protected void handleRotate(Vector3f start, Vector3f end, float direction) {
        "Handling rotate, start: "
            + start
            + ""
            + "\nlast: "
            + lastTranslation
            + ""
            + "\nend: "
            + end);
    Vector3f increment = end.subtract(lastTranslation);
    increment.y = 0;
    float length = increment.length();
    float magic = 3f; // ~ 180 degrees
    float percent = length / magic;

    // if the difference is negative, we need to rotate in the opposite
    // direction. Caclulate the difference after taking into account
    // the direction of the camera
    //        CellTransform viewTransform = ViewManager.getViewManager().getCameraTransform();
    //        Quaternion viewRotation = viewTransform.getRotation(null);
    //        increment = viewRotation.mult(increment);
    //        LOGGER.warning("viewTransform: " + viewTransform + ", increment: " +
    //                       increment);
    //        if (increment.x < 0 || increment.z < 0) {
    //            percent = -percent;
    //        }

    // take direction into account
    percent *= direction;

    Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
    rotation.fromAngles(0f, percent * FastMath.PI, 0f);

    // rotation is the total rotation since we started moving the mouse,
    // so calculate just the delta to apply
    Quaternion deltaRotation = rotation.mult(lastRotation.inverse());

        "Percent: "
            + percent
            + " = "
            + toAnglesString(rotation)
            + ". Last = "
            + toAnglesString(lastRotation)
            + ". Delta = "
            + toAnglesString(deltaRotation));

    applyDelta(Vector3f.ZERO, deltaRotation);