public void restore() { _contacts.clear(); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_LOAD)) { ps.setInt(1, activeChar.getObjectId()); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { int contactId; String contactName; while ( { contactId = rs.getInt(1); contactName = CharNameTable.getInstance().getNameById(contactId); if ((contactName == null) || contactName.equals(activeChar.getName()) || (contactId == activeChar.getObjectId())) { continue; } _contacts.add(contactName); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.log( Level.WARNING, "Error found in " + activeChar.getName() + "'s ContactsList: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** Save the current player condition: hp, mp, cp, location */ public void savePlayerConditions() { if (_partyDuel) { for (L2PcInstance player : _playerA.getParty().getMembers()) { _playerConditions.put(player.getObjectId(), new PlayerCondition(player, _partyDuel)); } for (L2PcInstance player : _playerB.getParty().getMembers()) { _playerConditions.put(player.getObjectId(), new PlayerCondition(player, _partyDuel)); } } else { _playerConditions.put(_playerA.getObjectId(), new PlayerCondition(_playerA, _partyDuel)); _playerConditions.put(_playerB.getObjectId(), new PlayerCondition(_playerB, _partyDuel)); } }
/** Playback the bow animation for all looser */ public void playKneelAnimation() { L2PcInstance looser = getLooser(); if (looser == null) { return; } if (_partyDuel && (looser.getParty() != null)) { for (L2PcInstance temp : looser.getParty().getMembers()) { temp.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(temp.getObjectId(), 7)); } } else { looser.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(looser.getObjectId(), 7)); } }
public void createCouple(L2PcInstance player1, L2PcInstance player2) { if ((player1 != null) && (player2 != null)) { if ((player1.getPartnerId() == 0) && (player2.getPartnerId() == 0)) { int player1id = player1.getObjectId(); int player2id = player2.getObjectId(); Couple couple = new Couple(player1, player2); getCouples().add(couple); player1.setPartnerId(player2id); player2.setPartnerId(player1id); player1.setCoupleId(couple.getId()); player2.setCoupleId(couple.getId()); } } }
@Override public String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isSummon) { if (getQuestState(attacker, false) != null) { switch (npc.getScriptValue()) { case 0: { switch (npc.getId()) { case lIZARDMAN_WARRIOR: { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.THE_SACRED_FLAME_IS_OURS)); break; } case LIZARDMAN_SCOUT: { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.THE_SACRED_FLAME_IS_OURS)); break; } case LIZARDMAN_SOLDIER: { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.THE_SACRED_FLAME_IS_OURS)); break; } case TAMIL: { npc.broadcastPacket( new NpcSay(npc, ChatType.NPC_GENERAL, NpcStringId.AS_YOU_WISH_MASTER)); break; } } npc.setScriptValue(1); npc.getVariables().set("firstAttacker", attacker.getObjectId()); break; } case 1: { if (npc.getVariables().getInt("firstAttacker") != attacker.getObjectId()) { npc.setScriptValue(2); } break; } } } return super.onAttack(npc, attacker, damage, isSummon); }
private final synchronized void enterInstance(L2PcInstance player) { // check for existing instances for this player InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (world.templateId != INSTANCE_ID) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER); return; } Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(world.instanceId); if (inst != null) { teleportPlayer(player, TELEPORT, world.instanceId); } return; } // New instance final int instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance("PailakaSongOfIceAndFire.xml"); world = new InstanceWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCE_ID; InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); world.allowed.add(player.getObjectId()); teleportPlayer(player, TELEPORT, instanceId); }
@Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0xde); writeD(_seller.getObjectId()); writeD((int) _seller.getAdena()); writeD(_isDwarven ? 0x00 : 0x01); if (_recipes == null) { writeD(0); } else { writeD(_recipes.length); // number of items in recipe book for (int i = 0; i < _recipes.length; i++) { L2RecipeList temp = _recipes[i]; writeD(temp.getId()); writeD(i + 1); } } if (_seller.getCreateList() == null) { writeD(0); } else { L2ManufactureList list = _seller.getCreateList(); writeD(list.size()); for (L2ManufactureItem item : list.getList()) { writeD(item.getRecipeId()); writeD(0x00); writeQ(item.getCost()); } } }
