  * Bits are expected to be stored in the input byte array from LSB
  * @param byte[] - data to set the input byte
  * @param byte[] - input bytes to be inserted
  * @param startOffset - offset of data[] to start inserting byte from
  * @param numBits - number of bits of input to be inserted into data[]
  * @return void
  * @throws BufferException when the startOffset and numBits parameters are not congruent with data
  *     and input buffers' size
 public static void setBytes(byte[] data, byte[] input, int startOffset, int numBits)
     throws BufferException {
   checkExceptions(data, startOffset, numBits);
   insertBits(data, input, startOffset, numBits);
   * Reads the specified number of bits from the passed byte array starting to read from the
   * specified offset The bits read are stored in a byte array which size is dictated by the number
   * of bits to be stored. The bits are stored in the byte array LSB aligned.
   * <p>Ex. Read 7 bits at offset 10 0 9 10 16 17 0101000010 | 0000101 | 1111001010010101011 will be
   * returned as {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1}
   * @param byte[] data
   * @param int startOffset - offset to start fetching bits from data from
   * @param int numBits - number of bits to be fetched from data
   * @return byte [] - LSB aligned bits
   * @throws BufferException when the startOffset and numBits parameters are not congruent with the
   *     data buffer size
  public static byte[] getBits(byte[] data, int startOffset, int numBits) throws BufferException {

    int startByteOffset = 0;
    int valfromcurr, valfromnext;
    int extranumBits = numBits % NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte;
    int extraOffsetBits = startOffset % NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte;
    int numBytes =
        (numBits % NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte != 0)
            ? 1 + numBits / NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte
            : numBits / NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte;
    byte[] shiftedBytes = new byte[numBytes];
    startByteOffset = startOffset / NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte;
    byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes];
    if (numBits == 0) {
      return bytes;

    checkExceptions(data, startOffset, numBits);

    if (extraOffsetBits == 0) {
      if (extranumBits == 0) {
        System.arraycopy(data, startByteOffset, bytes, 0, numBytes);
        return bytes;
      } else {
        System.arraycopy(data, startByteOffset, bytes, 0, numBytes - 1);
        bytes[numBytes - 1] =
            (byte) ((int) data[startByteOffset + numBytes - 1] & getMSBMask(extranumBits));
    } else {
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < numBits / NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte; i++) {
        // Reading numBytes starting from offset
        valfromcurr =
            (data[startByteOffset + i]) & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits);
        valfromnext = (data[startByteOffset + i + 1]) & getMSBMask(extraOffsetBits);
        bytes[i] =
                (valfromcurr << (extraOffsetBits)
                    | (valfromnext >> (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits)));
      // Now adding the rest of the bits if any
      if (extranumBits != 0) {
        if (extranumBits < (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits)) {
          valfromnext =
              (byte) (data[startByteOffset + i] & ((getMSBMask(extranumBits)) >> extraOffsetBits));
          bytes[i] = (byte) (valfromnext << extraOffsetBits);
        } else if (extranumBits == (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits)) {
          valfromcurr =
              (data[startByteOffset + i]) & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits);
          bytes[i] = (byte) (valfromcurr << extraOffsetBits);
        } else {
          valfromcurr =
              (data[startByteOffset + i]) & getLSBMask(NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits);
          valfromnext =
              (data[startByteOffset + i + 1])
                  & (getMSBMask(extranumBits - (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits)));
          bytes[i] =
                  (valfromcurr << (extraOffsetBits)
                      | (valfromnext >> (NetUtils.NumBitsInAByte - extraOffsetBits)));
    // Aligns the bits to LSB
    shiftedBytes = shiftBitsToLSB(bytes, numBits);
    return shiftedBytes;