public MainScreen() { Eve.setLayout( new MigLayout( "wrap 2", "[0:0, grow 50, fill][0:0, grow 50, fill]", "[pref!][grow, fill]")); quick.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { DraftScreen draft = new DraftScreen(null, this); draft.Switch(); }); viewAll.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { called = new BrowseScreen(this); called.Switch(); }); manageTeams.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { called = new ManageScreen("team", this); called.Switch(); }); managePlayers.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { called = new ManageScreen("player", this); called.Switch(); }); teams.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; players.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; teamScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); teamScroll.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(16); teamScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); playerScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); playerScroll.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(16); playerScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); this.drawScreen(); Adam.setMinimumSize(windowSize); Adam.setLocationRelativeTo(null); Adam.setVisible(true); }
public ManageScreen(String type, Screen callerScreen) { caller = callerScreen; Eve.setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap 3", "[][grow 25][grow 75]", "[][][grow]")); this.type = type; back.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { caller.refresh(); caller.Return(); }); addB.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); addB.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> { if (type.matches("player")) { new ModifyPlayerPopup(null, this, null); } else if (type.matches("team")) { called = new ModifyTeamScreen(null, this); called.Switch(); } }); view.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; viewScroll.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(16); this.drawScreen(); }
public void draw(Graphics g, Screen s) { int x = s.translateXToScreen(location.xInt()); int y = s.translateYToScreen(location.yInt()); if (team != null) draw(g, x, y, angle.getValue(), sightAngle.getValue(), 1, (int) (team.getByte()), kills); else draw(g, x, y, angle.getValue(), sightAngle.getValue(), 1, -1, kills); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see Displayable#addCommand(Command) */ public void addCommand(Command command) { if (command != DISMISS_COMMAND) { super.addCommand(command); super.removeCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); setCommandsVisibility(isModal()); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see Displayable#removeCommand(Command) */ public void removeCommand(Command command) { if (command != DISMISS_COMMAND) { super.removeCommand(command); if (getNumCommands() == 0) { super.addCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); } setCommandsVisibility(isModal()); } }
public static void setScreen(Screen screen) { // We can only dispose if currentScreen has screen contents if (currentScreen != null) // Disposes the previous currentScreen screen contents currentScreen.dispose(); currentScreen = screen; // Creates currentScreen with contents of screen currentScreen.create(); }
public void setOnAir(boolean onAir) { if (!onAir) { screen.suspend(); } else { if (!started) { start(); } screen.resume(); } }
public void render(Screen screen) { screen.clear(0); // screen.blit(Art.titles[1], 0, 10); screen.blit(Art.titleScreen, 0, 0); super.render(screen); screen.blit(Art.lordLard[0][6], (gameWidth - 128) / 2 - 40, 180 + selectedItem * 40); }
public Buttons(Screen screen, AbstractColor buttonClr, int width, int height, int offset) { this.buttonClr = buttonClr; leftButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); leftButton.translate(offset, screen.height() - height - offset); rightButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); rightButton.translate(screen.width() - width - offset, screen.height() - height - offset); fireButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); fireButton.translate(offset, screen.height() - height * 2 - offset * 2); }
/** * Create a new Alert with the specified title, text, image, and alert type. * * @param title the title string * @param text the text string * @param image the image * @param type the alert type */ public Alert(String title, String text, Image image, AlertType type) { super(title); construct(); this.type = type; setImage(image); setString(text); setTimeout(getDefaultTimeout()); super.addCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); super.setCommandListener(implicitListener); }
protected boolean reconfigureWindowImpl(int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags) { Screen screen = (Screen) getScreen(); x = (x >= 0) ? x : this.x; y = (x >= 0) ? y : this.y; width = (width > 0) ? width : this.width; height = (height > 0) ? height : this.height; if (width > screen.getWidth()) { width = screen.getWidth(); } if (height > screen.getHeight()) { height = screen.getHeight(); } if ((x + width) > screen.getWidth()) { x = screen.getWidth() - width; } if ((y + height) > screen.getHeight()) { y = screen.getHeight() - height; } if (0 != surfaceHandle) { SetBounds0( surfaceHandle, getScreen().getWidth(), getScreen().getHeight(), x, y, width, height); } if (0 != (FLAG_CHANGE_VISIBILITY & flags)) { if (0 != (FLAG_IS_VISIBLE & flags)) { ((Display) getScreen().getDisplay()).setFocus(this); } visibleChanged(false, 0 != (FLAG_IS_VISIBLE & flags)); } return true; }
@Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); wakeLock.release(); renderView.pause(); screen.pause(); if (isFinishing()) { screen.dispose(); } }
static Window createWindow( final Capabilities caps, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height, final boolean onscreen, final boolean undecorated) throws InterruptedException { final boolean userPos = x >= 0 && y >= 0; // user has specified a position Assert.assertNotNull(caps); caps.setOnscreen(onscreen); // System.out.println("Requested: "+caps); // // Create native windowing resources .. X11/Win/OSX // final Window window = NewtFactory.createWindow(caps); Assert.assertNotNull(window); final Screen screen = window.getScreen(); final Display display = screen.getDisplay(); window.setUndecorated(onscreen && undecorated); if (userPos) { window.setPosition(x, y); } window.setSize(width, height); Assert.assertEquals(false, window.isNativeValid()); Assert.assertEquals(false, window.isVisible()); window.setVisible(true); // System.err.println("************* Created: "+window); Assert.assertEquals(true, display.isNativeValid()); Assert.assertEquals(true, screen.isNativeValid()); Assert.assertEquals(true, window.isVisible()); Assert.assertEquals(true, window.isNativeValid()); Assert.assertEquals(width, window.getWidth()); Assert.assertEquals(height, window.getHeight()); /** * we don't sync on position - unreliable test Point p0 = window.getLocationOnScreen(null); * Assert.assertEquals(p0.getX(), window.getX()); Assert.assertEquals(p0.getY(), window.getY()); * if(userPos) { Assert.assertEquals(x, window.getX()); Assert.assertEquals(y, window.getY()); } */ final CapabilitiesImmutable chosenCapabilities = window.getGraphicsConfiguration().getChosenCapabilities(); Assert.assertNotNull(chosenCapabilities); Assert.assertTrue(chosenCapabilities.getGreenBits() >= 5); Assert.assertTrue(chosenCapabilities.getBlueBits() >= 5); Assert.assertTrue(chosenCapabilities.getRedBits() >= 5); Assert.assertEquals(chosenCapabilities.isOnscreen(), onscreen); return window; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Result getEntityList(Screen.Button button) { Result result = new Result(); Screen next; List<Manager> entityList = application.getManagers(); next = new Screen(this, button.destination()); next.setValue(Screen.AVAILABLE_ENTITIES, entityList); result.objectValue(next); result.success(); return result; }
public static void draw(String msg, int x, int y, int color, int data, Screen screen) { int length = msg.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { String c = msg.charAt(i) + ""; int icon = characters.indexOf(c); if (icon >= 0) { screen.drawWithWash(Art.FONT[icon % 16][icon / 16], (i * 8) + x, y, color, data, false); } else { screen.drawWithWash(Art.FONT[0][7], (i * 8) + x, y, color, data, false); } } }
@Override public void setScreen(Screen screen) { if (screen == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Screen must not be null"); } this.screen.pause(); this.screen.dispose(); screen.resume(); screen.update(0); this.screen = screen; }
public void reset() { if (this.pos.x < scr.getWidth() / 2 - 10) { this.pos.x = scr.p1.pos.x; this.pos.y = scr.getHeight() - scr.p1.size - this.size; } if (this.pos.x < scr.getWidth() / 2 + 10) { this.pos.x = scr.p2.pos.x; this.pos.y = scr.getHeight() - scr.p2.size - this.size; } this.v.y = 0; this.v.x = 0; }
