private void renderTextOverlay() { fsb.begin(); String curStr; curStr = "Score " + player.score; TextBounds txtBounds = bigFont.getBounds(curStr); bigFont.setColor(Color.WHITE); bigFont.draw(fsb, curStr, 40, Globals.PSCR_H - txtBounds.height); curStr = "Shield " + player.shield; txtBounds = bigFont.getBounds(curStr); bigFont.draw(fsb, curStr, Globals.PSCR_W - 600, Globals.PSCR_H - txtBounds.height); curStr = "Health " + player.hp; txtBounds = bigFont.getBounds(curStr); bigFont.draw( fsb, curStr, Globals.PSCR_W - txtBounds.width - 100, Globals.PSCR_H - txtBounds.height); curStr = player.alive ? "ALIVE" : "DEAD"; txtBounds = bigFont.getBounds(curStr); bigFont.setColor(player.alive ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED); bigFont.draw(fsb, curStr, Globals.PSCR_W - txtBounds.width, txtBounds.height + 40); if (player.gameover) { txtBounds = hugeFont.getBounds("GAME OVER!"); float gx = (Globals.PSCR_W - txtBounds.width) / 2.0f; float gy = (Globals.PSCR_H - txtBounds.height) / 2.0f; hugeFont.draw(fsb, "GAME OVER!", gx, gy); } fsb.end(); }
@Override public void onDraw() { super.onDraw(); J2hGame game = Game.getGame(); Color color = Color.WHITE; topFont.setColor(color); botFont.setColor(color); String text = "Developer Menu"; TextBounds bounds = topFont.getBounds(text); topFont.setColor(Color.BLACK); topFont.draw(game.batch, text, Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bounds.width / 2, 900); topFont.setColor(Color.WHITE); topFont.draw(game.batch, text, Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bounds.width / 2 - 3, 903); text = "-----"; bounds = botFont.getBounds(text); botFont.setColor(Color.BLACK); botFont.draw(game.batch, text, Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bounds.width / 2, 820); botFont.setColor(Color.WHITE); botFont.draw(game.batch, text, Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bounds.width / 2 - 3, 823); }
protected void setUp(String text, float x, float y) { alive = true; this.text = text; float sbWidth = font.getBounds(text).width + padX * 2, sbHeight = font.getBounds(text).height + padY * 2; if (sbWidth < 50) sbWidth = 50; yStretch = (float) Math.ceil(0.5f + (sbWidth / ((float) / 2f))); if (sbWidth > / 2) { sbWidth = / 2 + padX * 2; sbHeight = font.getBounds(text).height * yStretch + padY * yStretch; } setWidth(sbWidth); setHeight(sbHeight); wrapWidth = getWidth() - padX * 2; setOrigin(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); setX(x - getWidth() / 2); setY(y); setLife(0.6f + (float) text.length() * readSpeed); }
// *** Methods for drawing text ***\\ public static void drawString( SpriteBatch batch, String string, float x, float y, boolean centered, float scale, Color color) { // Check if the new scale is the same as the current one. if (font_.getScaleX() != scale || font_.getScaleY() != scale) font_.setScale(scale); // No need to check the colour, as that is done in the BitmapCache in the BitmapFont. font_.setColor(color); if (centered) { TextBounds bounds = font_.getBounds(string); float width = bounds.width; float height = bounds.height - font_.getAscent(); x -= (width / 2); y -= (height / 2); } font_.draw(batch, string, x, y); }
public void setItems(Object[] objects) { if (objects == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("items cannot be null."); if (!(objects instanceof String[])) { String[] strings = new String[objects.length]; for (int i = 0, n = objects.length; i < n; i++) strings[i] = String.valueOf(objects[i]); objects = strings; } this.items = (String[]) objects; selectedIndex = 0; Drawable bg = style.background; BitmapFont font = style.font; prefHeight = Math.max( bg.getTopHeight() + bg.getBottomHeight() + font.getCapHeight() - font.getDescent() * 2, bg.getMinHeight()); float max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) max = Math.max(font.getBounds(items[i]).width, max); prefWidth = bg.getLeftWidth() + bg.getRightWidth() + max; prefWidth = Math.max( prefWidth, max + style.listBackground.getLeftWidth() + style.listBackground.getRightWidth() + 2 * style.itemSpacing); invalidateHierarchy(); }
@Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { Drawable background; if (list != null && list.getParent() != null && style.backgroundOpen != null) background = style.backgroundOpen; else if (clickListener.isOver() && style.backgroundOver != null) background = style.backgroundOver; else background = style.background; final BitmapFont font = style.font; final Color fontColor = style.fontColor; Color color = getColor(); float x = getX(); float y = getY(); float width = getWidth(); float height = getHeight(); batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha); background.draw(batch, x, y, width, height); if (items.length > 0) { float availableWidth = width - background.getLeftWidth() - background.getRightWidth(); int numGlyphs = font.computeVisibleGlyphs( items[selectedIndex], 0, items[selectedIndex].length(), availableWidth); bounds.set(font.getBounds(items[selectedIndex])); height -= background.getBottomHeight() + background.getTopHeight(); float textY = (int) (height / 2 + background.getBottomHeight() + bounds.height / 2); font.setColor(fontColor.r, fontColor.g, fontColor.b, fontColor.a * parentAlpha); font.draw( batch, items[selectedIndex], x + background.getLeftWidth(), y + textY, 0, numGlyphs); } // calculate screen coords where list should be displayed getStage().toScreenCoordinates(screenCoords.set(x, y), batch.getTransformMatrix()); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int arg2, int arg3) { camera.unproject(mousePos.set(x, y, 0)); if (backButton.contains(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)) { goBack(); } ObjectMap.Entries<String, Rectangle> entries = bindingButtons.entries(); boolean focusedAnOption = false; while (entries.hasNext()) { ObjectMap.Entry<String, Rectangle> entry =; Rectangle bounds = entry.value; camera.unproject(mousePos.set(x, y, 0)); if (bounds.contains(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)) { this.focused = true; focusedAnOption = true; this.focusedBox.setY(bounds.y); this.focusedBox.setX(bounds.x); BitmapFont.TextBounds b = font.getBounds(entry.key); this.focusedBox.setHeight(b.height); this.focusedBox.setWidth(b.width); this.focusedAction = entry.key; } } if (!focusedAnOption) { this.focused = false; } return false; }
public void writeLine(String text, BitmapFont font, float x, float y) { TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds(text); font.setColor(Color.BLACK); font.draw(Game.getGame().batch, text, x - bounds.width / 2 + 3, y); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); font.draw(Game.getGame().batch, text, x - bounds.width / 2, y + 3); }
@Override public void draw() { // Draw actors super.draw(); // Write title getBatch().begin(); font.setScale(1f); font.draw( getBatch(), Game.TITLE, getWidth() / 2f - font.getBounds(Game.TITLE).width / 2f, getHeight() - 10f); font.setScale(0.5f); TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds("Highscore : " + Game.Save().highScore); font.draw( getBatch(), "Highscore : " + Game.Save().highScore, getWidth() - bounds.width, getHeight()); getBatch().end(); }
