  public void testProductCRUD() {

    // create local product object
    Product product = SolrTestUtils.createProduct(PRODUCT_ID);

    // save product to Solr Index and confirm index count increased by 1
    Assert.assertEquals(INITIAL_RECORD_COUNT + 1, repo.count());

    // find single product from Solr
    Product loaded = repo.findOne(Integer.toString(PRODUCT_ID));
    Assert.assertEquals(product.getName(), loaded.getName());

    // update product name in Solr and confirm index count not changed
    loaded.setName("changed named");
    Assert.assertEquals(INITIAL_RECORD_COUNT + 1, repo.count());

    // retrieve product from Solr and confirm name change
    loaded = repo.findOne(Integer.toString(PRODUCT_ID));
    Assert.assertEquals("changed named", loaded.getName());

    // delete the test product in Solr and confirm index count equal to initial count
    Assert.assertEquals(INITIAL_RECORD_COUNT, repo.count());
 public Product getProduct(String Id) {
   return productRepo.findOne(Id);