// prompt user to enter a deposit amount in cents private double promptForDepositAmount() { Screen screen = getScreen(); // get reference to screen // display the prompt screen.displayMessage("\nPlease enter a deposit amount in " + "CENTS (or 0 to cancel): "); int input = keypad.getInput(); // receive input of deposit amount // check whether the user canceled or entered a valid amount if (input == CANCELED) return CANCELED; else { return (double) input / 100; // return dollar amount } // end else } // end method promptForDepositAmount
@Override public void LoadContent() { super.LoadContent(); super.bgTexture = Global.Load("SkillScreen"); t2DButtonBack = Global.Load("ButtonCancel"); t2DButtonPlay = Global.Load("ButtonConfirm"); t2DTagReload = Global.Load("SkillFastReload"); t2DTagAAGun = Global.Load("SkillAAGunner"); t2DExtendedMag = Global.Load("SkillExtMag"); t2DTagAim = Global.Load("SkillSniper"); t2DTagOverRepair = Global.Load("SkillOverRepair"); t2DTagFieldRepair = Global.Load("SkillFieldRepair"); t2DTagLearning = Global.Load("SkillLearner"); t2DTagGunner = Global.Load("SkillLeader"); t2DTagArtillery = Global.Load("SkillArtillery"); t2DTagBoost = Global.Load("SkillBoost"); t2DSkillDetail = Global.Load("SkillDetailBox"); t2DPreReqNotMet = Global.Load("PreReqNotMet"); t2DBattleEngineer = Global.Load("BattleEngineer"); t2DRifleman = Global.Load("Rifleman"); maskSkill = Global.Load("MaskSkill"); tagAAGun = new TagAAGun(t2DTagAAGun, new Vector2f(440f, 420f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagAAGun, 0); tagAim = new TagAim(t2DTagAim, new Vector2f(460f, 240f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagAim, 0); tagLearning = new TagLearning(t2DTagLearning, new Vector2f(327f, 367f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagLearning, 0); tagGunner = new TagGunner(t2DTagGunner, new Vector2f(655f, 367f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagGunner, 0); tagOverRepair = new TagOverRepair(t2DTagOverRepair, new Vector2f(327f, 196f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagOverRepair, 0); tagFieldRepair = new TagFieldRepair(t2DTagFieldRepair, new Vector2f( 655f, 196f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagFieldRepair, 0); tagReloading = new TagReloading(t2DTagReload, new Vector2f(327f, 196f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagReloading, 0); tagExtendedMag = new TagExtendedMag(t2DExtendedMag, new Vector2f(655f, 196f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagExtendedMag, 0); tagArtillery = new TagArtillerySupport(t2DTagArtillery, this.pTagArtillery, 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagArtillery, 0); tagBoost = new TagBoost(t2DTagBoost, this.pTagBoost, 0f, Help.ButtonID.TagBoost, 0); super.buttonList.add(new Button(t2DButtonBack, new Vector2f(60f, 430f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.Back, 20)); this.buttonCancel = new Button(t2DButtonBack, new Vector2f(260f, 330f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.No, 0); this.buttonConfirm = new Button(t2DButtonPlay, new Vector2f(530f, 330f), 0f, Help.ButtonID.Yes, 0); super.screenPause.LoadContent(); }
private Result getRoleList(Screen.Button button) { Result result; Screen next; List<Role> roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); result = listAllRoles(roleList); if (result.isSuccessful()) { next = new Screen(this, button.destination()); next.setValue(Screen.AVAILABLE_ROLES, roleList); result.objectValue(next); } else { log(result.getReason().name()); log(result.allMessages()); } return result; }
private Result getUserList(Screen.Button button) { Result result; Screen next; List<User> userList = new ArrayList<User>(); result = listUsers(userList); if (result.isSuccessful()) { next = new Screen(this, button.destination()); next.setValue(Screen.USERS_LIST, userList); result.objectValue(next); } else { log(result.getReason().name()); log(result.allMessages()); } return result; }
TileSet(String setname) throws IOException { // Jedes Tileset ist in einem Ordner gespeichert, der dessen Namen trägt // Darin muss sich eine 320x320 Pixel große Datei 'set.png' befinden, sowie // eine Textdatei 'passable.txt', die aus 10 Zeilen besteht, die jeweils // 10 Einsen und Nullen beinhalten und angeben, ob über die im Tileset // entpsrechende Kachel gelaufen werden darf. set = new BufferedImage(320, 320, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); String path = "res/tileset/" + setname + "/"; try { set.getGraphics().drawImage( File(path + "set.png")), 0, 0, null); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // Hintergrundfarbe entfernen Screen.makeTransparent(set); // Lade 'passable.txt' FileReader fr = new FileReader(path + "passable.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); passable = new int[10][10]; String[] line; for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { line = br.readLine().split(" "); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { passable[y][x] = Integer.parseInt(line[x]); } } br.close(); fr.close(); }
