protected HttpUriRequest createGoodAnnotProfileRequest(int n) throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("localhost") .setPort(9031) .setPath("/owlsim/getAttributeInformationProfile/"); List<OWLClass> allClasses = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); allClasses.addAll(g.getAllOWLClasses()); Collections.shuffle(allClasses); int i = 0; for (OWLClass c : allClasses) { String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("a", id); i++; if (i >= n) break; } uriBuilder.addParameter("limit", "5"); URI uri =;"Getting URL=" + uri); HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = new HttpGet(uri);"Got URL=" + uri); return httpUriRequest; }
protected OWLGraphWrapper loadOntology(String location) throws Exception { // load server ontology ParserWrapper pw = new ParserWrapper(); OWLGraphWrapper g = pw.parseToOWLGraph(location); // prepare ontology ABoxUtils.makeDefaultIndividuals(g.getSourceOntology()); return g; }
@Test public void testNonCycle3() throws Exception { ParserWrapper parser = new ParserWrapper(); IRI iri = IRI.create(getResource("verification/self_references.obo").getAbsoluteFile()); OWLGraphWrapper graph = parser.parseToOWLGraph(iri.toString()); OntologyCheck check = new CycleCheck(); Collection<CheckWarning> warnings = check.check(graph, graph.getAllOWLObjects()); assertTrue(warnings.isEmpty()); }
@Test public void testCycle1() throws Exception { ParserWrapper parser = new ParserWrapper(); IRI iri = IRI.create(getResource("verification/cycle.obo").getAbsoluteFile()); OWLGraphWrapper graph = parser.parseToOWLGraph(iri.toString()); OntologyCheck check = new CycleCheck(); Collection<CheckWarning> warnings = check.check(graph, graph.getAllOWLObjects()); assertEquals(1, warnings.size()); CheckWarning warning = warnings.iterator().next(); List<IRI> iris = warning.getIris(); assertEquals(3, iris.size()); }
@Test public void testServerSearchByAttributeSetCommand() throws Exception { g = loadOntology("../OWLTools-Sim/src/test/resources/sim/mp-subset-1.obo"); ABoxUtils.createRandomClassAssertions(g.getSourceOntology(), 200, 20); OwlSimFactory owlSimFactory = new FastOwlSimFactory(); OwlSim sos = owlSimFactory.createOwlSim(g.getSourceOntology()); sos.createElementAttributeMapFromOntology(); final HttpUriRequest httppost = createSearchByAttributeSetRequest(5); runServerCommunication(httppost, sos); }
@Test public void testServerGetAnnotationSufficiencyScoreCommandBad() throws Exception { g = loadOntology("../OWLTools-Sim/src/test/resources/sim/mp-subset-1.obo"); ABoxUtils.createRandomClassAssertions(g.getSourceOntology(), 200, 20); // set sim OwlSimFactory owlSimFactory = new FastOwlSimFactory(); OwlSim sos = owlSimFactory.createOwlSim(g.getSourceOntology()); sos.createElementAttributeMapFromOntology(); HttpUriRequest httppost = createBogusAnnotSufRequest(5); runServerCommunication(httppost, sos); }
/* * Add specified closure of OWLObject to annotation and bioentity docs. * Not the map for bio. */ private Map<String, String> addClosureToAnnAndBio( List<String> relations, String closureName, String closureNameLabel, String closureMap, OWLObject cls, OWLGraphWrapper graph, SolrInputDocument ann_doc, SolrInputDocument bio_doc, boolean isNegated) { // Add closures to doc; label and id. graph.addPropertyIdsForMaterialization(relations); final Map<String, String> cmap = graph.getRelationClosureMap(cls, relations); List<String> idClosure = new ArrayList<String>(cmap.keySet()); List<String> labelClosure = new ArrayList<String>(cmap.values()); ann_doc.addField(closureName, idClosure); ann_doc.addField(closureNameLabel, labelClosure); // WARNING this is a side effect for the bio-entity // only add the class and closure, if it is a non-negated annotation if (isNegated == false) { for (String tid : idClosure) { addFieldUnique(bio_doc, closureName, tid); } for (String tlabel : labelClosure) { addFieldUnique(bio_doc, closureNameLabel, tlabel); } } // Compile closure maps to JSON. if (!cmap.isEmpty()) { String jsonized_cmap = gson.toJson(cmap); ann_doc.addField(closureMap, jsonized_cmap); // NOTE: This is harder since we'd be adding multiple, so the is done on a collector variable // elsewhere. // bio_doc.addField(closureMap, jsonized_cmap); } if (isNegated) { // WARNING this is a side effect for the bio-entity // only add the class and closure, if it is a non-negated annotation return Collections.emptyMap(); } return cmap; }
