public void item(Item item) { if (item == null) { active = false; icon.visible = topLeft.visible = topRight.visible = bottomRight.visible = false; } else { active = true; icon.visible = topLeft.visible = topRight.visible = bottomRight.visible = true; icon.view(item.image(), item.glowing()); topLeft.text(item.status()); boolean isArmor = item instanceof Armor; boolean isWeapon = item instanceof Weapon; if (isArmor || isWeapon) { if (item.levelKnown || (isWeapon && !(item instanceof MeleeWeapon))) { int str = isArmor ? ((Armor) item).STR : ((Weapon) item).STR; topRight.text(Utils.format(TXT_STRENGTH, str)); if (str > Dungeon.hero.STR()) { topRight.hardlight(DEGRADED); } else { topRight.resetColor(); } } else { topRight.text( Utils.format( TXT_TYPICAL_STR, isArmor ? ((Armor) item).typicalSTR() : ((MeleeWeapon) item).typicalSTR())); topRight.hardlight(WARNING); } topRight.measure(); } else { topRight.text(null); } int level = item.visiblyUpgraded(); if (level != 0 || (item.cursed && item.cursedKnown)) { bottomRight.text(item.levelKnown ? Utils.format(TXT_LEVEL, level) : TXT_CURSED); bottomRight.measure(); bottomRight.hardlight(level > 0 ? UPGRADED : DEGRADED); } else { bottomRight.text(null); } layout(); } }
public Record(int pos, boolean latest, Rankings.Record rec) { super(); this.rec = rec; if (latest) { flare = new Flare(6, 24); flare.angularSpeed = 90; flare.color( ? FLARE_WIN : FLARE_LOSE); addToBack(flare); } if (pos != Rankings.TABLE_SIZE - 1) { position.text(Integer.toString(pos + 1)); } else position.text(" "); position.measure(); desc.text(; desc.measure(); int odd = pos % 2; if ( { shield.view(ItemSpriteSheet.AMULET, null); position.hardlight(TEXT_WIN[odd]); desc.hardlight(TEXT_WIN[odd]); depth.hardlight(TEXT_WIN[odd]); level.hardlight(TEXT_WIN[odd]); } else { position.hardlight(TEXT_LOSE[odd]); desc.hardlight(TEXT_LOSE[odd]); depth.hardlight(TEXT_LOSE[odd]); level.hardlight(TEXT_LOSE[odd]); if (rec.depth != 0) { depth.text(Integer.toString(rec.depth)); depth.measure(); steps.copy(Icons.DEPTH_LG.get()); add(steps); add(depth); } } if (rec.herolevel != 0) { level.text(Integer.toString(rec.herolevel)); level.measure(); add(level); } classIcon.copy(Icons.get(rec.heroClass)); }
@Override public void update() { super.update(); float health = (float) Dungeon.hero.HP / Dungeon.hero.HT; if (health == 0) { avatar.tint(0x000000, 0.6f); blood.on = false; } else if (health < 0.25f) { avatar.tint(0xcc0000, 0.4f); blood.on = true; } else { avatar.resetColor(); blood.on = false; } hp.scale.x = health; exp.scale.x = (width / exp.width) * Dungeon.hero.exp / Dungeon.hero.maxExp(); if (Dungeon.hero.lvl != lastLvl) { if (lastLvl != -1) { Emitter emitter = (Emitter) recycle(Emitter.class); emitter.revive(); emitter.pos(27, 27); emitter.burst(Speck.factory(Speck.STAR), 12); } lastLvl = Dungeon.hero.lvl; level.text(Integer.toString(lastLvl)); level.measure(); level.x = PixelScene.align(27.0f - level.width() / 2); level.y = PixelScene.align(27.5f - level.baseLine() / 2); } int k = IronKey.curDepthQuantity; if (k != lastKeys) { lastKeys = k; keys.text(Integer.toString(lastKeys)); keys.measure(); keys.x = width - 8 - keys.width() - 18; } int tier = Dungeon.hero.tier(); if (tier != lastTier) { lastTier = tier; avatar.copy(HeroSprite.avatar(Dungeon.hero.heroClass, tier)); } }
public ListItem(Journal.Feature f, int d) { super(); feature.text(f.desc); feature.measure(); depth.text(Integer.toString(d)); depth.measure(); if (d == Dungeon.depth) { feature.hardlight(TITLE_COLOR); depth.hardlight(TITLE_COLOR); } }
