public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { try { HBCIUtils.init(null, new MyCallback()); readBasicParams(); readPassportParams(); passport = AbstractHBCIPassport.getInstance(); readHBCIVersion(); readActions(); if (HBCIUtils.getParam("action.resetBPD").equals("1")) { passport.clearBPD(); } if (HBCIUtils.getParam("action.resetUPD").equals("1")) { passport.clearUPD(); } hbciHandle = new HBCIHandler(HBCIUtils.getParam("client.passport.hbciversion.default"), passport); /* HBCIExecStatus ret=hbciHandle.execute(); System.out.println("ExecStatus"); System.out.println(ret.toString()); System.out.println("ExecStatusEnd"); System.out.println("ExecStatusError"); System.out.println(ret.getErrorString()); System.out.println("ExecStatusErrorEnd"); */ printSupportedGVs(hbciHandle); System.out.println(); System.out.println("finished."); System.out.println(); } finally { if (hbciHandle != null) { hbciHandle.close(); } else if (passport != null) { passport.close(); } } }
private static void readBasicParams() throws IOException { readParam( "client.connection.localPort", null, "local tcp-port to be used for outgoing connections"); readParam( "comm.standard.socks.server", null, "SOCKS server to be used for outgoing connections (will be ignored for PIN/TAN)"); readParam( "log.loglevel.default", "5", "loglevel for HBCI4Java-messages (from 0(no logging) to 5(really heavy)"); readParam( "kernel.rewriter", HBCIUtils.getParam("kernel.rewriter"), "rewriter modules to be activated"); }
public HBCIPassportRDH(Object initObject) { this(initObject, 0); String header = getParamHeader(); String fname = HBCIUtils.getParam(header + ".filename"); boolean init = HBCIUtils.getParam(header + ".init", "1").equals("1"); if (fname == null) { throw new NullPointerException(header + ".filename must not be null"); } HBCIUtils.log("loading passport data from file " + fname, HBCIUtils.LOG_DEBUG); setFilename(fname); if (init) { HBCIUtils.log("loading data from file " + fname, HBCIUtils.LOG_DEBUG); setFilterType("None"); setPort(new Integer(3000)); if (!new File(fname).canRead()) { HBCIUtils.log("have to create new passport file", HBCIUtils.LOG_WARN); askForMissingData(true, true, true, true, false, true, true); saveChanges(); } ObjectInputStream o = null; try { int retries = Integer.parseInt(HBCIUtils.getParam("client.retries.passphrase", "3")); while (true) { // loop for entering the correct passphrase if (getPassportKey() == null) setPassportKey(calculatePassportKey(FOR_LOAD)); PBEParameterSpec paramspec = new PBEParameterSpec(CIPHER_SALT, CIPHER_ITERATIONS); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getPassportKey(), paramspec); o = null; try { o = new ObjectInputStream(new CipherInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname), cipher)); } catch (StreamCorruptedException e) { setPassportKey(null); retries--; if (retries <= 0) throw new InvalidPassphraseException(); } if (o != null) break; } setCountry((String) (o.readObject())); setBLZ((String) (o.readObject())); setHost((String) (o.readObject())); setPort((Integer) (o.readObject())); setUserId((String) (o.readObject())); setSysId((String) (o.readObject())); setSigId((Long) (o.readObject())); setBPD((Properties) (o.readObject())); setUPD((Properties) (o.readObject())); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { setKey(i, j, (HBCIKey) (o.readObject())); } } setCID((String) (o.readObject())); setHBCIVersion((String) o.readObject()); setCustomerId((String) o.readObject()); HBCIKey k = getMyPrivateSigKey(); if (k != null && k.key != null && !(k.key instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey)) { HBCIUtils.log( "private sig key is no CRT key, please contact the author!", HBCIUtils.LOG_WARN); } k = getMyPrivateEncKey(); if (k != null && k.key != null && !(k.key instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey)) { HBCIUtils.log( "private enc key is no CRT key, please contact the author!", HBCIUtils.LOG_WARN); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new HBCI_Exception("*** loading of passport file failed", e); } try { o.close(); } catch (Exception e) { HBCIUtils.log(e); } if (askForMissingData(true, true, true, true, false, true, true)) saveChanges(); } }
private static void readPassportParams() throws IOException { readParam( "client.passport.default", null, "enter type of media you have (Anonymous, DDV, RDHNew, RDH (deprecated), PinTan, SIZRDHFile or RDHXFile)"); String type = HBCIUtils.getParam("client.passport.default", ""); if (type.equals("Anonymous")) { readParam( "client.passport.Anonymous.filename", "passport_anon.dat", "filename to be used for your HBCI4Java keyfile."); readParam("client.passport.Anonymous.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } else if (type.equals("DDV")) { readParam( "client.passport.DDV.path", "./", "the path where to store a file to cash information about your HBCI account"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.libname.ddv", "/home/kleiner/projects/hbci2/chipcard/lib/", "the name of the library needed to use the CTAPI interface of your chipcard terminal"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.libname.ctapi", "/usr/lib/", "the name of the library containing the CTAPI interface to your chipcard terminal"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.port", "1", "the port to which your chipcard terminal is connected (in most cases 1, 0 or 2)"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.ctnumber", "0", "the logical number for your chipcard terminal, can be 0 in most cases"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.usebio", "0", "use the biometric interface of Reiner-SCT chipcard terminals (0 or 1)"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.softpin", "0", "use the keypad of your chipcard terminal (0) or your PC-keyboard (1) to enter the PIN for your HBCI chipcard"); readParam( "client.passport.DDV.entryidx", "1", "enter the index, which HBCI account stored on the card should be used"); } else if (type.equals("RDH")) { readParam( "client.passport.RDH.filename", "my_passport.dat", "filename to be used for your HBCI4Java keyfile. DONT LOOSE THIS FILE!"); readParam("client.passport.RDH.