public static PathWrapper createPathWrapper( JSONObject path, boolean tmpCalcPoints, boolean tmpInstructions, boolean tmpElevation) { PathWrapper pathWrapper = new PathWrapper(); pathWrapper.addErrors(readErrors(path)); if (pathWrapper.hasErrors()) return pathWrapper; if (path.has("snapped_waypoints")) { String snappedPointStr = path.getString("snapped_waypoints"); PointList snappedPoints = WebHelper.decodePolyline(snappedPointStr, 5, tmpElevation); pathWrapper.setWaypoints(snappedPoints); } if (tmpCalcPoints) { String pointStr = path.getString("points"); PointList pointList = WebHelper.decodePolyline(pointStr, 100, tmpElevation); pathWrapper.setPoints(pointList); if (tmpInstructions) { JSONArray instrArr = path.getJSONArray("instructions"); InstructionList il = new InstructionList(null); int viaCount = 1; for (int instrIndex = 0; instrIndex < instrArr.length(); instrIndex++) { JSONObject jsonObj = instrArr.getJSONObject(instrIndex); double instDist = jsonObj.getDouble("distance"); String text = jsonObj.getString("text"); long instTime = jsonObj.getLong("time"); int sign = jsonObj.getInt("sign"); JSONArray iv = jsonObj.getJSONArray("interval"); int from = iv.getInt(0); int to = iv.getInt(1); PointList instPL = new PointList(to - from, tmpElevation); for (int j = from; j <= to; j++) { instPL.add(pointList, j); } InstructionAnnotation ia = InstructionAnnotation.EMPTY; if (jsonObj.has("annotation_importance") && jsonObj.has("annotation_text")) { ia = new InstructionAnnotation( jsonObj.getInt("annotation_importance"), jsonObj.getString("annotation_text"), 0, false); } Instruction instr; if (sign == Instruction.USE_ROUNDABOUT || sign == Instruction.LEAVE_ROUNDABOUT) { RoundaboutInstruction ri = new RoundaboutInstruction(sign, text, ia, instPL); if (jsonObj.has("exit_number")) { ri.setExitNumber(jsonObj.getInt("exit_number")); } if (jsonObj.has("turn_angle")) { // TODO provide setTurnAngle setter double angle = jsonObj.getDouble("turn_angle"); ri.setDirOfRotation(angle); ri.setRadian((angle < 0 ? -Math.PI : Math.PI) - angle); } instr = ri; } else if (sign == Instruction.REACHED_VIA) { ViaInstruction tmpInstr = new ViaInstruction(text, ia, instPL); tmpInstr.setViaCount(viaCount); viaCount++; instr = tmpInstr; } else if (sign == Instruction.FINISH) { instr = new FinishInstruction(instPL, 0); } else { instr = new Instruction(sign, text, ia, instPL); } // The translation is done from the routing service so just use the provided string // instead of creating a combination with sign and name etc instr.setUseRawName(); instr.setDistance(instDist).setTime(instTime); il.add(instr); } pathWrapper.setInstructions(il); } } double distance = path.getDouble("distance"); long time = path.getLong("time"); pathWrapper.setDistance(distance).setTime(time); return pathWrapper; }
@Override public GHResponse route(GHRequest request) { try { String places = ""; for (GHPoint p : request.getPoints()) { places += "point=" + + "," + p.lon + "&"; } boolean tmpInstructions = request.getHints().getBool("instructions", instructions); boolean tmpCalcPoints = request.getHints().getBool("calc_points", calcPoints); if (tmpInstructions && !tmpCalcPoints) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot calculate instructions without points (only points without instructions). " + "Use calc_points=false and instructions=false to disable point and instruction calculation"); boolean tmpElevation = request.getHints().getBool("elevation", elevation); String url = routeServiceUrl + "?" + places + "&type=json" + "&instructions=" + tmpInstructions + "&points_encoded=true" + "&calc_points=" + tmpCalcPoints + "&algorithm=" + request.getAlgorithm() + "&locale=" + request.getLocale().toString() + "&elevation=" + tmpElevation; if (!request.getVehicle().isEmpty()) url += "&vehicle=" + request.getVehicle(); if (!key.isEmpty()) url += "&key=" + key; for (Entry<String, String> entry : request.getHints().toMap().entrySet()) { String urlKey = entry.getKey(); String urlValue = entry.getValue(); // use lower case conversion for check only! if (ignoreSet.contains(urlKey.toLowerCase())) continue; if (urlValue != null && !urlValue.isEmpty()) url += "&" + WebHelper.encodeURL(urlKey) + "=" + WebHelper.encodeURL(urlValue); } String str = downloader.downloadAsString(url, true); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str); GHResponse res = new GHResponse(); res.addErrors(readErrors(json)); if (res.hasErrors()) return res; JSONArray paths = json.getJSONArray("paths"); for (int index = 0; index < paths.length(); index++) { JSONObject path = paths.getJSONObject(index); PathWrapper altRsp = createPathWrapper(path, tmpCalcPoints, tmpInstructions, tmpElevation); res.add(altRsp); } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Problem while fetching path " + request.getPoints() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }