public Element getSchemaElement(Document document) { Element complexElement = document.createElementNS(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, "xsd:complexType"); complexElement.setPrefix("xsd"); complexElement.setAttribute("name",; Element sequenceElement = document.createElementNS(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, "xsd:sequence"); sequenceElement.setPrefix("xsd"); complexElement.appendChild(sequenceElement); return complexElement; }
private Element writeBounds(final Envelope bounds, final Document document) { if (bounds != null) { String srsName = null; if (bounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() != null) { try { srsName = IdentifiedObjects.lookupIdentifier( Citations.URN_OGC, bounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), true); } catch (FactoryException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } } final Element boundElement = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "boundedBy"); boundElement.setPrefix("gml"); final Element envElement = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "Envelope"); envElement.setPrefix("gml"); if (srsName != null) { envElement.setAttribute("srsName", srsName); } else { envElement.setAttribute("srsName", ""); } // lower corner final Element lower = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "lowerCorner"); String lowValue = bounds.getLowerCorner().getOrdinate(0) + " " + bounds.getLowerCorner().getOrdinate(1); lower.setTextContent(lowValue); lower.setPrefix("gml"); envElement.appendChild(lower); // upper corner final Element upper = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "upperCorner"); String uppValue = bounds.getUpperCorner().getOrdinate(0) + " " + bounds.getUpperCorner().getOrdinate(1); upper.setTextContent(uppValue); upper.setPrefix("gml"); envElement.appendChild(upper); boundElement.appendChild(envElement); return boundElement; } return null; }
/** property url should be src attribute with url as value */ @Override public void transform(WidgetTransformerContext context, Property property) throws CoreException { String domainAttributValue = property .getWidget() .getPropertyValue(PropertyTypeConstants.DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE_WITHOUT_VALIDATOR); if (domainAttributValue != null && domainAttributValue.length() > 0) { Property beanNameProperty = BeanPropertyUtils.findBeanNameProperty(context, property.getWidget()); String beanNamePropertyValue = beanNameProperty.getValue(); // Create the element <xsp:attribute name="src">...</xsp:attribute> Namespace ns = context.getTransformModel().findNamespace(XSP_NAMESPACE_URI); Element valElmt = context .getDocument() .createElementNS(ns.getUri(), TransformerConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT_NAME); valElmt.setPrefix(ns.getPrefix()); TransformUtils.appendChild(context, valElmt); // Create the attribute name="src" Attr a = context.getDocument().createAttribute(TransformerConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); a.setValue("src"); valElmt.setAttributeNode(a); // create the <bean:get-property bean="..." property="..."/> Namespace beanNamespace = context.getTransformModel().findNamespace(BEAN_URI); Element defElmt = context.getDocument().createElementNS(beanNamespace.getUri(), BEAN_GET_PROPERTY_ELEMENT); defElmt.setPrefix(beanNamespace.getPrefix()); addAttribute(context, defElmt, BEAN_BEAN_ATTRIBUTE, beanNamePropertyValue); addAttribute(context, defElmt, BEAN_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE, domainAttributValue); valElmt.appendChild(defElmt); } else { String url = property.getValue(); if (url != null && url.length() != 0) { addAttribute(context, "src", url); } } }
public void createAndAddIndexGroups( final IndexEntry[] theIndexEntries, final IndexConfiguration theConfiguration, final Document theDocument, final Locale theLocale) { final IndexComparator indexEntryComparator = new IndexComparator(theLocale); final IndexGroup[] indexGroups = indexGroupProcessor.process(theIndexEntries, theConfiguration, theLocale); final Element rootElement = theDocument.getDocumentElement(); final Element indexGroupsElement = theDocument.createElementNS(namespace_url, "index.groups"); indexGroupsElement.setPrefix(prefix); for (final IndexGroup group : indexGroups) { // Create group element final Node groupElement = theDocument.createElementNS(namespace_url, ""); groupElement.setPrefix(prefix); // Create group label element and index entry childs final Element groupLabelElement = theDocument.createElementNS(namespace_url, "label"); groupLabelElement.setPrefix(prefix); groupLabelElement.appendChild(theDocument.createTextNode(group.getLabel())); groupElement.appendChild(groupLabelElement); final Node[] entryNodes = transformToNodes(group.getEntries(), theDocument, indexEntryComparator); for (final Node entryNode : entryNodes) { groupElement.appendChild(entryNode); } indexGroupsElement.appendChild(groupElement); } rootElement.appendChild(indexGroupsElement); }
