public void visitIfStatement(GrIfStatement ifStatement) { InstructionImpl ifInstruction = startNode(ifStatement); final GrCondition condition = ifStatement.getCondition(); final GrStatement thenBranch = ifStatement.getThenBranch(); final GrStatement elseBranch = ifStatement.getElseBranch(); InstructionImpl conditionEnd = null; InstructionImpl thenEnd = null; InstructionImpl elseEnd = null; if (condition != null) { condition.accept(this); conditionEnd = myHead; } List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(ifStatement); if (thenBranch != null) { thenBranch.accept(this); handlePossibleReturn(thenBranch); thenEnd = myHead; interruptFlow(); readdPendingEdge(ifStatement); } myHead = reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(ifStatement, negations); if (myHead == null && conditionEnd != null) { myHead = conditionEnd; } if (elseBranch != null) { elseBranch.accept(this); handlePossibleReturn(elseBranch); elseEnd = myHead; interruptFlow(); } if (thenBranch != null || elseBranch != null) { if (thenEnd != null || elseEnd != null || elseBranch == null) { final InstructionImpl end = new IfEndInstruction(ifStatement); addNode(end); if (thenEnd != null) { addEdge(thenEnd, end); } if (elseEnd != null) { addEdge(elseEnd, end); } else if (elseBranch == null) { addEdge(conditionEnd != null ? conditionEnd : ifInstruction, end); } } } finishNode(ifInstruction); }
private static Collection<GrVariable> collectUsedLocalVarsOrParamsDeclaredOutside( GrStatement[] statements) { final Collection<GrVariable> result = new HashSet<GrVariable>(); final int start = statements[0].getTextRange().getStartOffset(); final int end = statements[statements.length - 1].getTextRange().getEndOffset(); final GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor visitor = new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitReferenceExpression(GrReferenceExpression ref) { final PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve(); if ((resolved instanceof GrParameter || GroovyRefactoringUtil.isLocalVariable(resolved)) && resolved.isPhysical()) { final int offset = resolved.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); // var is declared outside of selected code if (offset < start || end <= offset) { result.add((GrVariable) resolved); } } } }; for (GrStatement statement : statements) { statement.accept(visitor); } return result; }
@Override public void visitCaseSection(GrCaseSection caseSection) { for (GrCaseLabel label : caseSection.getCaseLabels()) { GrExpression value = label.getValue(); if (value != null) { value.accept(this); } } final GrStatement[] statements = caseSection.getStatements(); // infer 'may be return' position int i; for (i = statements.length - 1; i >= 0 && statements[i] instanceof GrBreakStatement; i--) {} for (int j = 0; j < statements.length; j++) { GrStatement statement = statements[j]; statement.accept(this); if (j == i) handlePossibleReturn(statement); } if (myHead != null) { addPendingEdge(caseSection, myHead); } }
public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) { final GrForClause clause = forStatement.getClause(); processForLoopInitializer(clause); InstructionImpl start = startNode(forStatement); addForLoopBreakingEdge(forStatement, clause); flushForeachLoopVariable(clause); final GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody(); if (body != null) { InstructionImpl bodyInstruction = startNode(body); body.accept(this); finishNode(bodyInstruction); } checkPending(start); // check for breaks targeted here if (clause instanceof GrTraditionalForClause) { acceptNullable(((GrTraditionalForClause) clause).getUpdate()); } if (myHead != null) addEdge(myHead, start); // loop interruptFlow(); finishNode(start); }
public static PsiField[] findUsedFieldsWithGetters( GrStatement[] statements, PsiClass containingClass) { if (containingClass == null) return PsiField.EMPTY_ARRAY; final FieldSearcher searcher = new FieldSearcher(containingClass); for (GrStatement statement : statements) { statement.accept(searcher); } return searcher.getResult(); }
public void visitStatementOwner(GrStatementOwner owner, boolean shouldInsertReturnNull) { boolean hasLineFeed = false; for (PsiElement e = owner.getFirstChild(); e != null; e = e.getNextSibling()) { if (e instanceof GrStatement) { ((GrStatement) e).accept(this); hasLineFeed = false; } else if (TokenSets.COMMENT_SET.contains(e.getNode().getElementType())) { builder.append(e.getText()); } else if (org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.util.PsiUtil.isLineFeed(e)) { hasLineFeed = true; if (IN_TEST) { builder.append(genSameLineFeed(e.getText())); } else { builder.append(e.getText()); } } } if (shouldInsertReturnNull) { if (!hasLineFeed) { builder.append('\n'); } builder.append("return null;\n"); } }