public void remove(String name) { int contactId = CharNameTable.getInstance().getIdByName(name); if (!_contacts.contains(name)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NAME_NOT_REGISTERED_ON_CONTACT_LIST); return; } else if (contactId < 1) { // TODO: Message? return; } _contacts.remove(name); try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_REMOVE)) { ps.setInt(1, activeChar.getObjectId()); ps.setInt(2, contactId); ps.execute(); SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_SUCCESFULLY_DELETED_FROM_CONTACT_LIST); sm.addString(name); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log( Level.WARNING, "Error found in " + activeChar.getName() + "'s ContactsList: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * This function is called whenever a player leaves a party * * @param player the player quitting. */ public void onRemoveFromParty(L2PcInstance player) { // if it isn't a party duel ignore this if (!_partyDuel) { return; } // this player is leaving his party during party duel // if he's either playerA or playerB cancel the duel and port the players back if ((player == _playerA) || (player == _playerB)) { for (PlayerCondition cond : _playerConditions.values()) { cond.teleportBack(); cond.getPlayer().setIsInDuel(0); } _playerA = null; _playerB = null; } else // teleport the player back & delete his PlayerCondition record { final PlayerCondition cond = _playerConditions.get(player.getObjectId()); if (cond != null) { cond.teleportBack(); _playerConditions.remove(cond); } player.setIsInDuel(0); } }
@Override public void onEnterInstance(L2PcInstance player, InstanceWorld world, boolean firstEntrance) { if (firstEntrance) { spawnNPC((DNPWorld) world); world.addAllowed(player.getObjectId()); } teleportPlayer(player, ENTER, world.getInstanceId()); }
/** Handle chat type 'all' */ @Override public void handleChat(int type, L2PcInstance activeChar, String params, String text) { boolean vcd_used = false; if (text.startsWith(".")) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text); IVoicedCommandHandler vch; String command = ""; if (st.countTokens() > 1) { command = st.nextToken().substring(1); params = text.substring(command.length() + 2); vch = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(command); } else { command = text.substring(1); if (Config.DEBUG) {"Command: " + command); } vch = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(command); } if (vch != null) { vch.useVoicedCommand(command, activeChar, params); vcd_used = true; } else { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.warning("No handler registered for bypass '" + command + "'"); } vcd_used = false; } } if (!vcd_used) { if (activeChar.isChatBanned() && Util.contains(Config.BAN_CHAT_CHANNELS, type)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CHATTING_IS_CURRENTLY_PROHIBITED); return; } /** * Match the character "." literally (Exactly 1 time) Match any character that is NOT a . * character. Between one and unlimited times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) */ if (text.matches("\\.{1}[^\\.]+")) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INCORRECT_SYNTAX); } else { CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay( activeChar.getObjectId(), type, activeChar.getAppearance().getVisibleName(), text); Collection<L2PcInstance> plrs = activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values(); for (L2PcInstance player : plrs) { if ((player != null) && activeChar.isInsideRadius(player, 1250, false, true) && !BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar)) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); } } }
private boolean checkTeleport(L2PcInstance player) { final L2Party party = player.getParty(); if (party == null) { return false; } if (!party.isLeader(player)) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ONLY_PARTY_LEADER_CAN_ENTER); return false; } for (L2PcInstance partyMember : party.getMembers()) { if (partyMember.getLevel() < 78) { final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); party.broadcastPacket(sm); return false; } if (!Util.checkIfInRange(500, player, partyMember, true)) { final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_IS_IN_LOCATION_THAT_CANNOT_BE_ENTERED); sm.addPcName(partyMember); party.broadcastPacket(sm); return false; } if (InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player) != null) { final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER); sm.addPcName(partyMember); party.broadcastPacket(sm); return false; } Long reentertime = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceTime(partyMember.getObjectId(), TEMPLATE_ID); if (System.currentTimeMillis() < reentertime) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_MAY_NOT_REENTER_YET); sm.addPcName(partyMember); party.broadcastPacket(sm); return false; } if (partyMember.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(SEAL_BREAKER_5, -1, false) < 1) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_QUEST_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); party.broadcastPacket(sm); return false; } } return true; }
