   * Set the output format. Takes the current average class values and m_InputFormat and calls
   * setOutputFormat(Instances) appropriately.
  private void setOutputFormat() {

    Instances newData;
    FastVector newAtts, newVals;

    // Compute new attributes

    newAtts = new FastVector(getInputFormat().numAttributes());
    for (int j = 0; j < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); j++) {
      Attribute att = getInputFormat().attribute(j);
      if (!m_AttIndices.isInRange(j) || !att.isString()) {

        // We don't have to copy the attribute because the
        // attribute index remains unchanged.
      } else {

        // Compute list of attribute values
        newVals = new FastVector(att.numValues());
        for (int i = 0; i < att.numValues(); i++) {
        newAtts.addElement(new Attribute(att.name(), newVals));

    // Construct new header
    newData = new Instances(getInputFormat().relationName(), newAtts, 0);
Esempio n. 2
    public int compare(InstanceHolder o1, InstanceHolder o2) {

      // both missing is equal
      if (o1.m_instance.isMissing(m_attribute) && o2.m_instance.isMissing(m_attribute)) {
        return 0;

      // one missing - missing instances should all be at the end
      // regardless of whether order is ascending or descending
      if (o1.m_instance.isMissing(m_attribute)) {
        return 1;

      if (o2.m_instance.isMissing(m_attribute)) {
        return -1;

      int cmp = 0;

      if (!m_attribute.isString() && !m_attribute.isRelationValued()) {
        double val1 = o1.m_instance.value(m_attribute);
        double val2 = o2.m_instance.value(m_attribute);

        cmp = Double.compare(val1, val2);
      } else if (m_attribute.isString()) {
        String val1 = o1.m_stringVals.get(m_attribute.name());
        String val2 = o2.m_stringVals.get(m_attribute.name());

         * String val1 = o1.stringValue(m_attribute); String val2 =
         * o2.stringValue(m_attribute);

        // TODO case insensitive?
        cmp = val1.compareTo(val2);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Can't sort according to " + "relation-valued attribute values!");

      if (m_descending) {
        return -cmp;

      return cmp;
Esempio n. 3
 /** Find the fold attribute within a dataset. */
 private Attribute getAttribute(Instances data) {
   SingleIndex index = new SingleIndex(super.getAttributeIndex());
   index.setUpper(data.numAttributes() - 1);
   Attribute att = data.attribute(index.getIndex());
   if (att == null)
     throw new NoSuchElementException(
         "attribute #" + super.getAttributeIndex() + " does not exist");
   if (!att.isNominal() && !att.isString())
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute '" + att + "' is not nominal");
   return att;
Esempio n. 4
   * Constructs an instance suitable for passing to the model for scoring
   * @param incoming the incoming instance
   * @return an instance with values mapped to be consistent with what the model is expecting
  protected Instance mapIncomingFieldsToModelFields(Instance incoming) {
    Instances modelHeader = m_model.getHeader();
    double[] vals = new double[modelHeader.numAttributes()];

    for (int i = 0; i < modelHeader.numAttributes(); i++) {

      if (m_attributeMap[i] < 0) {
        // missing or type mismatch
        vals[i] = Utils.missingValue();

      Attribute modelAtt = modelHeader.attribute(i);
      Attribute incomingAtt = incoming.dataset().attribute(m_attributeMap[i]);

      if (incoming.isMissing(incomingAtt.index())) {
        vals[i] = Utils.missingValue();

      if (modelAtt.isNumeric()) {
        vals[i] = incoming.value(m_attributeMap[i]);
      } else if (modelAtt.isNominal()) {
        String incomingVal = incoming.stringValue(m_attributeMap[i]);
        int modelIndex = modelAtt.indexOfValue(incomingVal);

        if (modelIndex < 0) {
          vals[i] = Utils.missingValue();
        } else {
          vals[i] = modelIndex;
      } else if (modelAtt.isString()) {
        vals[i] = 0;

    if (modelHeader.classIndex() >= 0) {
      // set class to missing value
      vals[modelHeader.classIndex()] = Utils.missingValue();

    Instance newInst = null;
    if (incoming instanceof SparseInstance) {
      newInst = new SparseInstance(incoming.weight(), vals);
    } else {
      newInst = new DenseInstance(incoming.weight(), vals);

    return newInst;
Esempio n. 5
  public MappingInfo(Instances dataSet, MiningSchema miningSchema, Logger log) throws Exception {
    m_log = log;
    // miningSchema.convertStringAttsToNominal();
    Instances fieldsI = miningSchema.getMiningSchemaAsInstances();

    m_fieldsMap = new int[fieldsI.numAttributes()];
    m_nominalValueMaps = new int[fieldsI.numAttributes()][];

    for (int i = 0; i < fieldsI.numAttributes(); i++) {
      String schemaAttName = fieldsI.attribute(i).name();
      boolean found = false;
      for (int j = 0; j < dataSet.numAttributes(); j++) {
        if (dataSet.attribute(j).name().equals(schemaAttName)) {
          Attribute miningSchemaAtt = fieldsI.attribute(i);
          Attribute incomingAtt = dataSet.attribute(j);
          // check type match
          if (miningSchemaAtt.type() != incomingAtt.type()) {
            throw new Exception(
                "[MappingInfo] type mismatch for field "
                    + schemaAttName
                    + ". Mining schema type "
                    + miningSchemaAtt.toString()
                    + ". Incoming type "
                    + incomingAtt.toString()
                    + ".");