@Override protected void createChildren() { shield = new NinePatch(Assets.STATUS, 80, 0, 30 + 18, 0); add(shield); add( new TouchArea(0, 1, 31, 31) { @Override protected void onClick(Touch touch) { Image sprite = Dungeon.hero.sprite; if (!sprite.isVisible()) { Camera.main.focusOn(sprite); } WndHero()); } }); btnMenu = new MenuButton(); add(btnMenu); avatar = HeroSprite.avatar(Dungeon.hero.heroClass, lastTier); add(avatar); blood = new Emitter(); blood.pos(avatar); blood.pour(BloodParticle.FACTORY, 0.3f); blood.autoKill = false; blood.on = false; add(blood); compass = new Compass(Dungeon.level.exit); add(compass); hp = new Image(Assets.HP_BAR); add(hp); exp = new Image(Assets.XP_BAR); add(exp); level = new BitmapText(PixelScene.font1x); level.hardlight(0xFFEBA4); add(level); depth = new BitmapText(Integer.toString(Dungeon.depth), PixelScene.font1x); depth.hardlight(0xCACFC2); depth.measure(); add(depth); Dungeon.hero.belongings.countIronKeys(); keys = new BitmapText(PixelScene.font1x); keys.hardlight(0xCACFC2); add(keys); danger = new DangerIndicator(); add(danger); buffs = new BuffIndicator(Dungeon.hero); add(buffs); }
public WndBadge(Badges.Badge badge) { super(); Image icon = BadgeBanner.image(badge.image); icon.scale.set(2); add(icon); BitmapTextMultiline info = PixelScene.createMultiline(badge.description, 8); info.maxWidth = WIDTH - MARGIN * 2; info.measure(); float w = Math.max(icon.width(), info.width()) + MARGIN * 2; icon.x = (w - icon.width()) / 2; icon.y = MARGIN; float pos = icon.y + icon.height() + MARGIN; for (BitmapText line : LineSplitter().split()) { line.measure(); line.x = PixelScene.align((w - line.width()) / 2); line.y = PixelScene.align(pos); add(line); pos += line.height(); } resize((int) w, (int) (pos + MARGIN)); BadgeBanner.highlight(icon, badge.image); }
public WndJournal() { super(); resize(WIDTH, ShatteredPixelDungeon.landscape() ? HEIGHT_L : HEIGHT_P); txtTitle = PixelScene.createText(TXT_TITLE, 9); txtTitle.hardlight(Window.TITLE_COLOR); txtTitle.measure(); txtTitle.x = PixelScene.align(PixelScene.uiCamera, (WIDTH - txtTitle.width()) / 2); add(txtTitle); Component content = new Component(); Collections.sort(Journal.records); float pos = 0; for (Journal.Record rec : Journal.records) { ListItem item = new ListItem(rec.feature, rec.depth); item.setRect(0, pos, WIDTH, ITEM_HEIGHT); content.add(item); pos += item.height(); } content.setSize(WIDTH, pos); list = new ScrollPane(content); add(list); list.setRect(0, txtTitle.height(), WIDTH, height - txtTitle.height()); }
@Override protected void layout() { bg.x = x; bg.y = y; slot.setRect(x, y, HEIGHT, HEIGHT); name.x = slot.right() + 2; name.y = y + (height - name.baseLine()) / 2; String str = Utils.capitalize(; name.text(str); name.measure(); if (name.width() > width - name.x) { do { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); name.text(str + "..."); name.measure(); } while (name.width() > width - name.x); } super.layout(); }
private float statSlot(Group parent, String label, String value, float pos) { BitmapText txt = PixelScene.createText(label, 7); txt.y = pos; parent.add(txt); txt = PixelScene.createText(value, 7); txt.measure(); txt.x = WIDTH * 0.65f; txt.y = pos; parent.add(txt); return pos + GAP + txt.baseLine(); }
