private String getContextId() { if (TestUtil.isRunningTests()) { return "test-context"; } Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String presentSiteId = placement.getContext(); return presentSiteId; }
/** * Get the current site id * * @throws SessionDataException * @return Site id (GUID) */ private String getSiteId() throws SessionDataException { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (placement == null) { throw new SessionDataException("No current tool placement"); } return placement.getContext(); }
public void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String title = getTitleString(request); if (title != null) response.setTitle(title); Context context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("tlang", rb); context.put("validator", validator); sendAlert(request, context); PortletURL url = response.createActionURL(); context.put("actionUrl", url.toString()); context.put("doCancel", "sakai.cancel"); context.put("doUpdate", "sakai.update"); // get current site Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String siteId = ""; // find the right LTIContent object for this page String source = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(SOURCE); Long key = getContentIdFromSource(source); if (key == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content id placement=" + placement.getId() + " source=" + source); return; } Map<String, Object> content = m_ltiService.getContent(key); if (content == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content item placement=" + placement.getId() + " key=" + key); return; } // attach the ltiToolId to each model attribute, so that we could have the tool configuration // page for multiple tools String foundLtiToolId = content.get(m_ltiService.LTI_TOOL_ID).toString(); Map<String, Object> tool = m_ltiService.getTool(Long.valueOf(foundLtiToolId)); if (tool == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find tool placement=" + placement.getId() + " key=" + foundLtiToolId); return; } String[] contentToolModel = m_ltiService.getContentModel(Long.valueOf(foundLtiToolId)); String formInput = m_ltiService.formInput(content, contentToolModel); context.put("formInput", formInput); vHelper.doTemplate(vengine, "/vm/edit.vm", context, out); }
/** * Get the current site id * * @param state SessionState * @throws SessionDataException * @return Site id (GUID) */ private String getSiteId(SessionState state) throws SessionDataException { // Check if it is state (i.e. we are a helper in String retval = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_SITE_INSTANCE_ID); if (retval != null) return retval; // If it is not in state, we must be stand alone Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (placement == null) { throw new SessionDataException("No current tool placement"); } return placement.getContext(); }
public BaseResourceEdit(String id, SyllabusData data) { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String currentSiteId = placement.getContext(); m_id = id; m_data = data; m_reference = Entity.SEPARATOR + currentSiteId + Entity.SEPARATOR + m_id; m_properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit(); m_properties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, data.getTitle()); }
public boolean setTemporaryPlacement(Site site) { if (site == null) return false; Placement ppp = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp != null && site.getId().equals(ppp.getContext())) { return true; } // Create a site-only placement Placement placement = new org.sakaiproject.util.Placement( "portal-temporary", /* toolId */ null, /* tool */ null, /* config */ null, /* context */ site.getId(), /* title */ null); ThreadLocalManager.set(CURRENT_PLACEMENT, placement); // Debugging ppp = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp == null) { System.out.println("WARNING portal-temporary placement not set - null"); } else { String cont = ppp.getContext(); if (site.getId().equals(cont)) { return true; } else { System.out.println( "WARNING portal-temporary placement mismatch site=" + site.getId() + " context=" + cont); } } return false; }
public void processActionEdit(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { // TODO: Check Role // Stay in EDIT mode unless we are successful response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.EDIT); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); // get the site toolConfiguration, if this is part of a site. ToolConfiguration toolConfig = SiteService.findTool(placement.getId()); String id = request.getParameter(LTIService.LTI_ID); String toolId = request.getParameter(LTIService.LTI_TOOL_ID); Properties reqProps = new Properties(); Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); reqProps.setProperty(name, request.getParameter(name)); } Object retval = m_ltiService.updateContent(Long.parseLong(id), reqProps);; response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.VIEW); }