protected HttpUriRequest createBadAnnotProfileWithSubgraphsRequest(int n) throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("localhost") .setPort(9031) .setPath("/owlsim/getAttributeInformationProfile/"); List<OWLClass> allClasses = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); allClasses.addAll(g.getAllOWLClasses()); Collections.shuffle(allClasses); int i = 0; for (OWLClass c : allClasses) { String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("a", id); // get at least one ancestor of each class OWLClass r = (OWLClass) g.getAncestors(c).iterator().next(); uriBuilder.addParameter("r", g.getIdentifier(r)); i++; if (i >= n) break; } uriBuilder.addParameter("a", "BOGUS:1234567"); uriBuilder.addParameter("r", "BOGUS:0000003"); Random rand = new Random(); int r = 0; // get some random classes for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { r = rand.nextInt(allClasses.size()); OWLClass c = allClasses.get(r); String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("r", id); i++; if (i >= n) break; } uriBuilder.addParameter("limit", "5"); URI uri =;"Getting URL=" + uri); HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = new HttpGet(uri);"Got URL=" + uri); return httpUriRequest; }
protected HttpUriRequest createCompareByAttributeSetsRequest(int nA, int nB) throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("localhost") .setPort(9031) .setPath("/owlsim/compareAttributeSets/"); List<OWLClass> allClasses = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); allClasses.addAll(g.getAllOWLClasses()); Collections.shuffle(allClasses); int i = 0; for (OWLClass c : allClasses) { String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("a", id); // get at least one ancestor of each class i++; if (i >= nA) break; } Collections.shuffle(allClasses); i = 0; for (OWLClass c : allClasses) { String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("b", id); // get at least one ancestor of each class i++; if (i >= nB) break; } URI uri =;"Getting URL=" + uri); HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = new HttpGet(uri);"Got URL=" + uri); return httpUriRequest; }
protected HttpUriRequest createPartiallyBogusAnnotSufRequest(int n) throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("localhost") .setPort(9031) .setPath("/owlsim/getAnnotationSufficiencyScore/"); int i = 0; for (OWLClass c : g.getAllOWLClasses()) { String id = g.getIdentifier(c); uriBuilder.addParameter("a", id); uriBuilder.addParameter("a", "BOGUS:000000" + i); i++; if (i >= n) break; } uriBuilder.addParameter("limit", "5"); URI uri =;"Getting URL=" + uri); HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = new HttpGet(uri);"Got URL=" + uri); return httpUriRequest; }
@Test public void testServerGetCoAnnotationSuggestions() throws Exception { g = loadOntology("../OWLTools-Sim/src/test/resources/sim/mp-subset-1.obo"); String file = "../OWLTools-Sim/src/test/resources/sim/mgi-gene2mp-subset-1.tbl"; // g = loadOntology("/Users/Nicole/work/MONARCH/phenotype-ontologies/src/ontology/hp.obo"); // String // file="/Users/Nicole/work/MONARCH/phenotype-ontologies/data/Homo_sapiens/Hs-disease-to-phenotype-O.txt"; TableToAxiomConverter ttac = new TableToAxiomConverter(g); ttac.config.axiomType = AxiomType.CLASS_ASSERTION; ttac.config.isSwitchSubjectObject = true; ttac.parse(file); OwlSimFactory owlSimFactory = new FastOwlSimFactory(); OwlSim sos = owlSimFactory.createOwlSim(g.getSourceOntology()); sos.createElementAttributeMapFromOntology(); // sos.populateFullCoannotationMatrix();"Finished populating the big matrix"); HttpUriRequest httppost = createGoodCoAnnotationRequest(1); runServerCommunication(httppost, sos); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String catalog = args[0]; String file = args[1]; final ParserWrapper pw = new ParserWrapper(); pw.addIRIMapper(new CatalogXmlIRIMapper(catalog)); final OWLOntology ontology = pw.parse(file); final OWLGraphWrapper g = new OWLGraphWrapper(ontology); OWLObjectProperty part_of = g.getOWLObjectPropertyByIdentifier("part_of"); OWLObjectProperty has_part = g.getOWLObjectPropertyByIdentifier("has_part"); OWLObjectProperty regulates = g.getOWLObjectPropertyByIdentifier("regulates"); OWLObjectProperty negatively_regulates = g.getOWLObjectPropertyByIdentifier("negatively_regulates"); OWLObjectProperty positively_regulates = g.getOWLObjectPropertyByIdentifier("positively_regulates"); final OWLClassFilter filter = new OWLClassFilter() { @Override public boolean use(OWLClass cls) { String id = g.getIdentifier(cls.getIRI()); return id.startsWith("GO:"); } }; Set<OWLObjectProperty> props = Sets.newHashSet(part_of); Map<OWLClass, Set<OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom>> expressions = getExpressions(ontology, props, filter); List<OWLClass> classes = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(expressions.keySet()); Collections.sort(classes); OWLPrettyPrinter pp = new OWLPrettyPrinter(g); int count = 0; for (OWLClass cls : classes) { Set<OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom> svfs = expressions.get(cls); for (OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom svf : svfs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(pp.render(cls)).append("\t"); sb.append(pp.render(svf.getProperty())).append("\t"); sb.append(pp.render(svf.getFiller())); System.out.println(sb); count += 1; } } System.out.println("Count: " + count); }