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } else if (type.equals("RDHNew")) { readParam( "client.passport.RDHNew.filename", "my_passport.dat", "filename to be used for your HBCI4Java keyfile. DONT LOOSE THIS FILE!"); readParam("client.passport.RDHNew.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } else if (type.equals("PinTan")) { readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.filename", "my_passport_pintan.dat", "filename to be used for your PIN/TAN keyfile"); readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.checkcert", "1", "whether to check the HTTPS-certificate of the server (1) or not (0)"); readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.certfile", null, "filename with a SSL-certificate for HTTPS-communication; leave blank when you don't want to check the certificate or when the certificate can be checked with the java-builtin CA database"); readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.proxy", null, "host:port for proxy server to be used; leave blank when you want direct connections to be made"); readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.proxyuser", null, "when you need proxy authentication enter the username here; leave empty to be queried on demand"); readParam( "client.passport.PinTan.proxypass", null, "when you need proxy authentication enter the passphrase here; leave empty to be queried on demand"); readParam("client.passport.PinTan.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } else if (type.equals("SIZRDHFile")) { readParam( "client.passport.SIZRDHFile.filename", "secret.key", "filename of SIZ-RDH-keyfile to be used. MAKE A BACKUP OF THIS FILE BEFORE USE!"); readParam( "client.passport.SIZRDHFile.libname", "/usr/lib/", "filename of native library for accessing SIZ RDH files"); readParam("client.passport.SIZRDHFile.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } else if (type.equals("RDHXFile")) { readParam( "client.passport.RDHXFile.filename", "secret.key", "filename of SIZ-RDH2-keyfile to be used. MAKE A BACKUP OF THIS FILE BEFORE USE!"); readParam("client.passport.RDHXFile.init", "1", "never change this value!"); } }
/* gibt zu einem gegebenen jobnamen des namen dieses jobs in der syntax-spez. * zurück (also mit angehängter versionsnummer) */ private void findSpecNameForGV(String jobnameLL, HBCIHandler handler) { int maxVersion = 0; StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); // alle param-segmente durchlaufen Properties bpd = handler.getPassport().getBPD(); for (Enumeration i = bpd.propertyNames(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { String path = (String) i.nextElement(); key.setLength(0); key.append(path); if (key.indexOf("Params") == 0) { key.delete(0, key.indexOf(".") + 1); // wenn segment mit namen des aktuellen jobs gefunden wurde if (key.indexOf(jobnameLL + "Par") == 0 && key.toString().endsWith(".SegHead.code")) { // willuhn 2011-06-06 Maximal zulaessige Segment-Version ermitteln // Hintergrund: Es gibt Szenarien, in denen nicht die hoechste verfuegbare // Versionsnummer verwendet werden kann, weil die Voraussetzungen impliziert, // die beim User nicht gegeben sind. Mit diesem Parameter kann die maximale // Version nach oben begrenzt werden. In AbstractPinTanPassport#setBPD() ist // ein konkretes Beispiel enthalten (Bank macht HITANS5 und damit HHD 1.4, der // User hat aber nur ein HHD-1.3-tauglichen TAN-Generator) int maxAllowedVersion = Integer.parseInt( HBCIUtils.getParam( "kernel.gv." + bpd.getProperty(path, "default") + ".segversion.max", "0")); key.delete(0, jobnameLL.length() + ("Par").length()); // extrahieren der versionsnummer aus dem spez-namen String st = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(".")); int version = 0; try { version = Integer.parseInt(st); } catch (Exception e) { HBCIUtils.log( "found invalid job version: key=" + key + ", jobnameLL=" + jobnameLL + " (this is a known, but harmless bug)", HBCIUtils.LOG_WARN); } // willuhn 2011-06-06 Segment-Versionen ueberspringen, die groesser als die max. // zulaessige sind if (maxAllowedVersion > 0 && version > maxAllowedVersion) { HBCIUtils.log( "skipping segment version " + version + " for task " + jobnameLL + ", larger than allowed version " + maxAllowedVersion, HBCIUtils.LOG_INFO); continue; } // merken der größten jemals aufgetretenen versionsnummer if (version != 0) { HBCIUtils.log( "task " + jobnameLL + " is supported with segment version " + st, HBCIUtils.LOG_DEBUG2); if (version > maxVersion) { maxVersion = version; } } } } } if (maxVersion == 0) { throw new JobNotSupportedException(jobnameLL); } // namen+versionsnummer speichern this.jobName = jobnameLL; this.segVersion = Integer.toString(maxVersion); = jobnameLL + this.segVersion; }