/** * Claims the hero status for the given player. * * @param player the player to become hero */ public void claimHero(L2PcInstance player) { _heroes.get(player.getObjectId()).set(CLAIMED, true); final L2Clan clan = player.getClan(); if ((clan != null) && (clan.getLevel() >= 5)) { clan.addReputationScore(Config.HERO_POINTS, true); final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId.CLAN_MEMBER_C1_BECAME_HERO_AND_GAINED_S2_REPUTATION_POINTS); sm.addString(CharNameTable.getInstance().getNameById(player.getObjectId())); sm.addInt(Config.HERO_POINTS); clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(sm); } player.setHero(true); player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player.getObjectId(), 20016)); // Hero Animation player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player)); player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); // Set Gained hero and reload data setHeroGained(player.getObjectId()); loadFights(player.getObjectId()); loadDiary(player.getObjectId()); _heroMessage.put(player.getObjectId(), ""); updateHeroes(false); }
private void remove(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2PcInstance playerInstance) { if (!TvTEvent.removeParticipant(playerInstance.getObjectId())) { activeChar.sendMessage("Player is not part of the event!"); return; } new TvTEventTeleporter( playerInstance, Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES, true, true); }
private void add(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2PcInstance playerInstance) { if (TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(playerInstance.getObjectId())) { activeChar.sendMessage("Player already participated in the event!"); return; } if (!TvTEvent.addParticipant(playerInstance)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Player instance could not be added, it seems to be null!"); return; } if (TvTEvent.isStarted()) { new TvTEventTeleporter( playerInstance, TvTEvent.getParticipantTeamCoordinates(playerInstance.getObjectId()), true, false); } }
@Override protected final void handleDisconnect(L2PcInstance player) { Participant par; for (int i = _teamOneSize; --i >= 0; ) { par = _teamOne[i]; if (par.getObjectId() == player.getObjectId()) { par.setDisconnected(true); return; } } for (int i = _teamTwoSize; --i >= 0; ) { par = _teamTwo[i]; if (par.getObjectId() == player.getObjectId()) { par.setDisconnected(true); return; } } }
@Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0xfe); writeH(0x6e); writeD(_activeChar.getObjectId()); writeD(_shipObjId); writeD(x); writeD(y); writeD(z); writeD(h); }
@Override protected void runImpl() { final L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; final TradeList trade = player.getActiveTradeList(); if (trade == null) { _log.warning( "Character: " + player.getName() + " requested item:" + _objectId + " add without active tradelist:" + _tradeId); return; } final L2PcInstance partner = trade.getPartner(); if (partner == null || L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(partner.getObjectId()) == null || partner.getActiveTradeList() == null) { // Trade partner not found, cancel trade if (partner != null) _log.warning( "Character:" + player.getName() + " requested invalid trade object: " + _objectId); SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.TARGET_IS_NOT_FOUND_IN_THE_GAME); player.sendPacket(msg); player.cancelActiveTrade(); return; } if (trade.isConfirmed() || partner.getActiveTradeList().isConfirmed()) { player.sendPacket( new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_ADJUST_ITEMS_AFTER_TRADE_CONFIRMED)); return; } if (!player.getAccessLevel().allowTransaction()) { player.sendMessage("Transactions are disable for your Access Level"); player.cancelActiveTrade(); return; } if (!player.validateItemManipulation(_objectId, "trade")) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOTHING_HAPPENED)); return; } final TradeList.TradeItem item = trade.addItem(_objectId, _count); if (item != null) { player.sendPacket(new TradeOwnAdd(item)); trade.getPartner().sendPacket(new TradeOtherAdd(item)); } }
// @formatter:off @RegisterEvent(EventType.ON_NPC_MANOR_BYPASS) @RegisterType(ListenerRegisterType.NPC) @Id({35100, 35142, 35184, 35226, 35274, 35316, 35363, 35509, 35555}) // @formatter:on public final void onNpcManorBypass(OnNpcManorBypass evt) { final L2PcInstance player = evt.getActiveChar(); final L2Npc npc = evt.getTarget(); if (isOwner(player, npc)) { final CastleManorManager manor = CastleManorManager.getInstance(); if (manor.isUnderMaintenance()) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THE_MANOR_SYSTEM_IS_CURRENTLY_UNDER_MAINTENANCE); return; } final int castleId = (evt.getManorId() == -1) ? npc.getCastle().getResidenceId() : evt.getManorId(); switch (evt.getRequest()) { case 3: // Seed info player.sendPacket(new ExShowSeedInfo(castleId, evt.isNextPeriod(), true)); break; case 4: // Crop info player.sendPacket(new ExShowCropInfo(castleId, evt.isNextPeriod(), true)); break; case 5: // Basic info player.sendPacket(new ExShowManorDefaultInfo(true)); break; case 7: // Seed settings if (manor.isManorApproved()) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.A_MANOR_CANNOT_BE_SET_UP_BETWEEN_4_30_AM_AND_8_PM); return; } player.sendPacket(new ExShowSeedSetting(castleId)); break; case 8: // Crop settings if (manor.isManorApproved()) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.A_MANOR_CANNOT_BE_SET_UP_BETWEEN_4_30_AM_AND_8_PM); return; } player.sendPacket(new ExShowCropSetting(castleId)); break; default: _log.warning( getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Player " + player.getName() + " (" + player.getObjectId() + ") send unknown request id " + evt.getRequest() + "!"); } } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if ((activeChar == null) || (activeChar.getClan() != null)) { return; } final L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(_clanId); if (clan == null) { return; } final PledgeApplicantInfo info = new PledgeApplicantInfo( activeChar.getObjectId(), activeChar.getName(), activeChar.getLevel(), _karma, _clanId, _message); if (ClanEntryManager.getInstance().addPlayerApplicationToClan(_clanId, info)) { activeChar.sendPacket(new ExPledgeRecruitApplyInfo(ClanEntryStatus.WAITING)); final L2PcInstance clanLeader = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(clan.getLeaderId()); if (clanLeader != null) { clanLeader.sendPacket(ExPledgeWaitingListAlarm.STATIC_PACKET); } } else { final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId .YOU_MAY_APPLY_FOR_ENTRY_AFTER_S1_MINUTE_S_DUE_TO_CANCELLING_YOUR_APPLICATION); sm.addLong(ClanEntryManager.getInstance().getPlayerLockTime(activeChar.getObjectId())); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); } }
@Override public void onEnterInstance(L2PcInstance player, InstanceWorld world, boolean firstEntrance) { ((MDWorld) world).toyron = (L2QuestGuardInstance) addSpawn(TOYRON, TOYRON_SPAWN_LOC, false, 0, false, world.getInstanceId()); ((MDWorld) world).toyron.setSpawn(null); if (firstEntrance) { world.addAllowed(player.getObjectId()); ((MDWorld) world).deskSpawns = spawnGroup("desks", world.getInstanceId()); ((MDWorld) world).randomDesk = getRandom(3) + 1; } teleportPlayer(player, START_LOC, world.getInstanceId()); }
private void enterInstance(L2PcInstance player, String template) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (world instanceof DPFWorld) { teleportPlayer(player, ENTRY_POINT, world.getInstanceId()); return; } player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER); return; } if (!checkTeleport(player)) { return; } world = new DPFWorld(); world.setInstanceId(InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance(template)); world.setTemplateId(TEMPLATE_ID); world.addAllowed(player.getObjectId()); world.setStatus(0); InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); teleportPlayer(player, ENTRY_POINT, world.getInstanceId()); "Tower of Infinitum - Demon Prince floor started " + template + " Instance: " + world.getInstanceId() + " created by player: " + player.getName()); for (L2PcInstance partyMember : player.getParty().getMembers()) { teleportPlayer(partyMember, ENTRY_POINT, world.getInstanceId()); partyMember.destroyItemByItemId("Quest", SEAL_BREAKER_5, 1, null, true); world.addAllowed(partyMember.getObjectId()); } }
/** * Try to broadcast SocialAction packet. * * @param id the social action Id to broadcast */ private void tryBroadcastSocial(int id) { final L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if (activeChar.isFishing()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_FISHING); return; } if (activeChar.canMakeSocialAction()) { activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), id)); } }
