  * This method deletes a worm from the list of objects.
  * @param world The world from where the worm needs to be deleted.
  * @post The worm will be deleted from the current world. | new.objects.contains(this) == false;
 public void deleteWorm(World world) {
   int index = world.getCurrentWormIndex() + 1;
   int size = world.getWorms().size();
   if (index == size) this.getWorld().setCurrentWormIndex(0);
   if (this.getIsAlive() == false) world.deleteWorm(this);
   * Changes the positions of the projectile as a result of a jump from the current position.
   * @post If the projectile hits a worm this worm loses some hit points and the projectile is
   *     removed from the world and set non active. | if ((Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w.getXpos()-tempXpos,
   *     2)+Math.pow(w.getYpos()-tempYpos, 2))< maxDistance)) | while (this.getActive == true) |
   *     then (new.setHitPoints(worm.getHitPoints-this.getDamage()) | then (world.getProjectile() ==
   *     null) | then (new.getActive == false))
   * @post If the projectile doesn't hit a worm, the projectile will be deleted when it leaves the
   *     map or when it hits impassable terrain. | if !((Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w.getXpos()-tempXpos,
   *     2)+Math.pow(w.getYpos()-tempYpos, 2))< maxDistance)) | then ( if
   *     ((isOutOfTheMap(tempXpos,tempYpos))) | then ((world.getProjectile() == null) | then
   *     (new.getActive == false)) | (else if (world.isImpassable(tempXpos, tempYpos,
   *     this.getRadius()))) | then ((world.getProjectile() == null) | then (new.getActive ==
   *     false)))
   * @throws IllegalStateException If the projectile can't jump the exception is thrown. |!
   *     canJump()
  public void jump(Double timeStep) throws IllegalStateException {
    if (this.canJump()) {
      World world = this.getWorld();
      double tempXpos = this.getXpos();
      double tempYpos = this.getYpos();
      double t = 0;
      while ((world.isPassable(tempXpos, tempYpos, this.getRadius()))) {

        tempXpos = this.jumpStep(t)[0];
        tempYpos = this.jumpStep(t)[1];

        Collection<Worm> collection = (world.getWorms());

        for (Worm w : collection) {
          Worm overlappingWorm = null;
          double maxDistance = this.getRadius() + w.getRadius();

          if (!(w == world.getCurrentWorm())
              && (Math.sqrt(
                      Math.pow(w.getXpos() - tempXpos, 2) + Math.pow(w.getYpos() - tempYpos, 2))
                  < maxDistance)) {

            overlappingWorm = w;
            while ((this.getActive() == true)) {
              overlappingWorm.setHitPoints(overlappingWorm.getHitPoints() - this.getDamage());

          } else {
            overlappingWorm = null;
            if ((isOutOfTheMap(tempXpos, tempYpos))) {
            } else if (((world.isImpassable(tempXpos, tempYpos, this.getRadius())))
                && (this.getActive() == true)) {
        t += timeStep;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException();