public String ac_set_control_$_1(Args args) { String mode = args.argv(0); String iString = args.getOpt("interval"); long interval = 0L; if (iString != null) { interval = Long.parseLong(iString) * 1000L; if (interval < 30000L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("interval must be greater than 30"); } } switch (mode) { case "on": _flushController.setControl(true); break; case "off": _flushController.setControl(false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("set control on|off"); } if (interval > 0L) { _queueWatch.setGainControlTicker(interval); } return ""; }
public synchronized String ac_pp_interface_$_0_1(Args args) throws UnknownHostException { if (args.argc() == 1) { String host = args.argv(0); _interface = host.equals("*") ? null : InetAddress.getByName(host); } return "PP interface is " + getInterface(); }
public String ac_whatToDo_$_1(Args args) { String domainName = args.argv(0); String serial = args.getOpt("serial"); Map<String, HostAndPort> cores = coreDomains.cores(); switch (cores.size()) { case 0: return null; case 1: String broker = Iterables.get(cores.keySet(), 0); return "do" + (serial != null ? " -serial=" + serial : "") + " " + domainName + " " + "nl" + " c:" + broker + " d:" + broker; default: LOGGER.warn( "Legacy domain {} tried to connect, but are not supported in multi-core topologies.", domainName); return "do" + (serial != null ? " -serial=" + serial : "") + " " + domainName; } }
private String startConnector(String remoteDomain, HostAndPort address) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { String cellName = "c-" + remoteDomain + "*"; String clientKey = args.getOpt("clientKey"); clientKey = (clientKey != null) && (clientKey.length() > 0) ? ("-clientKey=" + clientKey) : ""; String clientName = args.getOpt("clientUserName"); clientName = (clientName != null) && (clientName.length() > 0) ? ("-clientUserName="******""; String cellArgs = "-domain=" + remoteDomain + " " + "-lm=" + getCellName() + " " + "-role=" + role + " " + "-where=" + address + " " + clientKey + " " + clientName;"Starting connector with {}", cellArgs); LocationManagerConnector c = new LocationManagerConnector(cellName, cellArgs); c.start().get();"Created : {}", c); return c.getCellName(); }
public synchronized String ac_pp_get_file_$_2(Args args) throws CacheException, IOException, InterruptedException { FileAttributes fileAttributes = new FileAttributes(); fileAttributes.setPnfsId(new PnfsId(args.argv(0))); String pool = args.argv(1); List<StickyRecord> stickyRecords = Collections.emptyList(); newCompanion(pool, fileAttributes, EntryState.CACHED, stickyRecords, null, false, null); return "Transfer Initiated"; }
public String ac_driver_properties(Args args) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0, n = args.optc(); i < n; i++) { String key = args.optv(i); String value = args.getOpt(key); map.put(key, value); } _eventDispatcher.propertiesUpdated(map); return "Properties sent to driver, check with 'info'"; }
public String ac_check_osm_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { String store = args.argv(0); String bfid = args.argv(1); StorageInfo si = new OSMStorageInfo(store, "", bfid); getBfDetails(si); String result = si.getKey("hsm.details"); return result == null ? "No Details" : result; }
public Object ac_ls_pool_$_0_1(Args args) { String poolName = args.argc() == 0 ? null : args.argv(0); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l"); boolean binary = args.hasOption("binary"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (poolName == null) { if (binary) { Collection<HsmFlushControlCore.PoolDetails> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object pool : _eventDispatcher.getConfiguredPools()) { list.add(((HFCPool) pool).getDetails()); } return list; } else { Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(_poolCollector.getConfiguredPoolNames()); for (Object configuredPoolName : set) { String name = configuredPoolName.toString(); if (!detail) { sb.append(name).append("\n"); } else { HFCPool pool = _poolCollector.getPoolByName(name); printPoolDetails2(pool, sb); } } } } else { HFCPool pool = _poolCollector.getPoolByName(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } if (binary) { return pool.getDetails(); /* HsmFlushControlCore.PoolDetails details = pool.getDetails() ; sb.append("PoolDetails\n"). append(" Name ").append(details.getName()).append("\n"). append(" CellInfo ").append(details.getCellInfo()).append("\n"). append(" isActive ").append(details.isActive()).append("\n") ; for( Iterator i = details.getFlushInfos().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ){ HsmFlushControlCore.FlushInfoDetails flush = (HsmFlushControlCore.FlushInfoDetails) ; sb.append(" StorageClass ").append(flush.getName()).append("\n"). append(" isFlushing ").append(flush.isFlushing()).append("\n"). append(" FlushInfo ").append(flush.getStorageClassFlushInfo()).append("\n"); } */ } else { printPoolDetails2(pool, sb); } } return sb.toString(); }
public VspCheck1(String[] arg) throws Exception { Args args = new Args(arg); if (args.argc() < 1) { System.err.println("Usage : ...[options] <pnfsId1> [pnfsids ...]"); System.err.println(" Options : [-host=<host>] [-port=<port>] [-parallel=<count>]"); System.exit(4); } String tmp = args.getOpt("host"); _host = tmp == null ? "localhost" : tmp; tmp = args.getOpt("port"); tmp = tmp == null ? "22125" : tmp; _port = Integer.parseInt(tmp); tmp = args.getOpt("parallel"); tmp = tmp == null ? "1" : tmp; _count = Integer.parseInt(tmp); _pnfsid = new String[args.argc()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.argc(); i++) { _pnfsid[i] = args.argv(i); } for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) { new WorkerThread(i).start(); } }
