protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, mToneCurveTexture, 0); mToneCurveTexture[0] = -1; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {mMaskGrey1TextureId}, 0); mMaskGrey1TextureId = -1; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {mMaskGrey2TextureId}, 0); mMaskGrey2TextureId = -1; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {mMaskGrey3TextureId}, 0); mMaskGrey3TextureId = -1; }
public void destroy() { if (mTextureHandles != null) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(mTextureHandles.length, mTextureHandles, 0); GLUtil.checkGlError("Destroy picture"); mTextureHandles = null; } }
public void deleteSingleTexture(int position) { Texture delTex = textures.get(position); int[] texturesId = new int[] {}; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, texturesId, 0); textures.remove(position); delTex = null; }
public void clearAll() { if (textures != null && textures.size() > 0) { int[] texturesId = new int[textures.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < textures.size(); i++) { texturesId[i] = textures.get(i).id; } GLES20.glDeleteTextures(texturesId.length, texturesId, 0); } }
@Override public void destroy() { super.destroy(); if (lookup_texture != 0) { int[] tex = new int[1]; tex[0] = lookup_texture; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, tex, 0); lookup_texture = 0; } }
public void release() { if (textureName > 0) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(0, new int[] {textureName}, 0); textureName = -1; } if (surfaceTexture != null) { surfaceTexture.release(); surfaceTexture = null; } }
public void confirmTextures() { if (textures != null && textures.size() > 0) { for (Texture each : textures) { if (!GLES20.glIsTexture( { Log.d("MyLogs", "texture restored " +; int[] texturesId = new int[] {}; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, texturesId, 0); GLES20.glGenTextures(1, texturesId, 0); each.reload(context, texturesId[0]); } } } }
@CalledByNative public void deallocate() { if (mCamera == null) return; stopCapture(); try { mCamera.setPreviewTexture(null); if (mGlTextures != null) GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, mGlTextures, 0); mCaptureFormat = null; mCamera.release(); mCamera = null; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "deallocate: failed to deallocate camera, " + ex); return; } }
private int setupRenderTextureAndRenderbuffer(final int width, final int height) { if (this.mTextureId != -1) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {this.mTextureId}, 0); } if (this.mRenderbufferId != -1) { GLES20.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, new int[] {this.mRenderbufferId}, 0); } if (this.mFramebufferId != -1) { GLES20.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, new int[] {this.mFramebufferId}, 0); } this.mTextureId = this.createTexture(width, height, this.mTextureFormat, this.mTextureType); this.mTextureFormatChanged = false; this.checkGlError("setupRenderTextureAndRenderbuffer: create texture"); final int[] renderbufferIds = {0}; GLES20.glGenRenderbuffers(1, renderbufferIds, 0); GLES20.glBindRenderbuffer(GLES20.GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbufferIds[0]); GLES20.glRenderbufferStorage( GLES20.GL_RENDERBUFFER, GLES20.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height); this.mRenderbufferId = renderbufferIds[0]; this.checkGlError("setupRenderTextureAndRenderbuffer: create renderbuffer"); final int[] framebufferIds = {0}; GLES20.glGenFramebuffers(1, framebufferIds, 0); GLES20.glBindFramebuffer(GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferIds[0]); this.mFramebufferId = framebufferIds[0]; GLES20.glFramebufferTexture2D( GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLES20.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, this.mTextureId, 0); GLES20.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLES20.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GLES20.GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbufferIds[0]); final int status = GLES20.glCheckFramebufferStatus(GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { final String s = "Framebuffer is not complete: "; final String value = String.valueOf(Integer.toHexString(status)); throw new RuntimeException((value.length() != 0) ? s.concat(value) : new String(s)); } GLES20.glBindFramebuffer(GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); return framebufferIds[0]; }
private void release() { Logging.d(TAG, "Java releaseDecoder"); checkOnMediaCodecThread(); try { mediaCodec.stop(); mediaCodec.release(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Logging.e(TAG, "release failed", e); } mediaCodec = null; mediaCodecThread = null; if (useSurface) { surface.release(); if (textureID != 0) { Logging.d(TAG, "Delete video decoder TextureID " + textureID); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {textureID}, 0); textureID = 0; } eglBase.release(); eglBase = null; } }
/** * Method that removes all the textures from the queue * * @param reload Forces a reload of the queue */ public void emptyTextureQueue(boolean reload) { synchronized (mSync) { // Recycle the textures try { List<GLESTextureInfo> all = mQueue.removeAll(); for (GLESTextureInfo info : all) { if (GLES20.glIsTexture(info.handle)) { int[] textures = new int[] {info.handle}; if (GLESUtil.DEBUG_GL_MEMOBJS) { Log.d(GLESUtil.DEBUG_GL_MEMOBJS_DEL_TAG, "glDeleteTextures: [" + info.handle + "]"); } GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, textures, 0); GLESUtil.glesCheckError("glDeleteTextures"); } // Return the bitmap info.bitmap.recycle(); info.bitmap = null; } } catch (EmptyQueueException eqex) { // Ignore } // Remove all pictures in the queue try { mQueue.removeAll(); } catch (EmptyQueueException ex) { // Ignore } // Reload the queue if (reload) { synchronized (mBackgroundTask.mLoadSync) { mBackgroundTask.resetAvailableImages(); mBackgroundTask.mLoadSync.notify(); } } } }
/** 删除贴图 */ public void dispose() { GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); int[] textureIds = {textureId}; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, textureIds, 0); }
@Override public void glDeleteTextures(int n, int[] textures, int offset) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(n, textures, offset); }
@Override public void glDeleteTextures(int n, IntBuffer textures) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(n, textures); }
/** Clean up opengl data. */ public void cleanup() { GLES20.glDeleteShader(mVertexShaderHandle); GLES20.glDeleteShader(mFragmentShaderHandle); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {mTextureDataHandle}, 0); }
@Override public void glDeleteTextures(GL11 gl, int n, int[] textures, int offset) { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(n, textures, offset); GLES20Canvas.checkError(); }
public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, inputTextureHandles, 0); for (int i = 0; i < inputTextureHandles.length; i++) inputTextureHandles[i] = -1; }
protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, mToneCurveTexture, 0); mToneCurveTexture[0] = -1; }
/** delete specific texture */ public static void deleteTex(final int hTex) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "deleteTex:"); final int[] tex = new int[] {hTex}; GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, tex, 0); }
@Override public void release() { GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {mTextureHandle}, 0); super.release(); }
@Override public boolean deleteTexture(final IGLTextureId texture) { checkOpenGLThread(); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {((GLTextureId_Android) texture).getGLTextureId()}, 0); return false; }