   * <h3>Fixtures</h3>
   * You can add test or init data by creating a 'fixtures' directory under a Solr core. Test files
   * are described using the Solr XML format for documents.
   * <h4>Fixtures properties</h4>
   * <ul>
   *   solr.fixtures: enabled or disabled the loading of test files. Default is: true.
   *   solr.fixtures.async: if true, a new thread will be created for loading the fixtures. Default
   *   is: true.
   * </ul>
  public void runFixtures() {
    Environment env = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
    boolean runFixtures = env.getProperty(SOLR_FIXTURES, boolean.class, true);
    if (runFixtures) {
      Map<String, SolrServer> servers = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(SolrServer.class);
      CoreContainer cores = applicationContext.getBean(CoreContainer.class);
      String solrHome = cores.getSolrHome();

      boolean async = env.getProperty(SOLR_FIXTURES_ASYNC, boolean.class, true);

      for (Entry<String, SolrServer> server : servers.entrySet()) {
        String coreName = server.getKey();
        File coreHome = new File(solrHome, coreName);
        File fixtures = new File(coreHome, "fixtures");
        if (fixtures.exists()) {
          populate(server.getValue(), coreName, fixtures, async);