/** * @ast method * @aspect AccessControl * @declaredat /home/uoji/JastAddJ/Java1.4Frontend/AccessControl.jrag:167 */ public void accessControl() { super.accessControl(); if (!isCircular()) { // 9.1.2 HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { TypeDecl decl = getSuperInterfaceId(i).type(); if (!decl.isInterfaceDecl() && !decl.isUnknown()) error( "interface " + fullName() + " tries to extend non interface type " + decl.fullName()); if (!decl.isCircular() && !decl.accessibleFrom(this)) error( "interface " + fullName() + " can not extend non accessible type " + decl.fullName()); if (set.contains(decl)) error( "extended interface " + decl.fullName() + " mentionened multiple times in extends clause"); set.add(decl); } } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private boolean castingConversionTo_compute(TypeDecl type) { if (type.isArrayDecl()) { return type.instanceOf(this); } else if (type.isClassDecl()) { return !type.isFinal() || type.instanceOf(this); } else if (type.isInterfaceDecl()) { for (Iterator i1 = methodsIterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl) i1.next(); for (Iterator iter = type.methodsSignature(m.signature()).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl n = (MethodDecl) iter.next(); if (n.type() != m.type()) return false; } } return true; } else return super.castingConversionTo(type); }
/** * @ast method * @aspect GenerateClassfile * @declaredat /home/uoji/JastAddJ/Java1.4Backend/GenerateClassfile.jrag:142 */ public void generateClassfile() { super.generateClassfile(); String fileName = destinationPath() + File.separator + constantPoolName() + ".class"; if (options().verbose()) System.out.println("Writing class file to " + fileName); try { ConstantPool cp = constantPool(); // force building of constant pool cp.addClass(constantPoolName()); cp.addClass("java/lang/Object"); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { cp.addClass(getSuperInterfaceId(i).type().constantPoolName()); } for (Iterator iter = bcFields().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) iter.next(); cp.addUtf8(field.name()); cp.addUtf8(field.type().typeDescriptor()); field.attributes(); } for (Iterator iter = bcMethods().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object obj = iter.next(); if (obj instanceof MethodDecl) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl) obj; cp.addUtf8(m.name()); cp.addUtf8(m.descName()); m.attributes(); } } attributes(); if (hasClinit()) { cp.addUtf8("<clinit>"); cp.addUtf8("()V"); clinit_attributes(); } // actual classfile generation File dest = new File(fileName); File parentFile = dest.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(fileName); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(f)); out.writeInt(magicHeader()); out.writeChar(minorVersion()); out.writeChar(majorVersion()); cp.emit(out); int flags = flags(); if (isNestedType()) flags = mangledFlags(flags); if (isInterfaceDecl()) flags |= Modifiers.ACC_INTERFACE; out.writeChar(flags); out.writeChar(cp.addClass(constantPoolName())); out.writeChar(cp.addClass("java/lang/Object")); if (getNumSuperInterfaceId() == 1 && getSuperInterfaceId(0).type().isObject()) out.writeChar(0); else out.writeChar(getNumSuperInterfaceId()); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { TypeDecl typeDecl = getSuperInterfaceId(i).type(); if (typeDecl.isInterfaceDecl()) out.writeChar(cp.addClass(typeDecl.constantPoolName())); } Collection fields = bcFields(); out.writeChar(fields.size()); for (Iterator iter = fields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) iter.next(); out.writeChar(field.flags()); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8(field.name())); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8(field.type().typeDescriptor())); out.writeChar(field.attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = field.attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute) itera.next()).emit(out); } Collection methods = bcMethods(); out.writeChar(methods.size() + (hasClinit() ? 1 : 0)); for (Iterator iter = methods.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { BodyDecl b = (BodyDecl) iter.next(); b.generateMethod(out, cp); } if (hasClinit()) { out.writeChar(Modifiers.ACC_STATIC); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8("<clinit>")); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8("()V")); out.writeChar(clinit_attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = clinit_attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute) itera.next()).emit(out); } out.writeChar(attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute) itera.next()).emit(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }