( left - widthWidth, yMiddle - widthHeight, left + widthWidth, yMiddle + widthHeight); mResizeDrawableWidth.draw(canvas); mResizeDrawableWidth.setBounds( right - widthWidth, yMiddle - widthHeight, right + widthWidth, yMiddle + widthHeight); mResizeDrawableWidth.draw(canvas); mResizeDrawableHeight.setBounds( xMiddle - heightWidth, top - heightHeight, xMiddle + heightWidth, top + heightHeight); mResizeDrawableHeight.draw(canvas); mResizeDrawableHeight.setBounds( xMiddle - heightWidth, bottom - heightHeight, xMiddle + heightWidth, bottom + heightHeight); mResizeDrawableHeight.draw(canvas); } } } }