@Override public void draw(GL2 gl, Object obj) { if (!(Force.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()))) return; Force force = (Force) obj; gl.glLineWidth(2.5f); gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0f, 0f); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES); gl.glVertex3d( force.getPointApplication().getX(), force.getPointApplication().getY(), force.getPointApplication().getZ()); Vector3D finalPoint = force.getPointApplication().add(force.getForce()); gl.glVertex3d(finalPoint.getX(), finalPoint.getY(), finalPoint.getZ()); gl.glEnd(); gl.glTranslated( force.getPointApplication().getX(), force.getPointApplication().getY(), force.getPointApplication().getZ()); gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GLU glu = new GLU(); GLUquadric q = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(q, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluSphere(q, Force.originRadius, 5, 5); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(q); }
/** ***************************************************** */ public void draw(GL2 gl, GLU glu, Camera cam) { if (transform != null) transform.execute(gl); gl.glTranslatef(x, y, z); applyMaterial(gl); gl.glLineWidth(wfwidth); // Draw GLUquadric qobj = glu.gluNewQuadric(); if (facestatus) { if (wfstatus) { gl.glEnable(GL2.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); gl.glPolygonOffset(1.0f, 1.0f); } gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2.GL_FILL); gl.glNormal3f(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z); gl.glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); glu.gluDisk(qobj, radiusInner, radiusOuter, slices, loops); if (wfstatus) gl.glDisable(GL2.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } if (wfstatus) { gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2.GL_LINE); gl.glNormal3f(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z); gl.glColor4f(wfcolor.r, wfcolor.g, wfcolor.b, wfcolor.a); glu.gluDisk(qobj, radiusInner, radiusOuter, slices, loops); } }
@Override public synchronized void drawNodes(GL2 gl, Projection projection) { // vykreslení pomocných čar GLUtils.glSetColor(gl, supportColor); gl.glLineWidth(1); GLUtils.drawSimpleLine(gl, points); drawSimpleNodes(gl); }
/** * Render the arrow as a line and a _head. * * @param gl OpenGL Context */ public void render(GL2 gl) { // save Light Attributes and remove lighting to get "full" RGB colors // gl.glPushAttrib( GL2.GL_LIGHTING_BIT ); gl.glPushAttrib(GL2.GL_ENABLE_BIT); gl.glDisable(GL2.GL_LIGHTING); if (_fg_verb) { System.out.println( "Arrow pos=" + _pos.toString() + " angZ1=" + _angZ1 + " angY2=" + _angY2 + " length=" + _length); _fg_verb = false; } // save transformation matrix, then translate and scale. gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(_pos.x, _pos.y, _pos.z); gl.glRotatef(Matrix.rad2Deg(_angZ1), 0, 0, 1); // rotation around 0z gl.glRotatef(Matrix.rad2Deg(_angY2), 0, 1, 0); // rotation around 0y // draw line gl.glColor4f(_color_fg.x, _color_fg.y, _color_fg.z, _color_fg.w); gl.glLineWidth(1.0f); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES); { gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0); gl.glVertex3f(_length, 0, 0); } gl.glEnd(); // draw head gl.glPolygonMode(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2GL3.GL_FILL); gl.glTranslatef(_length, 0, 0); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLES); { for (float[] face : _head_faces) { gl.glVertex3f(face[0], face[1], face[2]); gl.glVertex3f(face[3], face[4], face[5]); gl.glVertex3f(face[6], face[7], face[8]); } } gl.glEnd(); // restore transformation matrix gl.glPopMatrix(); // restore attributes gl.glPopAttrib(); }
protected void drawToolTipOutline( DrawContext dc, double width, double height, ToolTipAttributes attributes) { GL2 gl = dc.getGL(); this.applyColor(dc, attributes.getOutlineColor(), attributes.getOutlineOpacity()); gl.glLineWidth((float) getOutlineWidth()); // Draw a line loop around the background rectangle. Inset the lines slightly to compensate for // OpenGL's line // rasterization algorithm. We want the line to straddle the rectangle pixels. double inset = 0.5; gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_LOOP); gl.glVertex2d(inset, inset); gl.glVertex2d(width - inset, inset); gl.glVertex2d(width - inset, height - inset); gl.glVertex2d(inset, height - inset); gl.glEnd(); }
@Override public void draw(IBNAView view, ICoordinateMapper cm, GL2 gl, Rectangle clip, IResources r) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(t.get(IHasSelected.SELECTED_KEY))) { List<Point> localPoints = BNAUtils.worldToLocal(cm, t.getPoints()); gl.glLineWidth(1f); gl.glColor3f(1f, 1f, 1f); gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_STRIP); for (Point p : localPoints) { gl.glVertex2f(p.x + 0.5f, p.y + 0.5f); } gl.glEnd(); gl.glColor3f(0f, 0f, 0f); gl.glLineStipple(1, (short) (0x0f0f0f0f >> t.getRotatingOffset() % 8)); gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_STRIP); for (Point p : localPoints) { gl.glVertex2f(p.x + 0.5f, p.y + 0.5f); } gl.glEnd(); } }
public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { update(); GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); // Clear Color Buffer, Depth Buffer gl.glClear(GL2.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL2.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); Matrix TmpMatrix = new Matrix(); // Temporary MATRIX Structure ( NEW ) Vector TmpVector = new Vector(), TmpNormal = new Vector(); // Temporary // VECTOR // Structures // ( NEW ) gl.glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Matrix if (outlineSmooth) { // Check To See If We Want Anti-Aliased Lines ( NEW // ) gl.glHint(GL2.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL2.GL_NICEST); // Use The Good // Calculations // ( NEW ) gl.glEnable(GL2.GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // Enable Anti-Aliasing ( NEW ) } else // We Don't Want Smooth Lines ( NEW ) gl.glDisable(GL2.GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // Disable Anti-Aliasing ( NEW ) gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f); // Move 2 Units Away From The Screen // ( NEW ) gl.glRotatef(modelAngle, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Rotate The Model On It's // Y-Axis ( NEW ) gl.glGetFloatv(GLMatrixFunc.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, TmpMatrix.Data, 0); // Get // The // Generated // Matrix // ( // NEW // ) // Cel-Shading Code // gl.glEnable(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_1D); // Enable 1D Texturing ( NEW ) gl.glBindTexture(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_1D, shaderTexture[0]); // Bind Our // Texture ( NEW // ) gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Set The Color Of The Model ( NEW ) gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES); // Tell OpenGL That We're Drawing // Triangles // Loop Through Each Polygon for (int i = 0; i < polyNum; i++) // Loop Through Each Vertex for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Fill Up The TmpNormal Structure With TmpNormal.X = polyData[i].Verts[j].Nor.X; // The Current Vertices' Normal Values TmpNormal.Y = polyData[i].Verts[j].Nor.Y; TmpNormal.Z = polyData[i].Verts[j].Nor.Z; // Rotate This By The Matrix TmpMatrix.rotateVector(TmpNormal, TmpVector); // Normalize The New Normal TmpVector.normalize(); // Calculate The Shade Value float TmpShade = Vector.dotProduct(TmpVector, lightAngle); // Clamp The Value to 0 If Negative ( NEW ) if (TmpShade < 0.0f) { TmpShade = 0.0f; } // Set The Texture Co-ordinate As The Shade Value gl.glTexCoord1f(TmpShade); // Send The Vertex Position gl.glVertex3f( polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.X, polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.Y, polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.Z); } gl.glEnd(); // Tell OpenGL To Finish Drawing gl.glDisable(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_1D); // Disable 1D Textures ( NEW ) // Outline Code // Check To See If We Want To Draw The Outline if (outlineDraw) { // Enable Blending gl.glEnable(GL2.GL_BLEND); // Set The Blend Mode gl.glBlendFunc(GL2.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL2.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Draw Backfacing Polygons As Wireframes gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_BACK, GL2.GL_LINE); // Set The Line Width gl.glLineWidth(outlineWidth); // Don't Draw Any Front-Facing Polygons gl.glCullFace(GL2.GL_FRONT); // Change The Depth Mode gl.glDepthFunc(GL2.GL_LEQUAL); // Set The Outline Color gl.glColor3fv(outlineColor, 0); // Tell OpenGL What We Want To Draw gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES); // Loop Through Each Polygon for (int i = 0; i < polyNum; i++) { // Loop Through Each Vertex for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Send The Vertex Position gl.glVertex3f( polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.X, polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.Y, polyData[i].Verts[j].Pos.Z); } } gl.glEnd(); // Tell OpenGL We've Finished // Reset The Depth-Testing Mode gl.glDepthFunc(GL2.GL_LESS); // Reset The Face To Be Culled gl.glCullFace(GL2.GL_BACK); // Reset Back-Facing Polygon Drawing Mode gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_BACK, GL2.GL_FILL); // Disable Blending gl.glDisable(GL2.GL_BLEND); } // Check To See If Rotation Is Enabled if (modelRotate) { // Update Angle Based On The Clock modelAngle += .2f; } }
