  public void processIntention(@NotNull PsiElement element) throws IncorrectOperationException {
    final GrIfStatement parentStatement = (GrIfStatement) element;
    assert parentStatement != null;
    final GrStatement parentThenBranch = (GrStatement) parentStatement.getThenBranch();
    final GrIfStatement childStatement =
        (GrIfStatement) ConditionalUtils.stripBraces(parentThenBranch);

    final GrExpression childCondition = (GrExpression) childStatement.getCondition();
    final String childConditionText;
    if (ParenthesesUtils.getPrecendence(childCondition) > ParenthesesUtils.AND_PRECEDENCE) {
      childConditionText = '(' + childCondition.getText() + ')';
    } else {
      childConditionText = childCondition.getText();

    final GrExpression parentCondition = (GrExpression) parentStatement.getCondition();
    final String parentConditionText;
    if (ParenthesesUtils.getPrecendence(parentCondition) > ParenthesesUtils.AND_PRECEDENCE) {
      parentConditionText = '(' + parentCondition.getText() + ')';
    } else {
      parentConditionText = parentCondition.getText();

    final GrStatement childThenBranch = (GrStatement) childStatement.getThenBranch();
    final String statement =
        "if(" + parentConditionText + "&&" + childConditionText + ')' + childThenBranch.getText();
    IntentionUtils.replaceStatement(statement, parentStatement);
  private static Collection<GrVariable> collectUsedLocalVarsOrParamsDeclaredOutside(
      GrStatement[] statements) {
    final Collection<GrVariable> result = new HashSet<GrVariable>();

    final int start = statements[0].getTextRange().getStartOffset();
    final int end = statements[statements.length - 1].getTextRange().getEndOffset();

    final GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor visitor =
        new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() {
          public void visitReferenceExpression(GrReferenceExpression ref) {
            final PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
            if ((resolved instanceof GrParameter || GroovyRefactoringUtil.isLocalVariable(resolved))
                && resolved.isPhysical()) {
              final int offset = resolved.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
              // var is declared outside of selected code
              if (offset < start || end <= offset) {
                result.add((GrVariable) resolved);

    for (GrStatement statement : statements) {

    return result;
 public static void removeNewLineAfter(@NotNull GrStatement statement) {
   ASTNode parentNode = statement.getParent().getNode();
   ASTNode next = statement.getNode().getTreeNext();
   if (parentNode != null && next != null && mNLS == next.getElementType()) {
  public void visitCaseSection(GrCaseSection caseSection) {
    for (GrCaseLabel label : caseSection.getCaseLabels()) {
      GrExpression value = label.getValue();
      if (value != null) {

    final GrStatement[] statements = caseSection.getStatements();

    // infer 'may be return' position
    int i;
    for (i = statements.length - 1; i >= 0 && statements[i] instanceof GrBreakStatement; i--) {}

    for (int j = 0; j < statements.length; j++) {
      GrStatement statement = statements[j];
      if (j == i) handlePossibleReturn(statement);

    if (myHead != null) {
      addPendingEdge(caseSection, myHead);
  public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) {
    final GrForClause clause = forStatement.getClause();


    InstructionImpl start = startNode(forStatement);

    addForLoopBreakingEdge(forStatement, clause);


    final GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody();
    if (body != null) {
      InstructionImpl bodyInstruction = startNode(body);
    checkPending(start); // check for breaks targeted here

    if (clause instanceof GrTraditionalForClause) {
      acceptNullable(((GrTraditionalForClause) clause).getUpdate());
    if (myHead != null) addEdge(myHead, start); // loop

  private static void generateElseBranchTextAndRemoveTailStatements(
      @NotNull GrIfStatement ifStatement, @NotNull GrIfStatement newIf) {
    final GrStatement thenBranch = newIf.getThenBranch();
    assert thenBranch != null;

    GrStatement elseBranch = ifStatement.getElseBranch();
    if (elseBranch != null) {

    PsiElement parent = ifStatement.getParent();
    if (!(parent instanceof GrStatementOwner)) return;

    if (!isTailAfterIf(ifStatement, ((GrStatementOwner) parent))) return;

    final PsiElement start = ifStatement.getNextSibling();
    PsiElement end =
        parent instanceof GrCodeBlock
            ? ((GrCodeBlock) parent).getRBrace().getPrevSibling()
            : parent.getLastChild();

    final GrOpenBlock block = ((GrBlockStatement) thenBranch).getBlock();
    block.addRangeAfter(start, end, block.getLBrace());
    parent.deleteChildRange(start, end);
  protected void processIntention(@NotNull PsiElement element, Project project, Editor editor)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    PsiElement parent = element.getParent();

    if (!"if".equals(element.getText()) || !(parent instanceof GrIfStatement)) {
      throw new IncorrectOperationException("Not invoked on an if");
    GrIfStatement parentIf = (GrIfStatement) parent;
    GroovyPsiElementFactory groovyPsiElementFactory = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(project);

    GrExpression condition = parentIf.getCondition();
    if (condition == null) {
      throw new IncorrectOperationException("Invoked on an if with empty condition");

    GrExpression negatedCondition = null;
    if (condition instanceof GrUnaryExpression) {
      GrUnaryExpression unaryCondition = (GrUnaryExpression) condition;
      if ("!".equals(unaryCondition.getOperationToken().getText())) {
        negatedCondition = stripParenthesis(unaryCondition.getOperand());

    if (negatedCondition == null) {
      // Now check whether this is a simple expression
      condition = stripParenthesis(condition);
      String negatedExpressionText;
      if (condition instanceof GrCallExpression || condition instanceof GrReferenceExpression) {
        negatedExpressionText = "!" + condition.getText();
      } else {
        negatedExpressionText = "!(" + condition.getText() + ")";
      negatedCondition =
          groovyPsiElementFactory.createExpressionFromText(negatedExpressionText, parentIf);

    GrStatement thenBranch = parentIf.getThenBranch();
    final boolean thenIsNotEmpty = isNotEmpty(thenBranch);

    String newIfText = "if (" + negatedCondition.getText() + ") {}";
    if (thenIsNotEmpty) {
      newIfText += " else {}";

    GrIfStatement newIf =
            groovyPsiElementFactory.createStatementFromText(newIfText, parentIf.getContext());
    generateElseBranchTextAndRemoveTailStatements(parentIf, newIf);

    if (thenIsNotEmpty) {
      final GrStatement elseBranch = newIf.getElseBranch();
      assert elseBranch != null;

 public static PsiField[] findUsedFieldsWithGetters(
     GrStatement[] statements, PsiClass containingClass) {
   if (containingClass == null) return PsiField.EMPTY_ARRAY;
   final FieldSearcher searcher = new FieldSearcher(containingClass);
   for (GrStatement statement : statements) {
   return searcher.getResult();
  public void visitIfStatement(GrIfStatement ifStatement) {
    InstructionImpl ifInstruction = startNode(ifStatement);

    final GrCondition condition = ifStatement.getCondition();
    final GrStatement thenBranch = ifStatement.getThenBranch();
    final GrStatement elseBranch = ifStatement.getElseBranch();

    InstructionImpl conditionEnd = null;
    InstructionImpl thenEnd = null;
    InstructionImpl elseEnd = null;

    if (condition != null) {
      conditionEnd = myHead;

    List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(ifStatement);

    if (thenBranch != null) {
      thenEnd = myHead;

    myHead = reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(ifStatement, negations);
    if (myHead == null && conditionEnd != null) {
      myHead = conditionEnd;
    if (elseBranch != null) {
      elseEnd = myHead;

    if (thenBranch != null || elseBranch != null) {
      if (thenEnd != null || elseEnd != null || elseBranch == null) {
        final InstructionImpl end = new IfEndInstruction(ifStatement);

        if (thenEnd != null) {
          addEdge(thenEnd, end);

        if (elseEnd != null) {
          addEdge(elseEnd, end);
        } else if (elseBranch == null) {
          addEdge(conditionEnd != null ? conditionEnd : ifInstruction, end);

 private static PsiElement generateTryCatch(PsiElement element, PsiClassType[] exceptions) {
   if (exceptions.length == 0) return element;
   GrTryCatchStatement tryCatch =
               .createStatementFromText("try{} catch (Exception e){}");
   final GrStatement statement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, GrStatement.class);
   assert statement != null;
   tryCatch.getTryBlock().addStatementBefore(statement, null);
   tryCatch = (GrTryCatchStatement) statement.replace(tryCatch);
   fixCatchBlock(tryCatch, exceptions);
   return tryCatch;
  public static PsiElement findTailingSemicolon(@NotNull GrStatement statement) {
    final PsiElement nextNonSpace = PsiUtil.skipWhitespaces(statement.getNextSibling(), true);
    if (nextNonSpace != null && nextNonSpace.getNode().getElementType() == mSEMI) {
      return nextNonSpace;

    return null;
  protected TextRange surroundExpression(GrExpression expression, PsiElement context) {
    GrIfStatement ifStatement =
                .createStatementFromText("if(a){4\n} else{\n}", context);
    replaceToOldExpression(ifStatement.getCondition(), expression);
    ifStatement = expression.replaceWithStatement(ifStatement);
    GrStatement psiElement = ifStatement.getThenBranch();

    assert psiElement instanceof GrBlockStatement;
    GrStatement[] statements = ((GrBlockStatement) psiElement).getBlock().getStatements();
    assert statements.length > 0;

    GrStatement statement = statements[0];
    int endOffset = statement.getTextRange().getStartOffset();

    return new TextRange(endOffset, endOffset);
   * check whether statement is return (the statement which provides return value) statement of
   * method or closure.
   * @param st
   * @return
  public static boolean isCertainlyReturnStatement(GrStatement st) {
    final PsiElement parent = st.getParent();
    if (parent instanceof GrOpenBlock) {
      if (st != ArrayUtil.getLastElement(((GrOpenBlock) parent).getStatements())) return false;

      PsiElement pparent = parent.getParent();
      if (pparent instanceof GrMethod) {
        return true;

      if (pparent instanceof GrBlockStatement
          || pparent instanceof GrCatchClause
          || pparent instanceof GrLabeledStatement) {
        pparent = pparent.getParent();
      if (pparent instanceof GrIfStatement
          || pparent instanceof GrControlStatement
          || pparent instanceof GrTryCatchStatement) {
        return isCertainlyReturnStatement((GrStatement) pparent);
    } else if (parent instanceof GrClosableBlock) {
      return st == ArrayUtil.getLastElement(((GrClosableBlock) parent).getStatements());
    } else if (parent instanceof GroovyFileBase) {
      return st == ArrayUtil.getLastElement(((GroovyFileBase) parent).getStatements());
    } else if (parent instanceof GrForStatement
        || parent instanceof GrIfStatement && st != ((GrIfStatement) parent).getCondition()
        || parent instanceof GrSynchronizedStatement
            && st != ((GrSynchronizedStatement) parent).getMonitor()
        || parent instanceof GrWhileStatement && st != ((GrWhileStatement) parent).getCondition()
        || parent instanceof GrConditionalExpression
            && st != ((GrConditionalExpression) parent).getCondition()
        || parent instanceof GrElvisExpression) {
      return isCertainlyReturnStatement((GrStatement) parent);
    } else if (parent instanceof GrCaseSection) {
      final GrStatement[] statements = ((GrCaseSection) parent).getStatements();
      final GrStatement last = ArrayUtil.getLastElement(statements);
      final GrSwitchStatement switchStatement = (GrSwitchStatement) parent.getParent();

      if (last instanceof GrBreakStatement
          && statements.length > 1
          && statements[statements.length - 2] == st) {
        return isCertainlyReturnStatement(switchStatement);
      } else if (st == last) {
        if (st instanceof GrBreakStatement
            || isLastStatementInCaseSection((GrCaseSection) parent, switchStatement)) {
          return isCertainlyReturnStatement(switchStatement);
    return false;
 public static <T extends GrCondition> T replaceBody(
     T newBody, GrStatement body, ASTNode node, Project project) {
   if (body == null || newBody == null) {
     throw new IncorrectOperationException();
   ASTNode oldBodyNode = body.getNode();
   if (oldBodyNode.getTreePrev() != null
       && mNLS.equals(oldBodyNode.getTreePrev().getElementType())) {
     ASTNode whiteNode = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(project).createWhiteSpace().getNode();
     node.replaceChild(oldBodyNode.getTreePrev(), whiteNode);
   node.replaceChild(oldBodyNode, newBody.getNode());
   return newBody;
 public static int getCaretOffset(@NotNull GrStatement statement) {
   if (statement instanceof GrVariableDeclaration) {
     GrVariable[] variables = ((GrVariableDeclaration) statement).getVariables();
     if (variables.length > 0) {
       GrExpression initializer = variables[0].getInitializerGroovy();
       if (initializer != null) {
         return initializer.getTextOffset();
   } else if (statement instanceof GrAssignmentExpression) {
     GrExpression value = ((GrAssignmentExpression) statement).getRValue();
     if (value != null) {
       return value.getTextOffset();
   return statement.getTextOffset();
  public GrStatement addStatementBefore(@NotNull GrStatement element, @Nullable GrStatement anchor)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    if (anchor == null && getRBrace() == null) {
      throw new IncorrectOperationException();

