public void createBCode(CodeGeneration gen) { super.createBCode(gen); if (hasResult()) { TypeDecl type = null; BodyDecl b = enclosingBodyDecl(); if (b instanceof MethodDecl) { type = ((MethodDecl) b).type(); } else { throw new Error("Can not create code that returns value within non method"); } getResult().createBCode(gen); getResult().type().emitCastTo(gen, type); if (!finallyList().isEmpty()) { type.emitStoreLocal(gen, resultSaveLocalNum()); } for (Iterator iter = finallyList().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FinallyHost stmt = (FinallyHost); gen.emitJsr(stmt.label_finally_block()); } if (!finallyList().isEmpty()) { type.emitLoadLocal(gen, resultSaveLocalNum()); } type.emitReturn(gen); } else { for (Iterator iter = finallyList().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FinallyHost stmt = (FinallyHost); gen.emitJsr(stmt.label_finally_block()); } gen.emitReturn(); } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private boolean isSupertypeOfArrayDecl_compute(ArrayDecl type) { if (super.isSupertypeOfArrayDecl(type)) return true; for (Iterator iter = type.interfacesIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); if (typeDecl.instanceOf(this)) return true; } return false; }
/** @apilevel internal */ private boolean isSupertypeOfClassDecl_compute(ClassDecl type) { if (super.isSupertypeOfClassDecl(type)) return true; for (Iterator iter = type.interfacesIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); if (typeDecl.instanceOf(this)) return true; } return type.hasSuperclass() && type.superclass() != null && type.superclass().instanceOf(this); }
/** * @ast method * @aspect PreciseRethrow * @declaredat * /Users/eric/Documents/workspaces/clara-soot/JastAddJ/Java7Frontend/PreciseRethrow.jrag:163 */ public void exceptionHandling() { Collection<TypeDecl> exceptionTypes = getExpr().throwTypes(); for (TypeDecl exceptionType : exceptionTypes) { if (exceptionType == typeNull()) exceptionType = typeNullPointerException(); // 8.4.4 if (!handlesException(exceptionType)) error("" + this + " throws uncaught exception " + exceptionType.fullName()); } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private SimpleSet memberTypes_compute(String name) { SimpleSet set = localTypeDecls(name); if (!set.isEmpty()) return set; for (Iterator outerIter = superinterfacesIterator(); outerIter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.memberTypes(name).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl decl = (TypeDecl); if (!decl.isPrivate()) set = set.add(decl); } } return set; }
/** * @ast method * @aspect Expressions * @declaredat * /Users/eric/Documents/workspaces/clara-soot/JastAddExtensions/JimpleBackend/Expressions.jrag:84 */ public soot.Value eval(Body b) { TypeDecl dest = getDest().type(); TypeDecl source = getSource().type(); if (dest.isString()) { Value lvalue = getDest().eval(b); Value v = asImmediate(b, lvalue); // new StringBuffer(left) Local local = b.newTemp(b.newNewExpr(lookupType("java.lang", "StringBuffer").sootRef(), this)); b.setLine(this); b.add( b.newInvokeStmt( b.newSpecialInvokeExpr( local, Scene.v() .getMethod("<java.lang.StringBuffer: void <init>(java.lang.String)>") .makeRef(), v, this), this)); // append right Local rightResult = b.newTemp( b.newVirtualInvokeExpr( local, lookupType("java.lang", "StringBuffer") .methodWithArgs("append", new TypeDecl[] {source.stringPromotion()}) .sootRef(), asImmediate(b, getSource().eval(b)), this)); // toString Local result = b.newTemp( b.newVirtualInvokeExpr( rightResult, Scene.v() .getMethod("<java.lang.StringBuffer: java.lang.String toString()>") .makeRef(), this)); Value v2 = lvalue instanceof Local ? lvalue : (Value) lvalue.clone(); getDest().emitStore(b, v2, result, this); return result; } else { return super.eval(b); } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private HashMap memberFieldsMap_compute() { HashMap map = new HashMap(localFieldsMap()); for (Iterator outerIter = superinterfacesIterator(); outerIter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.fieldsIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration); if (f.accessibleFrom(this) && !f.isPrivate() && !localFieldsMap().containsKey( { putSimpleSetElement(map,, f); } } } return map; }