public void draw(GL2 gl, GLU glu, GLDrawState ds) { final Color4f highColor = new Color4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); final Color4f lowColor = new Color4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Color4f[][] trueCols = new Color4f[mapHeight][mapWidth]; // InternalTerrainTile tiles[][] = ds.getGameMap().getTerrainMatrix(); // Update colors for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++) { // float fluxAmount = getMapHeight(i, j)/64.f; // System.out.println(flux[j/DENSITY][i/DENSITY] + " " + fluxAmount); // float fluxAmount = (float)tiles[i/DENSITY][j/DENSITY].getFlux(); Color4f tintColor = new Color4f(); Color4f trueColor = new Color4f(); tintColor.interpolate(lowColor, highColor, 0); // System.out.println(actualHeight/maxHeight); trueColor.interpolate(cols[j][i], tintColor, 1.0f); trueColor.w = cols[j][i].w; trueCols[j][i] = trueColor; // If void, see through to the background. /*if(tiles[i/DENSITY][j/DENSITY] == TerrainType.VOID){ trueCols[j][i].w = 0.0f; }*/ } } // System.out.println(map.getTerrainMatrix()[0][0].getFlux() + " " + MAX_FLUX_PER_TILE + " " + // trueCols[0][0].x); int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++) { colors[k] = trueCols[j][i].x; colors[k + 1] = trueCols[j][i].y; colors[k + 2] = trueCols[j][i].z; colors[k + 3] = trueCols[j][i].w; float norm = (float) Math.sqrt( trueCols[j][i].x * trueCols[j][i].x + trueCols[j][i].y * trueCols[j][i].y + trueCols[j][i].z * trueCols[j][i].z); float val = (norm < 0.3f) ? 0.0f : 0.9f; colorNorm[k] = val; colorNorm[k + 1] = val; colorNorm[k + 2] = val; colorNorm[k + 3] = 1.0f; k += 4; } } if (tex == null && texturePath != null) { tex = GLGameRenderer.textureCache.getResource(texturePath, texturePath).tex; texturePath = null; } gl.glPushMatrix(); // gl.glTranslatef(1.5f, 0.0f, 1.5f); if (tex != null) { System.out.println("Using texture"); gl.glEnable(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_2D); tex.bind(gl); gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { gl.glTexCoord2f(texCoords[indices[i] * 2], texCoords[indices[i] * 2 + 1]); gl.glColor4f( colorNorm[indices[i] * 4], colorNorm[indices[i] * 4 + 1], colorNorm[indices[i] * 4 + 2], colorNorm[indices[i] * 4 + 3]); gl.glNormal3f( normals[indices[i] * 3], normals[indices[i] * 3 + 1], normals[indices[i] * 3 + 2]); gl.glVertex3f( vertices[indices[i] * 3], vertices[indices[i] * 3 + 1], vertices[indices[i] * 3 + 2]); } gl.glEnd(); } else { gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND); gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { gl.glColor4f( colors[indices[i] * 4], colors[indices[i] * 4 + 1], colors[indices[i] * 4 + 2], colors[indices[i] * 4 + 3]); gl.glNormal3f( normals[indices[i] * 3], normals[indices[i] * 3 + 1], normals[indices[i] * 3 + 2]); gl.glVertex3f( vertices[indices[i] * 3], vertices[indices[i] * 3 + 1], vertices[indices[i] * 3 + 2]); } gl.glEnd(); gl.glDisable(gl.GL_BLEND); } gl.glPopMatrix(); boolean showGrid = RenderConfiguration.showGridlines(); if (showGrid) { gl.glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); gl.glNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); gl.glLineWidth(1.0f); // do the horizontal gridlines /* gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINES); for (int j = 1; j < map.getHeight(); ++j) { gl.glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, j); gl.glVertex3f(map.getWidth(), 0.0f, j); } gl.glEnd(); */ gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++) { if ((j + 1) % DENSITY != 0) { continue; } if ((j + 1) % (DENSITY * 2) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++) { Vector3f p; Vector3f pOne; Vector3f pTwo; pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j < mapHeight - 1 && i > 0) { pTwo = points[j + 1][i - 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j < mapHeight - 1) { pTwo = points[j + 