// DOM output public void setupNamespace(Element element) { String uri = element.getNamespaceURI(); String myPrefix = getPrefixByUri(uri); element.setPrefix(myPrefix); if (myPrefix != null) { IRNSContainer parent = (IRNSContainer) rnode_.getParentRNode(); if (parent == null) { addPrefixDecl(element, myPrefix, uri); return; } RNSContext parentContext = parent.getRNSContext(); String parentPrefix = parentContext.getPrefixByUri(uri); if (!myPrefix.equals(parentPrefix)) { addPrefixDecl(element, myPrefix, uri); } } }
/** * Writes the given {@link LayoutDevice}s into the given file. * * @param deviceXml the file to write. * @param deviceList the LayoutDevice to write into the file. */ private void write(File deviceXml, List<LayoutDevice> deviceList) { try { // create a new document DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); docFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); // create a base node Element baseNode = doc.createElementNS( LayoutDevicesXsd.NS_LAYOUT_DEVICE_XSD, LayoutDevicesXsd.NODE_LAYOUT_DEVICES); // create the prefix for the namespace baseNode.setPrefix("d"); doc.appendChild(baseNode); // fill it with the layout devices. for (LayoutDevice device : deviceList) { device.saveTo(doc, baseNode); } // save the document to disk // Prepare the DOM document for writing Source source = new DOMSource(doc); // Prepare the output file File file = new File(deviceXml.getAbsolutePath()); Result result = new StreamResult(file); // Write the DOM document to the file Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); xformer.transform(source, result); } catch (Exception e) { AdtPlugin.log(e, "Failed to write %s", deviceXml.getAbsolutePath()); } }
private static Element createNode(Document doc, Element parentNode, String name) { Element newNode = doc.createElementNS(LayoutDeviceManager.LAYOUT_DEVICES_NAMESPACE, name); newNode.setPrefix(doc.lookupPrefix(LayoutDeviceManager.LAYOUT_DEVICES_NAMESPACE)); parentNode.appendChild(newNode); return newNode; }
/** * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes) */ public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { // save accumulated character content if (inModification && charBuf.length() > 0) { // String normalized = charBuf.toString(); final String normalized = preserveWhitespace ? charBuf.toString() : charBuf.getNormalizedString(FastStringBuffer.SUPPRESS_BOTH); if (normalized.length() > 0) { final Text text = doc.createTextNode(charBuf.toString()); if (stack.isEmpty()) { // LOG.debug("appending text to fragment: " + text.getData()); contents.add(text); } else { final Element last = stack.peek(); last.appendChild(text); } } charBuf.setLength(0); } if (namespaceURI.equals(XUPDATE_NS)) { String select = null; if (localName.equals(MODIFICATIONS)) { startModifications(atts); return; } else if (localName.equals(VARIABLE)) { // variable declaration startVariableDecl(atts); return; } else if (IF.equals(localName)) { if (inModification) { throw new SAXException("xupdate:if is not allowed inside a modification"); } select = atts.getValue("test"); final Conditional cond = new Conditional(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables); cond.setAccessContext(accessCtx); conditionals.push(cond); return; } else if (VALUE_OF.equals(localName)) { if (!inModification) { throw new SAXException("xupdate:value-of is not allowed outside a modification"); } } else if (APPEND.equals(localName) || INSERT_BEFORE.equals(localName) || INSERT_AFTER.equals(localName) || REMOVE.equals(localName) || RENAME.equals(localName) || UPDATE.equals(localName) || REPLACE.equals(localName)) { if (inModification) { throw new SAXException("nested modifications are not allowed"); } select = atts.getValue("select"); if (select == null) { throw new SAXException(localName + " requires a select attribute"); } doc = builder.newDocument(); contents = new NodeListImpl(); inModification = true; } else if ((ELEMENT.equals(localName) || ATTRIBUTE.equals(localName) || TEXT.equals(localName) || PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION.equals(localName) || COMMENT.equals(localName))) { if (!inModification) { throw new SAXException("creation elements are only allowed inside " + "a modification"); } charBuf.setLength(0); } else { throw new SAXException("Unknown XUpdate element: " + qName); } // start a new modification section if (APPEND.equals(localName)) { final String child = atts.getValue("child"); modification = new Append(broker, documentSet, select, child, namespaces, variables); } else if (UPDATE.equals(localName)) { modification = new Update(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables); } else if (INSERT_BEFORE.equals(localName)) { modification = new Insert(broker, documentSet, select, Insert.INSERT_BEFORE, namespaces, variables); } else if (INSERT_AFTER.equals(localName)) { modification = new Insert(broker, documentSet, select, Insert.INSERT_AFTER, namespaces, variables); } else if (REMOVE.equals(localName)) { modification = new Remove(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables); } else if (RENAME.equals(localName)) { modification = new Rename(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables); } else if (REPLACE.equals(localName)) { modification = new Replace(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables); } // process commands for node creation else if (ELEMENT.equals(localName)) { String name = atts.getValue("name"); if (name == null) { throw new SAXException("element requires a name attribute"); } final int p = name.indexOf(':'); String namespace = null; String prefix = ""; if (p != Constants.STRING_NOT_FOUND) { prefix = name.substring(0, p); if (name.length() == p + 1) { throw new SAXException("illegal prefix in qname: " + name); } name = name.substring(p + 1); namespace = atts.getValue("namespace"); if (namespace == null) { namespace = (String) namespaces.get(prefix); } if (namespace == null) { throw new SAXException("no namespace defined for prefix " + prefix); } } Element elem; if (namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0) { elem = doc.createElementNS(namespace, name); elem.setPrefix(prefix); } else { elem = doc.createElement(name); } if (stack.isEmpty()) { contents.add(elem); } else { final Element last = stack.peek(); last.appendChild(elem); } this.setWhitespaceHandling((Element) stack.push(elem)); } else if (ATTRIBUTE.equals(localName)) { final String name = atts.getValue("name"); if (name == null) { throw new SAXException("attribute requires a name attribute"); } final int p = name.indexOf(':'); String namespace = null; if (p != Constants.STRING_NOT_FOUND) { final String prefix = name.substring(0, p); if (name.length() == p + 1) { throw new SAXException("illegal prefix in qname: " + name); } namespace = atts.getValue("namespace"); if (namespace == null) { namespace = (String) namespaces.get(prefix); } if (namespace == null) { throw new SAXException("no namespace defined for prefix " + prefix); } } Attr attrib = namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0 ? doc.createAttributeNS(namespace, name) : doc.createAttribute(name); if (stack.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < contents.getLength(); i++) { final Node n = contents.item(i); String ns = n.getNamespaceURI(); final String nname = ns == null ? n.getNodeName() : n.getLocalName(); if (ns == null) { ns = ""; } // check for duplicate attributes if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && nname.equals(name) && ns.equals(namespace)) { throw new SAXException( "The attribute " + attrib.getNodeName() + " cannot be specified twice"); } } contents.add(attrib); } else { final Element last = (Element) stack.peek(); if (namespace != null && last.hasAttributeNS(namespace, name) || namespace == null && last.hasAttribute(name)) { throw new SAXException( "The attribute " + attrib.getNodeName() + " cannot be specified " + "twice on the same element"); } if (namespace != null) { last.setAttributeNodeNS(attrib); } else { last.setAttributeNode(attrib); } } inAttribute = true; currentNode = attrib; // process value-of } else if (VALUE_OF.equals(localName)) { select = atts.getValue("select"); if (select == null) { throw new SAXException("value-of requires a select attribute"); } final Sequence seq = processQuery(select); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found " + seq.getItemCount() + " items for value-of"); } Item item; try { for (final SequenceIterator i = seq.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { item = i.nextItem(); if (Type.subTypeOf(item.getType(), Type.NODE)) { final Node node = NodeSetHelper.copyNode(doc, ((NodeValue) item).getNode()); if (stack.isEmpty()) { contents.add(node); } else { final Element last = (Element) stack.peek(); last.appendChild(node); } } else { final String value = item.getStringValue(); characters(value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length()); } } } catch (final XPathException e) { throw new SAXException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } else if (inModification) { final Element elem = namespaceURI != null && namespaceURI.length() > 0 ? doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName) : doc.createElement(qName); Attr a; for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { final String name = atts.getQName(i); final String nsURI = atts.getURI(i); if (name.startsWith("xmlns")) { // Why are these showing up? They are supposed to be stripped out? } else { a = nsURI != null ? doc.createAttributeNS(nsURI, name) : doc.createAttribute(name); a.setValue(atts.getValue(i)); if (nsURI != null) { elem.setAttributeNodeNS(a); } else { elem.setAttributeNode(a); } } } if (stack.isEmpty()) { contents.add(elem); } else { final Element last = (Element) stack.peek(); last.appendChild(elem); } this.setWhitespaceHandling((Element) stack.push(elem)); } }
