public void releaseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); if (mo.getGPUObject() == null || !mo.getGPUObject().isAllocated()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("No output is allocated on GPU"); } mo.getGPUObject().releaseOutput(); }
public MatrixObject getDenseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = allocateGPUMatrixObject(varName); mo.getGPUObject().acquireDeviceModifyDense(); mo.getMatrixCharacteristics().setNonZeros(-1); return mo; }
/** * Pin a given list of variables i.e., set the "clean up" state in corresponding matrix objects, * so that the cached data inside these objects is not cleared and the corresponding HDFS files * are not deleted (through rmvar instructions). * * <p>This is necessary for: function input variables, parfor result variables, parfor shared * inputs that are passed to functions. * * <p>The function returns the OLD "clean up" state of matrix objects. * * @param varList variable list * @return map of old cleanup state of matrix objects */ public HashMap<String, Boolean> pinVariables(ArrayList<String> varList) { // 2-pass approach since multiple vars might refer to same matrix object HashMap<String, Boolean> varsState = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); // step 1) get current information for (String var : varList) { Data dat = _variables.get(var); if (dat instanceof MatrixObject) { MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) dat; varsState.put(var, mo.isCleanupEnabled()); // System.out.println("pre-pin "+var+" ("+mo.isCleanupEnabled()+")"); } } // step 2) pin variables for (String var : varList) { Data dat = _variables.get(var); if (dat instanceof MatrixObject) { MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) dat; mo.enableCleanup(false); // System.out.println("pin "+var); } } return varsState; }
/** * @param c * @param vars * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ private static LiteralOp replaceLiteralFullUnaryAggregate(Hop c, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException { LiteralOp ret = null; // full unary aggregate w/ matrix less than 10^6 cells if (c instanceof AggUnaryOp && isReplaceableUnaryAggregate((AggUnaryOp) c) && c.getInput().get(0) instanceof DataOp && vars.keySet().contains(c.getInput().get(0).getName())) { Hop data = c.getInput().get(0); MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) vars.get(data.getName()); // get the dimension information from the matrix object because the hop // dimensions might not have been updated during recompile if (mo.getNumRows() * mo.getNumColumns() < REPLACE_LITERALS_MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) { MatrixBlock mBlock = mo.acquireRead(); double value = replaceUnaryAggregate((AggUnaryOp) c, mBlock); mo.release(); // literal substitution (always double) ret = new LiteralOp(value); } } return ret; }
/** * @param hop * @param vars * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ private static long getIntValueDataLiteral(Hop hop, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException { long value = -1; try { if (hop instanceof LiteralOp) { value = HopRewriteUtils.getIntValue((LiteralOp) hop); } else if (hop instanceof UnaryOp && ((UnaryOp) hop).getOp() == OpOp1.NROW) { // get the dimension information from the matrix object because the hop // dimensions might not have been updated during recompile MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) vars.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getName()); value = mo.getNumRows(); } else if (hop instanceof UnaryOp && ((UnaryOp) hop).getOp() == OpOp1.NCOL) { // get the dimension information from the matrix object because the hop // dimensions might not have been updated during recompile MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) vars.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getName()); value = mo.getNumColumns(); } else { ScalarObject sdat = (ScalarObject) vars.get(hop.getName()); value = sdat.getLongValue(); } } catch (HopsException ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to get int value for literal replacement", ex); } return value; }
/** * @param c * @param vars * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ private static LiteralOp replaceLiteralDataTypeCastMatrixRead(Hop c, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException { LiteralOp ret = null; // as.scalar/matrix read - literal replacement if (c instanceof UnaryOp && ((UnaryOp) c).getOp() == OpOp1.CAST_AS_SCALAR && c.getInput().get(0) instanceof DataOp && c.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX) { Data dat = vars.get(c.getInput().get(0).getName()); if (dat != null) // required for selective constant propagation { // cast as scalar (see VariableCPInstruction) MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) dat; MatrixBlock mBlock = mo.acquireRead(); if (mBlock.getNumRows() != 1 || mBlock.getNumColumns() != 1) throw new DMLRuntimeException( "Dimension mismatch - unable to cast matrix of dimension (" + mBlock.getNumRows() + " x " + mBlock.getNumColumns() + ") to scalar."); double value = mBlock.getValue(0, 0); mo.release(); // literal substitution (always double) ret = new LiteralOp(value); } } return ret; }
/** * Allocates the {@link GPUObject} for a given LOPS Variable (eg. _mVar3) * * @param varName variable name * @return matrix object * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public MatrixObject allocateGPUMatrixObject(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); if (mo.getGPUObject() == null) { mo.setGPUObject(GPUContext.createGPUObject(mo)); } return mo; }
/** * Function to perform LU decomposition on a given matrix. * * @param in matrix object * @return array of matrix blocks * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ private static MatrixBlock[] computeLU(MatrixObject in) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (in.getNumRows() != in.getNumColumns()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException( "LU Decomposition can only be done on a square matrix. Input matrix is rectangular (rows=" + in.getNumRows() + ", cols=" + in.getNumColumns() + ")"); } Array2DRowRealMatrix matrixInput = DataConverter.convertToArray2DRowRealMatrix(in); // Perform LUP decomposition LUDecomposition ludecompose = new LUDecomposition(matrixInput); RealMatrix P = ludecompose.getP(); RealMatrix L = ludecompose.getL(); RealMatrix U = ludecompose.getU(); // Read the results into native format MatrixBlock mbP = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(P.getData()); MatrixBlock mbL = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(L.getData()); MatrixBlock mbU = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(U.getData()); return new MatrixBlock[] {mbP, mbL, mbU}; }
public void setMatrixOutput(String varName, MatrixBlock outputData, UpdateType flag) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (flag.isInPlace()) { // modify metadata to carry update status MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); mo.setUpdateType(flag); } // default case setMatrixOutput(varName, outputData); }
/** * @param c * @param vars * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ private static LiteralOp replaceLiteralFullUnaryAggregateRightIndexing( Hop c, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException { LiteralOp ret = null; // full unary aggregate w/ indexed matrix less than 10^6 cells if (c instanceof AggUnaryOp && isReplaceableUnaryAggregate((AggUnaryOp) c) && c.getInput().get(0) instanceof IndexingOp && c.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0) instanceof DataOp) { IndexingOp rix = (IndexingOp) c.getInput().get(0); Hop data = rix.getInput().get(0); Hop rl = rix.getInput().get(1); Hop ru = rix.getInput().get(2); Hop cl = rix.getInput().get(3); Hop cu = rix.getInput().get(4); if (data instanceof DataOp && vars.keySet().contains(data.getName()) && isIntValueDataLiteral(rl, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(ru, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(cl, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(cu, vars)) { long rlval = getIntValueDataLiteral(rl, vars); long ruval = getIntValueDataLiteral(ru, vars); long clval = getIntValueDataLiteral(cl, vars); long cuval = getIntValueDataLiteral(cu, vars); MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) vars.get(data.getName()); // get the dimension information from the matrix object because the hop // dimensions might not have been updated during recompile if (mo.getNumRows() * mo.getNumColumns() < REPLACE_LITERALS_MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) { MatrixBlock mBlock = mo.acquireRead(); MatrixBlock mBlock2 = mBlock.sliceOperations( (int) (rlval - 1), (int) (ruval - 1), (int) (clval - 1), (int) (cuval - 1), new MatrixBlock()); double value = replaceUnaryAggregate((AggUnaryOp) c, mBlock2); mo.release(); // literal substitution (always double) ret = new LiteralOp(value); } } } return ret; }