/* * public void setRelease(String release) { this.release = release; } * * public String getRelease() { return release; } */ public ArrayList getGradebooks() { if (userId == null) { userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); if (userId != null) { try { userEid = UserDirectoryService.getUserEid(userId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { LOG.error("UserNotDefinedException", e); } } } Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String currentSiteId = placement.getContext(); siteId = currentSiteId; try { if (checkAccess()) { //"**** Getting by context!"); gradebooks = new ArrayList(gradebookManager.getGradebooksByContext(siteId, sortBy, ascending)); } else { //"**** Getting RELEASED by context!"); gradebooks = new ArrayList( gradebookManager.getReleasedGradebooksByContext(siteId, sortBy, ascending)); } } catch (Exception e) { gradebooks = null; } if (gradebooks != null && gradebooks.size() > 0) gradebooksExist = true; else gradebooksExist = false; return gradebooks; }
// NOTE: This code is duplicated in // make sure to change code both places protected void setupForward( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Placement p, String skin) throws ToolException { // setup html information that the tool might need (skin, body on load, // js includes, etc). if (skin == null || skin.length() == 0) skin = ServerConfigurationService.getString("skin.default"); String skinRepo = ServerConfigurationService.getString("skin.repo"); String headCssToolBase = "<link href=\"" + skinRepo + "/tool_base.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"all\" />\n"; String headCssToolSkin = "<link href=\"" + skinRepo + "/" + skin + "/tool.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"all\" />\n"; String headCss = headCssToolBase + headCssToolSkin; String headJs = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/library/js/headscripts.js\"></script>\n"; String head = headCss + headJs; StringBuilder bodyonload = new StringBuilder(); if (p != null) { String element = Web.escapeJavascript("Main" + p.getId()); bodyonload.append("setMainFrameHeight('" + element + "');"); } bodyonload.append("setFocus(focus_path);"); req.setAttribute("sakai.html.head", head); req.setAttribute("sakai.html.head.css", headCss); req.setAttribute("sakai.html.head.css.base", headCssToolBase); req.setAttribute("", headCssToolSkin); req.setAttribute("sakai.html.head.js", headJs); req.setAttribute("sakai.html.body.onload", bodyonload.toString()); }
/** Populate the state with configuration settings */ protected void initState(SessionState state, VelocityPortlet portlet, JetspeedRunData rundata) { // TODO: we might want to keep this from running for each request - but by letting it we get // fresh info each time... -ggolden super.initState(state, portlet, rundata); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); Properties config = placement.getConfig(); // set the pass_pid parameter boolean passPid = false; String passPidStr = config.getProperty(PASS_PID, "false"); state.removeAttribute(PASS_PID); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(passPidStr)) { state.setAttribute(PASS_PID, Boolean.TRUE); passPid = true; } // Assume macro expansion (disable on request) boolean macroExpansion = true; String macroExpansionStr = config.getProperty(MACRO_EXPANSION, "true"); state.removeAttribute(MACRO_EXPANSION); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(macroExpansionStr)) { state.setAttribute(MACRO_EXPANSION, Boolean.FALSE); macroExpansion = false; } // set the special setting String special = config.getProperty(SPECIAL); final String sakaiPropertiesUrlKey = config.getProperty(SAKAI_PROPERTIES_URL_KEY); final String hideOptions = config.getProperty(HIDE_OPTIONS); // check for an older way the ChefWebPagePortlet took parameters, converting to our "special" // values if (special == null) { if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("site"))) { special = SPECIAL_SITE; } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("workspace"))) { special = SPECIAL_WORKSPACE; } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("worksite"))) { special = SPECIAL_WORKSITE; } else if ("true".equals(config.getProperty("annotatedurl"))) { special = SPECIAL_ANNOTATEDURL; } } state.removeAttribute(SPECIAL); if ((special != null) && (special.trim().length() > 0)) { state.setAttribute(SPECIAL, special); } state.removeAttribute(HIDE_OPTIONS); if ((hideOptions != null) && (hideOptions.trim().length() > 0)) { state.setAttribute(HIDE_OPTIONS, hideOptions); } // set the source url setting String source = StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(SOURCE)); // check for an older way the ChefWebPagePortlet took parameters, converting to our "source" // value if (source == null) { source = StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty("url")); } // store the raw as-configured source url state.removeAttribute(SOURCE); if (source != null) { state.setAttribute(SOURCE, source); } // compute working URL, modified from the configuration URL if special String url = sourceUrl( special, source, placement.getContext(), macroExpansion, passPid, placement.getId(), sakaiPropertiesUrlKey); state.setAttribute(URL, url); // set