Exemple #1
  protected Any handleAnyNull(Any op1, Any op2) {
    Any iNull = AnyNull.instance();
    Any iEquals = AnyAlwaysEquals.instance();

    if (((op1 != null && op1 == iNull) && (op2 != null && op2 == iNull))
        || // null == null is TRUE
        ((op1 != null && op1 == iEquals) && (op2 != null && op2 == iNull))
        || // equals == null is TRUE
        ((op1 != null && op1 == iNull)
            && (op2 != null && op2 == iEquals))) // null == equals is TRUE
      return AnyBoolean.TRUE;

    if ((op1 != null && op1 == iNull) || (op2 != null && op2 == iNull)) {
      return AnyBoolean.FALSE;

    return null;
Exemple #2
  public Any exec(Any a) throws AnyException {
    Transaction t = getTransaction();

    Composite sumRoot = (Composite) EvalExpr.evalFunc(t, a, sumRoot_, Composite.class);

    if (sumRoot == null) nullOperand(sumRoot_);

    Any expression = null;
    Any sum = null;
    Any tmp = null;
    Adder adder = null;

    if (takeAverage_ && sumRoot.entries() == 0) return null;

    Iter i = sumRoot.createIterator();

    Any loop = t.getLoop();

    try {
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        Any child = i.next();

        // Set $loop

        // Lazy clone of expression
        if (expression == null) {
          expression = expression_.cloneAny();

        if (sum == null) {
          sum = EvalExpr.evalFunc(t, a, expression);

          if (sum == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Failed to resolve " + expression_ + "during summation");

          // To save on the creation of temporaries, the first sum
          // item is used as the prototype for the result.  The
          // remaining items, if not the same, must be convertible to it.
          adder = new Adder(sum);
          sum = adder.add(sum);
          tmp = sum.buildNew(null);
        } else {
          Any next = EvalExpr.evalFunc(t, a, expression);
          if (next == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Failed to resolve " + expression_ + "during summation");


        // No point in continuing the iteration if we hit a null
        if (adder.isNull()) break;

      if (adder != null && adder.isNull()) return AnyNull.instance();

      if (takeAverage_ && sum != null) return adder.doAvg(sum, sumRoot.entries());

      return sum == null ? AnyNull.instance() : sum;
    } finally {