/** * UnAfraid: TODO: We should calculate the damage in array separately for each player so we can * display it on ExOlympiadMatchResult correctly. */ @Override protected final void addDamage(L2PcInstance player, int damage) { Participant par; for (int i = _teamOneSize; --i >= 0; ) { par = _teamOne[i]; if (par.getObjectId() == player.getObjectId()) { if (!par.isDisconnected()) { _damageT1 += damage; } return; } } for (int i = _teamTwoSize; --i >= 0; ) { par = _teamTwo[i]; if (par.getObjectId() == player.getObjectId()) { if (!par.isDisconnected()) { _damageT2 += damage; } return; } } }
public void handleCheat(L2PcInstance player, L2Npc npc) { showHtmlFile(player, "data/html/seven_signs/rift/Cheater.htm", npc); if (!player.isGM()) { _log.warning( "Player " + player.getName() + "(" + player.getObjectId() + ") was cheating in dimension rift area!"); Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction( player, "Warning!! Character " + player.getName() + " tried to cheat in dimensional rift.", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH); } }
@Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (command.equals("admin_gm") && activeChar.isGM()) { AdminData.getInstance().deleteGm(activeChar); activeChar.setAccessLevel(0, true); activeChar.sendMessage("You no longer have GM status."); "GM: " + activeChar.getName() + "(" + activeChar.getObjectId() + ") turned his GM status off"); } return true; }
public final void updatePointsInDB(L2PcInstance player, int raidId, int points) { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement( "REPLACE INTO character_raid_points (`charId`,`boss_id`,`points`) VALUES (?,?,?)")) { ps.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ps.setInt(2, raidId); ps.setInt(3, points); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log( Level.WARNING, getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Couldn't update char raid points for player: " + player, e); } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if ((SevenSigns.getInstance().isSealValidationPeriod() || SevenSigns.getInstance().isCompResultsPeriod()) && (_page == 4)) { return; } SSQStatus ssqs = new SSQStatus(activeChar.getObjectId(), _page); activeChar.sendPacket(ssqs); }
public boolean add(String name) { SystemMessage sm; int contactId = CharNameTable.getInstance().getIdByName(name); if (_contacts.contains(name)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NAME_ALREADY_EXIST_ON_CONTACT_LIST); return false; } else if (activeChar.getName().equals(name)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_ADD_YOUR_NAME_ON_CONTACT_LIST); return false; } else if (_contacts.size() >= 100) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CONTACT_LIST_LIMIT_REACHED); return false; } else if (contactId < 1) { sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NAME_S1_NOT_EXIST_TRY_ANOTHER_NAME); sm.addString(name); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); return false; } else { for (String contactName : _contacts) { if (contactName.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NAME_ALREADY_EXIST_ON_CONTACT_LIST); return false; } } } try (Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_ADD)) { ps.setInt(1, activeChar.getObjectId()); ps.setInt(2, contactId); ps.execute(); _contacts.add(name); sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_CONTACT_LIST); sm.addString(name); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log( Level.WARNING, "Error found in " + activeChar.getName() + "'s ContactsList: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return true; }
@Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance talker) { final QuestState qs = talker.getQuestState(Q00196_SevenSignsSealOfTheEmperor.class.getSimpleName()); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(talker); if (qs == null) { return htmltext; } switch (npc.getId()) { case PROMISE_OF_MAMMON: { if (qs.isCond(3) || qs.isCond(4)) { enterInstance(talker, new DNPWorld(), "DisciplesNecropolisPast.xml", TEMPLATE_ID); return ""; } break; } case LEON: { if (qs.getCond() >= 3) { takeItems(talker, SACRED_SWORD_OF_EINHASAD, -1); InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(talker); world.removeAllowed(talker.getObjectId()); talker.teleToLocation(EXIT, 0); htmltext = "32587-01.html"; } break; } case DISCIPLES_GATEKEEPER: { if (qs.getCond() >= 3) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof DNPWorld) { DNPWorld world = (DNPWorld) tmpworld; openDoor(DISCIPLES_NECROPOLIS_DOOR, world.getInstanceId()); talker.showQuestMovie(12); startQuestTimer("FIGHT", 1000, null, talker); } } break; } } return htmltext; }