/** * Unpin the a given list of variables by setting their "cleanup" status to the values specified * by <code>varsStats</code>. * * <p>Typical usage: <code> * oldStatus = pinVariables(varList); * ... * unpinVariables(varList, oldStatus); * </code> i.e., a call to unpinVariables() is preceded by pinVariables(). * * @param varList variable list * @param varsState variable state */ public void unpinVariables(ArrayList<String> varList, HashMap<String, Boolean> varsState) { for (String var : varList) { // System.out.println("unpin "+var+" ("+varsState.get(var)+")"); Data dat = _variables.get(var); if (dat instanceof MatrixObject) ((MatrixObject) dat).enableCleanup(varsState.get(var)); } }
/** * @param pfid * @param program * @param taskFile * @param resultFile * @param enableCPCaching * @param mode * @param numMappers * @param replication * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException * @throws DMLUnsupportedOperationException */ public static RemoteParForJobReturn runJob( long pfid, String itervar, String matrixvar, String program, String resultFile, MatrixObject input, ExecutionContext ec, PDataPartitionFormat dpf, OutputInfo oi, boolean tSparseCol, // config params boolean enableCPCaching, int numReducers) // opt params throws DMLRuntimeException, DMLUnsupportedOperationException { String jobname = "ParFor-DPESP"; long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; SparkExecutionContext sec = (SparkExecutionContext) ec; JavaSparkContext sc = sec.getSparkContext(); // prepare input parameters MatrixDimensionsMetaData md = (MatrixDimensionsMetaData) input.getMetaData(); MatrixCharacteristics mc = md.getMatrixCharacteristics(); InputInfo ii = InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo; // initialize accumulators for tasks/iterations Accumulator<Integer> aTasks = sc.accumulator(0); Accumulator<Integer> aIters = sc.accumulator(0); JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> in = sec.getBinaryBlockRDDHandleForVariable(matrixvar); DataPartitionerRemoteSparkMapper dpfun = new DataPartitionerRemoteSparkMapper(mc, ii, oi, dpf); RemoteDPParForSparkWorker efun = new RemoteDPParForSparkWorker( program, matrixvar, itervar, enableCPCaching, mc, tSparseCol, dpf, oi, aTasks, aIters); List<Tuple2<Long, String>> out = in.flatMapToPair(dpfun) // partition the input blocks .groupByKey(numReducers) // group partition blocks .mapPartitionsToPair(efun) // execute parfor tasks, incl cleanup .collect(); // get output handles // de-serialize results LocalVariableMap[] results = RemoteParForUtils.getResults(out, LOG); int numTasks = aTasks.value(); // get accumulator value int numIters = aIters.value(); // get accumulator value // create output symbol table entries RemoteParForJobReturn ret = new RemoteParForJobReturn(true, numTasks, numIters, results); // maintain statistics Statistics.incrementNoOfCompiledSPInst(); Statistics.incrementNoOfExecutedSPInst(); if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) { Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters(jobname, System.nanoTime() - t0); } return ret; }
/** * @param c * @param vars * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ private static LiteralOp replaceLiteralValueTypeCastRightIndexing(Hop c, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException { LiteralOp ret = null; // as.scalar/right indexing w/ literals/vars and matrix less than 10^6 cells if (c instanceof UnaryOp && ((UnaryOp) c).getOp() == OpOp1.CAST_AS_SCALAR && c.getInput().get(0) instanceof IndexingOp && c.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX) { IndexingOp rix = (IndexingOp) c.getInput().get(0); Hop data = rix.getInput().get(0); Hop rl = rix.getInput().get(1); Hop ru = rix.getInput().get(2); Hop cl = rix.getInput().get(3); Hop cu = rix.getInput().get(4); if (rix.dimsKnown() && rix.getDim1() == 1 && rix.getDim2() == 1 && data instanceof DataOp && vars.keySet().contains(data.getName()) && isIntValueDataLiteral(rl, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(ru, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(cl, vars) && isIntValueDataLiteral(cu, vars)) { long rlval = getIntValueDataLiteral(rl, vars); long clval = getIntValueDataLiteral(cl, vars); MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) vars.get(data.getName()); // get the dimension information from the matrix object because the hop // dimensions might not have been updated during recompile if (mo.getNumRows() * mo.getNumColumns() < REPLACE_LITERALS_MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) { MatrixBlock mBlock = mo.acquireRead(); double value = mBlock.getValue((int) rlval - 1, (int) clval - 1); mo.release(); // literal substitution (always double) ret = new LiteralOp(value); } } } return ret; }