/** * @param featureCollection * @param writer * @param fragment : true if we write in a stream, dont write start and end elements * @throws DataStoreException */ public Element writeFeatureCollection( final FeatureCollection featureCollection, final boolean fragment, final boolean wfs) throws DataStoreException, ParserConfigurationException { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // then we have to create document-loader: factory.setNamespaceAware(false); DocumentBuilder loader = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // creating a new DOM-document... Document document = loader.newDocument(); // the XML header if (!fragment) { document.setXmlVersion("1.0"); // writer.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); } // the root Element final Element rootElement; if (wfs) { rootElement = document.createElementNS("", "FeatureCollection"); rootElement.setPrefix("wfs"); } else { rootElement = document.createElementNS("", "FeatureCollection"); rootElement.setPrefix("gml"); } document.appendChild(rootElement); String collectionID = ""; if (featureCollection.getID() != null) { collectionID = featureCollection.getID(); } final Attr idAttribute = document.createAttributeNS(Namespaces.GML, "id"); idAttribute.setValue(collectionID); idAttribute.setPrefix("gml"); rootElement.setAttributeNodeNS(idAttribute); if (schemaLocation != null && !schemaLocation.equals("")) { rootElement.setAttributeNS( "", "schemaLocation", schemaLocation); } /*FeatureType type = featureCollection.getFeatureType(); if (type != null && type.getName() != null) { String namespace = type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); if (namespace != null && !namespace.equals(Namespaces.GML)) { Prefix prefix = getPrefix(namespace); writer.writeNamespace(prefix.prefix, namespace); } }*/ /* * The boundedby part */ final Element boundElement = writeBounds(featureCollection.getEnvelope(), document); if (boundElement != null) { rootElement.appendChild(boundElement); } // we write each feature member of the collection FeatureIterator iterator = featureCollection.iterator(); try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Feature f =; final Element memberElement = document.createElementNS(Namespaces.GML, "featureMember"); memberElement.setPrefix("gml"); memberElement.appendChild(writeFeature(f, document, true)); rootElement.appendChild(memberElement); } } finally { // we close the stream iterator.close(); } return rootElement; }
/** * Write the feature into the stream. * * @param feature The feature * @param root * @throws XMLStreamException */ public Element writeFeature(final Feature feature, final Document rootDocument, boolean fragment) throws ParserConfigurationException { final Document document; if (rootDocument == null) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // then we have to create document-loader: factory.setNamespaceAware(false); DocumentBuilder loader = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // creating a new DOM-document... document = loader.newDocument(); } else { document = rootDocument; } // the root element of the xml document (type of the feature) final FeatureType type = feature.getType(); final Name typeName = type.getName(); final String namespace = typeName.getNamespaceURI(); final String localPart = typeName.getLocalPart(); final Element rootElement; final Prefix prefix; if (namespace != null) { prefix = getPrefix(namespace); rootElement = document.createElementNS(namespace, localPart); rootElement.setPrefix(prefix.prefix); } else { rootElement = document.createElement(localPart); prefix = null; } // if main document set the xmlns if (!fragment) { rootElement.setAttributeNS( "", "xmlns:gml", ""); } final Attr idAttr = document.createAttributeNS(Namespaces.GML, "id"); idAttr.setValue(feature.getIdentifier().getID()); idAttr.setPrefix("gml"); rootElement.setAttributeNodeNS(idAttr); if (rootDocument == null) { document.appendChild(rootElement); } // write properties in the type order for (final PropertyDescriptor desc : type.getDescriptors()) { final Collection<Property> props = feature.getProperties(desc.getName()); for (Property a : props) { final Object valueA = a.getValue(); final PropertyType typeA = a.getType(); final Name nameA = a.getName(); final String nameProperty = nameA.getLocalPart(); String namespaceProperty = nameA.getNamespaceURI(); if (valueA instanceof Collection && !(typeA instanceof GeometryType)) { for (Object value : (Collection) valueA) { final Element element; if (namespaceProperty != null) { element = document.createElementNS(namespaceProperty, nameProperty); } else { element = document.createElement(nameProperty); } element.setTextContent(Utils.getStringValue(value)); if (prefix != null) { element.setPrefix(prefix.prefix); } rootElement.appendChild(element); } } else if (valueA instanceof Map && !