private boolean checkElement(List<Element> els, String name, String localTypeName) { for (Element e : els) { if (name.equals(e.getAttribute("name"))) { String type = e.getAttribute("type"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(type)) { if (checkTypeName(e, type, localTypeName)) { return true; } } else if ("books".equals(name) || "thebook2s".equals(name)) { boolean thebooks2 = "thebook2s".equals(name); Element ctElement = (Element) e.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, "complexType").item(0); Element seqElement = (Element) ctElement .getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, "sequence") .item(0); Element xsElement = (Element) seqElement .getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, "element") .item(0); String ref = xsElement.getAttribute("ref"); if (checkTypeName(e, ref, thebooks2 ? "thebook2" : "thebook")) { return true; } } } } return false; }
@Before public void dbInit() throws Exception { String configFileName = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") > -1) { configFileName += "/.pokerth/config.xml"; } else { configFileName += "/AppData/Roaming/pokerth/config.xml"; } File file = new File(configFileName); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(file); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); Element configNode = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagName("Configuration").item(0); Element dbAddressNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerAddress").item(0); String dbAddress = dbAddressNode.getAttribute("value"); Element dbUserNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerUser").item(0); String dbUser = dbUserNode.getAttribute("value"); Element dbPasswordNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerPassword").item(0); String dbPassword = dbPasswordNode.getAttribute("value"); Element dbNameNode = (Element) configNode.getElementsByTagName("DBServerDatabaseName").item(0); String dbName = dbNameNode.getAttribute("value"); final String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://" + dbAddress + ":3306/" + dbName; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword); }
private BxBounds parseElementContainingVertexes(Element el) { ArrayList<Element> vs = getChildren("Vertex", el); if (vs.isEmpty()) { return null; } ArrayList<ComparablePair<Integer, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<ComparablePair<Integer, Integer>>(); int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Element v : vs) { int x = Integer.parseInt(v.getAttribute("x")); if (x < minx) minx = x; if (x > maxx) maxx = x; int y = Integer.parseInt(v.getAttribute("y")); if (y < miny) miny = y; if (y > maxy) maxy = y; list.add(new ComparablePair<Integer, Integer>(x, y)); } Collections.sort(list); ComparablePair<Integer, Integer> mine = list.get(0); ComparablePair<Integer, Integer> maxe = list.get(list.size() - 1); BxBounds ret = new BxBounds(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny); if (ret.getHeight() == 0 || ret.getWidth() == 0) { log.warn("problems with height or width points are:"); for (ComparablePair<Integer, Integer> pa : list) { log.warn("\t" + pa.o1 + " , " + pa.o2); } } return ret; }
private Guard createGuard(Element element) { Guard guard = IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createGuard(); String id = element.getAttribute("id"); guard.setId(id); doAnnotations(guard, element); addIrObject(id, guard); Action action = (Action) findIrObject(element.getAttribute("outer-scope")); guard.setOuter(action); List<Element> decls = getChildren(element, "Decl"); for (Element e : decls) { Declaration decl = createDeclaration(e); guard.getDeclarations().add(decl); } List<Element> peeks = getChildren(element, "PortPeek"); for (Element e : peeks) { PortPeek peek = createPortPeek(action, e); guard.getPeeks().add(peek); } Expression body = createExpression(getChild(element, "Expr")); guard.setBody(body); guard.setType(TypeSystem.createTypeBool()); return guard; }
public Key(Node keyNode, Element commandElement) { this(keyNode.getTextContent().trim()); if (keyNode instanceof Element) { Element keyElem = (Element) keyNode; String key = keyElem.getAttribute("jawskey"); if ((key != null) && (key.length() > 0)) { jawsKey = new Key(key); } String jawsHandleVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawshandle"); if (jawsHandleVal != null) { if (jawsHandleVal.trim().equals("true")) { jawsHandle = true; } } String jawsSayAllStopVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawsSayAllStop"); if (jawsSayAllStopVal != null) { if (jawsSayAllStopVal.trim().equals("false")) { jawsSayAllStop = false; } } String jawsScriptVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawsscript"); if (jawsScriptVal != null) { if (jawsScriptVal.trim().equals("false")) { jawsScript = false; } } if ("speakAll".equals(commandElement.getTagName())) { jawsSayAllStopIgnore = true; } } }
private static Condition parse(Element element, LogHeaderDefinition definition) { String name = element.getTagName(); if ("message".equals(name)) try { return new MessageCondition(Pattern.compile(element.getTextContent())); } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "[LogFilter] invalid regex " + element.getTextContent() + " in message element", ex); } else if ("field".equals(name)) { Attr attr = element.getAttributeNode("name"); if (attr == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("[LogFilter] name attribute missing in field element"); int index = Arrays.asList(definition.groupNames).indexOf(attr.getNodeValue()); try { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(element.getTextContent()); return new FieldCondition(pattern, index); } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "[LogFilter] invalid regex " + element.getTextContent() + " in field element", ex); } } else if ("and".equals(name)) return new AndCondition(getChildConditions(element, definition)); else if ("or".equals(name)) return new OrCondition(getChildConditions(element, definition)); else if ("not".equals(name)) { return new NotCondition(getChildConditions(element, definition)[0]); } else if ("index".equals(name)) { return new IndexCondition(Integer.parseInt(element.getTextContent())); } else if ("following".equals(name)) { boolean includeSelf = Boolean.parseBoolean(element.getAttribute("includeSelf")); return new FollowingCondition(getChildConditions(element, definition)[0], includeSelf); } else if ("preceding".equals(name)) { boolean includeSelf = Boolean.parseBoolean(element.getAttribute("includeSelf")); return new PrecedingCondition(getChildConditions(element, definition)[0], includeSelf); } else throw new RuntimeException("[LogFilter] invalid element " + name); }
public void enrich(EObject model, Element e) { String defaultNamespace = e.getAttribute("base"); sigNodeMap = createMapping(theoryXPath, e, "name"); viewNodeMap = createMapping(viewXPath, e, "name"); sigObjMap = new HashMap<String, EObject>(); viewObjMap = new HashMap<String, EObject>(); TreeIterator<EObject> iter = model.eAllContents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EObject obj =; if (obj instanceof signatureDeclaration) { signatureDeclaration sig = (signatureDeclaration) obj; if (sigNodeMap.containsKey(sig.getSigName())) { sigObjMap.put(sig.getSigName(), obj); Element elem = sigNodeMap.get(sig.getSigName()); String bs = defaultNamespace; if (elem.hasAttribute("base")) bs = elem.getAttribute("base"); sig.setFullURI(bs + "?" + sig.getSigName()); syncConstructs(sig.getDefs().getConstucts(), elem); } } if (obj instanceof viewDeclaration) { viewDeclaration view = (viewDeclaration) obj; if (viewNodeMap.containsKey(view.getViewID())) { Element elem = sigNodeMap.get(view.getViewID()); viewObjMap.put(view.getViewID(), obj); String bs = defaultNamespace; if (elem.hasAttribute("base")) bs = elem.getAttribute("base"); view.setFullURI(bs + "?" + view.getViewID()); syncConstructs(view.getViewDefs().getConstucts(), elem); } } } }
public static AbstractCanvasObject createShape(Element elt, Map<Location, Instance> pins) { String name = elt.getTagName(); if (name.equals("circ-anchor") || name.equals("circ-origin")) { Location loc = getLocation(elt); AbstractCanvasObject ret = new AppearanceAnchor(loc); if (elt.hasAttribute("facing")) { Direction facing = Direction.parse(elt.getAttribute("facing")); ret.setValue(AppearanceAnchor.FACING, facing); } return ret; } else if (name.equals("circ-port")) { Location loc = getLocation(elt); String[] pinStr = elt.getAttribute("pin").split(","); Location pinLoc = Location.create(Integer.parseInt(pinStr[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(pinStr[1].trim())); Instance pin = pins.get(pinLoc); if (pin == null) { return null; } else { return new AppearancePort(loc, pin); } } else { return SvgReader.createShape(elt); } }
/** * ct. * * @param param der XML-Knoten mit den Daten. */ private Param(Element param) { Node content = param.getFirstChild(); this.path = content != null ? content.getNodeValue() : null; this.type = param.getAttribute("type"); this.conditionName = param.getAttribute("condition-name"); this.conditionValue = param.getAttribute("condition-value"); }
/** 创建指定的TypeFilter。 */ private TypeFilter createTypeFilter(Element element, ClassLoader classLoader) { String filterType = defaultIfNull(trimToNull(element.getAttribute("type")), "wildcard"); String expression = assertNotNull( trimToNull(element.getAttribute("expression")), "expression for %s" + filterType); try { if ("assignable".equals(filterType)) { return new AssignableTypeFilter(classLoader.loadClass(expression)); } else if ("aspectj".equals(filterType)) { return new AspectJTypeFilter(expression, classLoader); } else if ("wildcard".equals(filterType)) { return new RegexPatternTypeFilter( ClassNameWildcardCompiler.compileClassName( expression, ClassNameWildcardCompiler.MATCH_PREFIX)); } else if ("custom".equals(filterType)) { Class<?> filterClass = classLoader.loadClass(expression); assertTrue( TypeFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(filterClass), "Class is not assignable to TypeFilter: %s", expression); return (TypeFilter) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(filterClass); } else { unreachableCode("Unsupported filter type: %s", filterType); return null; } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new FatalBeanException( "Failed to create TypeFilter of type " + filterType + ": " + expression, e); } }
/** * Waits for an authentication response from the server. It must be called after the <code> * sendAuthentication</code> method call. * * @return true when the authentication hat been succesful, false othercase. * @throws IOException When the conection have not been initialized. */ public boolean receiveAuthenticationResult() throws IOException { try { Document doc = receiveDocument(); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (root == null) return false; if (!root.getAttribute("type").equalsIgnoreCase("auth-response")) return false; NodeList nl = root.getChildNodes(); Element authresult = null; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Element.ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("authentication")) { authresult = (Element) n; break; } } if (authresult != null && !authresult.getAttribute("result").equalsIgnoreCase("ok")) return false; } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (SocketClosedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }
/** * Gets the albums' list. * * @param element * @return Albums */ protected GalleryAlbums getAlbums(Element element) { GalleryAlbums galleryAlbums = new GalleryAlbums(); String galleryName = element.getElementsByTagName("galleryName").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); String galleryHomePage = element.getElementsByTagName("homePage").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); String[] tags = null; NodeList albums = element.getElementsByTagName("album"); int albumsCount = albums.getLength(); AlbumBean[] photoAlbums = new AlbumBean[albumsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < albumsCount; i++) { Element elAlbum = (Element) albums.item(i); String allCategories = elAlbum.getAttribute("tags"); tags = allCategories.split(JcsPhotoGalleryConstants.ALBUM_SEPARATOR); photoAlbums[i] = new AlbumBean( elAlbum.getAttribute("img"), elAlbum.getAttribute("folderName"), elAlbum.getAttribute("name"), tags, i); photoAlbums[i].setParent(galleryAlbums); } galleryAlbums.setGalleryName(galleryName); galleryAlbums.setGalleryHomePage(galleryHomePage); galleryAlbums.setAlbums(photoAlbums); return galleryAlbums; }
/** * Constructor creates <code>SPProvidedNameIdentifier</code> object from Document Element. * * @param spProvidedNameIdentifierElement the Document Element. * @throws FSMsgException on errors. */ public SPProvidedNameIdentifier(Element spProvidedNameIdentifierElement) throws FSMsgException { Element elt = (Element) spProvidedNameIdentifierElement; String eltName = elt.getLocalName(); if (eltName == null) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("SPProvidedNameIdentifier(Element): " + "local name missing"); } throw new FSMsgException("nullInput", null); } if (!(eltName.equals("SPProvidedNameIdentifier"))) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("SPProvidedNameIdentifier(Element: " + "invalid root element"); } throw new FSMsgException("invalidElement", null); } String read = elt.getAttribute("NameQualifier"); if (read != null) { setNameQualifier(read); } read = elt.getAttribute("Format"); if (read != null) { setFormat(read); } read = XMLUtils.getElementValue(elt); if ((read == null) || (read.length() == 0)) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("SPProvidedNameIdentifier(Element: " + "null input specified"); } throw new FSMsgException("nullInput", null); } else { setName(read); } }
private static AbstractCanvasObject createLine(Element elt) { int x0 = Integer.parseInt(elt.getAttribute("x1")); int y0 = Integer.parseInt(elt.getAttribute("y1")); int x1 = Integer.parseInt(elt.getAttribute("x2")); int y1 = Integer.parseInt(elt.getAttribute("y2")); return new Line(x0, y0, x1, y1); }
/** * Reads a run from a DOM node representing an XML parameter file. * * @param n the DOM node to read the run from */ public void readFromNode(Element e) { String mclass = null, expRunnerClass = null; mclass = e.getAttribute("model"); expRunnerClass = e.getAttribute("expRunner"); if (mclass == "") mclass = null; if (expRunnerClass == "") expRunnerClass = null; try { if (mclass != null) model = (Model) Class.forName(mclass).newInstance(); if (expRunnerClass != null) { expRunner = (ExperimentRunner) Class.forName(expRunnerClass).newInstance(); } else if (expRunner == null) { expRunner = createDefaultExperimentRunner(); System.out.println( "** WARNING: No ExperimentRunner specified. Using desmoj.util.ExperimentRunner"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); model = null; expRunner = null; } Node settings = null, params = null; NodeList nl = e.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeName().equals("exp")) settings = n; if (n.getNodeName().equals("model")) params = n; } if (settings != null) readParamList(settings, expSettings); if (params != null) readParamList(params, modelParams); }
public static ArrayList<ArticleData> readJArticlesFromFile(String path) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, ParseException { ArrayList<ArticleData> result = new ArrayList<ArticleData>(); File file = new File(path); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(file); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName("art"); for (int s = 0; s < nodeLst.getLength(); s++) { Node fstNode = nodeLst.item(s); if (fstNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { ArticleData article = new ArticleData(); Element fstElmnt = (Element) fstNode; article.acc = Integer.parseInt(fstElmnt.getAttribute("ac")); article.refId = Integer.parseInt(fstElmnt.getAttribute("id")); = Boolean.getBoolean(fstElmnt.getAttribute("published")); article.translationType = PMDataTypes.DITT_JARTICLE; article.title = StringUtils.getXMLFromElement(fstElmnt, "title"); article.www = StringUtils.getXMLFromElement(fstElmnt, "www"); result.add(article); } } return result; }
private double[] retrieveFcReadings(NodeList cycleList) { // Check the the first cycle is cycle #1, else throw an error dialog Element firstCycleElement = (Element) cycleList.item(0); String firstCycleNumber = firstCycleElement.getAttribute("X"); if (!firstCycleNumber.contains("1")) { // TODO present an error dialog and terminate import // ...pretty harsh but this is essential for baseline subtraction } NumberFormat numFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); // Need to convert comma decimal seperators to periods ArrayList<Double> fcDataSet = Lists.newArrayList(); // Cycle through the cycles and collect the Fc readings for (int j = 0; j < cycleList.getLength(); j++) { // This assumes that the first cycle is cycle 1 Element cycleElement = (Element) cycleList.item(j); try { // NumberFormat needed to prevent locale differences in numbers (e.g. comma vs period) Number value = numFormat.parse(cycleElement.getAttribute("Y")); fcDataSet.add(value.doubleValue()); } catch (Exception e) { } } double[] fcArray = new double[fcDataSet.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < fcDataSet.size(); k++) { fcArray[k] = fcDataSet.get(k); } return fcArray; }
private void getAutoFieldsServiceTag(Element element, Set<String> fieldNames) throws GenericServiceException { String serviceName = UtilFormatOut.checkNull(element.getAttribute("service-name")); String defaultFieldType = UtilFormatOut.checkNull(element.getAttribute("default-field-type")); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(serviceName) && (!("hidden".equals(defaultFieldType)))) { ModelService modelService = dispatchContext.getModelService(serviceName); List<ModelParam> modelParams = modelService.getInModelParamList(); Iterator<ModelParam> modelParamIter = modelParams.iterator(); while (modelParamIter.hasNext()) { ModelParam modelParam =; // skip auto params that the service engine populates... if ("userLogin".equals( || "locale".equals( || "timeZone".equals( { continue; } if (modelParam.formDisplay) { if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.entityName) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.fieldName)) { ModelEntity modelEntity; modelEntity = delegator.getModelEntity(modelParam.entityName); if (modelEntity != null) { ModelField modelField = modelEntity.getField(modelParam.fieldName); if (modelField != null) { fieldNames.add(modelField.getName()); } } } } } } }
public IHETransactionITI44(Element el, Registration reg, Configuration cfg) { try { regx = new RegistrationXml(el, reg, cfg); transformer = IHETransactionTransformerFactory.getITI44Transformer(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error creating ITI44 Transaction.", e); } this.reg = reg; this.cfg = cfg; wrapper = null; saveMessages = false; soapVersion = el.getAttribute("soapVersion").trim(); if (soapVersion == null || soapVersion.equals("")) { soapVersion = "SOAP_1_2"; } hl7URL = el.getAttribute("hl7URL").trim(); if (hl7URL == null || hl7URL.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing hl7URL attribute."); } receivingApplication = el.getAttribute("receivingApplication").trim(); receivingFacility = el.getAttribute("receivingFacility").trim(); }
// private? public static Set<AimQuantification> parseQuantifications( Element rootElement, AimImagingObservationCharacteristic aimImagingObservationCharacteristic) { System.out.println( "aimImagingObservationCharacteristic:" + aimImagingObservationCharacteristic); Set<AimQuantification> results = new HashSet<AimQuantification>(); // ns1:ImagingObservationCharacteristic NodeList imagingQuantifications = rootElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(AIM_NS, "CharacteristicQuantification"); for (int i = 0; i < imagingQuantifications.getLength(); i++) { Element imagingQuantification = (Element) imagingQuantifications.item(i); String name = imagingQuantification.getAttribute("name"); String value = imagingQuantification.getAttribute("value"); String type = imagingQuantification.getAttributeNS(XSI_NS, "type"); AimQuantification aimQuantification = new AimQuantification(); aimQuantification.setName(name); aimQuantification.setValue(value); aimQuantification.setType(filterNameSpace(type)); aimQuantification.setAimImagingObservationCharacteristic(aimImagingObservationCharacteristic); results.add(aimQuantification); } return results; }
private ExternalActor createExternalActor(Element element) { ExternalActor actor = IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createExternalActor(); String id = element.getAttribute("id"); doAnnotations(actor, element); addIrObject(id, actor); actor.setType((TypeActor) createType(getChild(element, "Type"))); List<Element> declarations = getChildren(element, "Decl"); for (Element e : declarations) { Variable var = (Variable) createDeclaration(e); actor.getDeclarations().add(var); if (var.isParameter()) actor.getParameters().add(var); } List<Element> ports = getChildren(element, "Port"); for (Element e : ports) { Port port = createPort(e); if (element.getAttribute("direction").equals("in")) { actor.getInputPorts().add(port); } else { actor.getOutputPorts().add(port); } } return actor; }
private static void loadFromStream(InputSource inputSource, Map<IPath, String> oldLocations) throws CoreException { Element cpElement; try { DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); parser.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler()); cpElement = parser.parse(inputSource).getDocumentElement(); } catch (SAXException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } catch (IOException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } if (cpElement == null) return; if (!cpElement.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(NODE_ROOT)) { return; } NodeList list = cpElement.getChildNodes(); int length = list.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Node node = list.item(i); short type = node.getNodeType(); if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(NODE_ENTRY)) { String varPath = element.getAttribute(NODE_PATH); String varURL = parseURL(element.getAttribute(NODE_URL)).toExternalForm(); oldLocations.put(Path.fromPortableString(varPath), varURL); } } } }
private VariableReference createVariableReference(Element element) { VariableReference varRef = IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariableReference(); varRef.setId(element.getAttribute("id")); doAnnotations(varRef, element); Element child = getChild(element, "Type"); if (child != null) { varRef.setType(createType(child)); } varRef.setDeclaration((Variable) findIrObject(element.getAttribute("decl-id"))); Element indices = getChild(element, "Indices"); if (indices != null) { for (Element index : getChildren(indices, "Expr")) { varRef.getIndex().add(createExpression(index)); } } Element members = getChild(element, "Members"); if (members != null) { for (Element member : getChildren(members, "Member")) { varRef.getMember().add(createMember(member)); } } return varRef; }
private void emitMenu(SourceWriter writer, Element el) throws UnableToCompleteException { for (Node n = el.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element child = (Element) n; if (child.getTagName().equals("cmd")) { String cmdId = child.getAttribute("refid"); writer.print("callback.addCommand("); writer.print("\"" + Generator.escape(cmdId) + "\", "); writer.println("this.cmds." + cmdId + "());"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("separator")) { writer.println("callback.addSeparator();"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("menu")) { String label = child.getAttribute("label"); writer.println("callback.beginMenu(\"" + Generator.escape(label) + "\");"); emitMenu(writer, child); writer.println("callback.endMenu();"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("dynamic")) { String dynamicClass = child.getAttribute("class"); writer.println("new " + dynamicClass + "().execute(callback);"); } else { logger_.log(TreeLogger.Type.ERROR, "Unexpected tag " + el.getTagName() + " in menu"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } }
private String getSAMLVersion(HttpServletRequest request) { String samlResponse = request.getParameter(GeneralConstants.SAML_RESPONSE_KEY); String version; try { Document samlDocument = toSAMLResponseDocument(samlResponse, "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())); Element element = samlDocument.getDocumentElement(); // let's try SAML 2.0 Version attribute first version = element.getAttribute("Version"); if (isNullOrEmpty(version)) { // fallback to SAML 1.1 Minor and Major attributes String minorVersion = element.getAttribute("MinorVersion"); String majorVersion = element.getAttribute("MajorVersion"); version = minorVersion + "." + majorVersion; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not extract version from SAML Response.", e); } return version; }