/** * Function to perform Eigen decomposition on a given matrix. Input must be a symmetric matrix. * * @param in matrix object * @return array of matrix blocks * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ private static MatrixBlock[] computeEigen(MatrixObject in) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (in.getNumRows() != in.getNumColumns()) { throw new DMLRuntimeException( "Eigen Decomposition can only be done on a square matrix. Input matrix is rectangular (rows=" + in.getNumRows() + ", cols=" + in.getNumColumns() + ")"); } Array2DRowRealMatrix matrixInput = DataConverter.convertToArray2DRowRealMatrix(in); EigenDecomposition eigendecompose = new EigenDecomposition(matrixInput); RealMatrix eVectorsMatrix = eigendecompose.getV(); double[][] eVectors = eVectorsMatrix.getData(); double[] eValues = eigendecompose.getRealEigenvalues(); // Sort the eigen values (and vectors) in increasing order (to be compatible w/ LAPACK.DSYEVR()) int n = eValues.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int k = i; double p = eValues[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (eValues[j] < p) { k = j; p = eValues[j]; } } if (k != i) { eValues[k] = eValues[i]; eValues[i] = p; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { p = eVectors[j][i]; eVectors[j][i] = eVectors[j][k]; eVectors[j][k] = p; } } } MatrixBlock mbValues = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(eValues, true); MatrixBlock mbVectors = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(eVectors); return new MatrixBlock[] {mbValues, mbVectors}; }
public void cleanupMatrixObject(MatrixObject mo) throws DMLRuntimeException { try { if (mo.isCleanupEnabled()) { // compute ref count only if matrix cleanup actually necessary if (!getVariables().hasReferences(mo)) { // clean cached data mo.clearData(); if (mo.isHDFSFileExists()) { // clean hdfs data String fpath = mo.getFileName(); if (fpath != null) { MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(fpath); MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(fpath + ".mtd"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex); } }
public MatrixObject getMatrixInputForGPUInstruction(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); if (mo == null) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("No matrix object available for variable:" + varName); } if (mo.getGPUObject() == null) { mo.setGPUObject(GPUContext.createGPUObject(mo)); } boolean acquired = false; if (!mo.getGPUObject().isAllocated()) { mo.acquireRead(); acquired = true; } mo.getGPUObject().acquireDeviceRead(); if (acquired) { mo.release(); } return mo; }
public void setMetaData(String varName, long nrows, long ncols) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); if (mo.getNumRows() == nrows && mo.getNumColumns() == ncols) return; MetaData oldMetaData = mo.getMetaData(); if (oldMetaData == null || !(oldMetaData instanceof MatrixFormatMetaData)) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Metadata not available"); MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics( (long) nrows, (long) ncols, (int) mo.getNumRowsPerBlock(), (int) mo.getNumColumnsPerBlock()); mo.setMetaData( new MatrixFormatMetaData( mc, ((MatrixFormatMetaData) oldMetaData).getOutputInfo(), ((MatrixFormatMetaData) oldMetaData).getInputInfo())); }
public static boolean isInSparseFormat(MatrixObject mo) { if (mo.getGPUObject() != null && mo.getGPUObject().isAllocated()) return mo.getGPUObject().isInSparseFormat(); return MatrixBlock.evalSparseFormatInMemory(mo.getNumRows(), mo.getNumColumns(), mo.getNnz()); }
public static void matmult( MatrixObject left1, MatrixObject right1, MatrixObject output, boolean isLeftTransposed1, boolean isRightTransposed1) throws DMLRuntimeException { if (isInSparseFormat(left1) || isInSparseFormat(right1)) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse GPU matrix multiplication is not implemented"); } // Since CuBLAS expects inputs in column-major format, // reverse the order of matrix-multiplication and take care of dimension mismatch. MatrixObject left = right1; MatrixObject right = left1; boolean isLeftTransposed = isRightTransposed1; boolean isRightTransposed = isLeftTransposed1; char transa = isLeftTransposed ? 'T' : 'N'; char transb = isRightTransposed ? 'T' : 'N'; // Note: the dimensions are swapped int m = (int) (isLeftTransposed ? left.getNumRows() : left.getNumColumns()); int n = (int) (isRightTransposed ? right.getNumColumns() : right.getNumRows()); int k = (int) (isLeftTransposed ? left.getNumColumns() : left.getNumRows()); int k1 = (int) (isRightTransposed ? right.getNumRows() : right.getNumColumns()); if (k != k1) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch: " + k + " != " + k1); if (m == -1 || n == -1 || k == -1) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions"); double alpha = 1; double beta = 0; int lda = isLeftTransposed ? k : m; int ldb = isRightTransposed ? n : k; int ldc = m; if (!left.getGPUObject().isAllocated() || !right.getGPUObject().isAllocated()) throw new DMLRuntimeException( "One of input is not allocated:" + left.getGPUObject().isAllocated() + " " + right.getGPUObject().isAllocated()); if (!output.getGPUObject().isAllocated()) throw new DMLRuntimeException( "Output is not allocated:" + output.getGPUObject().isAllocated()); Pointer A = ((JCudaObject) left.getGPUObject()).jcudaPointer; Pointer B = ((JCudaObject) right.getGPUObject()).jcudaPointer; Pointer C = ((JCudaObject) output.getGPUObject()).jcudaPointer; JCublas.cublasDgemm(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc); }
/** * @param pfid * @param program * @param taskFile * @param resultFile * @param _enableCPCaching * @param mode * @param numMappers * @param replication * @return * @throws DMLRuntimeException */ public static RemoteParForJobReturn runJob( long pfid, String program, String taskFile, String resultFile, MatrixObject colocatedDPMatrixObj, // inputs boolean enableCPCaching, int numMappers, int replication, int max_retry, long minMem, boolean jvmReuse) // opt params throws DMLRuntimeException { RemoteParForJobReturn ret = null; String jobname = "ParFor-EMR"; long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0; JobConf job; job = new JobConf(RemoteParForMR.class); job.setJobName(jobname + pfid); // maintain dml script counters Statistics.incrementNoOfCompiledMRJobs(); try { ///// // configure the MR job // set arbitrary CP program blocks that will perform in the mapper MRJobConfiguration.setProgramBlocks(job, program); // enable/disable caching MRJobConfiguration.setParforCachingConfig(job, enableCPCaching); // set mappers, reducers, combiners job.setMapperClass(RemoteParWorkerMapper.class); // map-only // set input format (one split per row, NLineInputFormat default N=1) if (ParForProgramBlock.ALLOW_DATA_COLOCATION && colocatedDPMatrixObj != null) { job.setInputFormat(RemoteParForColocatedNLineInputFormat.class); MRJobConfiguration.setPartitioningFormat(job, colocatedDPMatrixObj.getPartitionFormat()); MatrixCharacteristics mc = colocatedDPMatrixObj.getMatrixCharacteristics(); MRJobConfiguration.setPartitioningBlockNumRows(job, mc.getRowsPerBlock()); MRJobConfiguration.setPartitioningBlockNumCols(job, mc.getColsPerBlock()); MRJobConfiguration.setPartitioningFilename(job, colocatedDPMatrixObj.getFileName()); } else // default case { job.setInputFormat(NLineInputFormat.class); } // set the input path and output path FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(taskFile)); // set output format job.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); // set output path MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(resultFile); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(resultFile)); // set the output key, value schema job.setMapOutputKeyClass(LongWritable.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(Text.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(LongWritable.class); job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); ////// // set optimization parameters // set the number of mappers and reducers job.setNumMapTasks(numMappers); // numMappers job.setNumReduceTasks(0); // job.setInt("", 1); //system property // job.setInt("mapred.tasktracker.tasks.maximum",1); //system property // job.setInt("mapred.jobtracker.maxtasks.per.job",1); //system property // use FLEX scheduler configuration properties if (ParForProgramBlock.USE_FLEX_SCHEDULER_CONF) { job.setInt("flex.priority", 0); // highest job.setInt("", 0); job.setInt("", numMappers); job.setInt("flex.reduce.min", 0); job.setInt("flex.reduce.max", numMappers); } // set jvm memory size (if require) String memKey = ""; if (minMem > 0 && minMem > InfrastructureAnalyzer.extractMaxMemoryOpt(job.get(memKey))) { InfrastructureAnalyzer.setMaxMemoryOpt(job, memKey, minMem); LOG.warn("Forcing '" + memKey + "' to -Xmx" + minMem / (1024 * 1024) + "M."); } // disable automatic tasks timeouts and speculative task exec job.setInt("mapred.task.timeout", 0); job.setMapSpeculativeExecution(false); // set up map/reduce memory configurations (if in AM context) DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getConfig(); DMLAppMasterUtils.setupMRJobRemoteMaxMemory(job, config); // enables the reuse of JVMs (multiple tasks per MR task) if (jvmReuse) job.setNumTasksToExecutePerJvm(-1); // unlimited // set sort io buffer (reduce unnecessary large io buffer, guaranteed memory consumption) job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASK_IO_SORT_MB, 8); // 8MB // set the replication factor for the results job.setInt("dfs.replication", replication); // set the max number of retries per map task // disabled job-level configuration to respect cluster configuration // note: this refers to hadoop2, hence it never had effect on mr1 // job.setInt("", max_retry); // set unique working dir MRJobConfiguration.setUniqueWorkingDir(job); ///// // execute the MR job RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job); // Process different counters Statistics.incrementNoOfExecutedMRJobs(); Group pgroup = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(ParForProgramBlock.PARFOR_COUNTER_GROUP_NAME); int numTasks = (int) pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_NUMTASKS.toString()); int numIters = (int) pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_NUMITERS.toString()); if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && !InfrastructureAnalyzer.isLocalMode()) { Statistics.incrementJITCompileTime(pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_JITCOMPILE.toString())); Statistics.incrementJVMgcCount(pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_JVMGC_COUNT.toString())); Statistics.incrementJVMgcTime(pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_JVMGC_TIME.toString())); Group cgroup = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(CacheableData.CACHING_COUNTER_GROUP_NAME.toString()); CacheStatistics.incrementMemHits( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_MEM.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementFSBuffHits( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_FSBUFF.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementFSHits( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_FS.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementHDFSHits( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_HDFS.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementFSBuffWrites( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_FSBUFF.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementFSWrites( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_FS.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementHDFSWrites( (int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_HDFS.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementAcquireRTime( cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_TIME_ACQR.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementAcquireMTime( cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_TIME_ACQM.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementReleaseTime( cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_TIME_RLS.toString())); CacheStatistics.incrementExportTime( cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_TIME_EXP.toString())); } // read all files of result variables and prepare for return LocalVariableMap[] results = readResultFile(job, resultFile); ret = new RemoteParForJobReturn(runjob.isSuccessful(), numTasks, numIters, results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex); } finally { // remove created files try { MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(taskFile), job); MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(resultFile), job); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex); } } if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters("MR-Job_" + jobname, t1 - t0); } return ret; }
/** * Pins a matrix variable into memory and returns the internal matrix block. * * @param varName variable name * @return matrix block * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public MatrixBlock getMatrixInput(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); return mo.acquireRead(); }
public void setMatrixOutput(String varName, MatrixBlock outputData) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); mo.acquireModify(outputData); mo.release(); setVariable(varName, mo); }
public void releaseMatrixInputForGPUInstruction(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); mo.getGPUObject().releaseInput(); }
/** * Unpins a currently pinned matrix variable. * * @param varName variable name * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs */ public void releaseMatrixInput(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException { MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName); mo.release(); }