public synchronized String ac_pp_remove_$_1(Args args) throws NumberFormatException { int id = Integer.valueOf(args.argv(0)); if (!cancel(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id not found: " + id); } return ""; }
public String ac_listening_on_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { int port = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(1)); HostAndPort address = HostAndPort.fromParts(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(), port); coreDomains.setLocalAddress(address); return ""; }
@Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { _poolManager = new CellStub(this, new CellPath("PoolManager"), 30, SECONDS); Args args = getArgs(); checkArgument(args.argc() >= 1, "Usage : ... <pgroup0> [<pgroup1>[...]]"); for (int i = 0, n = args.argc(); i < n; i++) { _poolGroupList.add(args.argv(0)); args.shift(); } String tmp = args.getOpt("scheduler"); if ((tmp != null) && (!tmp.equals(""))) { _eventDispatcher.loadHandler(tmp, false, args); } _queueWatch = new QueueWatch(); tmp = args.getOpt("poolCollectionUpdate"); if ((tmp != null) && (!tmp.equals(""))) { try { _getPoolCollectionTicker = Long.parseLong(tmp) * 60L * 1000L; } catch (Exception ee) { _log.warn( "Illegal value for poolCollectionUpdate : {} (choosing {} millis)", tmp, _getPoolCollectionTicker); } } tmp = args.getOpt("gainControlUpdate"); if ((tmp != null) && (!tmp.equals(""))) { long gainControlTicker = 0L; try { _queueWatch.setGainControlTicker(gainControlTicker = Long.parseLong(tmp) * 60L * 1000L); } catch (Exception ee) { _log.warn( "Illegal value for gainControlUpdate : {} (choosing {} millis)", tmp, gainControlTicker); } } tmp = args.getOpt("timer"); if ((tmp != null) && (!tmp.equals(""))) { try { _timerInterval = Long.parseLong(tmp) * 1000L; } catch (Exception ee) { _log.warn("Illegal value for timer : {} (choosing {} millis)", tmp, _timerInterval); } } useInterpreter(true); }
public String ac_whereIs_$_1(Args args) { String domainName = args.argv(0); HostAndPort address = coreDomains.readAddressOf(domainName); if (address == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain not listening: " + domainName); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("location"); String serial = args.getOpt("serial"); if (serial != null) { sb.append(" -serial=").append(serial); } sb.append(" ").append(domainName); sb.append(" ").append(address); return sb.toString(); }
private void _loadShells(Args args) { Object[][] objList = new Object[_signature.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < objList.length; i++) { objList[i] = new Object[_signature[i].length]; } objList[0][0] = _subject; objList[0][1] = getNucleus(); objList[0][2] = new Args(args); objList[1][0] = getNucleus(); Class<?> c; Constructor<?> con = null; Object o; for (int i = 0; i < args.argc(); i++) {"Trying to load shell : " + args.argv(i)); try { c = Class.forName(args.argv(i)); int j; for (j = 0; j < _signature.length; j++) { try { con = c.getConstructor(_signature[j]); break; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (j == _signature.length) { throw new Exception("No constructor found"); } o = con.newInstance(objList[j]); addCommandListener(o);"Added : " + args.argv(i)); } catch (Exception ee) { _log.warn("Failed to load shell : " + args.argv(i) + " : " + ee); if (ee instanceof InvocationTargetException) { _log.warn( " -> Problem in constructor : " + ((InvocationTargetException) ee).getTargetException()); } } } }
public void process(DatagramPacket packet) throws Exception { byte[] data = packet.getData(); int datalen = packet.getLength(); InetAddress address = packet.getAddress(); if (datalen <= 0) { LOGGER.warn("Empty Packet arrived from {}", packet.getAddress()); return; } String message = new String(data, 0, datalen);"server query : [{}] ({}) {}", address, message.length(), message); Args args = new Args(message); message = (args.argc() == 0) ? "" : (String) remoteCommands.command(args); if (message != null) {"server reply : {}", message); data = message.getBytes(); packet.setData(data); packet.setLength(data.length); } }
public String ac_query_pool_mode_$_1(Args args) { String poolName = args.argv(0); HFCPool pool = _poolCollector.getPoolByName(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } pool.queryMode(); return "Pool mode query sent to Pool " + poolName; }
public String ac_flush_pool_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { String poolName = args.argv(0); String storageClass = args.argv(1); String countString = args.getOpt("count"); int count = (countString == null) || countString.equals("") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(countString); HFCPool pool = _poolCollector.getPoolByName(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } HsmFlushControlCore.FlushInfo info = pool.getFlushInfoByStorageClass(storageClass); if (info == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("StorageClass not found : " + storageClass); } info.flush(count); return "Flush initiated for (" + poolName + "," + storageClass + ")"; }
