/** * method that will be called when mouse presses * @param point , the point mouse press at */ public void onMousePress(Location point){ lastpoint = point; if (isShown && mouse.contains(point)) { isGrabbed = true; } else { isGrabbed = false; } timer.reset(); moved = false; }
/** * method that will be called when mouse releases * @param point , the point mouse release at */ public void onMouseRelease(Location point) { isGrabbed = false; if(isShown && !moved && timer.elapsedMilliseconds() >= FLIP_PRESS_THRESHOLD){ if(mouse.inFace(point)){ mouse.move((double)(CENTER_X - point.getX()), (double)(CENTER_Y - point.getY())); } else if(mouse.inLeftEar(point)){ mouse.turnLeft(); } else if(mouse.inRightEar(point)){ mouse.turnRight(); } } }