@Override public boolean hasAttribute(Entity entity, String attribute) throws EntityNotFoundException, SchemeException { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder; try { dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc; doc = dBuilder.parse(getURL().openStream()); NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("xs:element"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i); if (element.getAttribute("name").equals(entity.getName())) { NodeList childNodes = element.getElementsByTagName("xs:attribute"); for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) { element = (Element) childNodes.item(j); if (element.getAttribute("name").equals(attribute)) { return true; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SchemeException(e); } throw new EntityNotFoundException(entity.getName()); }
private void loadDecoratorMappers(NodeList nodes) { clearDecoratorMappers(); Properties emptyProps = new Properties(); pushDecoratorMapper("com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.NullDecoratorMapper", emptyProps); // note, this works from the bottom node up. for (int i = nodes.getLength() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (nodes.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element curr = (Element) nodes.item(i); if ("mapper".equalsIgnoreCase(curr.getTagName())) { String className = curr.getAttribute("class"); Properties props = new Properties(); // build properties from <param> tags. NodeList children = curr.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) { if (children.item(j) instanceof Element) { Element currC = (Element) children.item(j); if ("param".equalsIgnoreCase(currC.getTagName())) { String value = currC.getAttribute("value"); props.put(currC.getAttribute("name"), replaceProperties(value)); } } } // add mapper pushDecoratorMapper(className, props); } } } pushDecoratorMapper( "com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.InlineDecoratorMapper", emptyProps); }
@Override public void loadFromSnapshot(Document doc, Element node) { NodeList nl = node.getElementsByTagName("player"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element playerEl = (Element) nl.item(i); Player player = game.getPlayer(Integer.parseInt(playerEl.getAttribute("index"))); castles.put(player, Integer.parseInt(playerEl.getAttribute("castles"))); } nl = node.getElementsByTagName("castle"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element castleEl = (Element) nl.item(i); Position pos = XMLUtils.extractPosition(castleEl); Location loc = Location.valueOf(castleEl.getAttribute("location")); Castle castle = convertCityToCastle(pos, loc, true); boolean isNew = XMLUtils.attributeBoolValue(castleEl, "new"); boolean isCompleted = XMLUtils.attributeBoolValue(castleEl, "completed"); if (isNew) { newCastles.add(castle); } else if (isCompleted) { emptyCastles.add(castle); } else { scoreableCastleVicinity.put(castle, castle.getVicinity()); } } }
public ArrayList<Entity> getEntitiesFromFile(String filePath) { ArrayList<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<>(); try { d = db.parse(filePath); NodeList entityMentions = d.getElementsByTagName("entity_mention"); for (int i = 0; i < entityMentions.getLength(); i++) { Element entityMention = (Element) entityMentions.item(i); NodeList heads = entityMention.getElementsByTagName("head"); Element head = (Element) heads.item(0); NodeList charseqs = head.getElementsByTagName("charseq"); Element charseq = (Element) charseqs.item(0); int start = Integer.parseInt(charseq.getAttribute("START")); int end = Integer.parseInt(charseq.getAttribute("END")); String value = charseq.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); // value = value.replaceAll("\n", ""); String id = entityMention.getAttribute("ID"); Element entityParent = (Element) entityMention.getParentNode(); String type = entityParent.getAttribute("TYPE"); // String subType = entityParent.getAttribute("SUBTYPE"); Entity entity = new Entity(value, start, end, type, id); entities.add(entity); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return entities; }
private ArrayList processConsequents(Element rule) { NodeList antecedents = rule.getElementsByTagName("consequents"); ArrayList<String> itemset = new ArrayList(); if (antecedents != null && antecedents.getLength() > 0) { Element antecedent = (Element) antecedents.item(0); // Get attributes (items) NodeList attributes = antecedent.getElementsByTagName("attribute"); if (attributes != null && attributes.getLength() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Element attr = (Element) attributes.item(i); String itemId = attr.getAttribute("name") + itemNameValueSeparator + attr.getAttribute("value"); if (!items.containsKey(itemId)) { items.put(itemId, itemCounter); itemCounter++; } // Save item to generate itemsets after.. itemset.add(itemId); } } } return itemset; }