public void addButton(String name, final Runnable stageRunner) { TextBounds bound = botFont.getBounds(name); final DeveloperMenu screen = this; getButtonManager() .addButton( new ShadowedTextButton( Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bound.width / 2, START_Y - Y_ADD * index, botFont, name, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; Game.getGame().delete(screen); for (StageObject obj : Game.getGame().getStageObjects()) { obj.onDelete(); } Game.getGame().getSpellcards().clear(); Game.getGame().getStageObjects().clear(); Game.getGame().clearObjects(); ((AllStarGame) Game.getGame()).score = 0; ((AllStarGame) Game.getGame()).deaths = 0; Game.getGame() .spawn( Marisa.newInstance( Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2, Game.getGame().getHeight() / 2)); Game.getGame().setOutOfGame(false); Game.getGame().setPaused(false);;; Menu parent = screen.getParent(); while (parent != null) { Game.getGame().delete(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } } }) { { setFont(botFont); } }); index++; }
public void render(float delta) {, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1);; float font = text.getBounds(message).width; batch.begin(); { text.draw(batch, message, (width / 2F) - (font / 2F), height - text.getCapHeight()); replay.render(batch); menu.render(batch); } batch.end(); }
/** * Draws a String at the given coordinates. If <code>font == null</code> the Render's instance of * <code>BitmapFont</code> is used. * * @param batch * @param font * @param string * @param x * @param y * @param centered */ public static void drawString( SpriteBatch batch, BitmapFont font, String string, float x, float y, boolean centered) { if (font == null) font = font_; if (centered) { TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds(string); float width = bounds.width; float height = bounds.height - font.getAscent(); x -= (width / 2); y -= (height / 2); } font.draw(batch, string, x, y); }
public void render() { // System.out.println(font.getBounds(" ").width); float textWidth = font.getBounds(text).width; // float textHeight = font.getBounds(text).height; // TextureRegion background = allocTextureRegion("grid"); // spriteBatch.setColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color.a * 0.7f); // spriteBatch.draw(background, // oringinX - textWidth * 0.5f - PAD, oringinY - PAD, // textWidth + PAD * 2.0f, textHeight + PAD * 2.0f); // spriteBatch.setColor(Color.WHITE); // font.get font.setColor(color); font.draw(spriteBatch, text, oringinX - textWidth * 0.5f, oringinY + font.getCapHeight()); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); }
protected void debugDrawUI() { if (Env.debug) { if (Env.drawFPS) { String fpsText = String.format("%d FPS",; TextBounds bounds = debugFont.getBounds(fpsText); batch.setProjectionMatrix(uiCamera.combined); batch.begin(); debugFont.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); debugFont.draw(batch, fpsText, uiViewport.getWorldWidth() - bounds.width - 20.0f, 20.0f); batch.end(); } Table.drawDebug(; } }
@Override public void render() {, 1, 1, 1);; BitmapFont.TextBounds textSize = font.getBounds(message); float x = screenWidth / 2 - textSize.width / 2; float y = screenHeight / 2 + textSize.height / 2; batch.begin(); font.draw(batch, message, x, y); batch.end(); }
public ToggleBox(String text, Skin skin) { this.text = text; = skin; font = skin.getFont("default-font"); checked = skin.getDrawable("check-on"); active = skin.getDrawable("check-off"); setTouchable(Touchable.enabled); addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked(InputEvent ev, float x, float y) { setSelected(!isSelected()); } }); TextBounds fb = font.getBounds(text); setSize( checked.getMinWidth() + pad + fb.width, Math.max(checked.getMinHeight(), font.getCapHeight())); }