          // check nominal values (number, names...)
          if (miningSchemaAtt.numValues() != incomingAtt.numValues()) {
            String warningString =
                "[MappingInfo] WARNING: incoming nominal attribute "
                    + incomingAtt.name()
                    + " does not have the same "
                    + "number of values as the corresponding mining "
                    + "schema attribute.";
            if (m_log != null) {
            } else {
          if (miningSchemaAtt.isNominal() || miningSchemaAtt.isString()) {
            int[] valuesMap = new int[incomingAtt.numValues()];
            for (int k = 0; k < incomingAtt.numValues(); k++) {
              String incomingNomVal = incomingAtt.value(k);
              int indexInSchema = miningSchemaAtt.indexOfValue(incomingNomVal);
              if (indexInSchema < 0) {
                String warningString =
                    "[MappingInfo] WARNING: incoming nominal attribute "
                        + incomingAtt.name()
                        + " has value "
                        + incomingNomVal
                        + " that doesn't occur in the mining schema.";
                if (m_log != null) {
                } else {
                valuesMap[k] = UNKNOWN_NOMINAL_VALUE;
              } else {
                valuesMap[k] = indexInSchema;
            m_nominalValueMaps[i] = valuesMap;

          /*if (miningSchemaAtt.isNominal()) {
            for (int k = 0; k < miningSchemaAtt.numValues(); k++) {
              if (!miningSchemaAtt.value(k).equals(incomingAtt.value(k))) {
                throw new Exception("[PMMLUtils] value " + k + " (" +
                                    miningSchemaAtt.value(k) + ") does not match " +
                                    "incoming value (" + incomingAtt.value(k) +
                                    ") for attribute " + miningSchemaAtt.name() +

          found = true;
          m_fieldsMap[i] = j;
      if (!found) {
        throw new Exception(
            "[MappingInfo] Unable to find a match for mining schema "
                + "attribute "
                + schemaAttName
                + " in the "
                + "incoming instances!");

    // check class attribute (if set)
    if (fieldsI.classIndex() >= 0) {
      if (dataSet.classIndex() < 0) {
        // first see if we can find a matching class
        String className = fieldsI.classAttribute().name();
        Attribute classMatch = dataSet.attribute(className);
        if (classMatch == null) {
          throw new Exception(
              "[MappingInfo] Can't find match for target field "
                  + className
                  + "in incoming instances!");
      } else if (!fieldsI.classAttribute().name().equals(dataSet.classAttribute().name())) {
        throw new Exception(
            "[MappingInfo] class attribute in mining schema does not match "
                + "class attribute in incoming instances!");

    // Set up the textual description of the mapping
    fieldsMappingString(fieldsI, dataSet);
Esempio n. 6
   * The procedure implementing the SMOTE algorithm. The output instances are pushed onto the output
   * queue for collection.
   * @throws Exception if provided options cannot be executed on input instances
  protected void doSMOTE() throws Exception {
    int minIndex = 0;
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    if (m_DetectMinorityClass) {
      // find minority class
      int[] classCounts =
      for (int i = 0; i < classCounts.length; i++) {
        if (classCounts[i] != 0 && classCounts[i] < min) {
          min = classCounts[i];
          minIndex = i;
    } else {
      String classVal = getClassValue();
      if (classVal.equalsIgnoreCase("first")) {
        minIndex = 1;
      } else if (classVal.equalsIgnoreCase("last")) {
        minIndex = getInputFormat().numClasses();
      } else {
        minIndex = Integer.parseInt(classVal);
      if (minIndex > getInputFormat().numClasses()) {
        throw new Exception("value index must be <= the number of classes");
      minIndex--; // make it an index

    int nearestNeighbors;
    if (min <= getNearestNeighbors()) {
      nearestNeighbors = min - 1;
    } else {
      nearestNeighbors = getNearestNeighbors();
    if (nearestNeighbors < 1) throw new Exception("Cannot use 0 neighbors!");

    // compose minority class dataset
    // also push all dataset instances
    Instances sample = getInputFormat().stringFreeStructure();
    Enumeration instanceEnum = getInputFormat().enumerateInstances();
    while (instanceEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      Instance instance = (Instance) instanceEnum.nextElement();
      push((Instance) instance.copy());
      if ((int) instance.classValue() == minIndex) {

