public static void bumpUpFontSize(Component widget, int bumps) { if (!UserPreferences.readLocalePref() .equals("ko")) { // HACK!!! refector with variable localeSupportsBold Font f = widget.getFont(); widget.setFont(new Font(f.getFamily(), f.getStyle(), f.getSize() + bumps)); } }
private static void drawSelection(JTree tree, Graphics g, final int width) { int y = 0; final int[] rows = tree.getSelectionRows(); final int height = tree.getRowHeight(); for (int row : rows) { final TreeCellRenderer renderer = tree.getCellRenderer(); final Object value = tree.getPathForRow(row).getLastPathComponent(); if (value == null) continue; final Component component = renderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, false, false, false, row, false); if (component.getFont() == null) { component.setFont(tree.getFont()); } g.translate(0, y); component.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); boolean wasOpaque = false; if (component instanceof JComponent) { final JComponent j = (JComponent) component; if (j.isOpaque()) wasOpaque = true; j.setOpaque(false); } component.paint(g); if (wasOpaque) { ((JComponent) component).setOpaque(true); } y += height; g.translate(0, -y); } }
private static Pair<Image, Point> createDragImage( final Tree tree, final Component c, Point dragOrigin, boolean adjustToPathUnderDragOrigin) { if (c instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) c).setOpaque(true); } c.setForeground(tree.getForeground()); c.setBackground(tree.getBackground()); c.setFont(tree.getFont()); c.setSize(c.getPreferredSize()); final BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.7f)); c.paint(g2); g2.dispose(); Point point = new Point(-image.getWidth(null) / 2, -image.getHeight(null) / 2); if (adjustToPathUnderDragOrigin) { TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(dragOrigin.x, dragOrigin.y); if (path != null) { Rectangle bounds = tree.getPathBounds(path); point = new Point(bounds.x - dragOrigin.x, bounds.y - dragOrigin.y); } } return new Pair<Image, Point>(image, point); }
public static void makeEmphasized(Component widget) { // Set to bold amd add color Font font = widget.getFont(); if (!UserPreferences.readLocalePref() .equals("ko")) // HACK!!! refector with variable localeSupportsBold widget.setFont(new Font(font.getFamily(), Font.BOLD, font.getSize())); widget.setForeground(UIProperties.emphasisColor); }
public void paintCurrentValue(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, boolean hasFocus) { ListCellRenderer renderer = comboBox.getRenderer(); Component c; Dimension d; c = renderer.getListCellRendererComponent( listBox, comboBox.getSelectedItem(), -1, false, false); c.setFont(comboBox.getFont()); if (comboBox.isEnabled()) { c.setForeground(comboBox.getForeground()); c.setBackground(comboBox.getBackground()); } else { c.setForeground(UIManager.getColor("ComboBox.disabledForeground")); c.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("ComboBox.disabledBackground")); } d = c.getPreferredSize(); currentValuePane.paintComponent(g, c, comboBox, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, d.height); }
public static void makeSmallBold(Component widget) { widget.setFont( new Font(widget.getFont().getFamily(), Font.BOLD, widget.getFont().getSize() - 1)); }
public static void makeBold(Component widget) { if (!UserPreferences.readLocalePref() .equals("ko")) // HACK!!! refector with variable localeSupportsBold widget.setFont(new Font(widget.getFont().getFamily(), Font.BOLD, widget.getFont().getSize())); }