the height state.setAttribute(HEIGHT, config.getProperty(HEIGHT, "600px")); state.setAttribute(ANNOTATED_TEXT, config.getProperty(ANNOTATED_TEXT, "")); if (config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_URL) != null) { // set Target page url for Annotated URL Tool state.setAttribute(TARGETPAGE_URL, config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_URL)); // set Target page name for Annotated URL Tool state.setAttribute(TARGETPAGE_NAME, config.getProperty(TARGETPAGE_NAME)); } // set the title state.setAttribute(TITLE, placement.getTitle()); if (state.getAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE) == null) { SitePage p = SiteService.findPage(getCurrentSitePageId()); state.setAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE, p.getTitle()); } // if events found in tool registration file put them in state if ((StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT)) != null)) { state.setAttribute(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT, config.getProperty(EVENT_ACCESS_WEB_CONTENT)); } if ((StringUtils.trimToNull(config.getProperty(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT)) != null)) { state.setAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT, config.getProperty(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT)); } if (m_eventTrackingService == null) { m_eventTrackingService = (EventTrackingService) ComponentManager.get("org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService"); } }
private String getCurrentSiteId() { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); return placement.getContext(); }
/** Setup the velocity context and choose the template for options. */ public String buildOptionsPanelContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData data, SessionState state) { // provide the source, and let the user edit, if not special String special = (String) state.getAttribute(SPECIAL); String source = ""; String siteId = ""; if (special == null) { source = (String) state.getAttribute(SOURCE); if (source == null) source = ""; context.put(SOURCE, source); context.put("heading", rb.getString("gen.custom")); } // set the heading based on special else { if (SPECIAL_SITE.equals(special)) { context.put("heading", rb.getString("")); } else if (SPECIAL_WORKSPACE.equals(special)) { context.put("heading", rb.getString("gen.custom.workspace")); } else if (SPECIAL_WORKSITE.equals(special)) { context.put("heading", rb.getString("gen.custom.worksite")); // for worksite, also include the Site's infourl and description try { Site s = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); siteId = s.getId(); String infoUrl = StringUtils.trimToNull(s.getInfoUrl()); if (infoUrl != null) { context.put("info_url", infoUrl); } String description = StringUtils.trimToNull(s.getDescription()); if (description != null) { description = FormattedText.escapeHtmlFormattedTextarea(description); context.put("description", description); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } else if (SPECIAL_ANNOTATEDURL.equals(special)) { context.put("heading", rb.getString("gen.custom.annotatedurl")); // for Annotated URL Tool page, also include the description try { String desp = state.getAttribute(ANNOTATED_TEXT).toString(); context.put("description", desp); } catch (Throwable e) { } } else { context.put("heading", rb.getString("gen.custom")); } } boolean selected = false; String height = state.getAttribute(HEIGHT).toString(); for (int i = 0; i < ourPixels.length; i++) { if (height.equals(ourPixels[i])) { selected = true; continue; } } if (!selected) { String[] strings = height.trim().split("px"); context.put("custom_height", strings[0]); height = rb.getString("gen.heisomelse"); } context.put(HEIGHT, height); context.put(TITLE, state.getAttribute(TITLE)); context.put("tlang", rb); context.put("doUpdate", BUTTON + "doConfigure_update"); context.put("doCancel", BUTTON + "doCancel"); context.put("form_tool_title", FORM_TOOL_TITLE); context.put("form_page_title", FORM_PAGE_TITLE); // if we are part of a site, and the only tool on the page, offer the popup to edit Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); ToolConfiguration toolConfig = SiteService.findTool(placement.getId()); if ((state.getAttribute(SPECIAL) == null) && (toolConfig != null)) { try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(toolConfig.getSiteId()); siteId = site.getId(); SitePage page = site.getPage(toolConfig.getPageId()); // if this is the only tool on that page, update the page's title also if ((page.getTools() != null) && (page.getTools().size() == 1)) { context.put("showPopup", Boolean.TRUE); context.put("popup", Boolean.valueOf(page.isPopUp())); context.put("pageTitleEditable", Boolean.TRUE); context.put("page_title", (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE)); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } // pick the "-customize" template based on the standard template name String template = (String) getContext(data).get("template"); // pick the site customize template if we are in that mode