    // compute Value Distance Metric matrices for nominal features
    Map vdmMap = new HashMap();
    Enumeration attrEnum = getInputFormat().enumerateAttributes();
    while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      Attribute attr = (Attribute) attrEnum.nextElement();
      if (!attr.equals(getInputFormat().classAttribute())) {
        if (attr.isNominal() || attr.isString()) {
          double[][] vdm = new double[attr.numValues()][attr.numValues()];
          vdmMap.put(attr, vdm);
          int[] featureValueCounts = new int[attr.numValues()];
          int[][] featureValueCountsByClass =
              new int[getInputFormat().classAttribute().numValues()][attr.numValues()];
          instanceEnum = getInputFormat().enumerateInstances();
          while (instanceEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Instance instance = (Instance) instanceEnum.nextElement();
            int value = (int) instance.value(attr);
            int classValue = (int) instance.classValue();
          for (int valueIndex1 = 0; valueIndex1 < attr.numValues(); valueIndex1++) {
            for (int valueIndex2 = 0; valueIndex2 < attr.numValues(); valueIndex2++) {
              double sum = 0;
              for (int classValueIndex = 0;
                  classValueIndex < getInputFormat().numClasses();
                  classValueIndex++) {
                double c1i = featureValueCountsByClass[classValueIndex][valueIndex1];
                double c2i = featureValueCountsByClass[classValueIndex][valueIndex2];
                double c1 = featureValueCounts[valueIndex1];
                double c2 = featureValueCounts[valueIndex2];
                double term1 = c1i / c1;
                double term2 = c2i / c2;
                sum += Math.abs(term1 - term2);
              vdm[valueIndex1][valueIndex2] = sum;

    // use this random source for all required randomness
    Random rand = new Random(getRandomSeed());

    // find the set of extra indices to use if the percentage is not evenly
    // divisible by 100
    List extraIndices = new LinkedList();
    double percentageRemainder = (getPercentage() / 100) - Math.floor(getPercentage() / 100.0);
    int extraIndicesCount = (int) (percentageRemainder * sample.numInstances());
    if (extraIndicesCount >= 1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < sample.numInstances(); i++) {
    Collections.shuffle(extraIndices, rand);
    extraIndices = extraIndices.subList(0, extraIndicesCount);
    Set extraIndexSet = new HashSet(extraIndices);

    // the main loop to handle computing nearest neighbors and generating SMOTE
    // examples from each instance in the original minority class data
    Instance[] nnArray = new Instance[nearestNeighbors];
    for (int i = 0; i < sample.numInstances(); i++) {
      Instance instanceI = sample.instance(i);
      // find k nearest neighbors for each instance
      List distanceToInstance = new LinkedList();
      for (int j = 0; j < sample.numInstances(); j++) {
        Instance instanceJ = sample.instance(j);
        if (i != j) {
          double distance = 0;
          attrEnum = getInputFormat().enumerateAttributes();
          while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) attrEnum.nextElement();
            if (!attr.equals(getInputFormat().classAttribute())) {
              double iVal = instanceI.value(attr);
              double jVal = instanceJ.value(attr);
              if (attr.isNumeric()) {
                distance += Math.pow(iVal - jVal, 2);
              } else {
                distance += ((double[][]) vdmMap.get(attr))[(int) iVal][(int) jVal];
          distance = Math.pow(distance, .5);
          distanceToInstance.add(new Object[] {distance, instanceJ});

      // sort the neighbors according to distance
          new Comparator() {
            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
              double distance1 = (Double) ((Object[]) o1)[0];
              double distance2 = (Double) ((Object[]) o2)[0];
              return Double.compare(distance1, distance2);

      // populate the actual nearest neighbor instance array
      Iterator entryIterator = distanceToInstance.iterator();
      int j = 0;
      while (entryIterator.hasNext() && j < nearestNeighbors) {
        nnArray[j] = (Instance) ((Object[]) entryIterator.next())[1];

      // create synthetic examples
      int n = (int) Math.floor(getPercentage() / 100);
      while (n > 0 || extraIndexSet.remove(i)) {
        double[] values = new double[sample.numAttributes()];
        int nn = rand.nextInt(nearestNeighbors);
        attrEnum = getInputFormat().enumerateAttributes();
        while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
          Attribute attr = (Attribute) attrEnum.nextElement();
          if (!attr.equals(getInputFormat().classAttribute())) {
            if (attr.isNumeric()) {
              double dif = nnArray[nn].value(attr) - instanceI.value(attr);
              double gap = rand.nextDouble();
              values[attr.index()] = (instanceI.value(attr) + gap * dif);
            } else if (attr.isDate()) {
              double dif = nnArray[nn].value(attr) - instanceI.value(attr);
              double gap = rand.nextDouble();
              values[attr.index()] = (long) (instanceI.value(attr) + gap * dif);
            } else {
              int[] valueCounts = new int[attr.numValues()];
              int iVal = (int) instanceI.value(attr);
              for (int nnEx = 0; nnEx < nearestNeighbors; nnEx++) {
                int val = (int) nnArray[nnEx].value(attr);
              int maxIndex = 0;
              int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
              for (int index = 0; index < attr.numValues(); index++) {
                if (valueCounts[index] > max) {
                  max = valueCounts[index];
                  maxIndex = index;
              values[attr.index()] = maxIndex;
        values[sample.classIndex()] = minIndex;
        Instance synthetic = new Instance(1.0, values);