public void render(SpriteBatch sb, ShapeRenderer sr, Point location) { Color color; if (!enabled) color = new Color(0.533f, 0.533f, 0.533f, 1f); else if (selected) color = new Color(0.533f, 0.533f, 0.8f, 1f); else color = new Color(0.133f, 0.133f, 0.8f, 1f); float border = 5f, height = 20f; Rectangle size = parent.getDefaultSize(); sr.begin(ShapeType.Filled); // Draw track sr.setColor(Color.BLACK); sr.rect(location.x - 2.5f, location.y - 2.5f, size.width + 5, 25); sr.setColor(color); sr.rect(location.x, location.y, size.width, 20); // Draw slider float cx = location.x + size.width * Math.min(1f * step * val, maxVal - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal); float width_ptr = 20f, height_ptr = 30f; sr.setColor(Color.BLACK); sr.rect( cx - (border + width_ptr) / 2f, location.y - (height_ptr - height + border) / 2f, width_ptr + border, height_ptr + border); sr.setColor(0.133f, 0.133f, 0.8f, 1f); sr.rect(cx - width_ptr / 2f, location.y - (height_ptr - height) / 2f, width_ptr, height_ptr); sr.end(); // Label String label = "" + Math.min(val * step + minVal, maxVal); BitmapFont font = Root.getFont(24); TextBounds lBound = font.getBounds(label); float width_t = lBound.width; sb.begin(); if (!label.isEmpty()) { font.draw(sb, label, location.x - width_t - 20, location.y + height); } sb.end(); }
public void setText(String text) { if (text == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null."); BitmapFont font = style.font; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (maxLength > 0 && buffer.length() + 1 > maxLength) { break; } char c = text.charAt(i); if (font.containsCharacter(c) && (filter == null || filter.acceptChar(this, c))) buffer.append(c); } this.text = buffer.toString(); updateDisplayText(); cursor = 0; clearSelection(); textBounds.set(font.getBounds(displayText)); textBounds.height -= font.getDescent() * 2; font.computeGlyphAdvancesAndPositions(displayText, glyphAdvances, glyphPositions); }
private void drawAxes() { batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); batch.draw(axes, -virtualWidthHalf, -AXIS_WIDTH / 2, virtualWidth, AXIS_WIDTH); batch.draw(axes, -AXIS_WIDTH / 2, -virtualHeightHalf, AXIS_WIDTH, virtualHeight); TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds(String.valueOf((int) virtualHeightHalf)); font.draw(batch, "-" + (int) virtualWidthHalf, -virtualWidthHalf + 3, -bounds.height / 2); font.draw( batch, String.valueOf((int) virtualWidthHalf), virtualWidthHalf - bounds.width, -bounds.height / 2); font.draw( batch, "-" + (int) virtualHeightHalf, bounds.height / 2, -virtualHeightHalf + bounds.height + 3); font.draw( batch, String.valueOf((int) virtualHeightHalf), bounds.height / 2, virtualHeightHalf - 3); font.draw(batch, "0", bounds.height / 2, -bounds.height / 2); batch.end(); }
public int computeTextWidth(CharSequence str) { return bitmapFont.getBounds(str).width; }
public int computeTextWidth(CharSequence str, int start, int end) { return bitmapFont.getBounds(str, start, end).width; }
@Override public void update(float dt) { if (!paused) { handleInput(); if (!readyToFadeWhite) player.update(dt); // So player can be controlled upward from Sky else { // Lift player whiteOverlay += .3f * dt; player.getVelocity().add(0, -player.gravity / 2); player.getVelocity().scl(dt); player.getPosition().add(player.movement * dt, player.getVelocity().y); player.getVelocity().scl(1 / dt); float temp = player.normalize( -450, 200, (float) -Math.PI / 4f, (float) Math.PI / 4f, player.getVelocity().y); player.rotation = 25 * (float) Math.sin(temp); if (whiteOverlay > 1f) { dispose(); Preferences p =; p.putInteger("level", 5); if (p.getInteger("maxlevel") < 5) { p.putInteger("maxlevel", 5); } p.flush(); gsm.currentState = GameStateManager.SKY; this.gsm.setState(new Sky(this.gsm)); } } fallen = player.getPosition().y == -OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT * .1f; if (!loss && fallen) { loss = true; gsm.push(new UponLoss(gsm)); } note.update(dt); noteAnim.update(dt); noteRotation += 100f * dt; if (noteRotation > 360) noteRotation = 0; balloonFluctuation.update(dt); cam.position.x = player.getPosition().x + player.xOffset; float leftEdge = player.getPosition().x - (cam.viewportWidth / 2) + player.xOffset; // Check if note is hit if (!shrinking && Math.sqrt( Math.pow( (player.getPosition().x + player.getPlane().getWidth() * .75f) - note.getPosition().x, 2) + Math.pow( (player.getPosition().y + (player.getPlane().getHeight() * .75f) / 2) - (note.getPosition().y + noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionHeight() / 2), 2)) < 40) { // Open textbox textCount++; textBox.prepare( sceneText.get(textCount).get(0), (sceneText.get(textCount).size() == 1) ? "" : sceneText.get(textCount).get(1), .1f); boxInitialized = true; // Set bounds int w = (int) font.getBounds(sceneText.get(textCount).get(0)).width; // int h = (int)(font.getBounds(sceneText.get(textCount).get(0)).height*2.5); int h = (int) (font.getBounds(sceneText.get(textCount).get(0)).height * sceneText.get(textCount).size() * 1.5); textBox.setBounds( w, h, (int) (OwlCityTribute.WIDTH * .65) - w / 2, (int) (OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT * .875) - h / 2); waiting = true; shrinking = true; } else if (note.getPosition().x < leftEdge - noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionWidth() && !waiting && textCount < sceneText.size() - 1 && player.movement > player.maxMovement * .75) { note.getPosition().x = player.getPosition().x + cam.viewportWidth; note.setyOffset((int) (Math.random() * 100) + 200); } if (shrinking) { noteScale -= 2.5 * dt; if (noteScale < 0) { shrinking = false; noteScale = 1f; note.getPosition().x -= cam.viewportWidth; } } if (textBox.readyToUpdate) { if (!textBox.update(dt)) waiting = true; else { waiting = false; if (textCount < sceneText.size() - 1 && player.movement > player.maxMovement * .75) { note.getPosition().x = player.getPosition().x + cam.viewportWidth; note.setyOffset((int) (Math.random() * 100) + 200); } } } if (!fallen && boxInitialized && textCount == sceneText.size() - 1 && textBox.finished) { readyToFadeWhite = true; } // clouds for (int i = 0; i < clouds.size; i++) { clouds.get(i).update(dt); if (clouds.get(i).getPosition().x < leftEdge - cloud.getWidth()) { int index = (i == 0) ? clouds.size - 1 : i - 1; clouds.get(i).getPosition().x = (float) (clouds.get(index).getPosition().x + cam.viewportWidth * .8); clouds.get(i).yOffset = random.nextInt((int) (OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT * .1f)) + (int) (OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT * .75f); } } // if(readyToFadeBlack){ // whiteValue = (whiteValue > 0) ? whiteValue - .2f*dt : 0f; // if(whiteValue == 0f){ // if(player.getPosition().y == -OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT*.1f){ // dispose(); // this.gsm.setState(new Sky(this.gsm)); // } // } // } // else{ whiteValue = (whiteValue < 1f) ? whiteValue + .4f * dt : 1f; // } // Shimmer update for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SHIMMERS; i++) { shimmers.get(i).update(dt); } // Check brush for (int i = 0; i < brushmoving.size; i++) { brushmoving.get(i).MOVEMENT = -(player.movement / 5); brushmoving.get(i).update(dt); if (brushmoving.get(i).getPosition().x < leftEdge - brush.getWidth() * 1.5) { int index = (i == 0) ? brushmoving.size - 1 : i - 1; brushmoving.get(i).getPosition().x = brushmoving.get(index).getPosition().x + brush.getWidth(); break; } } cam.update(); } }
