private void initQueryResult(QueryResult queryResult, PaneState state) { IOQLQuery.Result subject = (IOQLQuery.Result) (queryResult).getSubject(); queryViewer.getDocument().set(subject.getOQLQuery()); AbstractEditorPane pane = EditorPaneRegistry.instance().createNewPane(subject, this.getClass()); if (state == null) { for (PaneState child : getPaneState().getChildren()) { if (queryString.getText().equals(child.getIdentifier())) { state = child; break; } } if (state == null) { state = new PaneState(PaneType.COMPOSITE_CHILD, getPaneState(), queryString.getText(), true); state.setImage(getTitleImage()); } } pane.setPaneState(state); createResultPane(pane, queryResult); }
private void updateCellExpression() { if (styledText.getText() != null && currentEntry != null && !styledText.getText().equals(currentEntry.getExpression())) { mapperManager.changeEntryExpression(currentEntry, styledText.getText()); } }
/** * Inputs in the view the selected PO whose pretty code is recorded in the Goal class * * @throws IOException */ public void inputPO() throws IOException { // we want to see a context, not the goal if (!POMode) { return; } if (ttext > 0) // if we've a title text setPartName(IConstants.PO_VIEW_TITLE + " : po " + ttext); // put it in the view else setPartName(IConstants.PO_VIEW_TITLE); // else, put the view title only // gets the PO pretty text String container = ""; container = Goal.getGoal(); // if the Goal is empty, we can return if (container.equals("")) { text.setText(container); return; } // get the style ranges Vector<StyleRange> range = Goal.getStyleRanges(); int w = range.size() - 1; // keep the ranges which can be applied in the text area while (((StyleRange) range.get(w)).start >= container.length()) { w--; } // put the bar between the goal and the arrow result excerpted from this same goal container += "\n_______________________________________________\n\n"; container += Goal.getResult(); text.setText(container); // apply style ranges to the first part of the goal (before the bar) for (int e = 0; e <= w; e++) { text.setStyleRange((StyleRange) range.get(e)); } // puts a style range to color the bar in black StyleRange srg = new StyleRange(); srg.start += Goal.getGoal().length(); srg.length = 50; srg.foreground = new Color(null, 0, 0, 0); text.setStyleRange(srg); // puts a style range to color the end of the goal in blue srg = new StyleRange(); srg.start += Goal.getGoal().length() + 50; srg.length = Goal.getResult().length(); srg.foreground = new Color(null, 0, 0, 255); text.setStyleRange(srg); // sets the cursor at the end of the code text.setSelection(text.getText().length(), text.getText().length()); }
private void configureHardWrap() { if (shouldHardWrap()) { if (hardWrapSegmentListener == null) { final StyledText textWidget = getTextWidget(); hardWrapSegmentListener = new BidiSegmentListener() { @Override public void lineGetSegments(BidiSegmentEvent e) { int[] segments = calculateWrapOffsets(e.lineText, MAX_LINE_WIDTH); if (segments != null) { char[] segmentsChars = new char[segments.length]; Arrays.fill(segmentsChars, '\n'); e.segments = segments; e.segmentsChars = segmentsChars; } } }; textWidget.addBidiSegmentListener(hardWrapSegmentListener); textWidget.setText( textWidget.getText()); // XXX: workaround for if (brokenBidiPlatformTextWidth != -1) { Layout restrictedWidthLayout = new Layout() { @Override protected Point computeSize( Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache) { Point size = SpellcheckableMessageArea.this.getSize(); Rectangle trim = SpellcheckableMessageArea.this.computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0); size.x -= trim.width; size.y -= trim.height; if (size.x > brokenBidiPlatformTextWidth) size.x = brokenBidiPlatformTextWidth; return size; } @Override protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) { Point size = computeSize(composite, SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, flushCache); textWidget.setBounds(0, 0, size.x, size.y); } }; setLayout(restrictedWidthLayout); } } } else if (hardWrapSegmentListener != null) { StyledText textWidget = getTextWidget(); textWidget.removeBidiSegmentListener(hardWrapSegmentListener); textWidget.setText( textWidget.getText()); // XXX: workaround for hardWrapSegmentListener = null; if (brokenBidiPlatformTextWidth != -1) setLayout(new FillLayout()); } }
public void colorText(int length, Color foreground, Color background) { if (length > secondColumnSize) { styleRanges.add( new StyleRange( centerDescription.getText().length() - length - 2, length, foreground, background)); } else { styleRanges.add( new StyleRange( centerDescription.getText().length() - secondColumnSize - 2, length, foreground, background)); } }
/** * search next text * * @param widgetText text widget * @param widgetFind search text widget */ private void findNext(StyledText widgetText, Text widgetFind) { if (!widgetText.isDisposed()) { String findText = widgetFind.getText().toLowerCase(); if (!findText.isEmpty()) { // get cursor position int cursorIndex = widgetText.getCaretOffset(); // search int offset = -1; if (cursorIndex >= 0) { String text = widgetText.getText(); offset = (cursorIndex + 1 < text.length()) ? text.substring(cursorIndex + 1).toLowerCase().indexOf(findText) : -1; } if (offset >= 0) { int index = cursorIndex + 1 + offset; widgetText.setCaretOffset(index); widgetText.setSelection(index); widgetText.redraw(); int topIndex = widgetText.getTopIndex(); widgetLineNumbers.setTopIndex(topIndex); widgetVerticalScrollBar.setSelection(topIndex); } else { Widgets.flash(widgetFind); } } } }
@Override protected void okPressed() { // contentType = contentTypeText.getText().trim(); abbrev = abbrevText.getText().trim(); description = descriptionText.getText().trim(); expansion = expansionText.getText(); super.okPressed(); }
