// If the property is final, the property wins.  If it is not final,
 // the portlet preferences take precedence.
 public String getTitleString(RenderRequest request) {
   Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement();
   return placement.getTitle();
  // Render the portlet - this is not supposed to change the state of the portlet
  // Render may be called many times so if it changes the state - that is tacky
  // Render will be called when someone presses "refresh" or when another portlet
  // onthe same page is handed an Action.
  public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
      throws PortletException, IOException {

    // System.out.println("==== doView called ====");

    // Grab that underlying request to get a GET parameter
    ServletRequest req = (ServletRequest) ThreadLocalManager.get(CURRENT_HTTP_REQUEST);
    String popupDone = req.getParameter("sakai.popup");

    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement();
    String source = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(SOURCE);
    if (source == null) source = "";
    String height = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(HEIGHT);
    if (height == null) height = "1200px";
    boolean maximize = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(MAXIMIZE));

    boolean popup = false; // Comes from content item
    boolean oldPopup = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(POPUP));

    // Retrieve the corresponding content item and tool to check the launch
    Map<String, Object> content = null;
    Map<String, Object> tool = null;
    Long key = getContentIdFromSource(source);
    if (key == null) {
      M_log.warn("Cannot find content id placement=" + placement.getId() + " source=" + source);
    try {
      content = m_ltiService.getContent(key);
      // If we are supposed to popup (per the content), do so and optionally
      // copy the calue into the placement to communicate with the portal
      popup = getLongNull(content.get("newpage")) == 1;
      if (oldPopup != popup) {
        placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(POPUP, popup ? "true" : "false");
      String launch = (String) content.get("launch");
      Long tool_id = getLongNull(content.get("tool_id"));
      if (launch == null && tool_id != null) {
        tool = m_ltiService.getTool(tool_id);
        launch = (String) tool.get("launch");

      // Force http:// to pop-up if we are https://
      String serverUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl();
      if (request.isSecure() || (serverUrl != null && serverUrl.startsWith("https://"))) {
        if (launch != null && launch.startsWith("http://")) popup = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    if (source != null && source.trim().length() > 0) {

      Context context = new VelocityContext();
      context.put("tlang", rb);
      context.put("validator", validator);
      context.put("source", source);
      context.put("height", height);
      sendAlert(request, context);
      context.put("popupdone", Boolean.valueOf(popupDone != null));
      context.put("popup", Boolean.valueOf(popup));
      context.put("maximize", Boolean.valueOf(maximize));

      vHelper.doTemplate(vengine, "/vm/main.vm", context, out);
    } else {

    // System.out.println("==== doView complete ====");
  /** Populate the state with configuration settings */
  protected void initState(SessionState state, VelocityPortlet portlet, JetspeedRunData rundata) {
    // TODO: we might want to keep this from running for each request - but by letting it we get
    // fresh info each time... -ggolden
    super.initState(state, portlet, rundata);

    Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement();
    Properties config = placement.getConfig();

    // set the pass_pid parameter
    boolean passPid = false;
    String passPidStr = config.getProperty(PASS_PID, "false");
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(passPidStr)) {
      state.setAttribute(PASS_PID, Boolean.TRUE);
      passPid = true;

    // Assume macro expansion (disable on request)
    boolean macroExpansion = true;
    String macroExpansionStr = config.getProperty(MACRO_EXPANSION, "true");

    if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(macroExpansionStr)) {
      state.setAttribute(MACRO_EXPANSION, Boolean.FALSE);
      macroExpansion = false;

    // set the special setting
    String special = config.getProperty(SPECIAL);

    final String sakaiPropertiesUrlKey = config.getProperty(SAKAI_PROPERTIES_URL_KEY);

    final String hideOptions = config.getProperty(HIDE_OPTIONS);

    // check for an older way the ChefWebPagePortlet took parameters, converting to our "special"
    // values
    if (special == null) {
      if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("site"))) {
        special = SPECIAL_SITE;
      } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("workspace"))) {
        special = SPECIAL_WORKSPACE;
      } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("worksite"))) {
        special = SPECIAL_WORKSITE;
      } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("annotatedurl"))) {
        special = SPECIAL_ANNOTATEDURL;

    if ((special != null) && (special.trim().length() > 0)) {
      state.setAttribute(SPECIAL, special);

    if ((hideOptions != null) && (hideOptions.trim().length() > 0)) {
      state.setAttribute(HIDE_OPTIONS, hideOptions);

    // set the source url setting
    String source = StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(SOURCE));

    // check for an older way the ChefWebPagePortlet took parameters, converting to our "source"
    // value
    if (source == null) {
      source = StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty("url"));

    // store the raw as-configured source url
    if (source != null) {
      state.setAttribute(SOURCE, source);

    // compute working URL, modified from the configuration URL if special
    String url =
    state.setAttribute(URL, url);

    // set the height
    state.setAttribute(HEIGHT, config.getProperty(HEIGHT, "600px"));

    state.setAttribute(ANNOTATED_TEXT, config.getProperty(ANNOTATED_TEXT, ""));

    if (config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_URL) != null) {
      // set Target page url for Annotated URL Tool
      state.setAttribute(TARGETPAGE_URL, config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_URL));

      // set Target page name for Annotated URL Tool
      state.setAttribute(TARGETPAGE_NAME, config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_NAME));

    // set the title
    state.setAttribute(TITLE, placement.getTitle());

    if (state.getAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE) == null) {
      SitePage p = SiteService.findPage(getCurrentSitePageId());
      state.setAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE, p.getTitle());

    // if events found in tool registration file put them in state
    if ((StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT)) != null)) {
      state.setAttribute(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT, config.getProperty(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT));
    if ((StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT)) != null)) {
      state.setAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT, config.getProperty(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT));

    if (m_eventTrackingService == null) {
      m_eventTrackingService =