    if (anchor != null && !this.equals(anchor.getParent())) {
      throw new IncorrectOperationException();

    final LeafElement nls =
        Factory.createSingleLeafElement(GroovyTokenTypes.mNLS, "\n", 0, 1, null, getManager());

    PsiElement actualAnchor = anchor == null ? getRBrace() : anchor;
    if (mayUseNewLinesAsSeparators()) {
      PsiElement prev = actualAnchor.getPrevSibling();
      if (prev instanceof GrParameterList
          && prev.getTextLength() == 0
          && prev.getPrevSibling() != null) {
        prev = prev.getPrevSibling();
      if (!PsiUtil.isLineFeed(prev)) {
        addBefore(nls.getPsi(), actualAnchor);
    element = (GrStatement) addBefore(element, actualAnchor);
    if (mayUseNewLinesAsSeparators()) {
      addBefore(nls.getPsi(), actualAnchor);
    } else {
          Factory.createSingleLeafElement(GroovyTokenTypes.mNLS, "\n", 0, 1, null, getManager())
    return element;
 public void visitStatementOwner(GrStatementOwner owner, boolean shouldInsertReturnNull) {
   boolean hasLineFeed = false;
   for (PsiElement e = owner.getFirstChild(); e != null; e = e.getNextSibling()) {
     if (e instanceof GrStatement) {
       ((GrStatement) e).accept(this);
       hasLineFeed = false;
     } else if (TokenSets.COMMENT_SET.contains(e.getNode().getElementType())) {
     } else if (org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.util.PsiUtil.isLineFeed(e)) {
       hasLineFeed = true;
       if (IN_TEST) {
       } else {
   if (shouldInsertReturnNull) {
     if (!hasLineFeed) {
     builder.append("return null;\n");
  public static void generateBody(
      ExtractInfoHelper helper, boolean isVoid, StringBuilder buffer, boolean forceReturn) {
    VariableInfo[] outputInfos = helper.getOutputVariableInfos();

    ParameterInfo[] infos = helper.getParameterInfos();

    Set<String> declaredVars = new HashSet<String>();
    for (ParameterInfo info : infos) {

    for (VariableInfo info : mustAddVariableDeclaration(helper.getStatements(), outputInfos)) {

    List<VariableInfo> genDecl = new ArrayList<VariableInfo>();
    final Collection<GrVariable> outside =

    for (final GrVariable variable : outside) {
      if (!declaredVars.contains(variable.getName())) {
            new VariableInfo() {
              public String getName() {
                return variable.getName();

              public PsiType getType() {
                return variable.getDeclaredType();
    final List<GrStatement> statements =
        generateVarDeclarations(genDecl, helper.getProject(), null);
    for (GrStatement statement : statements) {

    if (!isSingleExpression(helper.getStatements()) || statements.size() > 0) {
      for (PsiElement element : helper.getInnerElements()) {
      // append return statement
      if (!isVoid && outputInfos.length > 0) {
        if (forceReturn) {
          buffer.append("return ");
        if (outputInfos.length > 1) buffer.append('[');
        for (VariableInfo info : outputInfos) {
          buffer.append(info.getName()).append(", ");
        buffer.delete(buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length());
        if (outputInfos.length > 1) buffer.append(']');
    } else {
      GrExpression expr = (GrExpression) PsiUtil.skipParentheses(helper.getStatements()[0], false);
      boolean addReturn = !isVoid && forceReturn;
      if (addReturn) {
        buffer.append("return ");
        expr = ApplicationStatementUtil.convertToMethodCallExpression(expr);
      } else {
        buffer.append(expr != null ? expr.getText() : "");
  private static GrForStatement updateReturnStatements(GrForStatement forStatement) {
    GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody();
    assert body != null;