/** @apilevel internal */ private TypeDecl binaryNumericPromotedType_compute() { TypeDecl leftType = left().type(); TypeDecl rightType = right().type(); if (leftType.isString()) return leftType; if (rightType.isString()) return rightType; if (leftType.isNumericType() && rightType.isNumericType()) return leftType.binaryNumericPromotion(rightType); if (leftType.isBoolean() && rightType.isBoolean()) return leftType; return unknownType(); }
/** @apilevel internal */ private SimpleSet memberFields_compute(String name) { SimpleSet fields = localFields(name); if (!fields.isEmpty()) return fields; for (Iterator outerIter = superinterfacesIterator(); outerIter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.memberFields(name).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration); if (f.accessibleFrom(this) && !f.isPrivate()) { fields = fields.add(f); } } } return fields; }
/** * @ast method * @aspect AccessControl * @declaredat /home/uoji/JastAddJ/Java1.4Frontend/AccessControl.jrag:167 */ public void accessControl() { super.accessControl(); if (!isCircular()) { // 9.1.2 HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { TypeDecl decl = getSuperInterfaceId(i).type(); if (!decl.isInterfaceDecl() && !decl.isUnknown()) error( "interface " + fullName() + " tries to extend non interface type " + decl.fullName()); if (!decl.isCircular() && !decl.accessibleFrom(this)) error( "interface " + fullName() + " can not extend non accessible type " + decl.fullName()); if (set.contains(decl)) error( "extended interface " + decl.fullName() + " mentionened multiple times in extends clause"); set.add(decl); } } }
// Declared in AnonymousClasses.jrag at line 52 private AnonymousDecl rewriteRule0() { { setModifiers(new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("final")))); ConstructorDecl constructor = new ConstructorDecl(); addBodyDecl(constructor); constructor.setModifiers((Modifiers) constructorDecl().getModifiers().fullCopy()); String name = "Anonymous" + nextAnonymousIndex(); setID(name); constructor.setID(name); List parameterList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < constructorDecl().getNumParameter(); i++) { parameterList.add( new ParameterDeclaration( constructorDecl().getParameter(i).type().createBoundAccess(), constructorDecl().getParameter(i).name())); } constructor.setParameterList(parameterList); List argList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < constructor.getNumParameter(); i++) argList.add(new VarAccess(constructor.getParameter(i).name())); constructor.setConstructorInvocation( new ExprStmt(new SuperConstructorAccess("super", argList))); constructor.setBlock(new Block()); HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < getNumBodyDecl(); i++) { if (getBodyDecl(i) instanceof InstanceInitializer) { InstanceInitializer init = (InstanceInitializer) getBodyDecl(i); set.addAll(init.exceptions()); } else if (getBodyDecl(i) instanceof FieldDeclaration) { FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration) getBodyDecl(i); if (f.isInstanceVariable()) { set.addAll(f.exceptions()); } } } List exceptionList = new List(); for (Iterator iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl exceptionType = (TypeDecl); if (exceptionType.isNull()) exceptionType = typeNullPointerException(); exceptionList.add(exceptionType.createQualifiedAccess()); } constructor.setExceptionList(exceptionList); return this; } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private SimpleSet ancestorMethods_compute(String signature) { SimpleSet set = SimpleSet.emptySet; for (Iterator outerIter = superinterfacesIterator(); outerIter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.methodsSignature(signature).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); set = set.add(m); } } if (!superinterfacesIterator().hasNext()) { for (Iterator iter = typeObject().methodsSignature(signature).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (m.isPublic()) set = set.add(m); } } return set; }
/** @apilevel internal */ private TypeDecl sourceType_compute() { TypeDecl left = getDest().type(); TypeDecl right = getSource().type(); if (!left.isString() && !right.isString()) return super.sourceType(); if (left.isVoid() || right.isVoid()) return unknownType(); return left.isString() ? left : right; }
/** @apilevel internal */ private HashMap methodsSignatureMap_compute() { HashMap map = new HashMap(localMethodsSignatureMap()); for (Iterator outerIter = superinterfacesIterator(); outerIter.hasNext(); ) { TypeDecl typeDecl = (TypeDecl); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.methodsIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (!m.isPrivate() && m.accessibleFrom(this) && !localMethodsSignatureMap().containsKey(m.signature())) putSimpleSetElement(map, m.signature(), m); } } for (Iterator iter = typeObject().methodsIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (m.isPublic() && !map.containsKey(m.signature())) putSimpleSetElement(map, m.signature(), m); } return map; }
/** * @ast method * @aspect TypeHierarchyCheck * @declaredat /home/uoji/JastAddJ/Java1.4Frontend/TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag:312 */ public void nameCheck() { super.nameCheck(); if (isCircular()) error("circular inheritance dependency in " + typeName()); else { for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { TypeDecl typeDecl = getSuperInterfaceId(i).type(); if (typeDecl.isCircular()) error("circular inheritance dependency in " + typeName()); } } for (Iterator iter = methodsSignatureMap().values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { SimpleSet set = (SimpleSet); if (set.size() > 1) { Iterator i2 = set.iterator(); MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); while (i2.hasNext()) { MethodDecl n = (MethodDecl); if (!n.mayOverrideReturn(m) && !m.mayOverrideReturn(n)) error( "multiply inherited methods with the same signature must have the same return type"); } } } }
/** * @ast method * @aspect PreciseRethrow * @declaredat * /Users/eric/Documents/workspaces/clara-soot/JastAddJ/Java7Frontend/PreciseRethrow.jrag:176 */ protected boolean reachedException(TypeDecl catchType) { Collection<TypeDecl> exceptionTypes = getExpr().throwTypes(); boolean reached = false; for (TypeDecl exceptionType : exceptionTypes) { if (exceptionType == typeNull()) exceptionType = typeNullPointerException(); if (catchType.mayCatch(exceptionType)) { reached = true; break; } if (super.reachedException(catchType)) { reached = true; break; } } return reached; }
/** @apilevel internal */ private boolean castingConversionTo_compute(TypeDecl type) { if (type.isArrayDecl()) { return type.instanceOf(this); } else if (type.isClassDecl()) { return !type.isFinal() || type.instanceOf(this); } else if (type.isInterfaceDecl()) { for (Iterator i1 = methodsIterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); for (Iterator iter = type.methodsSignature(m.signature()).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl n = (MethodDecl); if (n.type() != m.type()) return false; } } return true; } else return super.castingConversionTo(type); }
/** * @ast method * @aspect GenerateClassfile * @declaredat /home/uoji/JastAddJ/Java1.4Backend/GenerateClassfile.jrag:142 */ public void generateClassfile() { super.generateClassfile(); String fileName = destinationPath() + File.separator + constantPoolName() + ".class"; if (options().verbose()) System.out.println("Writing class file to " + fileName); try { ConstantPool cp = constantPool(); // force building of constant pool cp.addClass(constantPoolName()); cp.addClass("java/lang/Object"); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { cp.addClass(getSuperInterfaceId(i).type().constantPoolName()); } for (Iterator iter = bcFields().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration); cp.addUtf8(; cp.addUtf8(field.type().typeDescriptor()); field.attributes(); } for (Iterator iter = bcMethods().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof MethodDecl) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl) obj; cp.addUtf8(; cp.addUtf8(m.descName()); m.attributes(); } } attributes(); if (hasClinit()) { cp.addUtf8("<clinit>"); cp.addUtf8("()V"); clinit_attributes(); } // actual classfile generation File dest = new File(fileName); File parentFile = dest.