  public void loadLoaderFactory() throws Exception {

    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(testFileFolder + file, null);

    IDataset data = dataHolder.getDataset("Portable Grey Map");
    // Check the first data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(0, 0), 0.0, 0.0);
    // Check the middle data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(512, 511), 15104.0, 0.0);
    // Check the last data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(1023, 1023), 0.0, 0.0);
  public void lazyLoadLoaderFactory() throws Exception {

    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(testFileFolder + file, true, true, true, null);

    ILazyDataset lazy = dataHolder.getLazyDataset("Portable Grey Map");
    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {1024, 1024}, lazy.getShape());

    IDataset data = lazy.getSlice();
    // Check the first data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(0, 0), 0.0, 0.0);
    // Check the middle data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(512, 511), 15104.0, 0.0);
    // Check the last data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(1023, 1023), 0.0, 0.0);
  public static IDataset interpolate(IDataset oldx, IDataset oldy, IDataset newx) {

    // TODO more sanity checks on inputs

    DoubleDataset dx = (DoubleDataset) DatasetUtils.cast(oldx, Dataset.FLOAT64);
    DoubleDataset dy = (DoubleDataset) DatasetUtils.cast(oldy, Dataset.FLOAT64);

    boolean sorted = true;
    double maxtest = oldx.getDouble(0);
    for (int i = 1; i < ((Dataset) oldx).count(); i++) {
      if (maxtest > oldx.getDouble(i)) {
        sorted = false;
      maxtest = dx.getDouble(i);

    double[] sortedx = null;
    double[] sortedy = null;

    if (!sorted) {
      IntegerDataset sIdx = getIndiciesOfSorted(dx);
      sortedx = new double[dx.getData().length];
      sortedy = new double[dy.getData().length];

      for (int i = 0; i < sIdx.getSize(); i++) {
        sortedx[i] = dx.getDouble(sIdx.get(i));
        sortedy[i] = dy.getDouble(sIdx.get(i));
    } else {
      sortedx = dx.getData();
      sortedy = dy.getData();

    SplineInterpolator si = new SplineInterpolator();
    PolynomialSplineFunction poly = si.interpolate(sortedx, sortedy);

    IDataset newy = newx.clone();
    newy.setName(oldy.getName() + "_interpolated");

    for (int i = 0; i < ((Dataset) newx).count(); i++) {
      newy.set(poly.value(newx.getDouble(i)), i);

    return newy;
  public double calculateSignificance(int position, int windowSize, IDataset yData) {
    double posVal = yData.getDouble(position);

    // Calculate the averages of the the left & right windows.
    // N.B. left & right diffs are in opposite directions.
    Double leftAvg = 0.0;
    Double rightAvg = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
      leftAvg = leftAvg + yData.getDouble(position - i - 1);
      rightAvg = rightAvg + yData.getDouble(position + i + 1);
    leftAvg = leftAvg / windowSize;
    rightAvg = rightAvg / windowSize;

    // Calculate the average of difference of the point and the averages (i.e. significance)
    double sig = ((posVal - leftAvg) + (posVal - rightAvg)) / 2;

    return sig;