   * Declares global variables to serve as aliases for the values in an object literal, optionally
   * removing all of the object literal's keys and values.
   * @param alias The object literal's flattened name (e.g. "a$b$c")
   * @param objlit The OBJLIT node
   * @param varNode The VAR node to which new global variables should be added as children
   * @param nameToAddAfter The child of {@code varNode} after which new variables should be added
   *     (may be null)
   * @param varParent {@code varNode}'s parent
   * @return The number of variables added
  private int declareVarsForObjLitValues(
      Name objlitName,
      String alias,
      Node objlit,
      Node varNode,
      Node nameToAddAfter,
      Node varParent) {
    int numVars = 0;
    int arbitraryNameCounter = 0;
    boolean discardKeys = !objlitName.shouldKeepKeys();

    for (Node key = objlit.getFirstChild(), nextKey; key != null; key = nextKey) {
      Node value = key.getFirstChild();
      nextKey = key.getNext();

      // A get or a set can not be rewritten as a VAR.
      if (key.isGetterDef() || key.isSetterDef()) {

      // We generate arbitrary names for keys that aren't valid JavaScript
      // identifiers, since those keys are never referenced. (If they were,
      // this object literal's child names wouldn't be collapsible.) The only
      // reason that we don't eliminate them entirely is the off chance that
      // their values are expressions that have side effects.
      boolean isJsIdentifier = !key.isNumber() && TokenStream.isJSIdentifier(key.getString());
      String propName = isJsIdentifier ? key.getString() : String.valueOf(++arbitraryNameCounter);

      // If the name cannot be collapsed, skip it.
      String qName = objlitName.getFullName() + '.' + propName;
      Name p = nameMap.get(qName);
      if (p != null && !p.canCollapse()) {

      String propAlias = appendPropForAlias(alias, propName);
      Node refNode = null;
      if (discardKeys) {
      } else {
        // Substitute a reference for the value.
        refNode = IR.name(propAlias);
        if (key.getBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME)) {
          refNode.putBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME, true);

        key.replaceChild(value, refNode);

      // Declare the collapsed name as a variable with the original value.
      Node nameNode = IR.name(propAlias);
      if (key.getBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME)) {
        nameNode.putBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME, true);
      Node newVar = IR.var(nameNode).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(key);
      if (nameToAddAfter != null) {
        varParent.addChildAfter(newVar, nameToAddAfter);
      } else {
        varParent.addChildBefore(newVar, varNode);
      nameToAddAfter = newVar;

      // Update the global name's node ancestry if it hasn't already been
      // done. (Duplicate keys in an object literal can bring us here twice
      // for the same global name.)
      if (isJsIdentifier && p != null) {
        if (!discardKeys) {
          Ref newAlias = p.getDeclaration().cloneAndReclassify(Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET);
          newAlias.node = refNode;

        p.getDeclaration().node = nameNode;

        if (value.isFunction()) {
          checkForHosedThisReferences(value, key.getJSDocInfo(), p);

    return numVars;