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(fileName); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(f)); out.writeInt(magicHeader()); out.writeChar(minorVersion()); out.writeChar(majorVersion()); cp.emit(out); int flags = flags(); if (isNestedType()) flags = mangledFlags(flags); if (isInterfaceDecl()) flags |= Modifiers.ACC_INTERFACE; out.writeChar(flags); out.writeChar(cp.addClass(constantPoolName())); out.writeChar(cp.addClass("java/lang/Object")); if (getNumSuperInterfaceId() == 1 && getSuperInterfaceId(0).type().isObject()) out.writeChar(0); else out.writeChar(getNumSuperInterfaceId()); for (int i = 0; i < getNumSuperInterfaceId(); i++) { TypeDecl typeDecl = getSuperInterfaceId(i).type(); if (typeDecl.isInterfaceDecl()) out.writeChar(cp.addClass(typeDecl.constantPoolName())); } Collection fields = bcFields(); out.writeChar(fields.size()); for (Iterator iter = fields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration); out.writeChar(field.flags()); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8(; out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8(field.type().typeDescriptor())); out.writeChar(field.attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = field.attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute); } Collection methods = bcMethods(); out.writeChar(methods.size() + (hasClinit() ? 1 : 0)); for (Iterator iter = methods.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { BodyDecl b = (BodyDecl); b.generateMethod(out, cp); } if (hasClinit()) { out.writeChar(Modifiers.ACC_STATIC); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8("<clinit>")); out.writeChar(cp.addUtf8("()V")); out.writeChar(clinit_attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = clinit_attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute); } out.writeChar(attributes().size()); for (Iterator itera = attributes().iterator(); itera.hasNext(); ) ((Attribute); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** @apilevel internal */ private boolean instanceOf_compute(TypeDecl type) { return type.isSupertypeOfInterfaceDecl(this); }
private boolean narrowingConversionTo_compute(TypeDecl type) { return type.isChar(); }
private boolean subtype_compute(TypeDecl type) { return type.supertypeWildcard(this); }
private boolean subtype_compute(TypeDecl type) { return type.supertypeRawClassDecl(this); }
// string addition assign expression public void createBCode(CodeGeneration gen) { TypeDecl dest = getDest().type(); TypeDecl source = getSource().type(); if (dest.isString()) { getDest().createAssignLoadDest(gen); // new StringBuffer() TypeDecl stringBuffer = lookupType("java.lang", "StringBuffer"); String classname = stringBuffer.constantPoolName(); String desc; int index; TypeDecl argumentType; stringBuffer.emitNew(gen); // new StringBuffer gen.emitDup(); // dup desc = "()V"; index = gen.constantPool().addMethodref(classname, "<init>", desc); gen.emit(Bytecode.INVOKESPECIAL, -1).add2(index); // invokespecial StringBuffer() gen.emitSwap(); // append argumentType = dest.stringPromotion(); desc = "(" + argumentType.typeDescriptor() + ")" + stringBuffer.typeDescriptor(); index = gen.constantPool().addMethodref(classname, "append", desc); gen.emit(Bytecode.INVOKEVIRTUAL, -argumentType.variableSize()) .add2(index); // StringBuffer.append getSource().createBCode(gen); // typed append argumentType = source.stringPromotion(); desc = "(" + argumentType.typeDescriptor() + ")" + stringBuffer.typeDescriptor(); index = gen.constantPool().addMethodref(classname, "append", desc); gen.emit(Bytecode.INVOKEVIRTUAL, -argumentType.variableSize()) .add2(index); // StringBuffer.append // toString desc = "()" + type().typeDescriptor(); index = gen.constantPool().addMethodref(classname, "toString", desc); gen.emit(Bytecode.INVOKEVIRTUAL, 0).add2(index); // StringBuffer.toString if (needsPush()) { getDest().createPushAssignmentResult(gen); } getDest().emitStore(gen); } else { super.createBCode(gen); } }
public void typeCheck() { TypeDecl cond = getCondition().type(); if (!cond.isBoolean()) { error("the type of \"" + getCondition() + "\" is " + + " which is not boolean"); } }
public void createAssignOp(CodeGeneration gen, TypeDecl type) { type.add(gen); }