public static void main(String[] args) { Display display = new Display(); Shell shell = new Shell(display); shell.setText("StyledText with underline and strike through"); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); StyledText text = new StyledText(shell, SWT.BORDER); text.setText("0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); // make 0123456789 appear underlined StyleRange style1 = new StyleRange(); style1.start = 0; style1.length = 10; style1.underline = true; text.setStyleRange(style1); // make ABCDEFGHIJKLM have a strike through StyleRange style2 = new StyleRange(); style2.start = 11; style2.length = 13; style2.strikeout = true; text.setStyleRange(style2); // make NOPQRSTUVWXYZ appear underlined and have a strike through StyleRange style3 = new StyleRange(); style3.start = 25; style3.length = 13; style3.underline = true; style3.strikeout = true; text.setStyleRange(style3); shell.pack();; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } display.dispose(); }
/** * Inputs in the view the selected PO whose pretty code is recorded in the Goal class * * @throws IOException */ public void inputPO() throws IOException { // we want to see a context, not the goal if (!POMode) { return; } if (ttext > 0) // if we've a title text setPartName(IConstants.PO_VIEW_TITLE + " : po " + ttext); // put it in the view else setPartName(IConstants.PO_VIEW_TITLE); // else, put the view title only // gets the PO pretty text String container = ""; container = Goal.getGoal(); // if the Goal is empty, we can return if (container.equals("")) { text.setText(container); return; } // get the style ranges Vector<StyleRange> range = Goal.getStyleRanges(); int w = range.size() - 1; // keep the ranges which can be applied in the text area while (((StyleRange) range.get(w)).start >= container.length()) { w--; } // put the bar between the goal and the arrow result excerpted from this same goal container += "\n_______________________________________________\n\n"; container += Goal.getResult(); text.setText(container); // apply style ranges to the first part of the goal (before the bar) for (int e = 0; e <= w; e++) { text.setStyleRange((StyleRange) range.get(e)); } // puts a style range to color the bar in black StyleRange srg = new StyleRange(); srg.start += Goal.getGoal().length(); srg.length = 50; srg.foreground = new Color(null, 0, 0, 0); text.setStyleRange(srg); // puts a style range to color the end of the goal in blue srg = new StyleRange(); srg.start += Goal.getGoal().length() + 50; srg.length = Goal.getResult().length(); srg.foreground = new Color(null, 0, 0, 255); text.setStyleRange(srg); // sets the cursor at the end of the code text.setSelection(text.getText().length(), text.getText().length()); }
private void formatHostName(int start, int end) { StyleRange style = new StyleRange(); style.start = start; style.length = end - start; style.font = new Font(sShell.getDisplay(), "Courier New", 9, SWT.BOLD); style.foreground = sShell.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE); activeHostsFileStyledText.setStyleRange(style); }
private void formatIpAddress(int start, int end) { StyleRange style = new StyleRange(); style.start = start; style.length = end - start; style.font = new Font(sShell.getDisplay(), "Courier New", 9, SWT.BOLD); style.foreground = new Color(sShell.getDisplay(), 255, 127, 0); // Orange activeHostsFileStyledText.setStyleRange(style); }
private void formatRemark(int start, int end) { StyleRange style = new StyleRange(); style.start = start; style.length = end - start; style.font = new Font(sShell.getDisplay(), "Courier New", 9, SWT.NORMAL); style.foreground = new Color(sShell.getDisplay(), 0, 128, 0); // Green activeHostsFileStyledText.setStyleRange(style); }
private void appendText( String line, final Color foreground, final Color background, final int textStyle) { int start = terminalText.getCharCount(); terminalText.append(line); int len = terminalText.getCharCount() - start; terminalText.setStyleRange(new StyleRange(start, len, foreground, background, textStyle)); scrollToEnd(); }
public static void lightenStyledTextColors(StyledText st, double pct) { StyleRange[] srs = st.getStyleRanges(); Color defaultFGColor = CCWPlugin.getColor(RGBUtil.lighten(st.getForeground().getRGB(), pct)); for (int i = 0; i < srs.length; i++) { StyleRange oldSR = srs[i]; StyleRange newSR = newStyleRange(oldSR); Color lightForeground = (oldSR.foreground == null) ? defaultFGColor : CCWPlugin.getColor(RGBUtil.lighten(oldSR.foreground.getRGB(), pct)); newSR.foreground = lightForeground; st.setStyleRange(newSR); } st.setForeground(defaultFGColor); }
private void updateInput() { if (fInfoText == null || !fInputChanged) { return; } if (fLabelProvider == null) { fLabelProvider = new RLabelProvider( RLabelProvider.LONG | RLabelProvider.HEADER | RLabelProvider.NAMESPACE); } if (fInput != null) { final Image image = fLabelProvider.getImage(fInput.element); fTitleImage.setImage( (image != null) ? image : SharedUIResources.getImages().get(SharedUIResources.PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_ID)); final StyledString styleString = fLabelProvider.getStyledText( fInput.element, fInput.element.getElementName(), fInput.elementAttr); fTitleText.setText(styleString.getString()); fTitleText.setStyleRanges(styleString.getStyleRanges()); if (fInput.detailTitle != null) { fInfoText.setText( fInput.detailTitle + '\n' + ((fInput.detailInfo != null) ? fInput.detailInfo : "")); // $NON-NLS-1$ final StyleRange title = new StyleRange(0, fInput.detailTitle.length(), null, null); title.underline = true; fInfoText.setStyleRange(title); } else { fInfoText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { fTitleImage.setImage( SharedUIResources.getImages().get(SharedUIResources.PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_ID)); fTitleText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ fInfoText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (fMode == MODE_SIMPLE) { setStatusText( (fInput.control != null && fInput.control.isFocusControl()) ? InformationDispatchHandler.getTooltipAffordanceString() : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } fInputChanged = false; }
private void removeHighlightingCategory( org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument document, String category) { org.eclipse.jface.text.Position[] positions = positionHelper.getPositions(document, category); if (category.equals( bento.language.bentocomp.resource.bento.ui.BentoPositionCategory.BRACKET.toString())) { org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange styleRange; for (org.eclipse.jface.text.Position position : positions) { org.eclipse.jface.text.Position tmpPosition = convertToWidgetPosition(position); if (tmpPosition != null) { styleRange = getStyleRangeAtPosition(tmpPosition); styleRange.borderStyle = org.eclipse.swt.SWT.NONE; styleRange.borderColor = null; styleRange.background = null; textWidget.setStyleRange(styleRange); } } } positionHelper.removePositions(document, category); }
private void setBracketHighlighting(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument document) { org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange styleRange = null; org.eclipse.jface.text.Position[] positions = positionHelper.getPositions( document, bento.language.bentocomp.resource.bento.ui.BentoPositionCategory.BRACKET.toString()); for (org.eclipse.jface.text.Position position : positions) { org.eclipse.jface.text.Position tmpPosition = convertToWidgetPosition(position); if (tmpPosition != null) { styleRange = getStyleRangeAtPosition(tmpPosition); styleRange.borderStyle = org.eclipse.swt.SWT.BORDER_SOLID; styleRange.borderColor = bracketColor; if (styleRange.foreground == null) { styleRange.foreground = black; } textWidget.setStyleRange(styleRange); } } }
private void updateStyle(ITextViewer viewer) { StyledText text = viewer.getTextWidget(); int widgetOffset = getWidgetOffset(viewer, fRememberedStyleRange.start); StyleRange range = new StyleRange(fRememberedStyleRange); range.start = widgetOffset; range.length = fRememberedStyleRange.length; StyleRange currentRange = text.getStyleRangeAtOffset(widgetOffset); if (currentRange != null) { range.strikeout = currentRange.strikeout; range.underline = currentRange.underline; range.fontStyle = currentRange.fontStyle; } // try { text.setStyleRange(range); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { // catching exception as offset + length might be outside of the text widget fRememberedStyleRange = null; } }
/** * Inputs in the view the context file whose pretty code is recorded in the Context class * * @throws IOException */ public void inputCTX() throws IOException { // we want to see a goal, not the context if (POMode) { return; } // no tooltip text and no goal number to show in the title setTitleToolTip(null); setPartName(IConstants.PO_VIEW_TITLE); // shows the context text text.setText(Context.getContext()); // with style ranges Vector<StyleRange> range = Context.getStyleRanges(); if (range != null) { for (int e = 0; e < range.size(); e++) { text.setStyleRange((StyleRange) range.get(e)); } } }
public void _setWhatsNew() { if (sWhatsNew.indexOf("<html") >= 0 || sWhatsNew.indexOf("<HTML") >= 0) { BrowserWrapper browser = Utils.createSafeBrowser(cWhatsNew, SWT.NONE); if (browser != null) { browser.setText(sWhatsNew); } else { try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("AZU", ".html"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); FileUtil.writeBytesAsFile(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), sWhatsNew.getBytes("utf8")); Utils.launch(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); shell.dispose(); return; } catch (IOException e) { } } } else { StyledText helpPanel = new StyledText(cWhatsNew, SWT.VERTICAL | SWT.HORIZONTAL); helpPanel.setEditable(false); try { helpPanel.setRedraw(false); helpPanel.setWordWrap(false); helpPanel.setFont(monospace); black = ColorCache.getColor(display, 0, 0, 0); white = ColorCache.getColor(display, 255, 255, 255); light = ColorCache.getColor(display, 200, 200, 200); grey = ColorCache.getColor(display, 50, 50, 50); green = ColorCache.getColor(display, 30, 80, 30); blue = ColorCache.getColor(display, 20, 20, 80); int style; boolean setStyle; helpPanel.setForeground(grey); String[] lines = sWhatsNew.split("\\r?\\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; setStyle = false; fg = grey; bg = white; style = SWT.NORMAL; char styleChar; String text; if (line.length() < 2) { styleChar = ' '; text = " " + lineSeparator; } else { styleChar = line.charAt(0); text = line.substring(1) + lineSeparator; } switch (styleChar) { case '*': text = " * " + text; fg = green; setStyle = true; break; case '+': text = " " + text; fg = black; bg = light; style = SWT.BOLD; setStyle = true; break; case '!': style = SWT.BOLD; setStyle = true; break; case '@': fg = blue; setStyle = true; break; case '$': bg = blue; fg = white; style = SWT.BOLD; setStyle = true; break; case ' ': text = " " + text; break; default: text = styleChar + text; } helpPanel.append(text); if (setStyle) { int lineCount = helpPanel.getLineCount() - 1; int charCount = helpPanel.getCharCount(); // System.out.println("Got Linecount " + lineCount + ", Charcount " + // charCount); int lineOfs = helpPanel.getOffsetAtLine(lineCount - 1); int lineLen = charCount - lineOfs; // System.out.println("Setting Style : " + lineOfs + ", " + lineLen); helpPanel.setStyleRange(new StyleRange(lineOfs, lineLen, fg, bg, style)); helpPanel.setLineBackground(lineCount - 1, 1, bg); } } helpPanel.setRedraw(true); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to load help contents because:" + e); // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (labelLoading != null && !labelLoading.isDisposed()) { labelLoading.dispose(); } shell.layout(true, true); }
private void highlight(int start, String search) { stylerange.start = start; stylerange.length = search.length(); text.setStyleRange(stylerange); }