public GFtpProtocol_2_nio(CellEndpoint cell) { _cell = cell; String range = System.getProperty("org.globus.tcp.port.range"); if (range != null) { _portRange = PortRange.valueOf(range); } else { _portRange = new PortRange(0); } if (_cell != null) { Args args = _cell.getArgs(); if (args.hasOption("ftpProxyPassive")) { _allowPassivePool = !Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getOpt("ftpProxyPassive")); } if (args.hasOption("gsiftpBlockSize")) { _blockSize = Integer.valueOf(args.getOpt("gsiftpBlockSize")); } } }
public String ac_set_pool_$_2(Args args) { String poolName = args.argv(0); String mode = args.argv(1); HFCPool pool = _poolCollector.getPoolByName(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } switch (mode) { case "rdonly": pool.setReadOnly(true); break; case "rw": pool.setReadOnly(false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal mode : rdonly|rw"); } return "Pool " + poolName + " set to " + mode; }
public HsmControlOsm(String name, String args) throws Exception { super(name, args, false); _nucleus = getNucleus(); _args = getArgs(); try { if (_args.argc() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage : ... <database>"); } _database = new File(_args.argv(0)); if (!_database.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a directory : " + _database); } } catch (Exception e) { start(); kill(); throw e; } useInterpreter(true); _nucleus.newThread(this, "queueWatch").start(); start(); export(); }
public String ac_define_driver_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { String hsm = args.argv(0); String driver = args.argv(1); Class<?> c = Class.forName(driver); Class<?>[] classArgs = {Args.class, Args.class}; Object[] objectArgs = {getArgs(), args, this}; Constructor<?> con = c.getConstructor(classArgs); Object[] values = new Object[3]; try { values[0] = driver; values[1] = con.newInstance(objectArgs); values[2] = args; } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { throw (Exception) ite.getTargetException(); } if (!(values[1] instanceof HsmControllable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a HsmControllable : (" + hsm + ") " + driver); } _driverMap.put(hsm, values); return hsm + " " + driver + " " + values[1].toString(); }
public synchronized String ac_pp_set_pnfs_timeout_$_1(Args args) { long timeout = Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); _pnfs.setTimeout(timeout); _pnfs.setTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS); return "Pnfs timeout set to " + timeout + " seconds"; }
/** Returns the value of an option, or a default value if the option has not been set. */ public static String getOption(Args args, String name, String defaultValue) { String value = args.getOpt(name); return value == null ? defaultValue : value; }
/** Test program for this class. */ public static void main(String a[]) { try { Args args = new Args(a); int port = Integer.valueOf(getOption(args, "port", "2288")); int bufferSize = Integer.valueOf(getOption(args, "buffer", "0")); int parallelism = Integer.valueOf(getOption(args, "streams", "1")); long offset = Long.valueOf(getOption(args, "offset", "0")); long size = Long.valueOf(getOption(args, "size", "0")); String digest = getOption(args, "digest", ""); boolean verbose = Boolean.valueOf(getOption(args, "verbose", "false")); Role role = Role.Receiver; if (args.isOneCharOption('r')) { role = Role.Receiver; } else if (args.isOneCharOption('s')) { role = Role.Sender; } else { help(); } GFtpProtocol_2_nio mover = new GFtpProtocol_2_nio(null); RepositoryChannel fileChannel = new FileRepositoryChannel(args.argv(0), role == Role.Sender ? "r" : "rw"); Mode mode = mover.createMode(getOption(args, "mode", "S"), role, fileChannel); if (args.isOneCharOption('l')) { if (args.argc() != 1) { help(); } ServerSocketChannel channel =; if (bufferSize > 0) { channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(bufferSize); } channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); mode.setPassive(channel); } else { if (args.argc() != 2) { help(); } mode.setActive(new InetSocketAddress(args.argv(1), port)); } if (digest.length() > 0 && role != Role.Receiver) { System.err.println("Digest can only be computed on receive"); System.exit(1); } if (size == 0) { size = fileChannel.size() - offset; } mode.setParallelism(parallelism); mode.setPartialRetrieveParameters(offset, size); if (digest.length() > 0) { mover.enableTransferChecksum(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(digest)); } mover.setVerboseLogging(verbose); mover.transfer(fileChannel, role, mode, null); if (digest.length() > 0) { System.out.println(mover.getActualChecksum()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
public String ac_load_driver_$_999(Args args) throws Exception { String driverClass = args.argv(0); args.shift(); _eventDispatcher.loadHandler(driverClass, true, args); return "Loaded : " + driverClass; }
public synchronized String ac_pp_set_max_active_$_1(Args args) { _maxActive = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); return ""; }
public String ac_pgroup_remove_$_1_99(Args args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.argc(); i++) { _poolGroupList.remove(args.argv(i)); } return ""; }
public synchronized String ac_pp_set_listen_$_1_2(Args args) throws UnknownHostException { return ac_pp_interface_$_0_1(new Args(args.argv(0))); }