    final Set<String> usedLabels = ContainerUtil.newHashSet();
    final Ref<Boolean> needLabel = Ref.create(false);

        new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() {
          private int myLoops = 0;

          public void visitReturnStatement(GrReturnStatement returnStatement) {
            if (returnStatement.getReturnValue() != null) return;

            if (myLoops > 0) needLabel.set(true);

          public void visitLabeledStatement(GrLabeledStatement labeledStatement) {

          public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) {

          public void visitWhileStatement(GrWhileStatement whileStatement) {

          public void visitClosure(GrClosableBlock closure) {
            // don't go into closures

          public void visitAnonymousClassDefinition(
              GrAnonymousClassDefinition anonymousClassDefinition) {
            // don't go into anonymous

    GroovyPsiElementFactory factory =

    final String continueText;
    if (needLabel.get()) {
      int i = 0;
      String label = OUTER;
      while (usedLabels.contains(label)) {
        label = OUTER + i;

      continueText = "continue " + label;

      GrLabeledStatement labeled =
          (GrLabeledStatement) factory.createStatementFromText(label + ": while (true){}");


      labeled = forStatement.replaceWithStatement(labeled);

      forStatement = (GrForStatement) labeled.getStatement();

      body = forStatement.getBody();
      assert body != null;
    } else {
      continueText = "continue";

    final GrStatement continueStatement = factory.createStatementFromText(continueText);

        new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() {
          public void visitReturnStatement(GrReturnStatement returnStatement) {
            if (returnStatement.getReturnValue() == null) {

          public void visitClosure(GrClosableBlock closure) {
            // don't go into closures

          public void visitAnonymousClassDefinition(
              GrAnonymousClassDefinition anonymousClassDefinition) {
            // don't go into anonymous

    return forStatement;
 private static GrStatement copyElement(GrStatement e) throws IncorrectOperationException {
   // We cannot call el.copy() for 'else' since it sets context to parent 'if'.
   // This causes copy to be invalidated after parent 'if' is removed by setElseBranch method.
   GroovyPsiElementFactory factory = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(e.getProject());
   return factory.createStatementFromText(e.getText(), null);
  public void visitForStatement(GrForStatement forStatement) {
    // final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    final GrForClause clause = forStatement.getClause();
    ExpressionContext forContext = context.extend();
    if (clause instanceof GrForInClause) {
      final GrExpression expression = ((GrForInClause) clause).getIteratedExpression();
      final GrVariable declaredVariable = clause.getDeclaredVariable();
      LOG.assertTrue(declaredVariable != null);

      writeVariableWithoutSemicolonAndInitializer(builder, declaredVariable, context);
      builder.append(" : ");
      if (expression != null) {
        final ExpressionContext context = forContext.copy();
        writeExpression(expression, builder, context);
    } else if (clause instanceof GrTraditionalForClause) {
      final GrTraditionalForClause cl = (GrTraditionalForClause) clause;
      final GrCondition initialization = cl.getInitialization();
      final GrExpression condition = cl.getCondition();
      final GrExpression update = cl.getUpdate();

      if (initialization instanceof GrParameter) {
        StringBuilder partBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            partBuilder, (GrParameter) initialization, context);
        final GrExpression initializer = ((GrParameter) initialization).getInitializerGroovy();
        if (initializer != null) {
          final ExpressionContext partContext = forContext.copy();
          partBuilder.append(" = ");
          writeExpression(initializer, partBuilder, partContext);
          for (String statement : partContext.myStatements) {
            builder.append(statement).append(", ");
      } else if (initialization != null) {
        StringBuilder partBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        final ExpressionContext partContext = forContext.copy();
        genForPart(builder, initialization, new CodeBlockGenerator(partBuilder, partContext, null));

      if (condition != null) {
        genForPart(builder, condition, forContext.copy()); // todo???

      if (update != null) {
        genForPart(builder, update, forContext.copy());

    final GrStatement body = forStatement.getBody();
    if (body != null) {
      body.accept(new CodeBlockGenerator(builder, forContext, null));