if (SPECIAL_WORKSITE.equals(special)) { template = template + "-site-customize"; } else if (SPECIAL_WORKSPACE.equals(special)) { template = template + "-customize"; } else if (SPECIAL_ANNOTATEDURL.equals(special)) { template = template + "-annotatedurl-customize"; } else { template = template + "-customize"; } // tracking event if (siteId.length() == 0) { try { Site s = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); siteId = s.getId(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } if (special == null) { if (state.getAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT) == null) { // this is a Web Content tool m_eventTrackingService.newEvent( EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT, source, siteId, true, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE)); } else { // event in tool registration file will be used m_eventTrackingService.newEvent( (String) state.getAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT), source, siteId, true, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE)); } } else { if (state.getAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT) != null) { // special and event in tool registration file m_eventTrackingService.newEvent( (String) state.getAttribute(EVENT_REVISE_WEB_CONTENT), source, siteId, true, NotificationService.NOTI_NONE)); } } // output the max limit context.put("max_length_title", MAX_TITLE_LENGTH); context.put("max_length_info_url", MAX_SITE_INFO_URL_LENGTH); return template; }
/** Handle the configure context's update button */ public void doConfigure_update(RunData data, Context context) { // TODO: if we do limit the initState() calls, we need to make sure we get a new one after this // call -ggolden String peid = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid(); SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(peid); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); // get the site toolConfiguration, if this is part of a site. ToolConfiguration toolConfig = SiteService.findTool(placement.getId()); // height String height = data.getParameters().getString(HEIGHT); if (height.equals(rb.getString("gen.heisomelse"))) { String customHeight = data.getParameters().getString(CUSTOM_HEIGHT); if ((customHeight != null) && (!customHeight.equals(""))) { if (!checkDigits(customHeight)) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("java.alert.pleentval")); return; } state.setAttribute(HEIGHT, customHeight); height = customHeight + "px"; state.setAttribute(HEIGHT, height); placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(HEIGHT, height); } else { addAlert(state, rb.getString("java.alert.pleentval")); return; } } else if (SPECIAL_ANNOTATEDURL.equals(state.getAttribute(SPECIAL))) { // update the site info try { String desp = data.getParameters().getString("description"); state.setAttribute(ANNOTATED_TEXT, desp); placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(ANNOTATED_TEXT, desp); } catch (Throwable e) { } } else { state.setAttribute(HEIGHT, height); placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(HEIGHT, height); } // title String title = data.getParameters().getString(TITLE); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.tootit.empty")); return; // SAK-19515 check for LENGTH of tool title } else if (title.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.tootit.toolong")); return; } placement.setTitle(title); // site info url String infoUrl = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("infourl")); if (infoUrl != null && infoUrl.length() > MAX_SITE_INFO_URL_LENGTH) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("")); return; } try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(toolConfig.getSiteId()); SitePage page = site.getPage(toolConfig.getPageId()); page.setTitleCustom(true); // for web content tool, if it is a site page tool, and the only tool on the page, update the // page title / popup. if ((state.getAttribute(SPECIAL) == null) && (toolConfig != null)) { // if this is the only tool on that page, update the page's title also if ((page.getTools() != null) && (page.getTools().size() == 1)) { String newPageTitle = data.getParameters().getString(FORM_PAGE_TITLE); if (StringUtils.isBlank(newPageTitle)) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.pagtit.empty")); return; } else if (newPageTitle.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.pagtit.toolong")); return; } page.setTitle(newPageTitle); state.setAttribute(STATE_PAGE_TITLE, newPageTitle); // popup boolean popup = data.getParameters().getBoolean("popup"); page.setPopup(popup); } }; } catch (Exception ignore) { M_log.warn("doConfigure_update: " + ignore); } // read source if we are not special if (state.getAttribute(SPECIAL) == null) { String source = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(data.getParameters().getString(SOURCE)); // User entered nothing in the source box; give the user an alert if (StringUtils.isBlank(source)) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.url.empty")); return; } if ((!source.startsWith("/")) && (source.indexOf("://") == -1)) { source = "http://" + source; } // Validate the url UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(); if (!urlValidator.isValid(source)) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("gen.url.invalid")); return; } // update state placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(SOURCE, source); } else if (SPECIAL_WORKSITE.equals(state.getAttribute(SPECIAL))) { if ((infoUrl != null) && (infoUrl.length() > 0) && (!infoUrl.startsWith("/")) && (infoUrl.indexOf("://") == -1)) { infoUrl = "http://" + infoUrl; } String description = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("description")); description = FormattedText.processEscapedHtml(description); // update the site info try { SiteService.saveSiteInfo( ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(), description, infoUrl); } catch (Throwable e) { M_log.warn("doConfigure_update: " + e); } } // save // TODO: we might have just saved the entire site, so this would not be needed -ggolden; // we are done with customization... back to the main mode state.removeAttribute(STATE_MODE); // refresh the whole page, since popup and title may have changed scheduleTopRefresh(); }
protected Properties extractPropertiesFromTool() { Placement placement = toolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); Properties props = placement.getPlacementConfig(); if (props.isEmpty()) props = placement.getConfig(); return props; }
// Render the portlet - this is not supposed to change the state of the portlet // Render may be called many times so if it changes the state - that is tacky // Render will be called when someone presses "refresh" or when another portlet // onthe same page is handed an Action. public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); // System.out.println("==== doView called ===="); // Grab that underlying request to get a GET parameter ServletRequest req = (ServletRequest) ThreadLocalManager.get(CURRENT_HTTP_REQUEST); String popupDone = req.getParameter("sakai.popup"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); response.setTitle(placement.getTitle()); String source = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(SOURCE); if (source == null) source = ""; String height = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(HEIGHT); if (height == null) height = "1200px"; boolean maximize = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(MAXIMIZE)); boolean popup = false; // Comes from content item boolean oldPopup = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(POPUP)); // Retrieve the corresponding content item and tool to check the launch Map<String, Object> content = null; Map<String, Object> tool = null; Long key = getContentIdFromSource(source); if (key == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content id placement=" + placement.getId() + " source=" + source); return; } try { content = m_ltiService.getContent(key); // If we are supposed to popup (per the content), do so and optionally // copy the calue into the placement to communicate with the portal popup = getLongNull(content.get("newpage")) == 1; if (oldPopup != popup) { placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(POPUP, popup ? "true" : "false");; } String launch = (String) content.get("launch"); Long tool_id = getLongNull(content.get("tool_id")); if (launch == null && tool_id != null) { tool = m_ltiService.getTool(tool_id); launch = (String) tool.get("launch"); } // Force http:// to pop-up if we are https:// String serverUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl(); if (request.isSecure() || (serverUrl != null && serverUrl.startsWith("https://"))) { if (launch != null && launch.startsWith("http://")) popup = true; } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(rb.getString("")); e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (source != null && source.trim().length() > 0) { Context context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("tlang", rb); context.put("validator", validator); context.put("source", source); context.put("height", height); sendAlert(request, context); context.put("popupdone", Boolean.valueOf(popupDone != null)); context.put("popup", Boolean.valueOf(popup)); context.put("maximize", Boolean.valueOf(maximize)); vHelper.doTemplate(vengine, "/vm/main.vm", context, out); } else { out.println(rb.getString("")); } // System.out.println("==== doView complete ===="); }
// If the property is final, the property wins. If it is not final, // the portlet preferences take precedence. public String getTitleString(RenderRequest request) { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); return placement.getTitle(); }
