 public void collide(net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.Entity entity) {
   // this method is called by both the entities involved - cancelling
   // it will not stop the NPC from moving.
   if (npc != null) Util.callCollisionEvent(npc, entity.getBukkitEntity());
  public void j_() {
    if (npc == null) return;
    boolean navigating = npc.getNavigator().isNavigating();
    if (gravity
        && !navigating
        && getBukkitEntity() != null
        && Util.isLoaded(getBukkitEntity().getLocation(LOADED_LOCATION))
        && !NMS.inWater(getBukkitEntity())) {
      move(0, -0.2, 0);
      // gravity. also works around an entity.onGround not updating issue
      // (onGround is normally updated by the client)
    if (!npc.data().get("removefromplayerlist", true)) g();
    if (Math.abs(motX) < EPSILON && Math.abs(motY) < EPSILON && Math.abs(motZ) < EPSILON)
      motX = motY = motZ = 0;

    if (navigating) {
      Navigation navigation = getNavigation();
      if (!navigation.f()) navigation.e();
    } else if (motX != 0 || motZ != 0 || motY != 0) {
      e(0, 0); // is this necessary? it does controllable but sometimes
      // players sink into the ground

    if (noDamageTicks > 0) --noDamageTicks;
 public void g(double x, double y, double z) {
   if (npc == null) {
     super.g(x, y, z);
   if (NPCPushEvent.getHandlerList().getRegisteredListeners().length == 0) {
     if (!npc.data().get(NPC.DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA, true)) super.g(x, y, z);
   Vector vector = new Vector(x, y, z);
   NPCPushEvent event = Util.callPushEvent(npc, vector);
   if (!event.isCancelled()) {
     vector = event.getCollisionVector();
     super.g(vector.getX(), vector.getY(), vector.getZ());
   // when another entity collides, this method is called to push the
   // NPC so we prevent it from doing anything if the event is
   // cancelled.