  public Location check(
      final Player player,
      Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // TODO: if (!from.isSameCoords(loc)) {...check passable for loc -> from !?... + sf etc too?}
    // TODO: Future: Account for the players bounding box? [test very-strict setting for at least
    // the end points...]
    String tags = "";
    // Block distances (sum, max) for from-to (not for loc!).
    final int manhattan = from.manhattan(to);
    // Skip moves inside of ignored blocks right away [works as long as we only check between
    // foot-locations].
    if (manhattan <= 1 && BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getTypeId())) {
      // TODO: Monitor: BlockProperties.isPassable checks slightly different than before.
      if (manhattan == 0) {
        return null;
      } else {
        // manhattan == 1
        if (BlockProperties.isPassable(to.getTypeId())) {
          return null;
    boolean toPassable = to.isPassable();
    // General condition check for using ray-tracing.
    if (toPassable
        && cc.passableRayTracingCheck
        && (!cc.passableRayTracingBlockChangeOnly || manhattan > 0)) {
      rayTracing.set(from, to);
      if (rayTracing.collides() || rayTracing.getStepsDone() >= rayTracing.getMaxSteps()) {
        final int maxBlockDist = manhattan <= 1 ? manhattan : from.maxBlockDist(to);
        if (maxBlockDist <= 1 && rayTracing.getStepsDone() == 1 && !from.isPassable()) {
          // Redo ray-tracing for moving out of blocks.
          if (collidesIgnoreFirst(from, to)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_2x_";
          } else if (data.debug) {
                    player.getName() + " passable: allow moving out of a block.");
        } else {
          if (!allowsSplitMove(from, to, manhattan)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_";
      // TODO: Future: If accuracy is demanded, also check the head position (or bounding box right
      // away).

    // TODO: Checking order: If loc is not the same as from, a quick return here might not be
    // wanted.
    if (toPassable) {
      // Quick return.
      // (Might consider if vl>=1: only decrease if from and loc are passable too, though micro...)
      data.passableVL *= 0.99;
      return null;
    } else {
      return potentialViolation(player, loc, from, to, manhattan, tags, data, cc);