/** * Writes a info message to the respective loggers. * * @param tag the log tag * @param mess the message to send * @see RobotLog#i(String) * @see RobotStatus#log(Level, String, String) * @see Level#INFO */ public static synchronized void i(String tag, String mess) { tag = checkNotNull(tag); mess = checkNotNull(mess); RobotLog.i(mess); getInstance().context.status().log(Level.INFO, tag, mess); }
private void onConnectionDatagram(RobocolDatagram datagram) throws RobotCoreException { if (!datagram.getAddress().equals(this.currentPeerAddressAndPort)) { if (this.state == RobotState.DROPPED_CONNECTION) { this.reportRobotStatus(RobotState.RUNNING); } if (this.eventLoop != nullEventLoop) { this.currentPeerAddressAndPort = datagram.getAddress(); RobotLog.i( "new remote peer discovered: " + this.currentPeerAddressAndPort.getHostAddress()); try { this.socket.connect(this.currentPeerAddressAndPort); } catch (SocketException var4) { RobotLog.e("Unable to connect to peer:" + var4.toString()); } PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery = new PeerDiscovery(PeerType.PEER); RobotLog.v("Sending peer discovery packet"); RobocolDatagram dgPeerDiscovery = new RobocolDatagram(peerDiscovery); if (this.socket.getInetAddress() == null) { dgPeerDiscovery.setAddress(this.currentPeerAddressAndPort); } this.socket.send(dgPeerDiscovery); } } }
public void handleDroppedConnection() { OpModeManager var1 = this.eventLoop.getOpModeManager(); String var2 = "Lost connection while running op mode: " + var1.getActiveOpModeName(); this.resetGamepads(); var1.initActiveOpMode("Stop Robot"); this.reportRobotStatus(RobotState.DROPPED_CONNECTION); RobotLog.i(var2); }
public void logOpModes() { int var1 = this.a.size() + this.opModeBasedRegister.size(); RobotLog.i("There are " + var1 + " Op Modes"); Iterator var2 = this.a.entrySet().iterator(); Entry var3; while (var2.hasNext()) { var3 = (Entry) var2.next(); RobotLog.i(" Op Mode: " + var3.getKey()); } var2 = this.opModeBasedRegister.entrySet().iterator(); while (var2.hasNext()) { var3 = (Entry) var2.next(); RobotLog.i(" Op Mode: " + var3.getKey()); } }
private void a() { RobotLog.i("Attempting to switch to op mode " + this.e); try { if (this.opModeBasedRegister.containsKey(this.e)) { this.d = this.opModeBasedRegister.get(this.e); } else { this.d = (OpMode) ((Class) this.a.get(this.e)).newInstance(); } this.c = this.e; } catch (InstantiationException var2) { this.a(var2); } catch (IllegalAccessException var3) { this.a(var3); } this.i = false; }