{ final DeveloperMenu screen = this; final J2hGame game = Game.getGame(); final float startX = game.getMinX() + (game.getMaxX() - game.getMinX()) / 2; final float startY = Game.getGame().getHeight() - 150; addButton( "3D Background tester", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Game.getGame().spawn(new MoonBG()); } }; Getter getter = new Getter<TestScheme>() { @Override public TestScheme get() { return new TestScheme() { @Override public GameFlowScheme getRestartInstance() { return get(); } @Override public void startSpellcard() {; } }; } }; Game.getGame().setScheme((GameFlowScheme) getter.get()); Game.getGame().getScheme().start(); } }); final Getter<SpecialFlowScheme> getter = new Getter<SpecialFlowScheme>() { @Override public SpecialFlowScheme get() { DialogueFlowScheme holder = new DialogueFlowScheme( new Getter<FaceToFaceDialogue>() { @Override public FaceToFaceDialogue get() { final DDCDialogueTextBalloon balloon = new DDCDialogueTextBalloon(); final DialogueParticipant left = new MarisaDP(); final DialogueParticipant right = new MarisaDP(); final FaceToFaceDialogue d = new FaceToFaceDialogue(balloon, left, right); String ipsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a luctus risus, vel fringilla metus. Nunc commodo dui sed lectus viverra, in tincidunt felis tincidunt. Mauris metus ex, bibendum et nulla eu, pharetra iaculis arcu. Curabitur at malesuada libero, non bibendum tellus. Maecenas non luctus est. Suspendisse id lectus nisi. Donec pharetra orci ultrices, aliquam magna quis, iaculis lorem. Sed imperdiet feugiat pretium. In fringilla diam magna, vulputate dignissim lectus hendrerit eget. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla sit amet nisi vitae mi pharetra volutpat. Sed erat quam, rhoncus id elit id, sollicitudin laoreet purus. Donec sodales eleifend ex, a interdum elit consequat non. Maecenas nibh tellus, commodo sed risus eu, imperdiet commodo dui. Nam id mollis leo, vitae congue eros. Phasellus eget libero at eros laoreet commodo nec in eros."; String[] array = ipsum.split("\\. "); DialogueMaker m = new DialogueMaker(left); m.text("Hey, I'm about to say something really long and boring") .enterStage() .nextDialogue(right); m.text("k, ignored you anyways.") .face(MarisaDPFace.SIGH) .enterStage() .nextDialogue(left); for (int i = 0; i < array.length - 2; i += 2) { String str = array[i] + "\n" + array[i + 1]; m.text(str).face(MarisaDPFace.CONFUSED).nextDialogue(right); String[] replies = { "Very nice...", "Alright.", "Interesting...", "Good for you.", "Uhu", "Sooooo innnnteerreeessstttinnggg... -ZZZZ-" }; m.text(replies[(int) (Math.random() * replies.length)]) .face(MarisaDPFace.SIGH) .nextDialogue(left); } m.text("Remember to take it easy!") .face(MarisaDPFace.YUKKURI) .speechBubbleType(DDCBalloonType.SCREAM) .nextDialogue(right); m.text("What was that!?").face(MarisaDPFace.IDIOCY); d.addDialogue(m.getDialogue()); return d; } }); return holder; } }; addButton( "Simple Dialogue between 2xMarisa", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Getter<GameFlowScheme> schemeGetter = new Getter<GameFlowScheme>() { @Override public GameFlowScheme get() { return new GameFlowScheme() { @Override public GameFlowScheme getRestartInstance() { return get(); } @Override public void runScheme() { getter.get().executeFight(this); } }; } }; Game.getGame().setScheme(schemeGetter.get()); Game.getGame().getScheme().start(); } }); TextBounds bound = botFont.getBounds("Exit"); getButtonManager() .addButton( new ShadowedTextButton( Game.getGame().getWidth() / 2 - bound.width / 2, 100, botFont, "Exit", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; Game.getGame().delete(screen); } }) { { setFont(botFont); } }); setZIndex(J2hGame.GUI_Z_ORDER + 2); }
@Override public void render(SpriteBatch sb) { float leftEdge = player.getPosition().x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 + player.xOffset; sb.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); sb.begin(); sb.setColor(whiteValue, whiteValue, whiteValue, 1f); sb.draw( background, player.getPosition().x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 + player.xOffset, 0, cam.viewportWidth, cam.viewportHeight); sb.end();; sr.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); sr.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); // Draw sparkles for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SHIMMERS; i++) { sr.setColor( whiteValue, whiteValue, whiteValue, Math.abs((float) Math.sin(Math.PI * shimmers.get(i).life / Shimmer.MAX_LIFE))); shimmers.get(i).x + player.getPosition().x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 + player.xOffset, shimmers.get(i).y, (float) Math.abs(Math.sin(Math.PI * shimmers.get(i).life / Shimmer.MAX_LIFE)) * shimmers.get(i).size); } sr.end(); sb.begin(); // Draw pause sb.draw( pauseButton, cam.position.x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 + cam.viewportWidth * .05f, cam.viewportHeight * .95f - pauseButton.getHeight()); // Draw balloon sb.draw( balloon, cam.position.x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 + balloonFluctuation.getPosition().x - balloon.getWidth() / 2, balloonFluctuation.getPosition().y - balloon.getHeight() / 2); // Draw text if (!textBox.finished) { sb.end();; sr.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); sr.setAutoShapeType(true); sr.begin(); sr.set(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); sr.setColor(1f, 1f, 1f, (textBox.alpha > .4f) ? .4f : textBox.alpha); // Vert sr.rect( leftEdge + textBox.x - textBox.width / 2 - textBox.padding / 2, textBox.y - textBox.height / 2, textBox.width + textBox.padding, textBox.height); // Horiz sr.rect( leftEdge + textBox.x - textBox.width / 2, textBox.y + textBox.height / 2, textBox.width, textBox.padding / 2); sr.rect( leftEdge + textBox.x - textBox.width / 2, textBox.y - textBox.height / 2, textBox.width, -textBox.padding / 2); sr.end(); sb.begin(); if (textBox.boxOpened) { font.setColor(1f, 1f, 1f, textBox.alpha); // First line font.draw( sb, textBox.firstLineBuffer, (leftEdge + textBox.x - (textBox.width / 2)), textBox.y + textBox.height / 2); // Second line font.draw( sb, textBox.secondLineBuffer, (leftEdge + textBox.x - (textBox.width / 2)), textBox.y + textBox.height / 2 - font.getBounds(sceneText.get(textCount).get(0)).height * 1.5f); } } // clouds sb.setColor(whiteValue, whiteValue, whiteValue, .75f); sb.draw(cloud, clouds.get(0).getPosition().x, clouds.get(0).getPosition().y); sb.draw(cloud, clouds.get(1).getPosition().x, clouds.get(1).getPosition().y); // draw note sb.setColor(whiteValue, whiteValue * (230f / 255f), whiteValue, 1f); sb.draw( noteAnim.getFrame(), note.getPosition().x, note.getPosition().y, noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionWidth() / 2, noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionHeight() / 2, noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionWidth(), noteAnim.getFrame().getRegionHeight(), noteScale, noteScale, noteRotation); sb.setColor(whiteValue, whiteValue, whiteValue, 1f); // Draw player sb.draw( planeRegion, player.getPosition().x, player.getPosition().y, planeRegion.getRegionWidth() / 2, planeRegion.getRegionHeight() / 2, player.getPlane().getWidth() * .75f, player.getPlane().getHeight() * .75f, 1, 1, player.rotation); sb.setColor(whiteValue, whiteValue, whiteValue, 1f); // draw brush for (FluctuatingObject f : brushmoving) { sb.draw(brush, f.getPosition().x, f.getPosition().y); } sb.end(); // HUD Matrix4 uiMatrix = cam.combined.cpy(); uiMatrix.setToOrtho2D(0, 0, OwlCityTribute.WIDTH, OwlCityTribute.HEIGHT); sb.setProjectionMatrix(uiMatrix); sb.begin(); sb.draw(vignette, 0, 0, cam.viewportWidth, cam.viewportHeight); sb.end(); sr.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled);; sr.setColor(1f, 1f, 1f, whiteOverlay); sr.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); sr.rect(leftEdge, 0, cam.viewportWidth, cam.viewportHeight); sr.end(); }