public void fillComponents( UIContainer tofill, ViewParameters viewparams, ComponentChecker checker) { ViewSubmissionsViewParams params = (ViewSubmissionsViewParams) viewparams; // make sure that we have an AssignmentID to work with if (params.assignmentId == null) { // ERROR SHOULD BE SET, OTHERWISE TAKE BACK TO ASSIGNMENT_LIST messages.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("GeneralActionError")); return; } assignmentId = params.assignmentId; Assignment2 assignment = assignmentLogic.getAssignmentByIdWithAssociatedData(assignmentId); String currUserId = externalLogic.getCurrentUserId(); boolean contentReviewEnabled = assignment.isContentReviewEnabled() && contentReviewLogic.isContentReviewAvailable(assignment.getContextId()); // let's double check that none of the associated groups were deleted from the site boolean displayGroupDeletionWarning = false; if (assignment.getAssignmentGroupSet() != null && !assignment.getAssignmentGroupSet().isEmpty()) { Collection<Group> siteGroups = externalLogic.getSiteGroups(assignment.getContextId()); List<String> groupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (siteGroups != null) { for (Group group : siteGroups) { groupIds.add(group.getId()); } } for (AssignmentGroup assignGroup : assignment.getAssignmentGroupSet()) { if (!groupIds.contains(assignGroup.getGroupId())) { displayGroupDeletionWarning = true; break; } } } if (displayGroupDeletionWarning) { UIOutput.make( tofill, "deleted_group", messageLocator.getMessage("assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.group_deleted")); } // Edit Permission boolean userMayEditAssign = permissionLogic.isUserAllowedToEditAssignment(currUserId, assignment); boolean userMayManageSubmissions = permissionLogic.isUserAllowedToManageSubmissionsForAssignment(currUserId, assignment); // get parameters if (params.sort_by == null) params.sort_by = DEFAULT_SORT_BY; if (params.sort_dir == null) params.sort_dir = DEFAULT_SORT_DIR; UIVerbatim.make( tofill, "defaultSortBy", HTMLUtil.emitJavascriptVar("defaultSortBy", DEFAULT_SORT_BY)); // we need to retrieve the history for the release/retract feedback logic List<AssignmentSubmission> submissions = submissionLogic.getViewableSubmissionsWithHistoryForAssignmentId( assignmentId, params.groupId); List<String> studentIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (submissions != null) { for (AssignmentSubmission submission : submissions) { studentIdList.add(submission.getUserId()); } } // The following is some code to populate the sort order/page size, if // it's already been put in session state by the entity provider. Long pagesize = null; String orderBy = null; Boolean ascending = null; ToolSession toolSession = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); if (toolSession.getAttribute(Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR) != null) { Map attr = (Map) toolSession.getAttribute( Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR); if (attr.containsKey( Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE)) { pagesize = (Long) attr.get(Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE); } if (attr.containsKey( Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_ORDER_BY)) { orderBy = (String) attr.get(Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_ORDER_BY); } if (attr.containsKey( Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_ASCENDING)) { ascending = (Boolean) attr.get(Assignment2SubmissionEntityProvider.SUBMISSIONVIEW_SESSION_ATTR_ASCENDING); } } // if assign is graded, retrieve the gb details, if appropriate GradebookItem gbItem = null; boolean gbItemExists = false; boolean gradesReleased = false; // user may view the associated gradebook item boolean userMayViewGbItem = false; // user has grading privileges for this gb item boolean userMayGrade = false; boolean userMayReleaseGrades = false; if (assignment.isGraded() && assignment.getGradebookItemId() != null) { userMayViewGbItem = gradebookLogic.isCurrentUserAbleToViewGradebookItem( assignment.getContextId(), assignment.getGradebookItemId()); if (userMayViewGbItem) { // user may grade if there is at least one gradable student among the submissions List<String> gradableStudents = gradebookLogic.getFilteredStudentsForGradebookItem( currUserId, assignment.getContextId(), assignment.getGradebookItemId(), AssignmentConstants.GRADE, studentIdList); userMayGrade = gradableStudents != null && !gradableStudents.isEmpty(); userMayReleaseGrades = gradebookLogic.isCurrentUserAbleToEdit(assignment.getContextId()); try { gbItem = gradebookLogic.getGradebookItemById( assignment.getContextId(), assignment.getGradebookItemId()); gbItemExists = true; gradesReleased = gbItem.isReleased(); } catch (GradebookItemNotFoundException ginfe) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Gb item with id: " + assignment.getGradebookItemId() + " no longer exists!"); gbItem = null; } } } // if user has grading privileges but item no longer exists, display warning // to user if (assignment.isGraded() && userMayViewGbItem && !gbItemExists) { UIOutput.make( tofill, "no_gb_item", messageLocator.getMessage("assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.gb_item_deleted")); } // We need to check if it's a non electronic submission. If it is, we don't want to have // the submitted columns appear (Submitted and Submission Status). // We pass in the boolean parameter nonElectronicSubmission to viewSubmission.js (specifically // snn2subview.init()), // where logic is there to