1][i]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); } } else { for (int i = mapWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Vector3f p; Vector3f pOne; Vector3f pTwo; pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j < mapHeight - 1) { pTwo = points[j + 1][i]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j < mapHeight - 1 && i > 0) { pTwo = points[j + 1][i - 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); } } } gl.glEnd(); // do the vertical gridlines /* gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINES); for (int j = 1; j < map.getWidth(); ++j) { gl.glVertex3f(j, 0.0f, 0.0f); gl.glVertex3f(j, 0.0f, map.getHeight()); } gl.glEnd(); */ gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++) { if ((i + 1) % DENSITY != 0) { continue; } if ((i + 1) % (DENSITY * 2) == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++) { Vector3f p; Vector3f pOne; Vector3f pTwo; pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j > 0 && i < mapWidth - 1) { pTwo = points[j - 1][i + 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (i < mapWidth - 1) { pTwo = points[j][i + 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); } } else { for (int j = mapHeight - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Vector3f p; Vector3f pOne; Vector3f pTwo; pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (i < mapWidth - 1) { pTwo = points[j][i + 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); pOne = points[j][i]; p = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); p.add(pOne); if (j > 0 && i < mapWidth - 1) { pTwo = points[j - 1][i + 1]; p.add(pTwo); p.scale(.5f); } gl.glVertex3f(p.x, p.y + 0.01f, p.z); } } } gl.glEnd(); } }
@Override public synchronized void drawObject(GL2 gl) { if (state == ObjectState.notCounted) { int pointsCount = points.size(); // pocet bodu if (pointsCount > getDegree()) // existuje pouze když stupeň křivky je menší než počet bodů { setState(ObjectState.OK); setStateMessage(null); } else // nedostatek bodů { setStateMessage( "Nedostatek bodů pro vykreslení. Přidejte bodů: " + (degree - pointsCount + 1)); setState(ObjectState.inputError); } } // vykresleni if (getState() == ObjectState.OK) { // nastavení vlastností čáry gl.glLineWidth(lineWidth); gl.glColor3fv(color.getColorComponents(null), 0); // určení počtu kroků int loopSteps = getSteps(); if (loopSteps == 0) { loopSteps = 20 * points.size(); loopSteps = loopSteps > MAX_STEPS ? MAX_STEPS : loopSteps; // steps = (int)scale*40*points.size(); } /* * Výpočet pomocí grafické karty */ /*if (useHWAcceleration) { //body uložím do obyčejného pole float[] pointArray = new float[points.size() * 4]; int i = 0; for (IPoint3f p : points) { pointArray[i] = p.getX(); pointArray[i + 1] = p.getY(); pointArray[i + 2] = p.getZ(); pointArray[i + 3] = ((IPoint4f) p).getW(); i += 4; } //uložím knot do pole float[] knotArray = new float[knot.size()]; i = 0; for (Float p : knot) { knotArray[i] = p.floatValue(); i++; } //vlastní vykreslení try { GLU glu=new GLU(); GLUnurbs nurbs = glu.gluNewNurbsRenderer(); //glu.gluNurbsProperty(nurbs,glu.GLU_U_STEP,steps);//nepodporavane v JOGLu glu.gluBeginCurve(nurbs); glu.gluNurbsCurve(nurbs, knotArray.length, knotArray, 4, pointArray, getDegree()+1, gl.GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4); glu.gluEndCurve(nurbs); } catch (GLException ex) { setUseHWAcceleration(false);//zakažu HW akceleraci } }*/ /* * Výpočet pomocí CPU */ if (!useHWAcceleration) { double step = 1. / (double) loopSteps; // uložím knot do pole+transformace do intervalu <0,1> float[] knotArray = knot.getTransformedValues(); double sumx1, sumy1, sumz1; double sumx2, sumy2, sumz2; int k = getDegree() + 1; int n = points.size() - 1; int i; double[] N = new double[points.size()]; IPoint4f p; gl.glBegin(gl.GL_LINE_STRIP); for (double t = knotArray[getDegree()] - step, tMax = knotArray[knotArray.length - k]; t < tMax; ) { t += step; if (t > tMax) { t = tMax; } for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { N[i] = MathUtils.bsplineBaseFunction(i, k, t, knotArray); } sumx1 = sumy1 = sumz1 = sumx2 = sumy2 = sumz2 = 0; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { p = (IPoint4f) points.get(i); sumx1 += p.getW() * p.getX() * N[i]; sumy1 += p.getW() * p.getY() * N[i]; sumz1 += p.getW() * p.getZ() * N[i]; sumx2 += p.getW() * N[i]; sumy2 += p.getW() * N[i]; sumz2 += p.getW() * N[i]; } gl.glVertex3d(sumx1 / sumx2, sumy1 / sumy2, sumz1 / sumz2); } gl.glEnd(); } } }