public void testRemoveOverridersInspiteOfUnsafeUsages() throws Exception { myDoCompare = false; try { BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException.setTestIgnore(true); doTest("A"); } finally { BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException.setTestIgnore(false); } }
private void doTestFor( Map<String, PsiFile> pathToFile, final IntentionAction intentionAction, String fileText) throws Exception { String isApplicableString = InTextDirectivesUtils.findStringWithPrefixes(fileText, "// IS_APPLICABLE: "); boolean isApplicableExpected = isApplicableString == null || isApplicableString.equals("true"); Assert.assertTrue( "isAvailable() for " + intentionAction.getClass() + " should return " + isApplicableExpected, isApplicableExpected == intentionAction.isAvailable(getProject(), getEditor(), getFile())); String intentionTextString = InTextDirectivesUtils.findStringWithPrefixes(fileText, "// INTENTION_TEXT: "); if (intentionTextString != null) { assertEquals("Intention text mismatch.", intentionTextString, intentionAction.getText()); } String shouldFailString = InTextDirectivesUtils.findStringWithPrefixes(fileText, "// SHOULD_FAIL_WITH: "); try { if (isApplicableExpected) { ApplicationPackage.executeWriteCommand( getProject(), intentionAction.getText(), new Function0<Object>() { @Override public Object invoke() { intentionAction.invoke(getProject(), getEditor(), getFile()); return null; } }); // Don't bother checking if it should have failed. if (shouldFailString == null) { for (Map.Entry<String, PsiFile> entry : pathToFile.entrySet()) { //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod myFile = entry.getValue(); String canonicalPathToExpectedFile = PathUtil.getCanonicalPath(entry.getKey() + ".after"); checkResultByFile(canonicalPathToExpectedFile); } } } assertNull("Expected test to fail.", shouldFailString); } catch (IntentionTestException e) { assertEquals("Failure message mismatch.", shouldFailString, e.getMessage()); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { assertEquals( "Failure message mismatch.", shouldFailString, StringUtil.join(e.getMessages(), ", ")); } }
public void testConflictingMethodName() throws Exception { try { doTestInplaceRename("bar"); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { assertEquals( "Method bar() is already defined in the class <b><code>Foo</code></b>.", e.getMessage()); checkResultByFile(BASE_PATH + getTestName(false) + ""); return; } fail("Conflict was not detected"); }
public void testRenameMethodCollisionWithOtherSignature() throws Exception { try { doTest("foo2"); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { Assert.assertEquals( "Method call would be linked to \"method <b><code>RenameTest.foo2(Long)</code></b>\" after rename", e.getMessage()); return; } fail("Conflicts were not found"); }
public void testRenameLocalVariableHidesFieldInAnonymous() throws Exception { try { doTest("y"); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { Assert.assertEquals( "There is already a field <b><code>y</code></b>. It will conflict with the renamed variable", e.getMessage()); return; } fail("Conflicts were not found"); }
public void testImplicitCtrCall2() throws Exception { try { doTest("Super"); fail(); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); assertTrue( message, message.startsWith( "constructor <b><code>Super.Super()</code></b> has 1 usage that is not safe to delete")); } }
private void doTest( final String sourceClassName, final String targetClassName, final String visibility, final String[] memberNames) throws Exception { try { doTestImpl(sourceClassName, targetClassName, visibility, memberNames); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { fail("Conflicts: " + toString(e.getMessages(), "\n")); } }
public void testLocalVariableSideEffect() throws Exception { myDoCompare = false; try { doTest("Super"); fail("Side effect was ignored"); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); assertTrue( message, message.startsWith( "local variable <b><code>varName</code></b> has 1 usage that is not safe to delete.\n" + "Of those 0 usages are in strings, comments, or non-code files.")); } }
private void doTestConflicts( final String sourceClassName, final String targetClassName, final String visibility, final String[] memberNames, String[] expectedConflicts) throws Exception { try { doTestImpl(sourceClassName, targetClassName, visibility, memberNames); fail("conflicts expected"); } catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) { assertSameElements(e.getMessages(), expectedConflicts); } }