(typeA instanceof GeometryType)) { final Map<?, ?> map = (Map) valueA; for (Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { final Element element; if (namespaceProperty != null) { element = document.createElementNS(namespaceProperty, nameProperty); } else { element = document.createElement(nameProperty); } final Object key = entry.getKey(); if (key != null) { element.setAttribute("name", (String) key); } element.setTextContent(Utils.getStringValue(entry.getValue())); if (prefix != null) { element.setPrefix(prefix.prefix); } rootElement.appendChild(element); } } else if (!(typeA instanceof GeometryType)) { String value = Utils.getStringValue(valueA); if (value != null || (value == null && !a.isNillable())) { if ((nameProperty.equals("name") || nameProperty.equals("description")) && !Namespaces.GML.equals(namespaceProperty)) { namespaceProperty = Namespaces.GML; LOGGER.warning( "the property name and description of a feature must have the GML namespace"); } final Element element; if (namespaceProperty != null) { element = document.createElementNS(namespaceProperty, nameProperty); } else { element = document.createElement(nameProperty); } if (value != null) { element.setTextContent(value); } if (prefix != null) { element.setPrefix(prefix.prefix); } rootElement.appendChild(element); } // we add the geometry } else { if (valueA != null) { final Element element; if (namespaceProperty != null) { element = document.createElementNS(namespaceProperty, nameProperty); } else { element = document.createElement(nameProperty); } if (prefix != null) { element.setPrefix(prefix.prefix); } Geometry isoGeometry = JTSUtils.toISO( (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) valueA, type.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()); Marshaller marshaller = null; try { marshaller = POOL.acquireMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, true); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, false); marshaller.marshal(OBJECT_FACTORY.buildAnyGeometry(isoGeometry), element); } catch (JAXBException ex) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "JAXB Exception while marshalling the iso geometry: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } finally { if (marshaller != null) { POOL.release(marshaller); } } rootElement.appendChild(element); } } } } // writer.writeEndElement(); return rootElement; }
/** * Creates element with "prefix" in "namespace_url" with given name for the target document * * @param theTargetDocument target document * @param theName name * @return new element */ private Element createElement(final Document theTargetDocument, final String theName) { final Element indexEntryNode = theTargetDocument.createElementNS(this.namespace_url, theName); indexEntryNode.setPrefix(this.prefix); return indexEntryNode; }
@Override protected List<Document> generateSample( Collection<PersonElementWrapper> people, DateTime baseDate, String stateParam) throws Exception { List<Document> personDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>(); for (PersonElementWrapper person : people) { Document ret = documentBuilder.newDocument(); personDocuments.add(ret); Element e = null; //"person.state=" + person.state + ", stateParam=" + stateParam); e = ret.createElementNS(OjbcNamespaceContext.NS_CH_DOC, "CriminalHistory"); ret.appendChild(e); e.setPrefix(OjbcNamespaceContext.NS_PREFIX_CH_DOC); e = appendElement(e, OjbcNamespaceContext.NS_CH_EXT, "RapSheet"); Element rapSheet = e; e = appendElement(rapSheet, OjbcNamespaceContext.NS_RAPSHEET_41, "Metadata"); e = appendElement(e, OjbcNamespaceContext.NS_NC, "ReportingOrganizationText"); e.setTextContent("State CHRI"); addIntroductionElement(person, rapSheet); addPersonElement(ret, person, rapSheet); addBiometricElement(ret, person, rapSheet); String locationId = addLocationElement(ret, person, rapSheet); int arrestCount = generatePoissonInt(1, true); List<Arrest> arrests = new ArrayList<Arrest>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrestCount; i++) { Arrest arrest = new Arrest(baseDate, person); arrests.add(arrest); } Set<Agency> agencies = new HashSet<Agency>(); for (Arrest arrest : arrests) { agencies.add(arrest.arrestingAgency); for (ArrestCharge arrestCharge : arrest.charges) { if (arrestCharge.offense != null) { agencies.add(arrestCharge.offense.supervisionAgency); } } } addAgencyElements(ret, rapSheet, agencies); addResidenceLocationElement(ret, person, rapSheet, locationId); addSupervisionCycleElements(ret, rapSheet, arrests); addMainCycleElements(ret, rapSheet, arrests); addArrestAgencyAssociations(ret, rapSheet, arrests); addSupervisionAgencyAssociations(ret, rapSheet, arrests); addProtectionOrderElements(rapSheet, person, baseDate); OJBC_NAMESPACE_CONTEXT.populateRootNamespaceDeclarations(ret.getDocumentElement()); } return personDocuments; }