public WndList(String[] items) { super(); float pos = MARGIN; float dotWidth = 0; float maxWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { pos += GAP; } BitmapText dot = PixelScene.createText(DOT, 6); dot.x = MARGIN; dot.y = pos; if (dotWidth == 0) { dot.measure(); dotWidth = dot.width(); } add(dot); BitmapTextMultiline item = PixelScene.createMultiline(items[i], 6); item.x = dot.x + dotWidth; item.y = pos; item.maxWidth = (int) (WIDTH - MARGIN * 2 - dotWidth); item.measure(); add(item); pos += item.height(); float w = item.width(); if (w > maxWidth) { maxWidth = w; } } resize((int) (maxWidth + dotWidth + MARGIN * 2), (int) (pos + MARGIN)); }
@Override public void create() { super.create();, true); Music.INSTANCE.volume(ShatteredPixelDungeon.musicVol() / 10f); uiCamera.visible = false; int w = Camera.main.width; int h = Camera.main.height; Archs archs = new Archs(); archs.setSize(w, h); add(archs); Image title = BannerSprites.get(BannerSprites.Type.PIXEL_DUNGEON); add(title); float height = title.height + (ShatteredPixelDungeon.landscape() ? DashboardItem.SIZE : DashboardItem.SIZE * 2); title.x = (w - title.width()) / 2; title.y = (h - height) / 2; placeTorch(title.x + 18, title.y + 20); placeTorch(title.x + title.width - 18, title.y + 20); Image signs = new Image(BannerSprites.get(BannerSprites.Type.PIXEL_DUNGEON_SIGNS)) { private float time = 0; @Override public void update() { super.update(); am = (float) Math.sin(-(time += Game.elapsed)); } @Override public void draw() { GLES20.glBlendFunc(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE); super.draw(); GLES20.glBlendFunc(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } }; signs.x = title.x; signs.y = title.y; add(signs); DashboardItem btnBadges = new DashboardItem(TXT_BADGES, 3) { @Override protected void onClick() { ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(BadgesScene.class); } }; add(btnBadges); DashboardItem btnAbout = new DashboardItem(TXT_ABOUT, 1) { @Override protected void onClick() { ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(AboutScene.class); } }; add(btnAbout); DashboardItem btnPlay = new DashboardItem(TXT_PLAY, 0) { @Override protected void onClick() { ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(StartScene.class); } }; add(btnPlay); DashboardItem btnHighscores = new DashboardItem(TXT_HIGHSCORES, 2) { @Override protected void onClick() { ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(RankingsScene.class); } }; add(btnHighscores); if (ShatteredPixelDungeon.landscape()) { float y = (h + height) / 2 - DashboardItem.SIZE; btnHighscores.setPos(w / 2 - btnHighscores.width(), y); btnBadges.setPos(w / 2, y); btnPlay.setPos(btnHighscores.left() - btnPlay.width(), y); btnAbout.setPos(btnBadges.right(), y); } else { btnBadges.setPos(w / 2 - btnBadges.width(), (h + height) / 2 - DashboardItem.SIZE); btnAbout.setPos(w / 2, (h + height) / 2 - DashboardItem.SIZE); btnPlay.setPos(w / 2 - btnPlay.width(), - DashboardItem.SIZE); btnHighscores.setPos(w / 2,; } BitmapText version = new BitmapText("v " + Game.version + "", pixelFont); version.measure(); version.hardlight(0xCCCCCC); version.x = w - version.width(); version.y = h - version.height(); add(version); Button changes = new ChangesButton(); changes.setPos(w - changes.width(), h - version.height() - changes.height()); add(changes); PrefsButton btnPrefs = new PrefsButton(); btnPrefs.setPos(0, 0); add(btnPrefs); ExitButton btnExit = new ExitButton(); btnExit.setPos(w - btnExit.width(), 0); add(btnExit); int gameversion = ShatteredPixelDungeon.version(); if (gameversion != Game.versionCode) { if (gameversion < 65) { // TODO special code for 0.3.2 update to notify people about mastery book changes. Remove // when not needed Badges.loadGlobal(); if (Badges.isUnlocked(Badges.Badge.MASTERY_WARRIOR) || Badges.isUnlocked(Badges.Badge.MASTERY_ROGUE) || Badges.isUnlocked(Badges.Badge.MASTERY_MAGE) || Badges.isUnlocked(Badges.Badge.MASTERY_HUNTRESS)) { add( new WndHardNotification( new ItemSprite(ItemSpriteSheet.MASTERY, null), "Mastery Book Changes", "v0.3.2 brings new prison content and some big balance changes to subclasses:\n" + "\n" + "_The Book of Mastery is no longer given at floor 1, it is only dropped by Tengu._\n" + "\n" + "There have been balance tweaks to accommodate this, so the difficulty should be similar.\n" + "\n" + "This change is necessary to allow for more interesting subclasses in the future, " + "apologies for any frustration.", "See All Changes", 10) { @Override public void hide() { super.hide(); Game.switchScene(WelcomeScene.class); } }); } else { Game.switchScene(WelcomeScene.class); return; } } else { Game.switchScene(WelcomeScene.class); return; } } fadeIn(); }
@Override public void create() { super.create();, true); Music.INSTANCE.volume(1f); uiCamera.visible = false; int w = Camera.main.width; int h = Camera.main.height; archs = new Archs(); archs.setSize(w, h); add(archs); Rankings.INSTANCE.load(); BitmapText title = PixelScene.createText(TXT_TITLE, 9); title.hardlight(Window.SHPX_COLOR); title.measure(); title.x = align((w - title.width()) / 2); title.y = align(GAP); add(title); if (Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size() > 0) { // attempts to give each record as much space as possible, ideally as much space as portrait // mode float rowHeight = GameMath.gate( ROW_HEIGHT_MIN, (uiCamera.height - 26) / Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size(), ROW_HEIGHT_MAX); float left = (w - Math.min(MAX_ROW_WIDTH, w)) / 2 + GAP; float top = align((h - rowHeight * Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size()) / 2); int pos = 0; for (Rankings.Record rec : Rankings.INSTANCE.records) { Record row = new Record(pos, pos == Rankings.INSTANCE.lastRecord, rec); float offset = rowHeight <= 14 ? pos % 2 == 1 ? 5 : -5 : 0; row.setRect(left + offset, top + pos * rowHeight, w - left * 2, rowHeight); add(row); pos++; } if (Rankings.INSTANCE.totalNumber >= Rankings.TABLE_SIZE) { BitmapText label = PixelScene.createText(TXT_TOTAL, 8); label.hardlight(0xCCCCCC); label.measure(); add(label); BitmapText won = PixelScene.createText(Integer.toString(Rankings.INSTANCE.wonNumber), 8); won.hardlight(Window.SHPX_COLOR); won.measure(); add(won); BitmapText total = PixelScene.createText("/" + Rankings.INSTANCE.totalNumber, 8); total.hardlight(0xCCCCCC); total.measure(); total.x = align((w - total.width()) / 2); total.y = align(top + pos * rowHeight + GAP); add(total); float tw = label.width() + won.width() + total.width(); label.x = align((w - tw) / 2); won.x = label.x + label.width(); total.x = won.x + won.width(); label.y = won.y = total.y = align(h - label.height() - GAP); } } else { BitmapText noRec = PixelScene.createText(TXT_NO_GAMES, 8); noRec.hardlight(0xCCCCCC); noRec.measure(); noRec.x = align((w - noRec.width()) / 2); noRec.y = align((h - noRec.height()) / 2); add(noRec); } ExitButton btnExit = new ExitButton(); btnExit.setPos(Camera.main.width - btnExit.width(), 0); add(btnExit); fadeIn(); }