@Override public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) { // final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("for("); final GrForClause clause = forStatement.getClause(); ExpressionContext forContext = context.extend(); if (clause instanceof GrForInClause) { final GrExpression expression = ((GrForInClause) clause).getIteratedExpression(); final GrVariable declaredVariable = clause.getDeclaredVariable(); LOG.assertTrue(declaredVariable != null); writeVariableWithoutSemicolonAndInitializer(builder, declaredVariable, context); builder.append(" : "); if (expression != null) { final ExpressionContext context = forContext.copy(); writeExpression(expression, builder, context); } } else if (clause instanceof GrTraditionalForClause) { final GrTraditionalForClause cl = (GrTraditionalForClause) clause; final GrCondition initialization = cl.getInitialization(); final GrExpression condition = cl.getCondition(); final GrExpression update = cl.getUpdate(); if (initialization instanceof GrParameter) { StringBuilder partBuilder = new StringBuilder(); writeVariableWithoutSemicolonAndInitializer( partBuilder, (GrParameter) initialization, context); final GrExpression initializer = ((GrParameter) initialization).getInitializerGroovy(); if (initializer != null) { final ExpressionContext partContext = forContext.copy(); partBuilder.append(" = "); writeExpression(initializer, partBuilder, partContext); for (String statement : partContext.myStatements) { builder.append(statement).append(", "); } builder.append(partBuilder); } } else if (initialization != null) { StringBuilder partBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final ExpressionContext partContext = forContext.copy(); genForPart(builder, initialization, new CodeBlockGenerator(partBuilder, partContext, null)); } builder.append(';'); if (condition != null) { genForPart(builder, condition, forContext.copy()); // todo??? } builder.append(';'); if (update != null) { genForPart(builder, update, forContext.copy()); } } builder.append(')'); final GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody(); if (body != null) { body.accept(new CodeBlockGenerator(builder, forContext, null)); } }
private static GrForStatement updateReturnStatements(GrForStatement forStatement) { GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody(); assert body != null; final Set<String> usedLabels = ContainerUtil.newHashSet(); final Ref<Boolean> needLabel = Ref.create(false); body.accept( new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() { private int myLoops = 0; @Override public void visitReturnStatement(GrReturnStatement returnStatement) { if (returnStatement.getReturnValue() != null) return; if (myLoops > 0) needLabel.set(true); } @Override public void visitLabeledStatement(GrLabeledStatement labeledStatement) { super.visitLabeledStatement(labeledStatement); usedLabels.add(labeledStatement.getName()); } @Override public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) { myLoops++; super.visitForStatement(forStatement); myLoops--; } @Override public void visitWhileStatement(GrWhileStatement whileStatement) { myLoops++; super.visitWhileStatement(whileStatement); myLoops--; } @Override public void visitClosure(GrClosableBlock closure) { // don't go into closures } @Override public void visitAnonymousClassDefinition( GrAnonymousClassDefinition anonymousClassDefinition) { // don't go into anonymous } }); GroovyPsiElementFactory factory = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(forStatement.getProject()); final String continueText; if (needLabel.get()) { int i = 0; String label = OUTER; while (usedLabels.contains(label)) { label = OUTER + i; i++; } continueText = "continue " + label; GrLabeledStatement labeled = (GrLabeledStatement) factory.createStatementFromText(label + ": while (true){}"); labeled.getStatement().replaceWithStatement(forStatement); labeled = forStatement.replaceWithStatement(labeled); forStatement = (GrForStatement) labeled.getStatement(); body = forStatement.getBody(); assert body != null; } else { continueText = "continue"; } final GrStatement continueStatement = factory.createStatementFromText(continueText); body.accept( new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitReturnStatement(GrReturnStatement returnStatement) { if (returnStatement.getReturnValue() == null) { returnStatement.replaceWithStatement(continueStatement); } } @Override public void visitClosure(GrClosableBlock closure) { // don't go into closures } @Override public void visitAnonymousClassDefinition( GrAnonymousClassDefinition anonymousClassDefinition) { // don't go into anonymous } }); return forStatement; }