use this parameter. boolean nonElectronicSubmission = false; if (assignment.getSubmissionType() == AssignmentConstants.SUBMIT_NON_ELECTRONIC) { nonElectronicSubmission = true; } UIInitBlock.make( tofill, "asnn2subview-init", "asnn2subview.init", new Object[] { assignmentId, externalLogic.getCurrentContextId(), placement.getId(), submissions.size(), assignment.isGraded(), contentReviewEnabled, nonElectronicSubmission, pagesize, orderBy, ascending, gradesReleased, params.pageIndex }); // Breadcrumbs UIInternalLink.make( tofill, "breadcrumb", messageLocator.getMessage("assignment2.assignment_list-sortview.heading"), new SimpleViewParameters(ListProducer.VIEW_ID)); UIMessage.make( tofill, "last_breadcrumb", "assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.heading", new Object[] {assignment.getTitle()}); // ACTION BAR boolean displayReleaseGrades = false; boolean displayReleaseFB = false; boolean displayDownloadAll = false; boolean displayUploadAll = false; if (userMayEditAssign || userMayManageSubmissions) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "navIntraTool"); } // RELEASE GRADES // don't display this option if the gb item doesn't exist anymore if (userMayReleaseGrades && assignment.isGraded() && gbItemExists) { displayReleaseGrades = true; // determine if grades have been released yet String releaseLinkText = messageLocator.getMessage("assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.grades.release"); if (gradesReleased) { releaseLinkText = messageLocator.getMessage("assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.grades.retract"); } UIForm releaseGradesForm = UIForm.make(tofill, "release_grades_form"); UICommand releaseGradesButton = UICommand.make(releaseGradesForm, "release_grades"); UIOutput.make(tofill, "release_grades_li"); UIInternalLink releaseGradesLink = UIInternalLink.make(tofill, "release_grades_link", releaseLinkText, viewparams); Map<String, String> idmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); idmap.put( "onclick", "asnn2.releaseGradesDialog('" + releaseGradesButton.getFullID() + "', '" + assignment.getContextId() + "', '" + assignment.getGradebookItemId() + "', '" + !gradesReleased + "'); return false;"); releaseGradesLink.decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator(idmap)); makeReleaseGradesDialog(gradesReleased, assignment, tofill); } // RELEASE FEEDBACK if (userMayManageSubmissions) { displayReleaseFB = true; makeReleaseFeedbackLink(tofill, params, submissions); } // DOWNLOAD ALL if (userMayManageSubmissions) { displayDownloadAll = true; ZipViewParams zvp = new ZipViewParams("zipSubmissions", assignmentId); UIInternalLink.make( tofill, "downloadall", UIMessage.make("assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.downloadall.button"), zvp); } // UPLOAD GRADES & FEEDBACK if (userMayManageSubmissions) { displayUploadAll = true; AssignmentViewParams avp = new AssignmentViewParams("uploadall", assignmentId); if (assignment.isGraded() && gbItemExists && userMayGrade) { UIInternalLink.make( tofill, "uploadall", UIMessage.make("assignment2.uploadall.breadcrumb.upload.graded"), avp); } else { UIInternalLink.make( tofill, "uploadall", UIMessage.make("assignment2.uploadall.breadcrumb.upload.ungraded"), avp); } } // handle those pesky separators if (displayReleaseGrades && (displayReleaseFB || displayUploadAll || displayDownloadAll)) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "release_grades_sep"); } if (displayReleaseFB && (displayUploadAll || displayDownloadAll)) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "release_feedback_sep"); } if (displayDownloadAll && displayUploadAll) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "downloadall_sep"); } UIMessage.make(tofill, "page-title", "assignment2.assignment_grade-assignment.title"); // now make the "View By Sections/Groups" filter makeViewByGroupFilter(tofill, params, assignment); /* * Form for assigning a grade to all submissions without a grade. * Do not allow grading if gbItem is null - it must have been deleted */ if (submissions != null && !submissions.isEmpty() && userMayGrade && assignment.isGraded() && gbItemExists) { createApplyToUngradedWidget(assignment, tofill, params, "unassigned-apply-form0:"); createApplyToUngradedWidget(assignment, tofill, params, "unassigned-apply-form1:"); } // Confirmation Dialogs // These are only added here for internationalization. They are not part // of a real form. UICommand.make( tofill, "release-feedback-confirm", UIMessage.make("assignment2.dialogs.release_all_feedback.confirm")); UICommand.make( tofill, "release-feedback-cancel", UIMessage.make("assignment2.dialogs.release_all_feedback.cancel")); UICommand.make( tofill, "retract-feedback-confirm", UIMessage.make("assignment2.dialogs.retract_all_feedback.confirm")); UICommand.make( tofill, "retract-feedback-cancel", UIMessage.make("assignment2.dialogs.retract_all_feedback.cancel")); }
public ToolConfigBean(Placement currentPlacement, String defaultHomePageName) { m_properties = currentPlacement.getConfig(); this.defaultHomePageName = defaultHomePageName; }