private void resetXPathText(StyledText text, String changedValue) { String xpathString = text.getText().trim(); String result = xpathString.substring(0, text.getSelection().x) + changedValue + xpathString.substring(text.getSelection().y); text.setText(result); }
@Override public String getContents() { int charCount = commandLineText.getCharCount(); if (charCount == contentsOffset) { // SWT doesn't like text ranges where start == end, handle empty contents explicitly return ""; } else { return commandLineText.getText(contentsOffset, charCount - 1); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditorPreferencePage#performOk() */ @Override public boolean performOk() { boolean ok = super.performOk(); if (scriptTxt != null && !scriptTxt.isDisposed()) { if (isDefaultPresentedForScriptTxt) { getPreferenceStore().setToDefault(getPreferenceKey()); } else { getPreferenceStore().setValue(getPreferenceKey(), scriptTxt.getText()); } isDefaultPresentedForScriptTxt = false; } return ok; }
private void validateCamelVersion() { if (getSelectedCamelVersion() != null && !isCamelVersionValid(getSelectedCamelVersion())) { if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelInfoText)) { camelInfoText.setText( NLS.bind( Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageCamelVersionInvalidWarning, getSelectedCamelVersion())); setPageComplete(false); } } else { if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelInfoText)) { camelInfoText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (!Widgets.isDisposed(warningIconLabel) && !Widgets.isDisposed(camelInfoText)) { warningIconLabel.setVisible(camelInfoText.getText().length() > 0); } }
/** * 当一个文本段初次获取焦点时,实时进行拼写检查,<div style='color:red'>该方法与{@link tgtTextRealTimeSpellCheck} 类似</div> */ private static void tgtTextFirstRealTimeSpellCheck( final String tgtLang, HsMultiCellEditor targetEditor) { final StyledTextCellEditor tgtEditor = targetEditor.getCellEditor(); final StyledText text = tgtEditor.getSegmentViewer().getTextWidget(); if (tgtLang == null) { return; } String tgtText = text.getText(); if (tgtText == null || "".equals(tgtText.trim())) { return; } List<SingleWord> errorWordList = new LinkedList<SingleWord>(); errorWordList = spellTrigger.getErrorWords(tgtText, tgtLang); if (errorWordList != null && errorWordList.size() > 0) { targetEditor.highLightedErrorWord(tgtText, errorWordList); } else { targetEditor.refreshErrorWordsStyle(null); } }
/** * update view find text * * @param widgetText text widget * @param widgetFind search text widget */ private void updateViewFindText(StyledText widgetText, Text widgetFind) { if (!widgetText.isDisposed()) { String findText = widgetFind.getText().toLowerCase(); ; if (!findText.isEmpty()) { // get cursor position int cursorIndex = widgetText.getCaretOffset(); // search int offset = widgetText.getText().toLowerCase().substring(cursorIndex).indexOf(findText); if (offset >= 0) { widgetText.redraw(); } else { Widgets.flash(widgetFind); } } else { widgetText.redraw(); } } }
public String getChangeDescription() { return _text.getText(); }
public String getSQL() { return innerText.getText(); }
/** /!\ Public for test purpose */ public void validate() { // if runtime is selected other than NO RUNTIME if (getSelectedRuntime() != null) { // determine the camel version of that runtime String runtimeCamelVersion = determineRuntimeCamelVersion(getSelectedRuntime()); if (UNKNOWN_CAMEL_VERSION.equals(runtimeCamelVersion)) { if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelVersionCombo)) { camelVersionCombo.setEnabled(true); } camelInfoText.setText( Messages .FuseIntegrationProjectWizardRuntimeAndCamelPage_WarningMessageWhenCamelVersionCannotBeDeterminedInRuntime); } else { // and compare if selected camel version fits that version if (!isCompatible(runtimeCamelVersion, getSelectedCamelVersion())) { // Display warning and suggest the correct version camelInfoText.setText( NLS.bind( Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageCamelVersionsDontMatchWarning, runtimeCamelVersion)); } else { camelInfoText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelVersionCombo)) { camelVersionCombo.setEnabled(false); } } } else { if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelVersionCombo)) { camelVersionCombo.setEnabled(true); } if (!Widgets.isDisposed(camelInfoText)) { camelInfoText.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } // TODO: leaving that out until we decide to support other camel versions than the ones we ship // try { // getWizard().getContainer().run(false, false, new IRunnableWithProgress() { // @Override // public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, // InterruptedException { // monitor.beginTask(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageResolveDependencyStatus, // IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); // validateCamelVersion(); // monitor.done(); // } // }); // } catch (Exception ex) { // ProjectTemplatesActivator.pluginLog().logError(ex); // } if (!Widgets.isDisposed(warningIconLabel) && !Widgets.isDisposed(camelInfoText)) { warningIconLabel.setVisible(!camelInfoText.getText().isEmpty()); } if (!Widgets.isDisposed(runtimeComboViewer) && !Widgets.isDisposed(camelVersionCombo)) { setPageComplete( !Strings.isBlank(runtimeComboViewer.getSelection().toString()) && !Strings.isBlank(camelVersionCombo.getText()) && !warningIconLabel.isVisible()); } }
@Override public String getFullContents() { return commandLineText.getText(); }
/** @return text */ public String getText() { if (text.isDisposed()) { return null; } return text.getText(); }
public String getText() { return fStyledText.getText(); }
public String getText() { return centerDescription.getText(); }
/** * Returns a copy of the widget content. * * @return String * @see StyledText#getText() */ public String getText() { return textWidget.getText(); }
public void addText(Object[] object) { centerDescription.setText( centerDescription.getText() + String.format(descriptionStringFormat, object)); }