public void run(DisplayMode dm) { setBackground(Color.GRAY); setForeground(Color.ORANGE); setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 24)); Screen s = new Screen(); try { s.setFullScreen(dm, this); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception s1) { } } catch (Exception sd) { } finally { s.restoreWindow(); } }
private void init() { this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); final JPanel screenP = initScreen(); final JScrollPane commentary = initCommentary(); statusBar = new ILabel("EMPTYSTR"); initDS(); final GridBagConstraints cs = new GridBagConstraints(); cs.gridx = 0; cs.gridy = 0; cs.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; add(screenP, cs); final GridBagConstraints cc = new GridBagConstraints(); cc.gridx = 1; cc.gridy = 0; cc.gridheight = 2; cc.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; add(commentary, cc); final GridBagConstraints cb = new GridBagConstraints(); cb.gridx = 0; cb.gridy = 1; cb.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; add(buttons, cb); final GridBagConstraints csb = new GridBagConstraints(); csb.gridx = 0; csb.gridy = 2; csb.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; add(statusBar, csb); screen.setDS(D); languageChanged(); }
@Override public void init(GameContainer gc) throws SlickException { input = gc.getInput(); varContainer = new VarContainer(); setScreen(new TitleScreen(this)); curScreen.passVarContainer(varContainer); }
public void endMovie() { System.out.println("Shutting movie theater down...");;;;; }
@Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); wakeLock.acquire(); screen.resume(); renderView.resume(); }
public Field getFieldAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= length()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); int y = index / (width + 1); int x = index % (width + 1); if (x == width) return null; else return screen.getInputFieldAt(x, y); }
public JSONObject toJSON() { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { putSafe(obj, "time", time); putSafe(obj, "localtime", localTime); putSafe(obj, "deviceid", SHA1Util.SHA1(deviceId)); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); try { for (Ping p : pings) { array.put(p.toJSON()); } } catch (Exception e) { } putSafe(obj, "pings", array); JSONArray tmparray = new JSONArray(); try { for (LastMile p : lastMiles) { tmparray.put(p.toJSON()); } } catch (Exception e) { } putSafe(obj, "lastmiles", tmparray); JSONArray array2 = new JSONArray(); for (Screen s : screens) { array2.put(s.toJSON()); } if (screens != null) putSafe(obj, "screens", array2); if (device != null) putSafe(obj, "device", device.toJSON()); if (throughput != null) putSafe(obj, "throughput", throughput.toJSON()); if (gps != null) putSafe(obj, "gps", gps.toJSON()); if (battery != null) putSafe(obj, "battery", battery.toJSON()); if (usage != null) putSafe(obj, "usage", usage.toJSON()); if (network != null) putSafe(obj, "network", network.toJSON()); if (warmupExperiment != null) putSafe(obj, "warmup_experiment", warmupExperiment.toJSON()); if (sim != null) putSafe(obj, "sim", sim.toJSON()); if (wifi != null) putSafe(obj, "wifi", wifi.toJSON()); if (state != null) putSafe(obj, "state", state.toJSON()); if (isManual) putSafe(obj, "isManual", 1); else putSafe(obj, "isManual", 0); if (loss != null) putSafe(obj, "loss", loss.toJSON()); if (ipdv != null) putSafe(obj, "delay_variation", ipdv.toJSON()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } printJSON(obj.toString()); return obj; }
private void setMissions() { if (turnIndex == 0) { screen.showMessage(24, 40, "YOU NEED " + neededMissions + " MISSIONS"); missionBuffer = MISSION_BUFFER; } if ((turnIndex + 3) % MISSION_LENGTH == 0) { numMissions++; screen.showMessage( 24, 40, "YOU HAVE " + numMissions, "OUT OF " + neededMissions + " MISSIONS"); missionBuffer = MISSION_BUFFER; } if (Math.random() < .001 * Math.pow(.1, neededMissions - numMissions - 3)) { neededMissions += 5; screen.showMessage(24, 40, "THE NUMBER OF MISSIONS", "HAS BEEN RAISED TO " + neededMissions); missionBuffer = MISSION_BUFFER; } }